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It's Over Gonna admit it, I'm a 15 year old incel.

same, I'm 5'8 and my dad is 5'11, R.I.P
You'll still grow at 15. Usually the last growth spurt happens at 15.
I personally didn't grow significantly after 15, but most classmates did and actually outgrew me.
Well I got measured at 17 (1 year ago) for my passport and it says 184cm, reducing the shoe height it makes me 5'11.5 or 6'.
Young people are just really tall nowadays and most outgrow their parents. Some boys are literally a head taller than their fathers. I'm shorter than my father for some reason. I still hope my growth plates aren't fused which is a cope anyway. I'm seriously considering a leg lengthening surgery because I cannot stand the mogging.

Leg lengthening at 6 ft boyo, here we go. My brain cels are dying quickly rn. You cannot stand the mogging by who? The 15% of the male population (less I think lol) that is taller than you? lol. Even at 6ft 3 there are 6ft7 guys who will heightmog you.

I don't know your post overall seems like lacking a lot of brain cels. If you are incel at 6ft trust me height is not the problem lol...
Leg lengthening at 6 ft boyo, here we go. My brain cels are dying quickly rn. You cannot stand the mogging by who? The 15% of the male population (less I think lol) that is taller than you? lol. Even at 6ft 3 there are 6ft7 guys who will heightmog you.

I don't know your post overall seems like lacking a lot of brain cels. If you are incel at 6ft trust me height is not the problem lol...
I'm not talking about ascension here. My height doesn't really make me incel. I just don't want to feel like a little pathetic submissive kid next to a tall man. It's about the feeling that the heightmogs trigger in me, not merely about attracting women.
As a human being, you'll always want more. If I was 6'2 I'd probably want more, too. We will never be satisfied.
If we don't have the desire to go for more, we don't live as Hobbes said.
Part of ascending is to emotionstabilitymax. One I'm taller, I'll feel more manly, dominant and confident. I'm an absolute cuck when interacting with women which makes me incel. I act this way because of my inferiority complexes.

I'm incel because I'm facially ugly and I'm socially awkward due to that. 6' will be manlet height in the future, and as you know females are attracted to top 20%. 6' will certainly not be top 20%.
Jfl at @Curious0 and Europecels.

Every other poster on here apparently lives in ‘Germany and duh Netherwendz where 6’0 is manlet tier bruh’.

Whitecels have it so easy that it’s a joke
I'm not talking about ascension here. My height doesn't really make me incel. I just don't want to feel like a little pathetic submissive kid next to a tall man. It's about the feeling that the heightmogs trigger in me, not merely about attracting women.
As a human being, you'll always want more. If I was 6'2 I'd probably want more, too. We will never be satisfied.
If we don't have the desire to go for more, we don't live as Hobbes said.
Part of ascending is to emotionstabilitymax. One I'm taller, I'll feel more manly, dominant and confident. I'm an absolute cuck when interacting with women which makes me incel. I act this way because of my inferiority complexes.

I'm incel because I'm facially ugly and I'm socially awkward due to that. 6' will be manlet height in the future, and as you know females are attracted to top 20%. 6' will certainly not be top 20%.

well guess you've got ro surgerymaxx until you reach that 7'8 height and no man can look down upon you after you reach the top 0.000001%.

btw social awkwardnes = ur fucking ugly. why make it complicated when its simple
> tfw "the incels" radicalize a depressed lonely young teenager into joining their cult
Youngcels are legitimate, because it was common less than 100 years ago to find your lifelong partner in highschool, and get married and have kids before the age of 25 with her, if you're having serious problems with this, then it's a very serious problem.
leave now and don't come back
You are not incel, at least not yet.

Leave this place before it destroys your mind.

If you still virgin at 20 yo even being functional in society and after 20+ approaches, then back here.
OP, it doesn't matter if you're 12, 25 or 60. If you're ugly, you're just ugly and getting a gf will be nigh impossible. Age has nothing to do with that.
well guess you've got ro surgerymaxx until you reach that 7'8 height and no man can look down upon you after you reach the top 0.000001%.

btw social awkwardnes = ur fucking ugly. why make it complicated when its simple
Of course I'm socially awkward because I:m ugly, I just said that. If I was 6'5 I wouldn't be awkward though because I could physically dominate most people, nobody would ridicule me even if I had an ugly face at that height.
I lied about my age and said i was 16 earlier, I'm actually 15. I know you guys got shit against youngcels but fuck it. Not a single girl has shown interest in my high school, even the freshmen mog me.
Leave right now, you haven't even left puberty behind you...
You're really lucky to discover inceldom in the age of 15 where your face is still developing and you can looksmax.

It's fine to be a 15 yr incel. When I was 15 I was rejected and laughed at by people, knowing that I will be incel for the rest of my life (blackpilled without knowing)
mod have some mercy on that kid and ban him, it will only help him. 90% he will fuck in the next 3 years
I lied about my age and said i was 16 earlier, I'm actually 15. I know you guys got shit against youngcels but fuck it. Not a single girl has shown interest in my high school, even the freshmen mog me.
dude fu you're a kid fuck off this website you still got chances to get ass unlike us here. JFL
If you're a manlet and being bullied I would consider you youngcel an incel
> tfw "the incels" radicalize a depressed lonely young teenager into joining their cult
“His impressionable young mind is being intoxicated. by incels.” :feelstastyman:
I lied about my age and said i was 16 earlier, I'm actually 15. I know you guys got shit against youngcels but fuck it. Not a single girl has shown interest in my high school, even the freshmen mog me.
On one hand, you're far too young to have to worry about this. On the other hand, I felt like I belonged here back when I was in 7th grade and it's been 7 years since then.
Just attend fortnite dance classes and fortnitedancemaxx.
Gets them 12yo staceys drippin wet. :feelzez:
Just attend fortnite dance classes and fortnitedancemaxx.
Gets them 12yo staceys drippin wet. :feelzez:
Fortnitedancemaxxing is legit. Fortnite dance moves have become a extremely popular trend among teens lately.
@Watac use this to your advantage and you will slay major puss 100%.
I lied about my age and said i was 16 earlier, I'm actually 15. I know you guys got shit against youngcels but fuck it. Not a single girl has shown interest in my high school, even the freshmen mog me.

I'm 24 and I don't have a problem with young cels being here. By my mid teens, I already had the suspicion I was fucked and no girl would want me, which proved to be true.

Besides, you being here and absorbing the blackpill will do you more good whether you want to go after women or not. I wish I had discovered the blackpill at an earlier age, I would not have spent so much money and time on chasing women and being a bluepilled cuck thinking my personality would get me a girlfriend.
You're still young, you still have plenty of time to grow. Stay away from this place until you're at least 18, take this knowledge to lookmaxx and try to change your situtation as much as you can,
It may be over for many of us, but for you its merely beginning, you shouldn't be hanging around on these kind of places.

So this means i have 1 year or less left to actually try? Ill give myself 3 more years till 20 then ill just give up fully
Well, not that it matters but I have no issue with 15 year-olds being here. If you wanna be here I'd suggest taking this post to heart:
You're still young, you still have plenty of time to grow. Stay away from this place until you're at least 18, take this knowledge to lookmaxx and try to change your situtation as much as you can,
It may be over for many of us, but for you its merely beginning, you shouldn't be hanging around on these kind of places.
Even though you likely hate hearing it, you're still a kid. It is not over.

As for the lie, that's only on your conscience since you didn't hurt anyone with it.
It's true that people are getting taller. Everyone will probs be over 7 foot in 100 years.
It's true that people are getting taller. Everyone will probs be over 7 foot in 100 years.

Exactly. Sexual selection will actually make us less genetically fit to survive in our environment, isn't that crazy? As the human body struggles at 7 feet, with the heart being put under maximum stress as it struggles to pump blood throughout the body. Death from heart failure will be common at 40 or even earlier. And the risk of cancer will go up, among other things.

But all this is ok because foids have decreed it, teehee. At least societies which did not give women equal rights will have a huge advantage over the West because of it.
No wonder so many of your posts are garbage.
>Website with pornography on it
>Nothing keeping minors away from it

It's a state (possibly federal???) crime to knowingly allow minors access to pornography.
Let´s be honest here if you´re 15 and never got a gf in 2018 that means you´re a truecel, tbh it´s extremely rare that someone remain a khhv at 15 in today´s youth
This site does not discriminate by age.
So this means i have 1 year or less left to actually try? Ill give myself 3 more years till 20 then ill just give up fully
yes bro, you're still really young. Use this knowledge to your advantage and try to escape inceldom as much as you can.
If you're sub5 at 15 its over. Ignore all the dumbasses saying shit like "you're yoUng YoU still have A chAnce!!!111" Aslong as you have shitty genes you're welcome on this forum.
Yeah, I'm so used to just knowing nobody will group with me during a group project. I've never had a real group of friends. Teens my age are hanging out with hot chicks and smoking weed.
I'm 16, so I know how you feel. Since we live in the Snowflake Feminist era, it's extremely hard for us
Look at this idiot wasting his time here. hahaha dude, do you know what I would give to be 15 again? you can fuck as many JBs as you want. You still have three years to go. You probably haven't even tried. Leave, forget you ever posted here. Go, leave now.
If you're sub5 at 15 its over. Ignore all the dumbasses saying shit like "you're yoUng YoU still have A chAnce!!!111" Aslong as you have shitty genes you're welcome on this forum.
I always get "Be moar confident bro!" It doesn't make a difference. Of course he's welcome, most of the users here are young anyway if you look at the polls
You should be approaching JBs while you can instead of whiteknighting for them here.
fucking annoying CUNT
Glad he's banned
It's true that people are getting taller. Everyone will probs be over 7 foot in 100 years.
Exactly. Sexual selection will actually make us less genetically fit to survive in our environment, isn't that crazy? As the human body struggles at 7 feet, with the heart being put under maximum stress as it struggles to pump blood throughout the body. Death from heart failure will be common at 40 or even earlier. And the risk of cancer will go up, among other things.

But all this is ok because foids have decreed it, teehee. At least societies which did not give women equal rights will have a huge advantage over the West because of it.


Who would've thought that this is what the face of evolution looked like?


  • cEWlff2.png
    34.6 KB · Views: 59
Honestly I think he was banned for his own good.
over for youngcels rip OP
Leave. This is not the place for you. My brother is 15 and hes just a little kid. Come back in 3-5 years
That’s another 15yearoldcel banned :feelshaha:
Get more youngcels on this forum, please.
It's entertaining to read fakecel content and see them banned later.
If you're young and browsing this forum, you have an advantage that most people your age don't - you know how female attraction actually works beneath all the lies and bullshit - you can skip the bit where you waste years thinking it's all about being a nice guy with a good personality.

Everyone has different circumstances, but I think for most people I would only truly worry about it being over once you reach your early 20s and nothing has happened for you.
Youngcellism in HS = height or balding 100% of the time. If you are tall and have a full head of hair you can't be youngcel, period. These two things determine your happiness, well-being, friends and status in HS. If you are a short (fused bone plates) balding guy, trust me, it's over for you like it's never been before. If you are short but have a full head of hair you might have some chance with a girl once every 5 years or so. If you are tall but bald it's over for you during HS but will probably get better and better as you age, although very slowly. If you are balding and short and HS the quickest path to happiness is ksgcelling
Cope, it's all about face. If your face is ugly, then height doesn't matter.

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