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Gamer girls, weeaboo girls, and other "nerdy" girls are MORE hypergamous than normie/stacy girls.



Nov 7, 2017
When it comes to sub4 girls who are gamers, weeaboos, or are a part of some other "nerd culture", hypergamy is insane. Juggernaut law on steroids.

These girls are hit on even more than regular women. A lot of nerdy guys are obsessed with the idea of dating a girl that has the same hobbies as him..so obsessed that they'll date down 4-5 points if they have to. Most nerdy guys would rather date a fat 3/10 that they can watch anime or play video games with than a cute 8/10 girl. Nerdy girls, on the other hand, don't give a fuck about your hobbies. If they can date a nerdy chad, then cool. If not, they'll just date a regular chad/chadlite.

It's also the "nerdy" sub4 girls that have the most extreme hatred of ugly men. It's no mystery why...they're CONSTANTLY getting hit on by sub4 guys with common interests ...and they hate every minute of being hit on by these yucky guys. Why do you think these are the women that gravitate towards third wave feminism the most? They want sub4 men, especially the ones they dare to talk to women, completely stomped out of society. A lot of them even openly flaunt their blatant misandry.

I am speaking partially from personal experience. It was these girls that rejected me the most harshly. Literally telling me to fuck off, kill myself, "go die" etc.
This is the most brutal blackpill for all my fellow animecels on this forum. Knowing this has made me eternally depressed. Hard blackpill to swallow, but it makes so much sense.
Those girls are cancer
Gamers girls and guys are all degenerates if you identify as a gamer you are honestly a social degen tbh and need to get a life that doesn't revolve around an LCD in front of your face 5-10 hours a day. One step away from a LDAR lifestyle.

Women don't find gamers attractive anyway they're all just potential betabux to them. Being a geek to a woman is the same as a girl being obese to a man. Huge signal that you're a beta and high inhibition.
Gamers girls and guys are all degenerates if you identify as a gamer you are honestly a social degen tbh and need to get a life that doesn't revolve around an LCD in front of your face 5-10 hours a day. One step away from a LDAR lifestyle.

Women don't find gamers attractive anyway they're all just potential betabux to them. Being a geek to a woman is the same as a girl being obese to a man. Huge signal that you're a beta and high inhibition.

i love spending 12 hours a day in front of my pc, sometimes more depending on when i sleep, haha! :D
i love spending 12 hours a day in front of my pc, sometimes more depending on when i sleep, haha! :D
I used to do that with world of Warcraft best days of my life
It makes sense. Like these 5 foot girllets who want 6'2 men. If they made a baby with another manlet the baby would be a turbo dwarf.
It makes sense. Like these 5 foot girllets who want 6'2 men. If they made a baby with another manlet the baby would be a turbo dwarf.
Turbomanlets = turbovirgins
Brutal blackpill. We would actually be better off going for 6+/10 females rather than some 4/10 nerdy gamer girl. That 4/10 girl will jump on Chad dick as soon as she gets a chance to prove she's "sexy but also smart".
gamer girls make me fucking sick i killed one on a game and the admin gave her back all of her gear even though she shouldve lost it as that is what would happen to me/other males!
I understand going for your looksmatch, I would be too high inhib if I were to go for a Stacy
It's over for weeb/gamercels, AWALT
When it comes to sub4 girls who are gamers, weeaboos, or are a part of some other "nerd culture", hypergamy is insane. Juggernaut law on steroids.

These girls are hit on even more than regular women. A lot of nerdy guys are obsessed with the idea of dating a girl that has the same hobbies as him..so obsessed that they'll date down 4-5 points if they have to. Most nerdy guys would rather date a fat 3/10 that they can watch anime or play video games with than a cute 8/10 girl. Nerdy girls, on the other hand, don't give a fuck about your hobbies. If they can date a nerdy chad, then cool. If not, they'll just date a regular chad/chadlite.

It's also the "nerdy" sub4 girls that have the most extreme hatred of ugly men. It's no mystery why...they're CONSTANTLY getting hit on by sub4 guys with common interests ...and they hate every minute of being hit on by these yucky guys. Why do you think these are the women that gravitate towards third wave feminism the most? They want sub4 men, especially the ones they dare to talk to women, completely stomped out of society. A lot of them even openly flaunt their blatant misandry.

I am speaking partially from personal experience. It was these girls that rejected me the most harshly. Literally telling me to fuck off, kill myself, "go die" etc.
Absolute truth, but I'm not so sure women even enjoy those hobbies. They get into predominantly male hobbies for attention.
They have hundreds of nerdy providers while ride the cock carousel like most other women.
gamer girls make me fucking sick i killed one on a game and the admin gave her back all of her gear even though she shouldve lost it as that is what would happen to me/other males!
Similar things have happened to me on G Mod community servers. White knights are more vile and treacherous than women.
They have hundreds of nerdy providers

That's another thing, these girls also have the most orbiters by far. They have so many orbiters they can be picky about the men they let orbit provide for them.
I can see this as the female landwhale strategy to snatch a nerdy chad-lite. But usually it's the sub5 men who absolutely need a gamer chick, I don't think many of the nerdy chad-lites will settle for a fat gamer girl for the long run. Female landwhale gamers don't get much attention online because there are so many attractive female gamers. The only fat female gamers I know are the ones who hang out with the anime nerds. But you're right, the gamer fatties fawn over the nerdy chad-lites all day.
When I was a younger weeb I'd always want a girl gamer or geek girl especially, nowadays I want a girl who specifically isn't into any of that shit lol at least they won't fake enthusiasm like these girl gamers
When I was a younger weeb I'd always want a girl gamer or geek girl especially, nowadays I want a girl who specifically isn't into any of that shit lol at least they won't fake enthusiasm like these girl gamers
I dodged that bullet. When I was a teen I always found it weird when girls played video games. It made me suspicious. I always liked classic Stacies and shy mid tier foids.
I dodged that bullet. When I was a teen I always found it weird when girls played video games. It made me suspicious. I always liked classic Stacies and shy mid tier foids.
Tbh I had the suspicions as well, like when girls are talking about nerdy shit I just cringe on the inside cuz I know they don't give a fuck. I always used to view the gamer girls as more innocent compared to a Stacy JFL
I can see this as the female landwhale strategy to snatch a nerdy chad-lite. But usually it's the sub5 men who absolutely need a gamer chick, I don't think many of the nerdy chad-lites will settle for a fat gamer girl for the long run. Female landwhale gamers don't get much attention online because there are so many attractive female gamers. The only fat female gamers I know are the ones who hang out with the anime nerds. But you're right, the gamer fatties fawn over the nerdy chad-lites all day.
on some csgo servers ive played before there are 40+ people who base there whole time there around orbiting some ugly cunt who has her face as her steam pic. they get mod instantly for being female and everyone is constantly trying to talk to them. i was very good at low tier surf and quit for this reason alone
None of the gamer girls are actually good at the games they play, that's how you can tell they are faking. Anime girls aren't even legit, they always watch the pussy animes about love and drama, they don't know shit about Dragon ball Z or G-Force.
Tbh I had the suspicions as well, like when girls are talking about nerdy shit I just cringe on the inside cuz I know they don't give a fuck. I always used to view the gamer girls as more innocent compared to a Stacy JFL
It's basically the equivalent of a guy watching Twilight and reading 50 Shades of Gey. The sad part is that so many cucks fall for this strategy. Foids have taken over cosplay and Twitch, the nerd scene is officially cucked.
I'm glad I was never that nerdy but if I was I would quit now. As @7339er said, we have better chances with NT foids because oviously there is some greed for attention going on with these geek foids.
on some csgo servers ive played before there are 40+ people who base there whole time there around orbiting some ugly cunt who has her face as her steam pic. they get mod instantly for being female and everyone is constantly trying to talk to them. i was very good at low tier surf and quit for this reason alone
I forgot about online gaming services where the fat gamer girls can go for attention. That's fucked up, I can't believe those pussy ass betas let those fat bitches be mods just for having a female picture. It disgusts me guys are such low life desperate pieces of shit like this. Even the bitches think they are pathetic, but they need them so they keep feeding them bluepills.
It's pretty sad tbh
This is the real black pill I need in my life.
I have nerdy interests so there's no way in hell i'll ever be able to get a girl with the same interests as me, even if they're a 2/10, but girls who don't share my interests will never EVER want me because i'm not a chad/chadlite but I have nerdy interests.
Very true. They also have much higher standards than your typical Stacey for some reason. They're even worse.
Gamers girls and guys are all degenerates if you identify as a gamer you are honestly a social degen tbh and need to get a life that doesn't revolve around an LCD in front of your face 5-10 hours a day. One step away from a LDAR lifestyle.

Women don't find gamers attractive anyway they're all just potential betabux to them. Being a geek to a woman is the same as a girl being obese to a man. Huge signal that you're a beta and high inhibition.
Hey @SergeantIncel this guy has a female in his avatar!

The nerd is some people on this site.
I don't talk to girls unless they can offer me something in exchange for wasting my time and wasting precious calories on moving my vocal chords
juggernaut law is one huge ass pill to swallow. what hope do we have when we cant even get 5s without competing with fucking chadlites?
Gamers girls and guys are all degenerates if you identify as a gamer you are honestly a social degen tbh and need to get a life that doesn't revolve around an LCD in front of your face 5-10 hours a day. One step away from a LDAR lifestyle.

Women don't find gamers attractive anyway they're all just potential betabux to them. Being a geek to a woman is the same as a girl being obese to a man. Huge signal that you're a beta and high inhibition.

go hang yourself scum. sorry we dont have normie hobbies like you.

lookism fag.
Lol this thing is a female
Yes. @TheRealChincel had her as his avatar before finding out she was a female. She makes YT videos with her niece and nephew (I think niece and nephew)
Yes. @TheRealChincel had her as his avatar before finding out she was a female. She makes YT videos with her niece and nephew (I think niece and nephew)

Yeah, it used a male name at the point of origin. Then I found a YT vid but didn’t hear all of it, looked into it further and found out it was a she. Kointo, those are her stepkids. :x
juggernaut law is one huge ass pill to swallow. what hope do we have when we cant even get 5s without competing with fucking chadlites?
juggernaut law is so legit it hurts
the same goes for metalhead girls
It’s so true. They don’t want to be Stacy but they want Chad and they hate the ones that are keeping their hobby alive
Gamer girls just like games for attention. Don’t expect them to actually be any different from your typical foid. They are also always shit at video games.
When it comes to sub4 girls who are gamers, weeaboos, or are a part of some other "nerd culture", hypergamy is insane. Juggernaut law on steroids.

These girls are hit on even more than regular women. A lot of nerdy guys are obsessed with the idea of dating a girl that has the same hobbies as him..so obsessed that they'll date down 4-5 points if they have to. Most nerdy guys would rather date a fat 3/10 that they can watch anime or play video games with than a cute 8/10 girl. Nerdy girls, on the other hand, don't give a fuck about your hobbies. If they can date a nerdy chad, then cool. If not, they'll just date a regular chad/chadlite.

It's also the "nerdy" sub4 girls that have the most extreme hatred of ugly men. It's no mystery why...they're CONSTANTLY getting hit on by sub4 guys with common interests ...and they hate every minute of being hit on by these yucky guys. Why do you think these are the women that gravitate towards third wave feminism the most? They want sub4 men, especially the ones they dare to talk to women, completely stomped out of society. A lot of them even openly flaunt their blatant misandry.

I am speaking partially from personal experience. It was these girls that rejected me the most harshly. Literally telling me to fuck off, kill myself, "go die" etc.
Ugly girls hate themselves because they want to be stacy. Ugly girls hate ugly guys even more than other girls because getting only asked out by them and not chad reminds them that they're not stacy.
Ryo is back at it again with a high IQ post.
They're the same as cunts who enjoy horror movies, metal, sports, and anything that is mostly male-dominated. They want the attention and/or want to be men instead of women. Most of these females aren't even females nor act like ones. That's why I've never been turned on to them. There's nothing hot about a masculine female. Lol. If a woman says she loves comic books, she's full of shit. Women are no way as in depth with themselves or any sort of interest as men are. Men created everything and take interest in many different thinks because we care, they do not. Females follow the herd, not lead it. Also, you never see guys attempting to get into women's circles. It's always that the women want to bombard into men's circles and it's always considered sexist if "not enough women" are into a group/collective entity. I'm honestly sick of it.
When it comes to sub4 girls who are gamers, weeaboos, or are a part of some other "nerd culture", hypergamy is insane. Juggernaut law on steroids.

These girls are hit on even more than regular women. A lot of nerdy guys are obsessed with the idea of dating a girl that has the same hobbies as him..so obsessed that they'll date down 4-5 points if they have to. Most nerdy guys would rather date a fat 3/10 that they can watch anime or play video games with than a cute 8/10 girl. Nerdy girls, on the other hand, don't give a fuck about your hobbies. If they can date a nerdy chad, then cool. If not, they'll just date a regular chad/chadlite.

It's also the "nerdy" sub4 girls that have the most extreme hatred of ugly men. It's no mystery why...they're CONSTANTLY getting hit on by sub4 guys with common interests ...and they hate every minute of being hit on by these yucky guys. Why do you think these are the women that gravitate towards third wave feminism the most? They want sub4 men, especially the ones they dare to talk to women, completely stomped out of society. A lot of them even openly flaunt their blatant misandry.

I am speaking partially from personal experience. It was these girls that rejected me the most harshly. Literally telling me to fuck off, kill myself, "go die" etc.
All the Anita Sarkeesian look-a-likes... they can all burn in shit.

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