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One of the reason why all girls, even ugly girls, can get so much attention from men is because we as men have low standards.
Here is a below average girl:
And here is reddit's response:
Fuck there is so many simps for her I can't even post them all. If this is what she gets, what do you think an actually attractive woman gets? Over if you aren't chad.
pt 1: https://incels.is/threads/guys-simp-over-below-average-girls-on-reddit.361920/
Here is a below average girl:
And here is reddit's response:
I think your lips are literally perfect. You are very pretty
Agree. People pay squillions to pump all kinds of shit in their face to get lips like OP's. They're banging.
Just got to say those bullies probably saw your potential and were petrified to know they wouldn't stand a chance with the natural attributes you hate, those are definitely a big part of what makes you son pretty, when you smile.... Wow, just wow
I think youre very pretty![]()
I don’t think I’m crazy when I say you have great lips. People usually pay to get lips like yours. They use fillers and what not. You also have great hair. I think those bullies were just intimated by you and sadly their reaction was to be mean. Don’t let them bring you down. You look great all natural.
Your very pretty of course
Far from ugly you're beautiful and I love your hair.
People pay outrageous amounts of money trying to get their hair to curl like yours. And many, MANY celebrities RUIN THEIR FACES trying get their lips to be a full as yours. You are GORGEOUS! Anyone who tells you otherwise is either jealous or blind. No one is attractive to everyone but I can't see any scenario where one would call you ugly...unless they are telling you that "U Gotta Love Yourself.
No front I would ask you for your snap if I seen you in public so nah your not ugly you fine as hell lady
Not ugly. some people are racists and when they see a non-white person who looks good the get very upset and bully or if the bullies are darkskin they bully light skin people to feel better about themselves.
Not ugly at all and your lips are the kind of lips people get plastic surgery chasing. Great hair and smile too.
I m usually super forward in this sub reddit,u r beautiful pretty far from ugly
i honestly think you’re gorgeous fr!
Your lips are great (full, nice shape). Your hair is pretty but it needs a little care. Just hidrate it and get a new haircut with layers
Your lips were the first thing I noticed and i immediately loved them. You are utterly beautiful
A solid 8 do nothing there will be someone who sees the most beautiful woman they have ever seen.
You are beautiful
Girl you are sooo beautiful. I wish I looked like you
i'm gay and all, but sister; you look very pretty!!
You have a very pretty face
You’re GORGEOUS- you look angry in a lot of these pics but damn. You are beautiful.
You're quite nice looking. Not ugly. 8th pic is really nice, and im sure youd look even better smiling.
Nah you're cute, you do look a bit younger though
Last pic is adorable
You’re literally sooooo pretty
I think they were jealous because you’re beautiful. There’s nothing wrong with your face and going to the gym, taking care of your physical health is always worth it.
Bullies are bullies for a reason man, not judges. Cause what I see here is one fine woman
I think you look beautiful![]()
Wait what?! You’re gorgeous! I actually especially love your lips. Sorry you went through that.
you have a beautiful smile
not at all. your hair and your lips are what i love the most.
girl u sexy as hell don't let anyone tell you otherwise
You're beautiful! It sucks that you got bullied. Your hair is perfect! And there's a lot of women that pay a lot of money trying to get those sexy lips you have. I hope you feel better about yourself.
So uh… u cappin or? mfs would kill to look like u Beautiful asf sheesh
Grow your hair longer, continue to hit the gym, and your lips are fine (people get things injected into their lips to get them plump like yours).
You're even cute in your mugshot
Don't know why anyone would bully you for your hair and lips, as both are lovely, as are you! The only reason I can imagine is that they're racist, and jealous, as you're gorgeous!
Remember, when you look at yourself, you focus on the things you don't like. When others look at you, they see your beautiful eyes, fabulous smile, and an all over gorgeous lady.
I'm sorry you hate your face. I think you are really pretty!
You’re beautiful!
There is nothing wrong with your you are beautiful
Absolute 8/10. Could be a 10 with make up. Also I would have liked to see the whole of you instead of just the face. But everybody can shape shift bodies so no biggie.
You're very pretty. The curls, the eyes, the smile the lips. Don't be ashamed of who you are. Embrace every aspect of who you were blessed to be.
You look pretty good but you should try smiling more. Also maybe try a longer hair style.
Your literally perfect. Like zendaya pretty. Your features are absolutely perf. Just do some fun things with your hair. Do a little makeup every now and then to spurce it up. Get some inspiration on YouTube
You’re gorgeous![]()
You’re beautiful but you staring dead into the camera is a little insettling, but still gorgeous
Those that criticize the most are usually the most jealous, cause you're gorgeous
You are legitimately gorgeous.
In the first glimpse i thought , Tessa Thompson. Not ugly
You have great features. Love your face please.
10. Signed, a Dad.
If you smile, everyone will be on your side.
You have gorgeous lips and very beautiful features, you can be a model with that face! This is my 100% honesty
I'm a sucker for curly hair so...
Oh man. You look good. Stop beating yourself up.
You’re gorgeous!
You’re absolutely gorgeous.
I'm surprised you were bullied because you have a general model face. I think you are beautiful. Take care.
I think you’re stunning and yes you can definitely tell that’s you in the last picture.
You have nice skin, full lips and nice hair, with a bit of make up you are good to go. Don't listen to those hater.
Def would consider you pretty
Fam u could be a model if you put it some effort in hair styling gym and fashion
You look nice
People pay a lot of money for lips like that. You have an amazing smile! So yeah no not ugly at all, no worries.
You have a cute face in my opinion and I like how smooth your skin looks
Very beautiful
I love your face
Not ugly
Super late to the party, but you’re beautiful!!
Fuck there is so many simps for her I can't even post them all. If this is what she gets, what do you think an actually attractive woman gets? Over if you aren't chad.
pt 1: https://incels.is/threads/guys-simp-over-below-average-girls-on-reddit.361920/
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