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JFL FTM tranny meets the blackpill and detransitions

Incredible. You love to see it.

Maybe all women should become trains so that we can finally get through to their thick fucking skulls how reality actually functions.

These dumb shits genuinely believe men have it “so much better” and that they’ll be on the receiving end of “all that privilege” post transition. Jesus butt fucking god how do they end up THAT delusional?

Guess experience is the best teacher. Not that it will change anything. If she could go back to her old self like a switch she’d just go right back to treating “short creepy men” how she always did :feelsseriously: in the end it’s about maximizing their own advantage and they’ll believe whatever horseshit makes them feel like they’re the victim and that life’s been unfair to them. Many such cases.
"After transitioning, most women treated me like a f#cking creep intruding on thier space if I just walked up to say hello. They might not have said it outright, but I'm very good at reading body language and could absolutely tell they wanted me to f#ck off. Here's the kicker: I used to do the same thing to men who I felt were bothering me."

You're just imagining it bro, women don't think ugly men are creeps :foidSoy:

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
The fuckin gaslighting needs to stop. Men need to grow a spine, organize together, and put women back in their place so we can fix this sinking ship.

No more immigration to prop up the housing market or slave wages. No more women in the work force which will drive wages up by literally halving the employee pool. Keep demand high by abolishing birth control and moving back to the old family structure where people actually had children and made families (you know, literally what humans are meant to do by nature and what every old person you will ever speak to in your life will tell you was the best most meaningful thing they ever did). And for gods sake keep them out of politics — all they ever do is vote themselves gibs at the broad expense of male workers then vote the regime more power. Hypergamy and Chad monopolizing all the women has got to go too — I’m not religious anymore but this is something religious societies tend to get right. Stigmatize adultery, having multiple sex partners, push people to get married young and stay together the way humans operated for eons. And teach them loyalty to each other and not to be selfish Jack asses who constantly ask themselves if they can do better. It’s not even that fuckin hard.

Finally men need control of education and propaganda engines like mainstream news. If instead of preaching feminism and patriarchy and “go work and be a wagey queen!” we taught them to be mothers and home makers again the ship would right itself. Men and women are different and always have been. It’s time we as a society accept the “equality” experiment has been a complete failure (western society is fuckin falling apart and the family unit has been decimated). In the US our government is basically corrupt but in a legal way (eg they vote themselves raises, companies get to vote, policy makers are Uber rich and care not for the struggles of ordinary people etc).

No matter what it takes the traditional family unit really is the building block of a functioning successful society. You need men and women to pair with a reasonable partner, have kids, and contribute positively to their community. You need communities that trust each other and don’t commit crime (diversity was never a strength it’s been an obstacle this whole time). You need housing cost of living to be reasonable. Meanwhile the west has abandoned all of these crucial things. Short sighted greedy fools. Sadly without institutional power or meaningful societal influence nothing will change, nothing will get better, things will just keep going down this road :feelsseriously: feds infiltrating everything makes organizing hard but it’s what men as a group need to do at this point.

P.S. also we need to bring local manufacturing jobs back and countries should be “mostly” self reliant so that other countries cannot manipulate them through trade embargoes and such. But that’s a whole other topic. Part of what fucked the working class was all those jobs just leaving the country then getting educated for the decent jobs that were left costs too much time and money or requires IQ too high for many people. It’s a mess. But I digress… shit makes me rage bros. This isn’t living, it’s hell and I’m tired of coping and pretending it’s not.
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From beginners' to Kasparov mode.
But actually, how insane you need to be to cut HEALTHY breasts? And when the government will start putting in prison those "doctors" who do it?
all of these women (not the faggot dick cutting of kind) will continue to treat men the same, even though they hate being treated like that
Absolutely right. It is crazy that people think women are more ethical than men. No they aren’t. In traditional patriarchal societies women are cared for and treated like valuable members of society. They all have partners and honestly comfortable lives relative to the men. When women are in control though you see exactly how ruthless and sociopathic they are towards most men. Then they’ll go on some grand standing rant about how they have to teach modern men basic moral :feelsseriously: the gaslighting is just making me furious at this point. These fucking people will lie to your face but I honestly think they’re just really adapted to irrational double think and in group bias at this point. They will lie and believe the lie themselves in the moment when convenient for their interests seems to me. Men are less capable of that kind of selfish irrationality on the average seems to me.
Dumb bitch. I hope at the very least it's damaged enough to where no man will want it.
So she cuts her tits off, gets treated like shit by everyone, thinks maybe she wasn't actually "born this way", so now she wears fake tits, and is treated nicely again. The moral of the story is trannies are fucking retarded.
It’s true they are. It takes a high level of delusion to think taking hormones your body doesn’t naturally produce and lopping your nuts or tits off will make you the opposite sex. I got nothin against anime, there are some great ones in fact, but it’s like these retards watched one of those fetish ones where the guy wakes up in a womans body and weren’t capable of differentiating real life from fiction. The surgeries they do if you look at the pictures are literal mad scientist abomination shit. Doctors that mislead and permanently mutilate people like that should go to prison. It doesn’t help that trains universally live in echo chambers. Our critics will say that’s what we do too but that’s simply not true — incels are constantly confronted by opposing views, I mean constantly. And every other platform we participate in also opposed us. For trains it’s not like that at all.
I love how the ftm trans community sort themselves out.
That;s a tutorial level experience anyway

The truth is much darker and more isolating.
f2m tranny retards are beyond my understanding. in general all tranny freaks are but why would anyone choose to be a manlet?
Every fucking time. Every single fucking time you hear a story of some ftm its always about how much more lonely creepy isolated weird they are perceived as a man than back when they were a woman.

I hate trannies, but I do appreciate these freaks proving our points right at every turn
I laugh every time a troon beats a woman in sports!

I'm finally passing as a woman again, and could not be any happier.
I'd like to preface this by saying I'm not discouraging anyone from beginning thier transition to male. I'm just telling you some things that I wished I'd known beforehand. Things that had I known 6 years ago, I personally would not have starting transitioning. But I feel it is very important women who are considering making this commitment make a 100% informed decision. Because it will totally change how society perceives you, and not in ways you'd expect.

6 years ago I started making my transition to being a male, 2 years after that I finally got my double mastectomy. My T-injections and minoxidil routine spurred facial hair growth, and my weightlifting routine started to fill out my upper body. I truly started to pass as male in my day to day life and it felt wonderful. That's where things changed for me.

When I did start passing as a man it was like a lightswitch flicked off in how people treated me. I went from being perceived as a cute tomgirl, to a short nerdy man who gives everyone the creeps. At the time, this did not matter to me because I was so ecstatic to feel like my true self. But over time, this wore down on me to the point I considered taking my own life.

You may think I'm just being a wimp about this, but unless you've lived it I don't think you'll truly understand. So the best I can do is explain and you can draw your own conclusions.

Here's some of the things that changed following being able to pass as a male:

1.) People are colder to you. Especially other women. This was the hardest one to deal with. Women used to talk to me, want to be friends, and invite me out places. After transitioning, most women treated me like a f#cking creep intruding on thier space if I just walked up to say hello. They might not have said it outright, but I'm very good at reading body language and could absolutely tell they wanted me to f#ck off. Here's the kicker: I used to do the same thing to men who I felt were bothering me. But it is such an interesting (and lonely) experience feeling this from the other side. You may think this is not a big deal, but oh my God, are you wrong. There is an ambient "kinship" you have with women that will completely vanish once you transition. And you will miss it, you will miss it so damn much.

2.) People treat you as a potential predator. You may think I'm exaggerating, but unfortunately I am not. There are several stories I could tell you about this, but let me give you the most prescient example: I used to sometimes go on jogs around dusk/sundown on my campus and sometimes off campus. During these nighttime jogs I'd say hi to other women and they would say hi back. Sometimes I'd even make new acquaintances and jog with them.

After transitioning, I did not expect how differently men are treated by women when they are in potentially vulnerable positions, such as jogging at night. I went for my routine jog off campus in a beautiful park

Was too long to read so i used the text to speech reader with the stacy voice :feelskek::foidSoy:
Damn she cut off her breasts but her number 1 priority is her mental health? WTF

•2 days ago
No yeah ever since starting to pass as a dude I haven’t made female friends. Even now it’s just impossible. The female friends I did have were super liberal and it really limited the things I could open up to them about. One of them called me my trans name as a joke while we were drunk but the more I think about it, it wasn’t a joke. I’ll always be “not female” to her and I’ve stopped talking to her all together basically. I have one friend I still talk to that I knew from middle school way before I medically transitioned, she knows I’ve detransed and she doesn’t treat me any differently which is nice.
But you’re right, that kinship I had with women before is completely gone and it’s so fucking isolating, even after detransitioning, they just think I’m mtf, and women will always be on guard around any perceived biological male, trans identifying or not. This inability to make female friends has brought me to dark places mentally. There’s a “saying” I guess that says women with no female friends are ‘red flags’ :/. I’ve spent so many nights quietly sobbing wishing I never did this to myself. I wish there was some way out of this other than death.

Woman turns incel and only way out is to ROPE, Get a taste of how it feels like to be a male! :feelskek::foidSoy:
sad ronald mcdonald GIF by McDonald's CZ/SK's CZ/SK

No words.
Incredible. You love to see it.

Maybe all women should become trains so that we can finally get through to their thick fucking skulls how reality actually functions.

These dumb shits genuinely believe men have it “so much better” and that they’ll be on the receiving end of “all that privilege” post transition. Jesus butt fucking god how do they end up THAT delusional?

Guess experience is the best teacher. Not that it will change anything. If she could go back to her old self like a switch she’d just go right back to treating “short creepy men” how she always did :feelsseriously: in the end it’s about maximizing their own advantage and they’ll believe whatever horseshit makes them feel like they’re the victim and that life’s been unfair to them. Many such cases.
Ftms who detransition end up sounding like mtfs from the testosterone
ftm has pussy
She'll never learn from this experience once time has passed she'll treat men like trash
Ftms who detransition end up sounding like mtfs from the testosterone
There's no way back.

Imagine being cute 5'5 girl with tits and round ass. At some point you decide to become a man. You'll be Chad of course, you'll slay. After t pills and double mastectomy you find out that you're 5'5 ugly midget. With weird body shape and thin hands. You decide to detransition. Your tits are gone but worry not, you can have implants and you already have scars there, honey. Your voice is deep and everyone freaks out when they hear you. You now have Adam apple. Hair won't go away immediately. You're probably infertile at this point.

I'm writing this with a compassion. She made a mistake she can't revert.
f2m tranny retards are beyond my understanding. in general all tranny freaks are but why would anyone choose to be a manlet?

Peer pressure on tumblr. Women dont have thoughts, they do group think. And if she sees this stuff on social media, she goes with it. Trying to understand, the mind of a toilet, is useless as she doesn’t have thoughts of her own
This is also why I dont hate women. You dont hate tigers or hippos, despite them murdering killing countless people. You take protective measures.
This is also were the feminists slogan: "Feminism is the radical notion, that women are people" comes from.
Its the ultimative lie. Its like saying a horde cows are people
f2m tranny retards are beyond my understanding. in general all tranny freaks are but why would anyone choose to be a manlet?
There's nothing in mainstream society that acknowledges, much less validates, the struggles that low-status men face. In fact, all of mainstream society is a kind of cult - or maybe a conspiracy theory - about "patriarchy" and "male privilege." All of mainstream society, and that means every movie and TV show, every song, everything you see if you're a normie - it all tells you the same thing: men are privileged and have it easy, and women are oppressed.

The point is, she legitimately had no idea what she was getting into. She legitimately thought she was oppressed, and lopping her tits off would make her life better.
It's the absolutely casual way in which those people admit that so much of what we're saying is true that always gets me. Every single time normies react to what we're saying they gaslight us and lie to our faces saying that we're just imagining being bullied and ostracized because of our looks, and if not then we deserve it according to them and that it's our personality that's the problem and it's just that we're bad people...

And here, we just casually get this:

When I did start passing as a man it was like a lightswitch flicked off in how people treated me. I went from being perceived as a cute tomgirl, to a short nerdy man who gives everyone the creeps
After transitioning, most women treated me like a f#cking creep intruding on thier space if I just walked up to say hello. They might not have said it outright, but I'm very good at reading body language and could absolutely tell they wanted me to f#ck off. Here's the kicker: I used to do the same thing to men who I felt were bothering me.

Just a completely casual admission, as if it were the most obvious things in the world, that women are repulsed by short, nerdy guys no matter how good their "personality" is. Even if said short and nerdy guy used to be a woman "him"self just recently ago and so completely understands how women think and how to talk and act with them, completely proving that your behaviour/personality isn't the problem if even someone with the perfect personality to interact with women gets treated like this.
I hate the LGBTQ community, femenism and everything associated with such scum and degeneracy.
This tranny has now stepped into a dark reality, and oh boy is "he" in for a ride.

Let´s see how this former privileged girl like the life of a "creep" for the rest of her days.

Let´s celebrate!

What happens when you believe feminist lies of men living life on easy mode
It makes me so mad when I hear women complaining about how easy I have it because I'm a man.

I'm almost 40, single, and destitute because I play life on hard mode (being a man). Women get into college easier than men, It's like 10x easier to get a job as a woman, if you do the bare minimum at a job you'll get promoted because they're always looking to promote more women for "diversity".

Not to mention dating. Back when I use to go out and socialize, occasionally some woman would complain about how she hasn't dated any in "a whole month". Bitch try 40 years and tens of thousands of rejections, after hundreds of thousands of hours at the gym/cold approaching and looksmaxing. Though, as a man I can't even speak the truth without getting mercilessly crucified in the modern environment, so I have to nod at their fake problems and reassure them with "That's really tough."

This is what happens when women transition and are disconnected from the foid hivemind, they feel the blackpilling loneliness that can never be filled
Fucking Justice. I hope they all transition.
The surgeries they do if you look at the pictures are literal mad scientist abomination shit. Doctors that mislead and permanently mutilate people like that should go to prison. It doesn’t help that trains universally live in echo chambers. Our critics will say that’s what we do too but that’s simply not true — incels are constantly confronted by opposing views, I mean constantly. And every other platform we participate in also opposed us. For trains it’s not like that at all.
The trains choose to live in echo chambers. So fuck them. They read clickbait headlines, but they don't read the studies those headlines reference and they never use critical thought.

They believe critical thought is racist, sexist, etc. and evil. Their entire world view can be summed up as "It's good to be dumb and ignorant."

I hope they all convert, and convert their children. Weed their lineage out of existence. Fuckup their hormone balence and get cancer. If they think hormones are masculine/feminine signalling molecules and it's safe as long as they're within the "normal range" then they're ignorant pieces of shit who have the most basic understanding of biology, and frankly they deserve the likely cancer that will terror them apart.
Before globohomo most transitioners were low-T male coomers with degenerate, often porn-induced fetishes cross-dressing or chopping their dick off, now many women are getting brainwashed to FtMmaxx. It's kind of sad.

Expect many more "detransition" stories in the next few years.
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I hate the LGBTQ community, femenism and everything associated with such scum and degeneracy.
This tranny has now stepped into a dark reality, and oh boy is "he" in for a ride.

Let´s see how this former privileged girl like the life of a "creep" for the rest of her days.

Let´s celebrate!

She turned back to a girl.
It makes me so mad when I hear women complaining about how easy I have it because I'm a man.

I'm almost 40, single, and destitute because I play life on hard mode (being a man). Women get into college easier than men, It's like 10x easier to get a job as a woman, if you do the bare minimum at a job you'll get promoted because they're always looking to promote more women for "diversity".

Not to mention dating. Back when I use to go out and socialize, occasionally some woman would complain about how she hasn't dated any in "a whole month". Bitch try 40 years and tens of thousands of rejections, after hundreds of thousands of hours at the gym/cold approaching and looksmaxing. Though, as a man I can't even speak the truth without getting mercilessly crucified in the modern environment, so I have to nod at their fake problems and reassure them with "That's really tough."

Fucking Justice. I hope they all transition.

The trains choose to live in echo chambers. So fuck them. They read clickbait headlines, but they don't read the studies those headlines reference and they never use critical thought.

They believe critical thought is racist, sexist, etc. and evil. Their entire world view can be summed up as "It's good to be dumb and ignorant."

I hope they all convert, and convert their children. Weed their lineage out of existence. Fuckup their hormone balence and get cancer. If they think hormones are masculine/feminine signalling molecules and it's safe as long as they're within the "normal range" then they're ignorant pieces of shit who have the most basic understanding of biology, and frankly they deserve the likely cancer that will terror them apart.
They also think their worldview is to be as dumb as the flawed human nature and sex being the most important for some reason. "I can be as evil as i want to a man who's given the worst possible cards ever at life
foids love to drink the woke coolaid
And this bitch will go back to hating and shunning men having learned NOTHING of value, no moral lesson, "just so glad I can be me again <3"
She learned the importance of not cranking up the difficulty to Nightmare mode. I can guarantee that she will go back to pretending that there's an all-encompassing patriarchy that all men benefit from. Don't think for a second that she has developed any empathy for low value men.
There's no way back.

Imagine being cute 5'5 girl with tits and round ass. At some point you decide to become a man. You'll be Chad of course, you'll slay. After t pills and double mastectomy you find out that you're 5'5 ugly midget. With weird body shape and thin hands. You decide to detransition. Your tits are gone but worry not, you can have implants and you already have scars there, honey. Your voice is deep and everyone freaks out when they hear you. You now have Adam apple. Hair won't go away immediately. You're probably infertile at this point.

I'm writing this with a compassion. She made a mistake she can't revert.

Over for her
FTM is retarded beyond belief. Not only do you transition to a more difficult gender but you are also (generally) short height and framelet too.

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