Good stuff. He inspired me to do my own approach log as well. It's good to get out there to take action and at least try - that's all we can do. Have you tried cold approaching before?
The hardest part is getting started. But it's also the most rewarding. The first time I did a cold approach, I had the biggest surge of confidence because I knew I'd pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone to do it. If you haven't done much of this before, you will get that surge when you get started and it's rewarding.
Your mind will think of excuses not to do it, so the biggest tip I would give you is to not listen to them because they're false:
- "Rejection is embarrassing" - it's not. It's 100x better than the regret of not approaching. You will almost certainly never see the girl again, and if you do, who cares? Once I approached a girl I had already approached a few weeks earlier. I didn't recognise her at first but she remembered me but she was cool about it and we both got a good laugh out of it.
- "People will watch/judge" - they won't. People have enough going on in their lives to notice what you're doing. And the occasional person who does notice won't give a shit.
As you go on it's good to put yourself in more challenge situations to keep pushing your comfort zone. When I go out to approach now I make sure to approach girls who aren't alone because that's always been more of a challenge.
Good luck, and I look forward to checking out your thread.