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JFL Groypers and far right are so retarded for thinking that their countries exclusively belong to them.



Nature treats creation like sacrificial straw-dogs
Sep 11, 2022
1. They have ZERO control/influence over their country's institutions and governments, which has been proven with their repeated electoral defeats and betrayals from House Speakers and Trump as well.

2. They can't even gather in public or protest without receiving severe backlash and cancellation so their 1st Amendment rights are virtually ill.

3. They also have no socio-economic stake even in their own race with their women rejecting them since these guys are sub 5, non-NT, and NEET/gamer.

4. They don't want to work or create either, meaning that whatever infrastructure and culture they take pride in was built by their forefathers, not them. They are taking pride in other people's accomplishments, not their own.

They are utterly marginalized and yet pretend that they are powerful and influential proprietors of their culture and infrastructure. They can't come to terms with the reality that they are like ghosts, worse than slaves. People in real life don't even see acknowledge their existence. They are incels who pretend to be Chads/warriors/conquerors/statemen. They are utterly deluded.

To be properly far-right and exhibitor of master morality, you actually have to be genetically capable and competent and these people are the furthest from that.
groypers and (((AF))) are also christcucks who slip up and reveal that they love niggers like all christcucks do.
AF Interracial Rape 2
I hate them, moralfags and polcopers
This isn't real catholicism
No they are not American was built and maintained by white folks
It should belong to us and anyone standing in the way of that is unfit to live.
They pretend to be moral, but then will have no problem exterminating dissenters in their tyrannical order.

Dissenters are a threat to our survival.
No they are not American was built and maintained by white folks
Lot of construction work, roofing, landscaping, flooring etc are now done by Hispanics. Agricultural work is totally dependent on Hispanics. Regarding chips, only the design is done in USA & that's not exclusively by Whites. Yes Whites built America, but in the past, not present. And far-right who complain on Twitter/X aren't building shit. They don't have the talent/ability/knowledge/skill to build anything.
It should belong to us and anyone standing in the way of that is unfit to live.
Why should it belong to you when what you inherited is not exclusive to you? The infrastructure and culture you enjoy was created by many people and not exclusively those from your bloodline. And the participation of those from your bloodline are also questionable. Even so, you can't take credit for the work of others especially when those other people aren't even on your side which is why you have no influence/power in society or government. You're in fact, the opposite: a pariah and outcast.
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Why should it belong to you when what you inherited is not exclusive to you? The infrastructure and culture you enjoy was created by many people and not exclusively those from your bloodline. And the participation of those from your bloodline are also questionable. Even so, you can't take credit for the work of others especially when those other people aren't even on your side which is why you have no influence/power in society or government. You're in fact, the opposite: a pariah and outcast.
Sounds like a cuck mentality, the world rightfully belongs to me.
It should belong to us and anyone standing in the way of that is unfit to live.
No they are not American was built and maintained by white folks
With you people its like owning just a tiny 1 room basement apartment with no kitchen or view but deluding yourself with the belief that you own the own apartment complex all the way up to the penthouse on the rooftop.
It doesn't. You're an incel, a genetic reject.
Only because the government is run by subversive traitors who don't force women to reproduce with me.
I'm ethnic and i support the white cells having theree own nation
I'm ethnic and i support the white cells having theree own nation
I think cultural contact should be minimized. Whites can have their ethnostates but shouldn't feel entitled to cheap products from globalized market. You can't have globalization when it favors you in but protectionism when it doesn't. The best solution is outsourcing, that way there will be no shitskin invasion of White countries and the profiteering globalists are happy too. Shitskins are happy too because they get good paying jobs.
I think cultural contact should be minimized. Whites can have their ethnostates but shouldn't feel entitled to cheap products from globalized market. You can't have globalization when it favors you in but protectionism when it doesn't. The best solution is outsourcing, that way there will be no shitskin invasion of White countries and the profiteering globalists are happy too. Shitskins are happy too because they get good paying jobs.
True, most whites have comfy lives and are taken care of they have no incentive to slave away, outsourcing menial and low level coding jobs and occupying all managerial positions in their home countries has been the preferred white way of operating for most of Europe and US anyway, it's just the big tech that hires h1bs. Most other firms operate in this manner.
Only because the government is run by subversive traitors who don't force women to reproduce with me.
Don't you think women mating with sub5s will degrade the gene pools of your race? I thought far right thought included deterministic eugenicist beliefs, but it seems that you only want to apply this to out groups but never yourself. Personally, as an incel I accept eugenics and I accept that I shouldn't mate. If Whites didn't get civilized, cucked, and degraded producing maladaptive soys, LGBTQ mutants, and weak nerds, they might have succeeded today.
I think cultural contact should be minimized. Whites can have their ethnostates but shouldn't feel entitled to cheap products from globalized market. You can't have globalization when it favors you in but protectionism when it doesn't. The best solution is outsourcing, that way there will be no shitskin invasion of White countries and the profiteering globalists are happy too. Shitskins are happy too because they get good paying jobs.
If they're going to be economically protectionist in their ethnostate with tariffs and sanctions, they should get ready to give up their materialistic entitlement for cheap foreign goods.
Don't you think women mating with sub5s will degrade the gene pools of your race? I thought far right thought included deterministic eugenicist beliefs, but it seems that you only want to apply this to out groups but never yourself. Personally, as an incel I accept eugenics and I accept that I shouldn't mate. If Whites didn't get civilized, cucked, and degraded producing maladaptive soys, LGBTQ mutants, and weak nerds, they might have succeeded today.
I'm not sub-five, probably a 6 or even a 7 but women just have too much choice and no need to settle so I can't even get bottom of the barrel bitches, I have no higher aspirations than spreading my genes as much as possible.
I'm not sub-five, probably a 6 or even a 7 but women just have too much choice and no need to settle so I can't even get bottom of the barrel bitches, I have no higher aspirations than spreading my genes as much as possible.
>I'm not sub-five, probably a 6 or even a 7
> I can't even get bottom of the barrel bitches,

HOLY SHIT! Look at this delusion! :lul: :lul: :lul:
>I'm not sub-five, probably a 6 or even a 7
> I can't even get bottom of the barrel bitches,

HOLY SHIT! Look at this delusion! :lul: :lul: :lul:
It's hypergamy in action.
It's hypergamy in action.
Yes hypergamy is true but 6 and 7s are dating and marrying but you're not, which means you're less than a 6. You're sub 5. Take the blackpill already.
I'm not sub-five, probably a 6 or even a 7 but women just have too much choice and no need to settle so I can't even get bottom of the barrel bitches, I have no higher aspirations than spreading my genes as much as possible.
"the world belongs to me broo" :lul::lul:
bunch of moralfags and white knights
You could use this same logic to throw out any individual's claim of birthright to a land if they don't actively contribute to the current political or economic system of said land. Whether it's Palestinian nationalists who don't live in Palestine, or Chechen nationalists who live in Moscow or the EU. The concept of who a land "belongs" to is subjective, but the entire point of ethnonationalism is that it defines one's belonging to a land based on their ancestry, not their contribution
You could use this same logic to throw out any individual's claim of birthright to a land if they don't actively contribute to the current political or economic system of said land.
Indeed that is what happens in the wild too. Animal groups ostracize freeloaders.
The concept of who a land "belongs" to is subjective, but the entire point of ethnonationalism is that it defines one's belonging to a land based on their ancestry, not their contribution
America and the West stopped being ethno-nationalistic in its policies once White people's complacency, hedonism, and unwillingness to work long hours became irreconcilable with their leaders goals of maintaining and expanding world domination which caused said leaders to de facto abandon and disown their native old-stock White population in favor of 3rd worlders. World domination requires every member of a group to be ready to live a disciplined life of sustained motivation, dedication, sacrifice and service. Ethnonationalism in general acts as a bottleneck against dominance unless every member of their society functions at the top as we see is the case with China where everyone works beyond their means. The combo of ethnonatioanlism and global dominance works in China's case because all members of their society contribute which produces less number of freeloaders.
The concept of who a land "belongs" to is subjective, but the entire point of ethnonationalism is that it defines one's belonging to a land based on their ancestry, not their contribution
Also, even if far right is correct about belonging to ancestral piece of land, that belonging doesn't mean you get proprietor status. You get leader/owner status when you contribute majorly, but when you're on the sidelines discarded away as an invisible pariah because you contribute next to nothing as gamer NEETs.
Tradcopers are the most delusional people to ever exist.
haven’t seen the word ‘groyper’ in a long minute. it’s like the whole post cumulative tool variety switching between sufficiently informed (outletted), regulated (buckled), and consulted (embellished) avenues of congregational leeway and needle eye valor. a provocative shitshow especially when other thunder “adjacent” groups or groypies fuel the abject benchmark with their salad tossing or some shit, the lowest coomon denominator of selective faggotry or whatever

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