They don't know the real meaning of a psychopath, fucking retards.. It pisses me off when people use terms like psychopath and sociopath incorrectly idk why
Ryo Hazuki said:
If a man has trouble getting women, women will insist the man is a horrible person. Nothing the man can do or say would ever change their mind. I think women have an obsessive need to rationalize why women reject certain men. They'll never admit it's about looks so they'll instantly claim a man is a horrible monster the moment they find out they can't get a girlfriend. Also women have a deep hatred for ugly and low LMS men and will look for any excuse to justify it.
Having known a lot of incels both online and in real life, I can't say I've noticed any correlation between being a sociopath/psychopath and inceldom. They're no more or less likely to be psychopaths.
Personally I probably am a sociopath but I've known plenty of incels that were good people and kind to everyone that women automatically assumed the worst of, because they were unattractive.
You're not a sociopath, staph.