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Got banned from r/MGTOW



Nov 8, 2017
Banned for "Trolling" because I said that sluts should be executed, and that Muslim countries are culturally superior to the West.
They are failed normies who still have a ton of blackpills to swallow.
What did you expect? Reddit instituted their strict "no violence" policy a few weeks ago. No way they'll allow "all sluts should be executed", they don't want their subreddit to get shoahed like ours did.
scoliosiscel said:
What did you expect? Reddit instituted their strict "no violence" policy a few weeks ago. No way they'll allow "all sluts should be executed", they don't want their subreddit to get shoahed like ours did.

If someone says that Devin Kelley should be executed, do you think they will get banned?
Is this supposed to prove something?
incel4life said:
If someone says that Devin Kelley should be executed, do you think they will get banned?

I wouldn't be surprised if they did tbh, because Reddit's administration is already so left-leaning. Death penalty is evil to them.
incel4life said:
Banned for "Trolling" because I said that sluts should be executed

Well, given the current atmosphere and reddit's stance on "encouraging violence", mods there don't really have a choice other than to ban people who troll like that. It's either that or having your sub shut down. 

That being said tho, r/MGTOW has a couple of very great users but they are few and far between, sadly. Most of them are just the usual tradcucks, conspiracy theorists, alt-right, depopulation agenda, etc. They are guys who see MGTOW as venue to somehow reduce the supply/demand ratio in regards to women, believing it will make women realize their folly in not remaining loyal to males and then they can return and start mindlessly entering relationships and families again. Such men think the 1950's will return if women just have an epiphany about men's worth and we can unquestioningly accept Christianity once more. 

They are like these people who are getting fired and then tell everyone that they have actually quitted themselves because of some idealistic belief they've recently discovered. Also, while many MGTOWs are broke, NEETs, poor they all make these shit memes about how they've all become rich since they stopped chasing women. Always these shit stock photos with a guy spreading hsi arms in front of a majestic landscape and a Porsche photoshopped into it, implying that you too can easily have all that if only you stop trying to get laid...
Red Shambhala said:
Well, given the current atmosphere and reddit's stance on "encouraging violence", mods there don't really have a choice other than to ban people who troll like that. It's either that or having your sub shut down. 

That being said tho, r/MGTOW has a couple of very great users but they are few and far between, sadly. Most of them are just the usual tradcucks, conspiracy theorists, alt-right, depopulation agenda, etc. They are guys who see MGTOW as venue to somehow reduce the supply/demand ratio in regards to women, believing it will make women realize their folly in not remaining loyal to males and then they can return and start mindlessly entering relationships and families again. Such men think the 1950's will return if women just have an epiphany about men's worth and we can unquestioningly accept Christianity once more. 

They are like these people who are getting fired and then tell everyone that they have actually quitted themselves because of some idealistic belief they've recently discovered. Also, while many MGTOWs are broke, NEETs, poor they all make these shit memes about how they've all become rich since they stopped chasing women. Always these shit stock photos with a guy spreading hsi arms in front of a majestic landscape and a Porsche photoshopped into it, implying that you too can easily have all that if only you stop trying to get laid...

Users of r/MGTOW called me a tradcuck for being against degeneracy. I replied that I'm not sure how not wanting girls to get jizzed on by multiple cocks makes me a cuck.
Consider it a war medal
mgtow are low life failed normies who souldn't feel that they are welcome here at all
Lol @ going on Reddit to post. I go to the manosphere and PSL sites to post. I was hardly ever active on r/incels and mainly just lurked.
I don't like this bullshit 'rivalry' against MGTOW/MSTOW. Some of their philosophies are very useful for older incels and it somewhat overlaps with the Black Pill. Why covet a vapid cunt who would never fuck you anyway and if she ever did, she'd use you for resources and then use the law to rape you of what's left of it when she tires of you and wants to fuck Chad.
Tbh in this case you kinda asked for it.
they want to keep their sub. its the faggots like you that got incel banned
mgtow has severe downvoting from sjws. They are worried about them reporting.
weservenomsg said:
they want to keep their sub. *its the faggots like you that got incel banned*

Funny coming from the guy who got r/hatecels banned.

You have no say in this, traitor.
incel4life said:
Banned for "Trolling" because I said that sluts should be executed, and that Muslim countries are culturally superior to the West.


serves you right.

can't stand theocracycels.
What the fuck? Are you TRYING to take your cancer elsewhere and get every sub banned?

Zyros said:

serves you right.

can't stand theocracycels.

yeah wtf? he actually thinks that sandniggers are culturally superior
Sorry OP but Muslims along with their culture and religion needs to be purged.
incel4life said:
Banned for "Trolling" because I said that sluts should be executed, and that Muslim countries are culturally superior to the West.

I have tried, with little success that I'm aware of, to redpill the normies by pointing out something that should be obvious (except they have rotted their brains watching spectator sports on tv) that the values of the Muslims are, in many ways, very similar to the ones we had in the West.  Patriarchy, modesty, chastity, piety*, sobriety even.  Opposed to degeneracy like homosexuality.  For evidence I ask them to look up what swimming outfits looked like during the Victorian and Edwardian periods.  And (((certain types))) are largely to blame for changing all that to the open sewer we see today.  NOW (((they))) want use to fight a cultural war against the Muslims because it benefits Israel.  Of course the same normie meat-puppets are all in favor of fighting Israel's wars, too.

Not that I support immigration from Muslim countries because I don't.

* Yet I'm not religious at all

Holy Crusader said:
Sorry OP but Muslims along with their culture and religion needs to be purged.

From here, yes.  We also need to stop interfering with them over there on behalf of Israel.
Sadasshit said:
What the fuck? Are you TRYING to take your cancer elsewhere and get every sub banned?

yeah wtf? he actually thinks that sandniggers are culturally superior

They are. Look at the grasp they have around their women compared to ours.
They just dont want to be banned.
A lot of them believe that women hit the wall, but the truth is that they don't hit the wall lol.

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