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Soy Fuck escortcels

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you're just a low IQ, pathetic faggot who can't even argue with a more intelligent person without trying to gang up on him. tagging in your buddies...fucking sad pewpew

No one's ganging up on you, defend your arguments instead of whining when you are rightfully shit on for spewing nonsense.
TFW a 18yo tries to shame me about fucking hookers.

I had waited long enough IMHO before giving up and deciding to just pay. I was 26 for my first time. Let's see how you fare in height years.


>Typing in all caps.
>Too lazy to read.

High IQ debate master right here. You're pathetic. It's not our fault that your mother turned out to be a whore.
Gimpy has a super high IQ don't you know. He's a little sensitive about his maw being a massive whore, hence his hatred of escortcels.
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I'm not simping if I'm getting something worthwhile in return. Actual simps spend money on e-whores just so she will send him a terse thank you note.
It's all relative and subjective. Those people who pay for camwhores and things of the like absolutely are getting something in return in their perspective. So are the people that pay for things hugs and cuddles.

I don't value escortceling so in my opinion it's meaningless. I would even put quotations around it calling it "sex."
No one's ganging up on you, defend your arguments instead of whining when you are rightfully shit on for spewing nonsense.
First of all, I'm technically a speedreader, so I spent 5 (five) seconds reading the jumbled mess that was your essay.
lol, what a fucking joke, you sound like an immigrant faggot who doesnt even properly grasp english and has only acquired it through textbooks and university essays. you're a sad man and a deluded coper.
This once sentence-'Escortcels are not incels' is bulletproof. You are not involuntarily celibate if you have recently had sex.
Simple as that, you bug, ESL faggot. learn english before you fucking argue with me next time.
Paying for an escort is not compared to the free sex that Chad gets.

Also it has been mentioned in another thread. Excessive mentions about how you had sex with prostitutes is considered bragging and can end up in a ban.
by definition escortcels can't be incels because sex with an escort is getting out of celibacy.

But also, you DO have to pay for it, however when do you not theoretically pay for sex (dates, flowers, dinner, etc.)

Also theoretically this site does let in "Blackpilled normies" which are people who've had sex, although they cannot talk about it.

Because of this I think escortcels should be allowed but in a specific subcategory and should BY NO MEANS BE TALKING ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH ESCORTS.

This exactly.
It's all relative and subjective. Those people who pay for camwhores and things of the like absolutely are getting something in return in their perspective. So are the people that pay for things hugs and cuddles.

I don't value escortceling so in my opinion it's meaningless. I would even put quotations around it calling it "sex."
>penis in vagina isnt sex
hahaha your brain is fucked dude gg
keep crying. Everyone who has ever paid taxes is a simp by your low IQ negro logic
You can't really do anything about that, but you CAN not pay whores just to fuck you.
Idk man that logic sounds like something Idubbbz would have said in his latest video.
First of all, I'm technically a speedreader, so I spent 5 (five) seconds reading the jumbled mess that was your essay.
lol, what a fucking joke, you sound like an immigrant faggot who doesnt even properly grasp english and has only acquired it through textbooks and university essays. you're a sad man and a deluded coper.
This once sentence-'Escortcels are not incels' is bulletproof. You are not involuntarily celibate if you have recently had sex.
Simple as that, you bug, ESL faggot. learn english before you fucking argue with me next time.

"Speedreader" JFL, you're just another lazy nigger. In any case, reading =/ comprehending. Some autist who dropped out of high school isn't qualified to tell anyone to learn anything.

If you have to tell anyone that you're high IQ, you aren't. Just imagine thinking that "bug" is an insult.
If im being honest i think NOBODY should stoop that low, not even the worst possible example(not that it matters though since if you are mega subhuman whores won't fuck you either way, cash or not).
You can't really do anything about that, but you CAN not pay whores just to fuck you.
Idk man that logic sounds like something Idubbbz would have said in his latest video.
lmao arranged marriage, betabuxxing which most men is are really same as escortceling. By your logic most men are Cucks and simps. even those in middle ewst
@Copemaxx gimpy I found a more appropriate profile pic for you. Your welcome.

Download 1
"Speedreader" JFL, you're just another lazy nigger. In any case, reading =/ comprehending. Some autist who dropped out of high school isn't qualified to tell anyone to learn anything.

If you have to tell anyone that you're high IQ, you aren't. Just imagine thinking that "bug" is an insult.
says the coping faggot who needs to tell everyone that hes in oxford, is chinese, and uses escorts. cringe faggot. im done arguing with you lol, i completely destroyed you, this whole thread destroyed you. just admit you lost the argument bro.
If im being honest i think NOBODY should stoop that low, not even the worst possible example(not that it matters though since if you are mega subhuman whores won't fuck you either way, cash or not).

If you're posting here, or if you're a bluepilled LARPer who is a 25-year-old virgin, you're in denial if you think that you "shouldn't stoop that low". Just accept your fate and quit prolonging your suffering.
im bragging btw, this is only to prove my point-my age or month doesnt matter lol. i have a fuckload of posts and am way more intelligent and blackpilled than anyone who disagrees with me. not one person so far has disproven my argument. i have literally never been beaten in a debate lol
Paying for sex bareback is beta buxxing in a normie relationship. With a condom on it is artificially simulated sex A.S.S.

Even with it bareback with an escort it is a transactional business beta buxxing booty call TBBBBC.

Betabuxxing isn't ascension. Escortcelling isn't ascension. It's just another cope among one of many.
I get once to lose virginity, but after is cuckish
Sub 8 law is orthodox.
>penis in vagina isnt sex
hahaha your brain is fucked dude gg
It's sex only by a completely technical definition. Even when you try to compare it to men trading resources in the past it falls apart because they traded resources for REPRODUCTION.

The character and nature of it is completely separate from all other forms of sex. There's a reason why on this forum escortcels are allowed but people with GFs aren't regardless of how they get them.

You can counter your sex-drive and achieve some sense of sexual satisfaction by masturbating. I know because that's what I've done since I was like 12.

It's all about validation + intimacy and if you don't agree frankly you should moneymaxx and become a escortcel.
says the coping faggot who needs to tell everyone that hes in oxford, is chinese, and uses escorts. cringe faggot. im done arguing with you lol, i completely destroyed you

You must play chess like a pigeon. Knocking over all the pieces, shitting on the board, and strutting around triumphantly.

You're a pathetic normalfaggot nigger who will probably get gunned down by pigs before you manage to scrape enough cash to finally lose your virginity. Must suck to grow up in a shithole with a whore of a mother.
You've never heard of tax havens?
That's something more reserved for millionares and up, yes you can get into them if you aren't a millionare but eh, too much work for too little gain.
If you're posting here, or if you're a bluepilled LARPer who is a 25-year-old virgin, you're in denial if you think that you "shouldn't stoop that low". Just accept your fate and quit prolonging your suffering.
Wdym? Im going to be suffering either way, with or without paying whores. After all they don't do it because they love you, why would i give them the gratification and money?
so its sex. didnt read the rest of your post coz you're a retard

So is rape. Physically aggressive genuinely unwanted "sex" but still sex.
You're not the brightest spark in the tool box but still a funny tool to say the least.
That's something more reserved for millionares and up, yes you can get into them if you aren't a millionare but eh, too much work for too little gain.

Even if you don't move anything offshore, you should always contact an accountant to restructure any investments you have to minimize your tax liability. But yes, this is only worthwhile if you have a lot of income to start off with. But I'm just pointing out there's nothing wrong with it though, and that people do indeed try their best to pay as little as possible -- such as by voting for politicians who promise tax cuts.
So is rape. Physically aggressive genuinely unwanted "sex" but still sex.
....you're comparing rape to using an escort now? You're mentally ill. I'm not responding to this thread anymore
lmao arranged marriage, betabuxxing which most men is are really same as escortceling. By your logic most men are Cucks and simps. even those in middle ewst
Rules in the middle east and rules in the west are NIGHT and DAY, women for the most part are still tolerable over there but the situation is changing, ever so slowly the west posions everything it touches.
....you're comparing rape to using an escort now? You're mentally ill. I'm not responding to this thread anymore

You mentioned "sex". I referred to your definition of "sex".

Bye tool bag. It's been fun to say the least.
this is a redundant point if ur fine with normies and chads using escorts
im obviously not gonna complain about the whole sex industry just fakecels on incels.co who are supporting them like simps. fuck outta my thread, low iq
Its not an ascension, but a nice cope
So is rape. Physically aggressive genuinely unwanted "sex" but still sex.
You're not the brightest spark in the tool box but still a funny tool to say the least.

Wait until he suggests that a 5'7 skinny Somalian shitskin is a "Chad" because he rapes German foids regularly and is no longer celibate.
Its not an ascension, but a nice cope
im obviously not gonna complain about the whole sex industry just fakecels on incels.co who are supporting them like simps. fuck outta my thread, low iq
normies and chads supporting sex workers = ok
incels support sex workers = not ok

I see.
normies and chads supporting sex workers = ok
incels support sex workers = not ok

I see.
equivocating retard. why the fuck would i care about what normies and chads do, im not a seething faggot. im complaining about fakecel simps here.
you're either low iq or a completly retarded incel. im only responding because im genuinely worried about you
equivocating retard. why the fuck would i care about what normies and chads do, im not a seething faggot.
i dont give a fuck about normal chads who use hookers but escortcels are absolutely desperate retards who had to cheat ""ascension"" through betabuxx.
I see.
....you're comparing rape to using an escort now? You're mentally ill. I'm not responding to this thread anymore
Your definition of sex was P in V so yeah rape would count by your definition and you clearly didn't want to read my post. Maybe you should provide a definition instead since you don't want to acknowledge any nuance.
It's easy to say this now as an 18 year old probably still in the anger phase.

Eventually you get a nice career that pays you well, you've spent the last two years gymcelling and you've done the best you could to looksmaxx and socialmaxx, but still single.

You're 23 years old, and by that time you lost the anger phase. You're sitting at home, have a huge savings account. One night you're masturbating to porn, drunk on whiskey as you usually do and find that it doesn't cut it anymore. You hit an incredibly new low and feel like buying a rope to just hang yourself.

You're already looking to die, so who the fuck cares if I spend money this one time just to experience what sex is like before you die? So you go and find a hooker online who will spend an hour with you for money. It's not the real thing, but holy shit is it something else. Finally, after all those years you got to feel what breasts in your hands feel like, how it feels to have a woman wrap her legs around your waist, her hands on your back.

Even though she is faking it and would not even go near you if it weren't for the money, the touch and intimacy is so out of this World that it gives you motivation to live again.

Escortcelling will never be the real thing, but god damn is it a good cope.

My taxes are already going towards women, towards child care benefits, birth control, abortion clinics, governments grants for women in STEM. Why can't I use the remaining money I have to experience something that I would not be able to get on my own due to how I look?
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First of all, I'm technically a speedreader, so I spent 5 (five) seconds reading the jumbled mess that was your essay.
Recorded it in the best psychologists clinic in my state this year.
No one cares about your IQ.
if you read emotional intelligence from Daniel Goleman you'll probably know that your QI doesn't mean a shit.
Stop bragging about it and insulting the members of the forum without a significant reason. You just seem an annoying child.
If you want to prove anything, just show your arguments, that's enough.
No one cares about your IQ.
i only bring up my IQ in my profile because its a detail about me and relates to my arguments-other times its brought up my other people.
not bragging, faggot. btw i owned every low iq retard in this discussion lol
It's easy to say this now as an 18 year old probably still in the anger phase.

Eventually you get a nice career that pays you well, you've spent the last two years gymcelling and you've done the best you could to looksmaxx and socialmaxx, but still single.

You're 23 years old, and by that time you lost the anger phase. You're sitting at home, have a huge savings account. One night you're masturbating the porn, as you usually do and find that it doesn't cut it anymore. So you go and find a hooker online who will spend an hour with you for money. It's not the real thing, but holy shit is it something else. Finally, after all those years you got to feel what breasts in your hands feel like, how it feels to have a woman wrap her legs around your waist, her hands on your back.

Even though she is faking it and would not even go near you if it weren't for the money, the touch and intimacy is so out of this World that it gives you motivation to live again.

Escortcelling will never be the real thing, but god damn is it a good cope.

My taxes are already going towards women, towards child care benefits, birth control, abortion clinics, governments grants for women in STEM. Why can't I use the remaining money I have to experience something that I would not be able to get on my own due to how I look?

You've duplicated your text, but it's a good one.
It's easy to say this now as an 18 year old probably still in the anger phase.

Eventually you get a nice career that pays you well, you've spent the last two years gymcelling and you've done the best you could to looksmaxx and socialmaxx, but still single.

You're 23 years old, and by that time you lost the anger phase. You're sitting at home, have a huge savings account. One night you're masturbating to porn, drunk on whiskey as you usually do and find that it doesn't cut it anymore. You hit an incredibly new low and feel like buying a rope to just hang yourself.

You're already looking to die, so who the fuck cares if I spend money this one time just to experience what sex is like before you die? So you go and find a hooker online who will spend an hour with you for money. It's not the real thing, but holy shit is it something else. Finally, after all those years you got to feel what breasts in your hands feel like, how it feels to have a woman wrap her legs around your waist, her hands on your back.

Even though she is faking it and would not even go near you if it weren't for the money, the touch and intimacy is so out of this World that it gives you motivation to live again.

Escortcelling will never be the real thing, but god damn is it a good cope.

My taxes are already going towards women, towards child care benefits, birth control, abortion clinics, governments grants for women in STEM. Why can't I use the remaining money I have to experience something that I would not be able to get on my own due to how I look?
>y-you're going to be incel forever YOU HAVE TO USE ESCORTS
lol stfu. didnt read
Are you telling me that he should spend all 70 years of his life as a virgin?

JFL yes they actually expect this shit, when you speak to enough users on this site you realize that a lot of them DON'T ACTUALLY WANT THEIR LIVES TO IMPROVE BECAUSE THEY HAVE A MARTYR COMPLEX

I've argued this ad nauseum with "anti-escortcels" these idiots just like patting themselves on the back for suffering

A lot of them have paid free time right now, they are going to do NOTHING of importance with it, they don't see opportunities in front of their face, they just want to feel persecuted and to be able to complain online everyday and they will be satisfied

I seriously feel some of these guys are chemically castrated or something, because at a certain point my libido pushed me to visit a prostitute I couldn't take it anymore, really and truly we just have a bunch of low-T faggots telling everyone else they "need to resist" when we aren't all resisting the same strength of "pull"

Its ridiculous to complain about sex everyday and yet never pursue an alternative for moralfag reasons

I'll say it again like I've said before, if you are a moralfag you are not a black piller, those two ways of thinking cannot co-exist as they are counter to eachother
You've duplicated your text, but it's a good one.

>y-you're going to be incel forever YOU HAVE TO USE ESCORTS
lol stfu. didnt read
View attachment 227406

I don't really care. I'm not going to subject myself to 30+ more years of torture just because I don't want to "Cheat" my way out of being attractive enough to have sex.

Again, I really think your outlook will change once you get older. At some point you'll just say "Fuck it" like I did and try it out.

All this time focusing hard in school, getting a good career, and all the time and money I spent counting my calories, going to the gym and picking up dumb hobbies that I don't really enjoy, meant nothing at the end of the day.

You can looksmaxx, moneymaxx and statusmaxx all you want, but if you're not intrinsically attractive to women it will all be lost time and money. Women don't care how muscular you are if you're short.

Meanwhile, by having enough money, you can bypass all of women's ridiculous standards and for sure get laid in return. If I pay money to a hooker, it's a guaranteed lay. It's more dignifying than trying to be a personality that I'm not, trying to say the right things, and trying to constantly improve and prove myself to women who do not find me attractive to begin with.
You must play chess like a pigeon. Knocking over all the pieces, shitting on the board, and strutting around triumphantly.

You're a pathetic normalfaggot nigger who will probably get gunned down by pigs before you manage to scrape enough cash to finally lose your virginity. Must suck to grow up in a shithole with a whore of a mother.

JFL shit got personal real quick
No one cares about your IQ.
if you read emotional intelligence from Daniel Goleman you'll probably know that your QI doesn't mean a shit.
Stop bragging about it and insulting the members of the forum without a significant reason. You just seem an annoying child.
If you want to prove anything, just show your arguments, that's enough.

This, tbh.

OP, my IQ is one standard deviation higher than yours and in a very small percentile bracket relative to the general population, measured three times in three different points in life (16, 21, and 25). This doesn't mean I'm better than you in the colloquial sense. It's good for learning and analysis, taking in new data and synthesizing it with existing data (from your life experiences and other sources), and then reaching accurate and useful conclusions.

Outside of that, it's just a dick-measuring tool. Private employers don't explicitly select for it, since job-specific qualifications for high skilled work, along with the interview process, passively act as one. The government does conduct tests in some organizations, however (the army being one of them).

At the end of the day, nobody cares about how smart you are - here, and in the real world. They only care about what you can demonstrably do.
JFL at answering this bait thread in a serious manner.

Op is a LARPer. Probably an alt of a bannedcel no doubt with a grudge match.
This, tbh.

OP, my IQ is one standard deviation higher than yours and in a very small percentile bracket relative to the general population, measured three times in three different points in life (16, 21, and 25). This doesn't mean I'm better than you in the colloquial sense. It's good for learning and analysis, taking in new data and synthesizing it with existing data (from your life experiences and other sources), and then reaching accurate and useful conclusions.

Outside of that, it's just a dick-measuring tool. Private employers don't explicitly select for it, since job-specific qualifications for high skilled work, along with the interview process, passively act as one. The government does conduct tests in some organizations, however (the army being one of them).

At the end of the day, nobody cares about how smart you are - here, and in the real world. They only care about what you can demonstrably do.
i never bragged about it, see here, low iq lying faggot:
i only bring up my IQ in my profile because its a detail about me and relates to my arguments-other times its brought up my other people.
not bragging, faggot. btw i owned every low iq retard in this discussion lol
and one standard deviation? are you being serious? You have no idea how fucking high an IQ of 149 is. You're saying you're a literal genius and posting here? You must be schizophrenic.
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