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Blackpill "God" and the "Afterlife": The Biggest Blue Pill Cope in the History of Mankind

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14382
  • Start date
A process of reincarnation may exist as those researched by Ian Stevenson.
Are you referring to the "Theory of Eternal Recurrence" (a.k.a. the "Poincare Recurrence Theorem")?
I think a hedonistic lifestyle provides the means by which one can live amidst an indifferent universe. Live only for yourself and to satisfy the desires of one's heart.
That's exactly the conclusion I came to. In essence, I have created my own reality, a reality full of trips around the world, gourmet meals, and beloved hobbies. There is always a way to game the system.
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Satan did nothing wrong, he was and still are demonized as we Incels are.
Hated and misunderstood I guess we can relate. Imagine being satan and god declares that normies are allowed in his kingdom. Imagine having to protect a horde of insufferable normalfaggots who just marvel bow and smell each others farts all day in heaven sounds disgusting.
What it's like after you die = What it's like before you were born
We have been dead for billions of years and it didn't bother us one bit.
The idea of the afterlife was made to keep poor people in poverty telling them lies such as ´´you will go to heaven if your life on earth was shit´´
Actually if you are a Christian, youre supposed to prosper and make money. Dont let the jews fool you.
Tell this to the spiritual normies who can’t relate to toxic vibes and only mix with positive energy and all that other zen type of stuff. Palm readers and astrology believers.
Financially comfortable bluepillers, living a sheltered life, tend to have an optimistic outlook on the world. They're also inclined to embrace new age philosophies and trendy far eastern religions. These people are space cadets. Their beliefs are not based in reality because they never had to deal with reality.
I feel that it is plausible that at least some higher power exists. When you think about how perfectly the earth formed to support human life and if any one of those were slightly altered, the earth would be inhabitable, it’s hard not to believe in God.
Your reasoning seems sound at first, but consider for a moment that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach on earth. Each of these stars has an average of 10 planets orbiting them. Scientists believe that the vast majority of these planets are cold, dark and lifeless places. But, a small percentage of them are believed to harbor life. For example, in our Milky Way galaxy alone, they estimate there may be 100,000 civilizations. Now, multiply this number by 2 TRILLION galaxies in the universe, and you soon come to the realization that life on earth may not be so exceptional after all.
How can anyone tell me God exists after all I've been through?
(love your avatar, btw)
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God is real, since satan is real and all the elites worship him, while they keep lying to us with sht like 9/11 banking system moon landing and ball earth theory.
To be honest I don't think anything exists after our death, although that concept scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. I couldn't sleep in night and with cry I would go to my parents and tell them how I'm affraid of heaven. I mean I was a kid, I knew I couldn't go to hell, but heaven for me was like a little upgrade from hell. Eternal life, like for infinity? I will play all games I would do anything I want and then what? How long can I keep myself entertained? One thousand years, maybe milion? But I will get bored eventually.
I feel that nature came up with a mathematically perfect solution to this conundrum: It simply erases your consciousness.
Chaos is the law of the universe; order is the dream of man.
Why don't you answer my pm, OP?
Sorry about that, dude. But tbh, I'm not selling any paintings currently myself, so I don't know how to be commercially successful as an artist now. I used to sell my paintings in galleries on consignment, but that was years ago.
Use the internet. It'll give you more info on this than I could give you. I wish I had the internet back when I was trying to sell my art work!
Haha! This was my first thread that I made 1 day after I joined this site. I presented it via the idea that religion postulates that the repenting believer goes to heaven and a non religious atheist goes to hell. So a religious Chad gets the good life full of sex and also goes to heaven because he repented for his sins, while an atheist incel gets the life of suffering and goes to hell because he's an atheist (and he's an atheist because he's an incel and therefore lost faith) - fucking hilarious.

LOL, we think alike!
i've experienced and heard voices in my house that cannot be explained

gonna have to disagree here
Not trying to be a dick, but maybe you suffer from schizophrenia? (like Moses likely did)
Atheism is the biggest cuckery of all time. Religion kept women in line - it prevented women from becoming whores, and it ensured that every man would get a young wife. Only a cuckold would be against religion.
I'm not against religion at all. In fact, I support it (despite being an atheist), because I think it's useful and provides social and cultural cohesion. I'm only talking negatively about the fallacy of believing in a god/afterlife on this forum because I know pretty much everyone here is blackpilled.
Really? The best social mechanism human beings ever had to keep women in line and to stop the social degeneration of society is "cope". This is so fucking bluepilled.
I totally support religion as a force for good in society. I just disagree with the pretense that a "God", "Heaven" and "Hell" exists. It's total bunk.
The world isn’t made for us. The world is suited for us because we evolved and adapted to our environment for survival.
Humans have lived and died on earth for millions of years, struggling with disease, famine, natural disasters, harsh elements and predators of every kind. This world was certainly not made for us. We are here in spite of the world, not because of it.
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I feel that nature came up with a mathematically perfect solution to this conundrum: It simply erases your consciousness.

Exactly, and by understanding that I became much less anxious and affraid of death. It's just like before I was born, it wasn't that bad to be honest.
Do you really think nature is going to be so generous to grant you a life in "paradise" after you're dead-- the same nature that made you an incel and caused you to suffer immense pain throughout your life??

Don't be a dumb-ass. There is absolutely NOTHING after you die. Nothing is waiting for you after you perish. You didn't exist before you were born and you won't exist after you die. You will simply vanish from existence and be replaced by someone else. You are as disposable as a used tampon. Your consciousness will disappear, along with all your thoughts, memories, fears, longings, loves, hopes and dreams.
A generation or two after you're gone, no one will even know or care that you existed. Your tenure on this earth will be utterly meaningless. You are simply a vessel to carry genes to the next generation. Except, you won't get to mate, so your DNA is going to die with you. You will be a genetic dead end.

There is also no benevolent "God" that answers prayers and passes judgement and compensates you for the suffering you endured in your life. "God" is a fictional character that was created by man in his own image out of thin air. "God" is a cope for the frail and weak-minded-- an invention to keep the masses in line.

"Justice" doesn't exist either. It's an entirely man-made concept that's totally absent in nature. We are simply all trapped in a Darwinian struggle for survival in a hostile world, with predators lurking in every corner. Everyone is left to fend for himself. There is no protector to ensure fairness; no fairies to cushion the misery of living, and no God to reward you for your good deeds in the afterlife. That's the brutal reality of existence, my friends.

It's OK, though. When you die, nature will simply recycle your molecules back into the universe to create other living and non-living things. Maybe some of your molecules will end up in the body of a Chad or Stacy someday, LOL.
Finally someone says it. Christianity is extra goofy.
Exactly, and by understanding that I became much less anxious and affraid of death. It's just like before I was born, it wasn't that bad to be honest.
Like Friedrich Nietzsche said, the thought of death is a great consolation: by means of it, one gets through many a dark night.
i agree there is no god in the way most people think about god. there are too many negative associations with the word so the idea behind the word is misrepresented. just like with incels
i agree there is no god in the way most people think about god. there are too many negative associations with the word so the idea behind the word is misrepresented. just like with incels
What people call "God", I call "nature".
Religion comes from ignorance. The blackpill comes from the truth.

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