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Venting Getting a job is impossible, and Job Culture is a fucking joke. Our whole fucking culture is nothing but lies and scams. How is anyone OK with this?

  • Thread starter FemaleInventionsLOL
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Mean words MONSTER.
Nov 8, 2017
Let me preface this by saying that despite being unemployed, I have managed to live on my own for more than the last 10 years thanks to inheritance from my grandfather and a financial investment company that helps me offset my expenses. That said, I'm going to eventually be fucked, as I still spend more than I make in a year.

Now with that out of the way...

I am so fucking sick of the word, "skills." Who the fuck decided that is an acceptable term to use for this stupid shit? What a sickening fucking word. No, my worthless bachelor's degree (in...go ahead and laugh...communications) did not provide "skilllllls." I filled out a bunch of scantron sheets with enough correct answers for terminology/concepts that I got As and Bs and eventually, enough credits for the degree. There were no "skills" acquired in the college process (college was my parents' idea anyway, as they are willfully ignorant and think society still works the way it did back in the 70s. They also recommended I major in communications, and me being a zero motivation, myopic teenager at the time, I went along with their retarded suggestion).

If I hear the word, "skills" one more time, I am going to beat the person who says it into a coma.

The average person who has a job is a complete fucking moron. They're lazy and incompetent. That is not the exception, it is the rule. They're fucking paint chip-eating, drooling, iphone zombie doofuses. And they have "SKILLS?" What a fucking joke.

Many of them are holes for crying out loud. These fucking things can't even tie their shoes.

Skills...and "networking." What a faggoty word. "Y didn't u network with ur professorzzz?" Uh, because I never thought I was supposed to spend extra time around older people whose profession is teaching a course in order to get a fucking job when I graduate? I mean, I didn't have much of a social life, but I could find better things to do in my free time than talk to post-wall holes and beta bucks teachers...like go in Yahoo chat rooms and insult holes via microphone.

Everything in our fucking culture is nothing but a scam, and I don't know whether to kill everyone else or myself. Maybe I should just do both to cover all the bases (no, I'm not serious, FBI. Just venting).

When you fill out a resume, you're doing your best to LIE AND SCAM to prospective employers. Lie about your gap in employment. Scam them into thinking you have skillZ. BS them with jargon and faux-enthusiasm and "manners."

And in turn, they will BS you right back. They will give you a diplomatic notice of rejection. But they're keeping your resume on file!

Everything at work (for those who manage to find real jobs, as opposed to menial labor) is formal and "professional" and tactful and respectful, no matter what you REALLY think of each other. Vulgarity does not exist.

And then they go in private and curse up a storm, jerk off to porn, cheat on their wife, and talk about what pieces of shit the people they pretend to respect are.

Business is nothing but a scam. It's trying to trick people into believing your product or service is better and more valuable than it really is. It's trying to convince people to pay more for it than your overhead cost. It's nothing but scams, lies, and manipulations. You are contributing NOTHING. You are just another cog in the machine, maintaining the same wretched system.

Dating is a lie. It's scamming people. It's holes trying to make themselves appear more attractive than they are and lying about what they are looking for. They will gaslight you to the death when you tell them what they're really after.

It's also all non-Chads having to play the game, pretending that they are in way more control of their eeeevil male heterosexuality than they really are.

Your parents are liars. Every mom's son is "handsome." Every baby is "adorable." Everyone is "special." There's someone out there for everyone, tee hee. You can do anything you set your mind to. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Positive attitude makes a difference. Life is what you make of it. Create your own meaning in life.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Got a problem and the person really doesn't want you to kill yourself, but doesn't know how to solve the problem? They'll tell you to see a therapist. Therapy not working for you? That's because you didn't find the right therapist. How do we know? Because circular logically, therapy works!

Keep paying for your insurance. Keep paying your taxes. Keep filling out paperwork. And more paperwork. The rest of your life is maintenance. Smile and nod, pretend you're a Diplomacy Bot, and get that maintenance done so that you can keep smiling and nodding and keep doing maintenance.

There is not one fucking thing in this world that is honest except for incels like us removing the filter and telling NPCs exactly how things are.

And instead of acknowledging how much everything sucks, they go into Facade mode and try to protect the scams.

This culture is so saturated with lies that people don't even know what telling the truth means.
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Telsa IQ atomic :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
most large companies are not even close to being profitable without government contracts and money

so in a way, all of these large companies are just extensions of the government, giving their jobs away (that pay you to do nothing) to foids, minorities, and everyone who has zero skill

and companies that don't get gov money? gotta fight tooth and nail, breaking every law and scamming as much as possible to stay afloat
Jobs today, unless in a scientific or medical field where you actually have to know things, are about WHO you know. As incels we know no one, thus we get shut out of many opportunities just because some guy’s buddy wanted the job too. Oh and the HR lady thought you were “creepy” too.

The rest of your post is spot on. Society is just a big web of bullshit that the people on top or in the middle are content with. If everyone suffered like we do then they’d be NEETing it up or fighting for change.
Literally everything i'm going through now, just go to college son or else you're going to be homeless. Guess what, i'm almost done and Im even more likely to be homeless than when I worked at UPS. And no, it's not a FUCKING liberal arts major, it's STEM so go fuck yourself. Oh, you should have gone into a trade? Well too bad, they told me it's for LOSER and now they're eating their words.


The fucking reason the dating market is so FUCKED is that it's just like the JOB market.

Highest IQ thread I've seen all week

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
Western culture on suicide watch

Fuck boomers for telling me that college was a ticket to the easily life, the shit ethnic parents tell you ffs
Soon enough a masters won’t even cut it
getting a job is easy. Keeping it is hard. Because only jobs you can get are the ones that nobody wants to do. All the good jobs are taken by women and rich folks kids.
There is not one fucking thing in this world that is honest except for incels like us removing the filter and telling NPCs exactly how things are.

But it's demanding, because people will gaslight us (like you said) once we've shoved the truth up in their asses!

Society has this very thick shield, they will constantly lie to manipulate men and keep us motivated, they will talk about positive outcomes, and they will say we are obsessing about things that won't matter that much but everyone can see i'ts all about looks (biological determinism) and how ugly men are always treated unfairly, just to make its shit engine running.
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Life is like a Jew carriage driver with a carrot on a stick so that we dumbasses will keep chasing it and pull his wagon.

We keep working to reach a goal but the goal post is always moving for the average person. Inflation keeps making things higher and higher and the cost of living is always increasing while the wages stay stagnant. Companies are making record profits, while wages are the lowest they have ever been. The average young person will never own a home and few of us can afford a car.

My grandfather on a grocery store cashier salary owned a home, multiple cars, raised 2 kids and my grandmother was a stay at home mom. I’m working my ass off with overtime and live in my parents spare bedroom because I can’t afford rent anywhere.

My generation is working and carrying the Boomers on our backs because they sucked all the wealth they could out of this country and didn’t save shit. Now the younger generations taxes are going to feed into a system that we will never get to use because it will be bankrupt and gone by the time we are retirement age. Us incels will either kill ourselves or live long enough to die alone and the Government will claim all our assets.

Society is a sick joke.
High iq. You either are really smart/intelligent/talented so that people notice you or you know the right people...
There is not one fucking thing in this world that is honest except for incels like us removing the filter and telling NPCs exactly how things are.

And instead of acknowledging how much everything sucks, they go into Facade mode and try to protect the scams.

This culture is so saturated with lies that people don't even know what telling the truth means.
Thank god I'm one of the rare men without an NPC filter.
If I hear the word, "skills" one more time, I am going to beat the person who says it into a coma.

The average person who has a job is a complete fucking moron. They're lazy and incompetent. That is not the exception, it is the rule. They're fucking paint chip-eating, drooling, iphone zombie doofuses. And they have "SKILLS?" What a fucking joke.

Doctor Gero IQ post. What you say is completely true. The word "skills" has no actual meaning, except for some really skilled profession like surgery and medical related ones.

They use affirmative action to hire mostly femoids, which actually represents a net liability and poisons the workplace. They demand experience everywhere, but how the fuck I am supposed to get it if I am never given a job!?

Moreover, this requirement is inflated a lot, since many professions require repetitive tasks that even an ape would learn, ah, without previous experience, of course.

Employers also went in full credential creep mode, believing that more education equals to more productivity, while it's not always the case. As of today, you can see shitty laboratory technician positions requiring even bachelor's, if not master's degree, which is crazy.

In my opinion, in addition to what you listed, two of the core problems are feminism, because it contributed creating a workforce inflation without a matched increase in industries ready to accommodate the new workforce in excess, and the obvious issue that femoids are, in aggregate, not even comparable with men in regards to productivity.

That's why I'm trying to moneymax as fast as possible, I'm not even getting started, but I'm already sick and tired of this shit.
Let me preface this by saying that despite being unemployed, I have managed to live on my own for more than the last 10 years thanks to inheritance from my grandfather and a financial investment company that helps me offset my expenses. That said, I'm going to eventually be fucked, as I still spend more than I make in a year.

Now with that out of the way...

I am so fucking sick of the word, "skills." Who the fuck decided that is an acceptable term to use for this stupid shit? What a sickening fucking word. No, my worthless bachelor's degree (in...go ahead and laugh...communications) did not provide "skilllllls." I filled out a bunch of scantron sheets with enough correct answers for terminology/concepts that I got As and Bs and eventually, enough credits for the degree. There were no "skills" acquired in the college process (college was my parents' idea anyway, as they are willfully ignorant and think society still works the way it did back in the 70s. They also recommended I major in communications, and me being a zero motivation, myopic teenager at the time, I went along with their retarded suggestion).

If I hear the word, "skills" one more time, I am going to beat the person who says it into a coma.

The average person who has a job is a complete fucking moron. They're lazy and incompetent. That is not the exception, it is the rule. They're fucking paint chip-eating, drooling, iphone zombie doofuses. And they have "SKILLS?" What a fucking joke.

Many of them are holes for crying out loud. These fucking things can't even tie their shoes.

Skills...and "networking." What a faggoty word. "Y didn't u network with ur professorzzz?" Uh, because I never thought I was supposed to spend extra time around older people whose profession is teaching a course in order to get a fucking job when I graduate? I mean, I didn't have much of a social life, but I could find better things to do in my free time than talk to post-wall holes and beta bucks teachers...like go in Yahoo chat rooms and insult holes via microphone.

Everything in our fucking culture is nothing but a scam, and I don't know whether to kill everyone else or myself. Maybe I should just do both to cover all the bases (no, I'm not serious, FBI. Just venting).

When you fill out a resume, you're doing your best to LIE AND SCAM to prospective employers. Lie about your gap in employment. Scam them into thinking you have skillZ. BS them with jargon and faux-enthusiasm and "manners."

And in turn, they will BS you right back. They will give you a diplomatic notice of rejection. But they're keeping your resume on file!

Everything at work (for those who manage to find real jobs, as opposed to menial labor) is formal and "professional" and tactful and respectful, no matter what you REALLY think of each other. Vulgarity does not exist.

And then they go in private and curse up a storm, jerk off to porn, cheat on their wife, and talk about what pieces of shit the people they pretend to respect are.

Business is nothing but a scam. It's trying to trick people into believing your product or service is better and more valuable than it really is. It's trying to convince people to pay more for it than your overhead cost. It's nothing but scams, lies, and manipulations. You are contributing NOTHING. You are just another cog in the machine, maintaining the same wretched system.

Dating is a lie. It's scamming people. It's holes trying to make themselves appear more attractive than they are and lying about what they are looking for. They will gaslight you to the death when you tell them what they're really after.

It's also all non-Chads having to play the game, pretending that they are in way more control of their eeeevil male heterosexuality than they really are.

Your parents are liars. Every mom's son is "handsome." Every baby is "adorable." Everyone is "special." There's someone out there for everyone, tee hee. You can do anything you set your mind to. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Positive attitude makes a difference. Life is what you make of it. Create your own meaning in life.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Got a problem and the person really doesn't want you to kill yourself, but doesn't know how to solve the problem? They'll tell you to see a therapist. Therapy not working for you? That's because you didn't find the right therapist. How do we know? Because circular logically, therapy works!

Keep paying for your insurance. Keep paying your taxes. Keep filling out paperwork. And more paperwork. The rest of your life is maintenance. Smile and nod, pretend you're a Diplomacy Bot, and get that maintenance done so that you can keep smiling and nodding and keep doing maintenance.

There is not one fucking thing in this world that is honest except for incels like us removing the filter and telling NPCs exactly how things are.

And instead of acknowledging how much everything sucks, they go into Facade mode and try to protect the scams.

This culture is so saturated with lies that people don't even know what telling the truth means.

Always hated working and I could never keep a job even after I graduated from college. After awhile I make a mistake and they fire me, just don't like me, I don't fit in, or something like that happens. I also can't stand working with hot girls who would never date me, and seeing them with relationships and what not. Plus at work I feel uncomfortable, nervous, shy, and I would always think of wanting to be home playing games or doing anything else by myself. Hated coming home and have no time to do anything too.
The corporate/business lifestyle is fucked, I dread the day I will be forced to stop being NEET and get forced into that lifestyle, I had a small experience of it when I worked earlier this year for a 8 weeks and it was pure suifuel. I don't guess there's always the Uncle Ted path.
Mahavira IQ post

In a few weeks you'll be looking at all organisms and matter itself the same way. I was outside having a cig and looking at a stray cat... I know that cat's life is a fucking joke. It's a meme. It doesn't make life better for anyone, not even itself. It has no purpose. If you have a flesh body and a finite lifespan, you are a fucking joke and you should kill yourself.
I'm a programmer with a lot of professional experience, but I'm unemployable because all of that experience has been on my own (admittedly very profitable) projects. If my luck runs out, I'll be dumpster diving within a year. Just as well, a shitty ending to a shitty life.
Doctor Gero IQ post. What you say is completely true. The word "skills" has no actual meaning, except for some really skilled profession like surgery and medical related ones.

They use affirmative action to hire mostly femoids, which actually represents a net liability and poisons the workplace. They demand experience everywhere, but how the fuck I am supposed to get it if I am never given a job!?

Moreover, this requirement is inflated a lot, since many professions require repetitive tasks that even an ape would learn, ah, without previous experience, of course.

Employers also went in full credential creep mode, believing that more education equals to more productivity, while it's not always the case. As of today, you can see shitty laboratory technician positions requiring even bachelor's, if not master's degree, which is crazy.

In my opinion, in addition to what you listed, two of the core problems are feminism, because it contributed creating a workforce inflation without a matched increase in industries ready to accommodate the new workforce in excess, and the obvious issue that femoids are, in aggregate, not even comparable with men in regards to productivity.

That's why I'm trying to moneymax as fast as possible, I'm not even getting started, but I'm already sick and tired of this shit.
I'm so glad other people understand i thought i was the only one. College is pointless, almost every job can easily be learned without any need whatsoever for college yet often times college is a required...... i could easily learn whatever "skill" is needed for a job if showed just the basics.

The cost of college education just further proves how much of a scam it is.
It's especially hard getting a job when you have a criminal record a mile long like I do. I couldn't pass a background check to save my life.

I think you should make this your theme song:

I'm so glad other people understand i thought i was the only one. College is pointless, almost every job can easily be learned without any need whatsoever for college yet often times college is a required...... i could easily learn whatever "skill" is needed for a job if showed just the basics.

The cost of college education just further proves how much of a scam it is.

The same, sometimes I felt alone in this kind of thinking. In the cuckeuropean union, college can be affordable, but it's still a scam. College is fundamental for learning theory, but in the practical application of a skill a person doesn't use every single notion has learnt.

I also laugh my ass off when I read the companies' websites and I see the images and descriptions of a perfect workplace, their "ethical standards" et cetera...when in reality it's all bullshit and mostly wagecucking.
Doctor Gero IQ post. What you say is completely true. The word "skills" has no actual meaning, except for some really skilled profession like surgery and medical related ones.

They use affirmative action to hire mostly femoids, which actually represents a net liability and poisons the workplace. They demand experience everywhere, but how the fuck I am supposed to get it if I am never given a job!?

Moreover, this requirement is inflated a lot, since many professions require repetitive tasks that even an ape would learn, ah, without previous experience, of course.

Employers also went in full credential creep mode, believing that more education equals to more productivity, while it's not always the case. As of today, you can see shitty laboratory technician positions requiring even bachelor's, if not master's degree, which is crazy.

In my opinion, in addition to what you listed, two of the core problems are feminism, because it contributed creating a workforce inflation without a matched increase in industries ready to accommodate the new workforce in excess, and the obvious issue that femoids are, in aggregate, not even comparable with men in regards to productivity.

That's why I'm trying to moneymax as fast as possible, I'm not even getting started, but I'm already sick and tired of this shit.

I have to share my experience because it relates to your post.

I got hired at a very high end restaurant washing dishes for $15/hr. Plus the work is easy: you have 2-3 dishwashers on any given shift. I’m the fastest one on dish and many people confirmed this.

But to do anything other than washing dishes you need to be an extraordinary worker who is good socially and college educated. I am a good worker [cooks tell me that I’m the fastest dishwasher there] and I often work 6 days a week to cover “sick” lazy people. Not only that but I regularly work overtime cuz people are lazy. I’m just not college educated or social [high functioning Autistic]

One time during a morning shift, I decide to help a prep person as I was killing it in dish all alone and had time to take on some prep. The prep cook struggled to dice a box of peppers so I decided to help. I began chopping super fast and efficient compared to him. The prep cook then says “did the chef say could do prep?” I said “no”, “I’m just cutting peppers but if you don’t need help, that’s okay”. He replied “well the chef has to ask you first then you can do prep” and I moved back to dish. The chef came up and told me to scrub something that has no point in scrubbing. Like it’s literally a shelf that serves no purpose aesthetically or food safe wise, it’s out of site and no dirt ever lands on it. I’d be of more use cutting those peppers because the entire kitchen was behind come dinner rush.

Later the same day, the closing dishwasher arrives. He worked for only a week. He’s very palatable to people, looks white and girls like him. The chef asked him to help cut peppers during dinner rush. This is a very stupid idea.

TURNS OUT: Being moved to prep means a promotion. This means if this restaurant was a fast food place where dishwashers and cooks earn the same, They would have no problem if I decided to help other stations.


Cutting peppers at my job means the chef has to promote me which he doesn’t want to do. This means I can move up even more to cook, possibly even a chef. But capitalism hates autistics, ugly men, socially awkward men etc etc...
I didn't get a job till I learned how to lie :

do you have exp ? yes I worked at blablabla
what are your shortcomings ? I am a workaholic
do you have any mental issues ? nope, none whatsoever
are you prone to rage ? I am very relaxed
I have to share my experience because it relates to your post.

I got hired at a very high end restaurant washing dishes for $15/hr. Plus the work is easy: you have 2-3 dishwashers on any given shift. I’m the fastest one on dish and many people confirmed this.

But to do anything other than washing dishes you need to be an extraordinary worker who is good socially and college educated. I am a good worker [cooks tell me that I’m the fastest dishwasher there] and I often work 6 days a week to cover “sick” lazy people. Not only that but I regularly work overtime cuz people are lazy. I’m just not college educated or social [high functioning Autistic]

One time during a morning shift, I decide to help a prep person as I was killing it in dish all alone and had time to take on some prep. The prep cook struggled to dice a box of peppers so I decided to help. I began chopping super fast and efficient compared to him. The prep cook then says “did the chef say could do prep?” I said “no”, “I’m just cutting peppers but if you don’t need help, that’s okay”. He replied “well the chef has to ask you first then you can do prep” and I moved back to dish. The chef came up and told me to scrub something that has no point in scrubbing. Like it’s literally a shelf that serves no purpose aesthetically or food safe wise, it’s out of site and no dirt ever lands on it. I’d be of more use cutting those peppers because the entire kitchen was behind come dinner rush.

Later the same day, the closing dishwasher arrives. He worked for only a week. He’s very palatable to people, looks white and girls like him. The chef asked him to help cut peppers during dinner rush. This is a very stupid idea.

TURNS OUT: Being moved to prep means a promotion. This means if this restaurant was a fast food place where dishwashers and cooks earn the same, They would have no problem if I decided to help other stations.


Cutting peppers at my job means the chef has to promote me which he doesn’t want to do. This means I can move up even more to cook, possibly even a chef. But capitalism hates autistics, ugly men, socially awkward men etc etc...

Your experience is very insightful. Physical appearance has really an incredible weight, but it's sad that even the cook (which I suppose is a man) falls for it.

I had similar issues, but with femoids. Job culture is really a joke, and I wouldn't be surprised if your performance declined. You're not motivated to climb the career ladder because they burned down the ladder itself.

I didn't get a job till I learned how to lie :

do you have exp ? yes I worked at blablabla
what are your shortcomings ? I am a workaholic
do you have any mental issues ? nope, none whatsoever
are you prone to rage ? I am very relaxed

Great post that sums it up, it wasn't my problem lying at interviews (not on the skills, but on personal details with no connection with qualifications), but what you say it's true. They usually ask these questions.
I’ve been passed over for jobs due to lacking experience or so they say or not having the “qualifications” but I don’t believe it. There were tests you had to take and I scored highly on them, the interviews went well mostly. Here’s what I usually encounter in my interviews: all women, :soy:, then a bald manlet. The women discount me despite me saying the right things, the Soys bother me about experience, then the boss Manlet tells me what a shit job it is as a kick in the ass. “You’re so bad that we DON’T want to exploit you for low pay and 6-7 days a week for 10-11 hours sometimes.”
It's especially hard getting a job when you have a criminal record a mile long like I do. I couldn't pass a background check to save my life.

I think you should make this your theme song:

Maybe you can Thugmaxxx?
The one and only job I have ever had was terrible, foids would never do their work me and a white manlet had to do everything whilst they all stood and talked, one of them literally came into work just to cry and say her chad boyfriend broke up with her then leave (Leaving me by myself to do both mine and her work), they would also always talk shit about me and the other guy behind our backs I overheard them saying about the white manlet "He's always looking at me who does he think he is? He's disgusting" hearing this god knows what they said about me when I wasn't there.

For the first month I was there they made me empty every single garbage can in the building every single day, meaning I always smelt like shit, they made no effort to include me in any conversations or groups, so I just had to stand like an autist awkwardly away from them all.

I only worked there for around 3 months, the other manlet had been there for about 6, we both worked our asses of all the time, doing manual labour cleaning lifting heavy shit around etc whilst the foids and manager a fat old hag sat at the desk and register and did nothing but talk to each other.

During my last month there, a white chad was hired, 6'3 faggot chad hairstyle extremely NT, all the foid workers loved him, constantly flirted with him etc. Fat old hag manager never stopped complimenting him on his work, even crediting him for some of the work me and the other manlet done. He was promoted by the end of that month simply because of how he looked and he had probably only done a 1/3 of the amount of work me and the other man had done, he didn't even have to do anything his genetics carried him through the entire thing.

After this month I quit due to stress and my anxiety, being around people for such long periods of time was actually making me feel physically sick, plus I realised and learned that wage cucking is absolutely dreadful. I applaud anyone who is able to deal with the workplace politics and lookism everyday because I couldn't.
most large companies are not even close to being profitable without government contracts and money

so in a way, all of these large companies are just extensions of the government, giving their jobs away (that pay you to do nothing) to foids, minorities, and everyone who has zero skill

and companies that don't get gov money? gotta fight tooth and nail, breaking every law and scamming as much as possible to stay afloat

The real high IQ post in this thread.

Even Amazon and Starbucks real clout is not that gay "brand" shit they teach in "business school". It's a 200% return on investment through government contracts and guaranteed to succeed to be an affiliate of the government.
The government is too big to fail hence why they laugh at cries of "tax avoidance", schemes of which were encouraged and consulted by UK governments.

As for charitable causes, it makes me laugh I knew a foid who worked for the Princes Trust and got paid to do nothing. She complained she felt guilty until her white knight male friend said "will help you raise a (champagne socialist) baby".
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The real high IQ post in this thread.

Even Amazon and Starbucks real clout is not that gay "brand" shit they teach in "business school". It's a 200% return on investment through government contracts and guaranteed to succeed to be an affiliate of the government.
The government is too big to fail hence why they laugh at cries of "tax avoidance", schemes of which were encouraged and consulted by UK governments.

As for charitable causes, it makes me laugh I knew a foid who worked for the Princes Trust and got paid to do nothing. She complained she felt guilty until her white knight male friend said "will help you raise a (champagne socialist) baby".

in America, a lot of those companies like amazon, walmart, pay so little, the workers have to pay for food using government welfare/benefits.

So there's basically no real private industry or capitalism left. Just a bunch of scams like the title of this post says.
Let me preface this by saying that despite being unemployed, I have managed to live on my own for more than the last 10 years thanks to inheritance from my grandfather and a financial investment company that helps me offset my expenses. That said, I'm going to eventually be fucked, as I still spend more than I make in a year.

Now with that out of the way...

I am so fucking sick of the word, "skills." Who the fuck decided that is an acceptable term to use for this stupid shit? What a sickening fucking word. No, my worthless bachelor's degree (in...go ahead and laugh...communications) did not provide "skilllllls." I filled out a bunch of scantron sheets with enough correct answers for terminology/concepts that I got As and Bs and eventually, enough credits for the degree. There were no "skills" acquired in the college process (college was my parents' idea anyway, as they are willfully ignorant and think society still works the way it did back in the 70s. They also recommended I major in communications, and me being a zero motivation, myopic teenager at the time, I went along with their retarded suggestion).

If I hear the word, "skills" one more time, I am going to beat the person who says it into a coma.

The average person who has a job is a complete fucking moron. They're lazy and incompetent. That is not the exception, it is the rule. They're fucking paint chip-eating, drooling, iphone zombie doofuses. And they have "SKILLS?" What a fucking joke.

Many of them are holes for crying out loud. These fucking things can't even tie their shoes.

Skills...and "networking." What a faggoty word. "Y didn't u network with ur professorzzz?" Uh, because I never thought I was supposed to spend extra time around older people whose profession is teaching a course in order to get a fucking job when I graduate? I mean, I didn't have much of a social life, but I could find better things to do in my free time than talk to post-wall holes and beta bucks teachers...like go in Yahoo chat rooms and insult holes via microphone.

Everything in our fucking culture is nothing but a scam, and I don't know whether to kill everyone else or myself. Maybe I should just do both to cover all the bases (no, I'm not serious, FBI. Just venting).

When you fill out a resume, you're doing your best to LIE AND SCAM to prospective employers. Lie about your gap in employment. Scam them into thinking you have skillZ. BS them with jargon and faux-enthusiasm and "manners."

And in turn, they will BS you right back. They will give you a diplomatic notice of rejection. But they're keeping your resume on file!

Everything at work (for those who manage to find real jobs, as opposed to menial labor) is formal and "professional" and tactful and respectful, no matter what you REALLY think of each other. Vulgarity does not exist.

And then they go in private and curse up a storm, jerk off to porn, cheat on their wife, and talk about what pieces of shit the people they pretend to respect are.

Business is nothing but a scam. It's trying to trick people into believing your product or service is better and more valuable than it really is. It's trying to convince people to pay more for it than your overhead cost. It's nothing but scams, lies, and manipulations. You are contributing NOTHING. You are just another cog in the machine, maintaining the same wretched system.

Dating is a lie. It's scamming people. It's holes trying to make themselves appear more attractive than they are and lying about what they are looking for. They will gaslight you to the death when you tell them what they're really after.

It's also all non-Chads having to play the game, pretending that they are in way more control of their eeeevil male heterosexuality than they really are.

Your parents are liars. Every mom's son is "handsome." Every baby is "adorable." Everyone is "special." There's someone out there for everyone, tee hee. You can do anything you set your mind to. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Positive attitude makes a difference. Life is what you make of it. Create your own meaning in life.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Got a problem and the person really doesn't want you to kill yourself, but doesn't know how to solve the problem? They'll tell you to see a therapist. Therapy not working for you? That's because you didn't find the right therapist. How do we know? Because circular logically, therapy works!

Keep paying for your insurance. Keep paying your taxes. Keep filling out paperwork. And more paperwork. The rest of your life is maintenance. Smile and nod, pretend you're a Diplomacy Bot, and get that maintenance done so that you can keep smiling and nodding and keep doing maintenance.

There is not one fucking thing in this world that is honest except for incels like us removing the filter and telling NPCs exactly how things are.

And instead of acknowledging how much everything sucks, they go into Facade mode and try to protect the scams.

This culture is so saturated with lies that people don't even know what telling the truth means.
mfw i have to get a job soon cause mom and brother are mad at me
Realest blackpill life post I’ve ever read. I’m 30 years old and I’ve seen a lot of shit... you said everything I always thought but never put into words. Just wow
Realest blackpill life post I’ve ever read. I’m 30 years old and I’ve seen a lot of shit... you said everything I always thought but never put into words. Just wow
It will be hilarious when automation in the near future will make most people useless lol
In public services we have quotas for foids.
So it's even harder to get a good job.

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