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Blackpill [FuryFuel] 21 year old currycel (-2/10) tradesman who makes £50 a month gets tormented by locals



Nov 25, 2017

Labourer, 21, is cruelly branded an 'alien' due to his large head and deep-set eyes

  • Anshu Kumar is thought to have multiple conditions that doctors can't diagnose
  • He walks abnormally, has difficulty standing and cannot grow hair on his head
  • Earning just £50 a month, Mr Kumar cannot afford to visit a medical specialist
  • He hopes the government will step in and help fund his treatment
  • Mr Kumar wishes to live a normal life and hopes to one day get married


A mysterious medical condition has caused a man to be cruelly nicknamed 'alien' by local villagers.

Anshu Kumar, 21, from Jagatpur, India, is thought to suffer from multiple diseases that doctors have been unable to diagnose, leaving him with an enlarged head and deep-set narrow eyes.

His condition, which may be Jacobsen syndrome, also causes Mr Kumar to walk abnormally, have difficulty standing and be unable to grow any hair on his head.

Earning just £50 a month as a labourer, Mr Kumar is unable to afford to visit a specialist who may be able to finally diagnose his disorder.

Mr Kumar hopes the government will step in and help fund his treatment so he can live a normal life.

He said: 'I look different and nobody likes me because of this.

'I want to get normal so that I can marry soon.'

Speaking of how people treat him, Mr Kumar said: 'I always face sarcasm from people and after one Bollywood movie based on aliens, people started to call me an alien.

'Whenever I travel to my village on the train people and children are frightened by my looks and keep their distance from me.

'I ignore people but I cannot close my ears every time.

'I feel unlucky and hope for a normal physical shape.'

Mr Kumar's father Kamlesh, 46, who earns around £150 a month as a casual labourer, said: 'Anshu was born with different physical traits and we took him to the local doctor but the doctor was unable to diagnose the disease properly.

'We lost all hopes of recovery.'



Mr Kumar's condition also causes him to walk abnormally and have difficulty standing



The mysterious group of disorders has also left Mr Kumar unable to grow hair on his head



He wishes for treatment so he can live a normal life and get married in the future



Mr Kumar hopes the government will step in and help fund the treatment he cannot afford



Mr Kumar (pictured with his youngest brother) said children are frightened by his appearance



Mr Kumar (pictured with two friends) claims many people dislike him due to his looks



His father said Mr Kumar was born looking different and they tried to get him diagnosed

Jacobsen syndrome is caused by the deletion of several genes on chromosome 11.

This usually occurs randomly due to an error in cell division.

Jacobsen syndrome affects around one in 100,000 newborns.

Physical symptoms include:

  • Large head
  • Wide-set, droopy eyes
  • Small, low-set ears
  • Pointed looking forehead
  • Broad nose
  • Thin upper lip
Sufferers may also experience learning difficulties, delayed speech, bleeding disorders and heart defects.

There is no cure.

Treatment focuses on managing bleeding, heart defects and eye abnormalities.
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and the top comment is ragefuel :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
If you look a bit like an alien and people call you an alien - embrace it. Make it your nick name. People call me lanky, I don't worry about such trivial things. I think he looks cool anyway & I'm sure he's a nice bloke.
It's over for Aliencels.
and the top comment is ragefuel :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

If you look a bit like an alien and people call you an alien - embrace it. Make it your nick name. People call me lanky, I don't worry about such trivial things. I think he looks cool anyway & I'm sure he's a nice bloke.

and the top comment is ragefuel :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

It's ridiculous how normies just say to shrug everything off. so what you only have one leg? You can still walk, don't worry about it. Embrace it!
It's ridiculous how normies just say to shrug everything off. so what you only have one leg? You can still walk, don't worry about it. Embrace it!
Fuck, I hate normies.
It's ridiculous how normies just say to shrug everything off. so what you only have one leg? You can still walk, don't worry about it. Embrace it!
I hope who ever wrote that comment gets massive cancer and the doctors tell him to "embrace it"
This is where euthanasia should be heavily encouraged
If you look a bit like an alien and people call you an alien - embrace it. Make it your nick name. People call me lanky, I don't worry about such trivial things. I think he looks cool anyway & I'm sure he's a nice bloke.
Just get a haircut bro...oh wait...
If the world was the enlightened place the normans claim it is, everyone would be embraced and treated equally, including this guy. Sadly, the reality is that you will be treated like a creepy weirdo who would definitely go on a rape and murder spree given half a chance if you look this 'different'.
Poor guy. Maybe if his parents hadn't been living in sewage trash and filth he wouldn't have been born so deformed. Indias genetic pool must be so corrupted by now, its why they are the ones who keep having babies with 8 legs etc. Worse than the areas around Chernobyl.
truest truecel on the planet
should have considered postnatal abortion
earning 50 bux a month? how does he even survive? is india that cheap to live in?
I can feel his disgusting otherworldly personality.
why is india the home of so many weird physical deformities lmao. its over for currycels.
I want to know his copes
deformed AND curry.

truly over4him
Hes deformed hes off the chart you copers hes a fucking 0.

"I cant be a 2/10 because I actually would be deformed" cope
he should buy a gun to go £R with that money
He's not a -2/10, he's a 1/10. All deformed people are 1/10.
-2/10...bollocks. -4546/10 is more like it.
All deformed people are 1/10
By the same thinking anyone not deformed is UP 3 places. So if your not deformed and say 2/10, you are actually 5/10 due to him being a 1/10 by comparison.
By the same thinking anyone not deformed is UP 3 places. So if your not deformed and say 2/10, you are actually 5/10 due to him being a 1/10 by comparison.
More like anyone not badly deformed is at least a 2/10 and can't get any lower. I'm a 2/10 truecel myself, I would say I'm 1/10 but that's cope because I'm not as badly deformed as this guy is.
It's over for him for good. But there is still a good chance that his parents will be able to find a bride for him from their community, probably a really poor girl. This is how India became a cesspool of incels. Indian caste system restricts diversity but their culture ensures propagation of their genes no matter how ugly they all look. Do not look up to Indian culture ever if you are hoping for a conservative reform. Japnese culture is way superior and it works.
truecel of the galaxy
fuck, when whole incels.is forum mogs you
The biggest bullshit that I used to listen while I was growing up is "what is important is your insides not your looks!"
This is lifefuel tbh

Proof that at least one person on this Earth has it worse than me

Life is a competition
You have no empathy
You have no understanding of how the world works

Literally the single greatest reason why anyone does anything is to prove they're better

Nicer car = I'm better than you
Bigger house = I'm better than you
Fancier clothes = I'm better than you
You have no understanding of how the world works

Literally the single greatest reason why anyone does anything is to prove they're better

Nicer car = I'm better than you
Bigger house = I'm better than you
Fancier clothes = I'm better than you

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