Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Gonna leave incels and incel forums



Dec 3, 2017
Before I leave I just want to extend a hand of help. I know there are lots of fakecels and mentalcels here, and you actually DO have hope. You can overcome whats holding you back from having a meaningful life, instead of just coping all day to get by. Ok look, this might start off sounding like beta normie shit but its not just keep reading.

Theres this thing called CBT, cognitive brain therapy. It's basically a well tested psychological method to change your brain patterns for the better. Right now you have reinforced behavioral patterns which are not helping you at all and only causing needless suffering. That includes but is not limited to, going on incel forums, special snowflakeness, complaining and crying instead of trying to change, accepting defeat without trying, self-hating behaviour.... etc. This all then results in depression and anxiety and whatever other issues which creates a whole cycle and keeps you trapped in a really dumb way of living.

Please check out CBT I promise it will help.

Here: https://www.amazon.ca/Happiness-Trap-Struggling-Start-Living/dp/1590305841/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513538427&sr=8-1&keywords=the+happiness+trap

Buy this. 10 bux on kindle and just start reading it. It will even help truecels, its a good cope and will help you suffer less. Yea, the social marketplace is fucked, yea the world hates u and shit but at least you can keep your mind healthy and body healthy so you don't have to feel as much pain.

Anyway bye it was fun.
See you tomorrow.

If you really want to change your brain patterns, try psychedelic mushrooms.
See you in a week
Bye, but you'll be back soon enough.
CBT doesn't work for everyone, also if the things you feel and believe are true then tricking your mind in believing bluepill feel good crap is a temporary fix at best.
I really wish it were that easy.
bluepill is thinking that your beahviour is the problem. your behaviour is a consequence. the real problem is the way people react to your presence.

you cant just change your mindset and become happy. its not inner problem, its outer.

im talking only about real ugly truecels, ther rest are just retarded kids.
dr-problematic said:
bluepill is thinking that your beahviour is the problem. your behaviour is a consequence. the real problem is the way people react to your presence.

you cant just change your mindset and become happy. its not inner problem, its outer.

im talking only about real ugly truecels, ther rest are just retarded kids.
This. Personalitycel is COPE.

Incel_Because_Short said:
See you tomorrow.

If you really want to change your brain patterns, try psychedelic mushrooms.

no thats dangerous

DyingHope said:
CBT doesn't work for everyone, also if the things you feel and believe are true then tricking your mind in believing bluepill feel good crap is a temporary fix at best.

It's not tricking your mind to believe bluepill shit, its more like prioritizing different things and making your mind value different things than what it is currently. Also it should work for everyone if they do it honestly.

Anon said:
Mega cope.

incel forums are the most mega cope. Better than roping at least.

dr-problematic said:
bluepill is thinking that your beahviour is the problem. your behaviour is a consequence. the real problem is the way people react to your presence.

you cant just change your mindset and become happy. its not inner problem, its outer.

im talking only about real ugly truecels, ther rest are just retarded kids.

Yea the truecels are still screwed but I don't think most ppl here are truecels.
DyingHope said:
also if the things you feel and believe are true then tricking your mind in believing bluepill feel good crap is a temporary fix at best.

This is the issue. Unfortunately a lot of black pills are backed by solid empirical, rational and scientific evidence.

Still I do agree with OP that there is some hope. But only if you forget about romantic relationships with women. If you want sex there's hookers, fleshlights, sex dolls and soon sex bots. If you want companionship get a dog and a few good male friends.
You're going to find out soon that you need to play to cope.
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
no thats dangerous

With the wrong mindset, yes. But it seems like you are actively trying to change the way you think and be more positive (however you define that). Psychedelic mushrooms rewire your brain and dampen the part of your mind associated with the way you view yourself and your subconscious thinking patterns, allowing you to actually change your personality through a trip. Look it up, I'm not lying.

Regardless, there's no way to avoid the blackpill because they are based on truths. Positive mindsets and changing the way you think is not going to change your relationship success.
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
no thats dangerous

It's not tricking your mind to believe bluepill shit, its more like prioritizing different things and making your mind value different things than what it is currently. Also it should work for everyone if they do it honestly.

incel forums are the most mega cope. Better than roping at least.

Yea the truecels are still screwed but I don't think most ppl here are truecels.

Antyhing but rope is cope but at least we are honest with ourselves.
Incel_Because_Short said:
With the wrong mindset, yes. But it seems like you are actively trying to change the way you think and be more positive (however you define that). Psychedelic mushrooms rewire your brain and dampen the part of your mind associated with the way you view yourself and your subconscious thinking patterns, allowing you to actually change your personality through a trip. Look it up, I'm not lying.

Regardless, there's no way to avoid the blackpill because they are based on truths. Positive mindsets and changing the way you think is not going to change your relationship success.

I know a lot of stuff about psychedelics and I conclude from my experience and knowledge of them that they are not beneficial. I mean it CAN help, but it's just too risky and it doesn't even last. The best way is slowly and surely.

Anon said:
Antyhing but rope is cope but at least we are honest with ourselves.

CBT is a good cope though probably one of the best and it makes your other copes better too. (for exmaple you might start enjoying video games again like when you were younger).
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
I know a lot of stuff about psychedelics and I conclude from my experience and knowledge of them that they are not beneficial. I mean it CAN help, but it's just too risky and it doesn't even last. The best way is slowly and surely.

That's your opinion. A couple of trips back in October turned me from a man who was literally crying frequently and couldn't do anything from depression, to a man who is at least content with the blackpill.
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
I know a lot of stuff about psychedelics and I conclude from my experience and knowledge of them that they are not beneficial. I mean it CAN help, but it's just too risky and it doesn't even last. The best way is slowly and surely.

CBT is a good cope though probably one of the best and it makes your other copes better too. (for exmaple you might start enjoying video games again like when you were younger).

You will get rejected again and you will be back to incel mindset again. You can't escape this.
It’s hard to leave but good luck. See you soon after youre done coping
Incel_Because_Short said:
That's your opinion. A couple of trips back in October turned me from a man who was literally crying frequently and couldn't do anything from depression, to a man who is at least content with the blackpill.

consider yourself lucky
Hope to still play some Brood War with you. Sorry I didn't get back to you last time, finals got me fucked up. Shoot me a DM and let's play.

Also, best of luck to you in your future ventures.
i think CBT does work, i've tried it, you challenge old thought patterns create new ones that are more positive...it's a good idea if you want to be part of the world at large and do somewhat well in it.

...It's sort of a band aid on reality, perception creates our reality so if you can convince yourself that femoids don't want Chad / high social status and majority of women aren't notorious liars then good on ya.

I think it works in the same way Hollywood/media/advertising shapes our reality, we see it over and over so much we believe its real like women are stronger than men and should be in power and know how to control power and men are kind of creeps but can be rescued if they just followed strong women.
microDongCityUSA said:
i think CBT does work, i've tried it, you challenge old thought patterns create new ones that are more positive...it's a good idea if you want to be part of the world at large and do somewhat well in it.

...It's sort of a band aid on reality, perception creates our reality so if you can convince yourself that femoids don't want Chad / high social status and majority of women aren't notorious liars then good on ya.

I think it works in the same way Hollywood/media/advertising shapes our reality, we see it over and over so much we believe its real like women are stronger than men and should be in power and know how to control power and men are kind of creeps but can be rescued if they just followed strong women.

Yes thats how mind control works I am very aware of it now. I just throw away whats useless or detrimental and keep whats doing good for me.

blickpall said:
Hope to still play some Brood War with you. Sorry I didn't get back to you last time, finals got me fucked up. Shoot me a DM and let's play.

Also, best of luck to you in your future ventures.

NP just pm me anytime u want to play. I've been practicing so watch out ;)
LOL, I made a similar post last week
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
its not good for mental health to hang around here

because outer world is ?
nausea said:
because outer world is ?

Yea ur right lol theres no hope. I just want to bluepill myself cause blackpill only leads to suicide and I'm not ready to suicide yet. If you are blackpilling and havent roped yet then you are just coping. Either rope or stop eating blackpills and take some blue.
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
Yea ur right lol theres no hope. I just want to bluepill myself cause blackpill only leads to suicide and I'm not ready to suicide yet. If you are blackpilling and havent roped yet then you are just coping. Either rope or stop eating blackpills and take some blue.

Purple pill or gray pill. I actually coined the term gray pill.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is pseudoscience. There was only one psychologist and that was Freud. 

These authors of self help books are shills. Go read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale if you're gonna read that crap
Battlefield3cel said:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is pseudoscience. There was only one psychologist and that was Freud. 

These authors of self help books are shills. Go read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale if you're gonna read that crap

Actually, only CBT and BA have scientific backing. Freud and psychoanalysis do not.
blickpall said:
Actually, only CBT and BA have scientific backing. Freud and psychoanalysis do not.

I just did some research. CBT does have scientific backing, but if it was going to solve people's problems here, would they still be here?  

Freud has transcended science
Battlefield3cel said:
I just did some research. CBT does have scientific backing, but if it was going to solve people's problems here, would they still be here?  

Freud has transcended science

Yes, they would, because many fall into one of the following categories:

1. They think that all therapy is quackery, a misconception pushed by popular media in movies containing stereotypical old men sitting in armchairs with a doodlepad, testimonials of people who never wanted to get help anyway, people who saw shitty therapists, and the bad name spread by pseudoscience therapists (like some psychoanalysts) who actually artificially implanted memories of sexual abuse in numerous people. People on this forum are actively complaining about my being a moderator, partially because they have the incorrect assumption that I work in the mental health field, and that that is anti-incel and thus heretical on a forum like this; that's how deep the hate goes.

2. Even if they do go to therapy, they are resistant to change, which is a key element to success with CBT and BA in general. If you go without the intention of putting in any work, you won't get anything out of it.

3. The problems they have can't be solved by therapy alone - mentalcels with schizophrenia is one example, as are numerous personality disorders which are naturally resistant to change.

4. The problems they have can't be solved by therapy at all - like having a disfigured face. Sure, therapy might still make you a more productive and "happier" member of society, which in theory could increase your chances of having a loving relationship, but for people who are disfigured it's probably an increase from 0.01% to 0.05% or something of that nature.

5. They are religiously opposed to therapy or drugs.

6. Some therapists are in fact quacks and/or shitty.

EDIT: 7. There are obviously a lot of other reasons as well, but I wanted to add one more major one: psychiatric health not being covered by many insurances in the USA is one.

So as you can see, while there is some evidence to therapy being a worthwhile pursuit, there are also a lot of hurdles and external factors which affect success rate, and thus serve to ensure continued membership to this website and to inceldom in general.
Battlefield3cel said:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is pseudoscience. There was only one psychologist and that was Freud. 

These authors of self help books are shills. Go read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale if you're gonna read that crap

Opposite. CBT is proven by science while Freud is some quack who made shit up.
blickpall said:
Yes, they would, because many fall into one of the following categories:

1. They think that all therapy is quackery, a misconception pushed by popular media in movies containing stereotypical old men sitting in armchairs with a doodlepad, testimonials of people who never wanted to get help anyway, people who saw shitty therapists, and the bad name spread by pseudoscience therapists (like some psychoanalysts) who actually artificially implanted memories of sexual abuse in numerous people. People on this forum are actively complaining about my being a moderator, partially because they have the incorrect assumption that I work in the mental health field, and that that is anti-incel and thus heretical on a forum like this; that's how deep the hate goes.

2. Even if they do go to therapy, they are resistant to change, which is a key element to success with CBT and BA in general. If you go without the intention of putting in any work, you won't get anything out of it.

3. The problems they have can't be solved by therapy alone - mentalcels with schizophrenia is one example, as are numerous personality disorders which are naturally resistant to change.

4. The problems they have can't be solved by therapy at all - like having a disfigured face. Sure, therapy might still make you a more productive and "happier" member of society, which in theory could increase your chances of having a loving relationship, but for people who are disfigured it's probably an increase from 0.01% to 0.05% or something of that nature.

5. They are religiously opposed to therapy or drugs.

6. Some therapists are in fact quacks and/or shitty.

EDIT: 7. There are obviously a lot of other reasons as well, but I wanted to add one more major one: psychiatric health not being covered by many insurances in the USA is one.

So as you can see, while there is some evidence to therapy being a worthwhile pursuit, there are also a lot of hurdles and external factors which affect success rate, and thus serve to ensure continued membership to this website and to inceldom in general.
Very interesting. Thank you.

Im suprised there is so much opposition to you being a mod for the reasons you mentioned.

Just out of interest, if you know about CBT and think it works, why do you stay here?

BlaKdaGGeRz said:
Opposite. CBT is proven by science while Freud is some quack who made shit up.

I concede that cbt is legit. However, Freud made a massive contribution to science
Battlefield3cel said:
Very interesting. Thank you.

Im suprised there is so much opposition to you being a mod for the reasons you mentioned.

Just out of interest, if you know about CBT and think it works, why do you stay here?

That's a difficult question to answer, because I think that there are a number of contributing reasons. Without getting too personal about it, in short it is because I have tried it and I am not in a place in my life where I consider myself "ready" for it. I also have some of those "problems that therapy can't fix alone" and "problems that therapy can't fix at all" so I am focusing my energy on resolving some of those first before I move on to loftier goals that would come through CBT/BA.

If I were to give an example, it would be that I have high anxiety. CBT has been shown to help people with anxiety. However, because of other factors in my life that limit me in various ways, I can safely say that CBT would in at least the short term do more harm than good because it would be another thing for me to be anxious about, and I'm already spread quite thin. I can't allow the other moving parts in my life to stop spinning or to let anything fall through the cracks as this is a somewhat critical period of my life and thus I need to devote more of my energy to those things. I don't have the time or mental fortitude to deal with additional expectations placed upon me by a program, my therapist, and my self, while going there and trying to minimize the load would likely yield ineffectually slow and small results. "Changing" yourself is like walking, you have to crawl before you can do so, but even before that you need to be laying on solid ground.

Battlefield3cel said:
I concede that cbt is legit. However, Freud made a massive contribution to science

This is absolutely true, by being a frontrunner in many ways. He opened the door for many others to answer the questions that he was asking, or rather to challenge the assertions he was making. It was his popularity and influence that was the more massive contribution to science than what he actually discovered. If I were to make an analogy, it's like phrenology - it was a pseudoscience that was pushed by some idiots who thought that the shape of your skull and the various bumps on it could be used to determine your personality or if you were insane, because different parts of the head corresponded to different parts of the brain which in turn corresponded to different personality qualities. Their moronic pseudoscience sparked interest in the subject, and urged people to literally dig inside the brain and start discovering that it was in fact true - different parts of the brain are responsible for different things, but not anywhere near the ways that the phrenologists predicted. While the parallel is kind of crude and may not be giving quite enough credit to Freud, the basic concept applies.
blickpall said:
That's a difficult question to answer, because I think that there are a number of contributing reasons. Without getting too personal about it, in short it is because I have tried it and I am not in a place in my life where I consider myself "ready" for it. I also have some of those "problems that therapy can't fix alone" and "problems that therapy can't fix at all" so I am focusing my energy on resolving some of those first before I move on to loftier goals that would come through CBT/BA.

If I were to give an example, it would be that I have high anxiety. CBT has been shown to help people with anxiety. However, because of other factors in my life that limit me in various ways, I can safely say that CBT would in at least the short term do more harm than good because it would be another thing for me to be anxious about, and I'm already spread quite thin. I can't allow the other moving parts in my life to stop spinning or to let anything fall through the cracks as this is a somewhat critical period of my life and thus I need to devote more of my energy to those things. I don't have the time or mental fortitude to deal with additional expectations placed upon me by a program, my therapist, and my self, while going there and trying to minimize the load would likely yield ineffectually slow and small results. "Changing" yourself is like walking, you have to crawl before you can do so, but even before that you need to be laying on solid ground. 
Okay. My apprehension towards cbt arises from bad experiences with psychs in the past. I dont really have anything to add, except for thanks for answering my question
CBT is the primary scam psych professionals run to fleece unfortunate people out of their money. Fuck you for promoting that crap. Every day, millions of roasties use it to make better money than you will by lying to and ignoring their patients real problems, convincing them its their fault for not having the "right" thoughts, which are outside of their control. How the hell can you accept that?
vargstrike said:
CBT is the primary scam psych professionals run to fleece  unfortunate people out of their money. Fuck you for promoting that crap. Every day, millions of roasties use it to make better money than you will by lying to and ignoring their patients real problems, convincing them its their fault for not having the "right" thoughts, which are outside of their control. How the hell can you accept that?

Strong evidence presented here. You're entitled to your opinion.

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