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fucking WHORE told me to change threadmill



no guts no glory
Nov 8, 2017
was warming up on threadmil while browsing some thread here with kmfdm blasting on earphones

then i see this whore "ey ey sorry is it possible that you could move to the next threadmill so i can be next to my friend?" (another whore)

me "no, it stucks"

"aah ok no problem thank you"

fucking whore destroyed my mood that was already shit since i woke up


she was then doing random shit like bicycle hahahaha slut
What the fuck is wrong with you? She asked and then took it well when you declined. Honestly just fucking kill yourself tbh.
Lefterio13 said:
was warming up on threadmil while browsing some thread here with kmfdm blasting on earphones

then i see this whore "ey ey sorry is it possible that you could move to the next threadmill so i can be next to my friend?" (another whore)

me "no, it stucks"

"aah ok no problem thank you"

fucking whore destroyed my mood that was already shit since i woke up


she was then doing random shit like bicycle hahahaha slut
why didn't you just move down a bit, she would have remembered your kindness and you could maybe be gym buddies together
she wouldnt ask random shit like that if i registered as a respectable human being on her you fucking bastard kid

im 90 kilo manlet muscle monster and sluts cant even show basic respect
Framecel222 said:
What the fuck is wrong with you? She asked and then took it well when you declined. Honestly just fucking kill yourself tbh.

she wouldnt suck his dick anyway
torujo said:
she wouldnt suck his dick anyway

So? If I was a woman I wouldn't suck a subhuman's dick either tbh. Getting angry because a girl didn't suck your dick is peak autism.
Framecel222 said:
So? If I was a woman I wouldn't suck a subhuman's dick either tbh. Getting angry because a girl didn't suck your dick is peak autism.

torujo said:

"Oh crap, he completely destroyed my logic. What do I do? I know, I'll just call him a fakecel!"

I'm a KV truecel. Fuck off.
Framecel222 said:
So? If I was a woman I wouldn't suck a subhuman's dick either tbh. Getting angry because a girl didn't suck your dick is peak autism.

Uhh, not to be rude, but isn't this why we're all on the sub in the first place?
Zielony4 said:
Uhh, not to be rude, but isn't this why we're all on the sub in the first place?

Lol even if you're a normie a girl isn't gonna just approach you in the gym and offer to blow you. That's insane.
she literally told me to go away

are you fucking retarded?
Framecel222 said:
Lol even if you're a normie a girl isn't gonna just approach you in the gym and offer to blow you. That's insane.


this happens if you are a goodlooking chad
torujo said:

this happens if you are a goodlooking chad

Maybe if you're 9/10 megachad. If you're seriously gonna cry like a little bitch because you're not a supermodel then just rope tbh.
Framecel222 said:
Maybe if you're 9/10 megachad. If you're seriously gonna cry like a little bitch because you're not a supermodel then just rope tbh.

kek, you are a 6'1 average white guy in america crying on an incel forum, you are a kissless virgin because you are a mentalcel or a retard, just date asian girls, they love tall white guys
torujo said:
kek, you are a 6'1 average white guy in america crying on an incel forum, you are a kissless virgin because you are a mentalcel or a retard, just date asian girls, they love tall white guys

I have not seen an Asian girl with a white guy once. They only want other Asians.
She is not entitled to the trendmill
11gaijin said:
That guy is a cuck

The only attractive girl who ever expressed interest in me is probably getting railed by Chad right now, so yes I'm a massive cuck.
kino said:
why didn't you just move down a bit, she would have remembered your kindness and you could maybe be gym buddies together

Mods, please ban this fakecel.
IceCutter said:
OP you bitter annoying bastard

just move aside and let her be with her friend

So many cuckcels exposed in this thread.
She asked and you said no and she was fine with that. I don't really see a whole issue here. If she was like "hey, move now, Anon!", then it would be whole other story.

Framecel222 said:
I have not seen an Asian girl with a white guy once. They only want other Asians.

You have to actually go visit SEA, unless the Asian girl in question is foreigner and new to the country, in which case you have to swipe her off her feet before she realizes what little value you possess compared to other white guys that she now knows she can get. If you're one of the only white guys in SEA, you'll be drowning in pussy, especially if you're not ugly (which you're not). Just don't bring her over to your home country, because she'll end up divorcing you once you marry. Time to reallocate or go on vacation, buddy boyo.
NEETsupreme said:
So many cuckcels exposed in this thread.

hes a total cuck since sluthate

always pretending to be nt/chill guy etc on incel forums
There was nothing wrong with what she asked. Wtf is wrong with you?
No woman would move for an incel to do exercise next to their friend in a million years
what's with all the deleted post?
Sparky said:
Should have replied with “is it possible that you shut your fucking whore mouth and be considerate of other people?”

Femoids only go to the gym to attention whore and seek validation anyway.

KMFDM are awesome by the way

Void said:
what's with all the deleted post?

Considering I got warned for my post in this thread, I'm thinking it is because they pointed out how asinine to hate someone for making such a request. She didn't even get mad if he said no, which was even more reasonable of her. I could understand if there were empty treadmills next to each other, but those details were left out. I hate the sexual behaviors of women just like any other incel, but this is really nothing to get worked up over.
pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
There was nothing wrong with what she asked. Wtf is wrong with you?

She displayed entitlement to gym equipment.

Would a guy ask a girl to move in the same situation? Serious question. He and his friend would probably avoid using the adjacent treadmills for fear of creeping her out.
existentialhack said:
She displayed entitlement to gym equipment.

Would a guy ask a girl to move in the same situation? Serious question. He and his friend would probably avoid using the adjacent treadmills for fear of creeping her out.

No guy would ask this because men do not have the same herd mentality of women. I can see a guy asking this if he needed to be near his friend to help him or something.
Bet if it was chad, she would patently wait till he finishes.
Nvm she would probably prefer to run beside chad than her friend
incelman said:
She is not entitled to the trendmill

The only thing she is entitled to is a ROPE.
Someone made a thread exactly like this a long time ago on a forum I used to frequent. Not joking....

Only difference was it was an Asian Stacey and she was rude to him, demanding he move. He told her to fuck off and ended up sitting on the machine after he was done. Everyone gave him shit for it.

Crazy shit.
Are you an Incel or an mentalcel? just asking.
Unbearable2woman said:
Are you an Incel or an mentalcel? just asking.


"mentalcel" is pure cope
Lefterio13 said:

"mentalcel" is pure cope

Then good, you did well, femoids are uncapable of feeling empathy to sub 5 males.

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