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RageFuel Fresh article on a Incels today by retarded female university professor



May 12, 2019
Yet women have endured discrimination, vilification and humiliation based on our appearances since pretty much forever and we get this regardless of whether we are #hotornot.

Yet amazingly enough, most of us manage to refrain from driving our vans into innocent Canadians, joining sisterly support groups to egg each other on to mass murder, boasting about lacing the office Tim Tams with our bodily fluids, and so on.

Yeah this dumb cunt actually think a woman’s life in regards to her looks in the sexual market is actually comparable to a mans life in the sexual market. These fucks are so ignorant it hurts...and she’s a fucking University professor! And yet so dumb!

There is a lot that foids don't understand about men, they use to go into a city or town massacre tens of thousands and/or millions and then gang raping everything under 10 years old.
and they still do and continue to do until the end of time.
Yeah this dumb cunt actually think a woman’s life in regards to her looks in the sexual market is actually comparable to a mans life in the sexual market. These fucks are so ignorant it hurts...and she’s a fucking University professor! And yet so dumb!

shes probably a professor of gender studies, so it doesnt mean anything
"It [plastic surgery] won't work for incels and it won't help them get girls."

Octopusgun, Orb, dontcomplain1, along with pretty much every rich/wageslave lookism fag. I want to know WHO didn't get girls from plastic surgery in this circle. Low fucking IQ foid right here.

Along with that, JFL at her comparing women's problems in dating to men's when they're literally the gatekeepers. WOMEN decide who they get to reject, along with Chad. It would be like Hitler saying he doesn't have enough power.
why do they hate us so much? its not our fault we're ugly
Chiselled jawbones won't make misogyny attractive
Major cope. Tell that to jeremy meeks and chris brown.
Nowhere in the Declaration of Human Rights does it mention anything about looking like Rihanna. This is a stroke of genetic luck, a freak privilege, not a right to which we're entitled.
Obviously it's not every man's right to get facial surgery, that's why they pay for it retard.
Instead of all those blackpills, what incels really need is a simple shot of I-Can't-Believe-We-Actually-Have-To-Spell-This-Out-For-You-Monumental-Idiots.

It's a new pharmaceutical that wakes men up to the fact that getting testicular implants the size of dinosaur eggs won't work nearly as well as, oh, wow, I don't know, ditching threatened or actual slayage as a pick-up line?

Instead of increasing the size of their secondary sexual characteristics, incels would do much better if they dramatically slimmed down their toxic-ly inflated sense of entitlement.
No incel ever got testicular implants. This is just more bullshitting to make incels seem insane.
The media continues to get it all wrong. Most of us aren't having collarbone surgery. Most of us aren't having any of these surgeries ... And we're not ALL about getting laid. There's a bigger picture they continue to ignore. Men are literally treated like crap in our society. We're lower on society's "importance" list than a mosquito.
If looks are so unimportant why're they mad at ugly men getting surgery, they should find it trivial, if it doesn't work why are over 90% of surgery customers female.

Bitches hate a guy frauding his way in, perhaps they know a child will be genetic filth.

Another thing, they keep pushing this disgusting toxic women hating narrative, if anything it's the badboy chads behaving that way & bitches love it. It ain't about how you behave, it's the face of the behaviour that determines the outcome.
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If looks are so unimportant why're they mad at ugly men getting surgery, they should find it trivial, if it doesn't work why are over 90% of surgery customers female.

Bitches hate a guy frauding his way in, perhaps they know a child will be genetic filth.
Men never bitch and complain when foids get surgery, wtf.
Stupid foid thinking she is smart because of "gender studies". If she had brains she would be professor at physics or mathematics.
I'm convinced the average female has a bottomless pit of inner rage at all males with the only exemption being Chad, gay men or a son if she has one but there are exceptions to this for some females whereby even those 3 groups are not excused. Building up over hundreds of years passed from mother to daughter over many generations. Rage at being kept in check in the past, being physically weaker, a mindset that conflicts with the other gender, trying to emulate a male life, being tricked into wageslaving by the Jews to get another 50% tax stream & absolutely hating it.

If tomorrow all women woke up with male strength & males with female strength, within' 1 week the male population will have taken a nosedive & there would be breeder farms with chad cattle acting as a mating zoo, torture houses & workcamps for everyone else & dog/horse brothels.
Professor of what? Gender studies?
Waste of taxpayers' money, she should be hanging on a tree.
If tomorrow all women woke up with male strength & males with female strength, within' 1 week the male population will have taken a nosedive & there would be breeder farms with chad cattle acting as a mating zoo, torture houses & workcamps for everyone else & dog/horse brothels.
Every IT cuck's dream.
Stopped giving a shit right here:


She concedes to the scourge of lookism.


Oppression Olympics. Misogyny over misandry (& combined with lookism, heightism, ableism, cacophobia & racism). Facetious comparison & immature & unprofessional.


Usual radical feminist "entitlement" theory crap.

Fundamentally they're running scared & want us to be a docile drone servile silent oppressed underclass by condemning our physical improvements although VICE talks about the halo effect of improving ones looks and I made a thread about it.

Too easy to demolish. Better luck next time Radical Femistazis.
Ps the author doesn't mention where the woman is a mass murderer via crimes of passion and also visit any radical Femistazis board and the comments & sentiment are the same or worse. Radical Femistazis negatively affect women in other ways. More insidious & nefarious. They're too cowardly & crafty to go down the desperado incel route.
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3 killing sprees globally by 3 men over about 6 years = enough to paint all virgin males as terrorists.

I bet this same reporter would also say it's islamophobic to link any islamic attacks to muslims though even though there is about 1000 times more related violence.

who's even getting surgery, has a single incel here even done that, this stupid article just keeps getting reposted on different news sites, as usual these people have 0 knowledge on incels
who's even getting surgery, has a single incel here even done that, this stupid article just keeps getting reposted on different news sites, as usual these people have 0 knowledge on incels
I think they're just projecting their greatest fear of fucking an incel after he secretly had plastic surgery, from reading a few threads about it on here, and are trying to persuade doctors not to start giving incels surgery before the problem gets worse.
If looks are so unimportant why're they mad at ugly men getting surgery, they should find it trivial, if it doesn't work why are over 90% of surgery customers female.
toxic-ly inflated sense of entitlement
JFL, this reads like what we would write when parodying the way Redditors talk. I'm shocked that people like this exist outside of memes.
Stopped giving a shit right here:


She concedes to the scourge of lookism.

What she fails to acknowledge here is that most men consider 90% of all women to be attractive. So practically all women are favoured by society because of their looks while the same goes for only the top ~10% of men. The only discrimination that women might receive based on their looks come from Chads, other women and companies that are trying to sell them make-up by telling them they need their products to look good.
JFL, this reads like what we would write when parodying the way Redditors talk. I'm shocked that people like this exist outside of memes.

What she fails to acknowledge here is that most men consider 90% of all women to be attractive. So practically all women are favoured by society because of their looks while the same goes for only the top ~10% of men. The only discrimination that women might receive based on their looks come from Chads, other women and companies that are trying to sell them make-up by telling them they need their products to look good.

The fucking stupidity is really off the rickter scale here.
I think they're just projecting their greatest fear of fucking an incel after he secretly had plastic surgery, from reading a few threads about it on here, and are trying to persuade doctors not to start giving incels surgery before the problem gets worse.

THIS AND they don't want attractive men to start spreading the :blackpill: as that will fuck up the Queen Bees and their Servile Silent Subservient Slave Drone Orbiters.
''Dr'' Emma A. Jane, gents!

My Expertise

Feminism, Culture, Gender, Sexuality, Communication and Media Studies, Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies, online bullying, trolling, misogyny

Field of Research (FoR)
Communication and Media Studies
Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
Culture, Gender, Sexuality

Jesus Christ!!! I'm pretty sure many misogynistic Chads have pumped and dumped this tattooed roastie when she was younger... and she keeps saying looks don't matter...
''Dr'' Emma A. Jane, gents!

My Expertise

Feminism, Culture, Gender, Sexuality, Communication and Media Studies, Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies, online bullying, trolling, misogyny

Field of Research (FoR)
Communication and Media Studies
Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
Culture, Gender, Sexuality

Jesus Christ!!! I'm pretty sure many misogynistic Chads have pumped and dumped this tattooed roastie when she was younger... and she keeps saying looks don't matter...

JFL look at her eyes, she looks fucking insane.
Thinks she smart because she studied "gender studies". I might as well die then if she can be a university professor.
The funny thing is she admits that looks matter at the bottom of the article but then continues to be mad at incels for improving theirs for some reason. She honestly just seems to hate unattractive men and is angered by the idea of them escaping their station through surgery, hence the whole "you're not entitled to be attractive" shit.

Last line would or will be fucking classic if she admits that publicly.
''Dr'' Emma A. Jane, gents!

My Expertise

Feminism, Culture, Gender, Sexuality, Communication and Media Studies, Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies, online bullying, trolling, misogyny

Field of Research (FoR)
Communication and Media Studies
Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
Culture, Gender, Sexuality

Jesus Christ!!! I'm pretty sure many misogynistic Chads have pumped and dumped this tattooed roastie when she was younger... and she keeps saying looks don't matter...

She looks like she had a boob job.

This post-wall roastie is completely insane!
''Dr'' Emma A. Jane, gents!

My Expertise

Feminism, Culture, Gender, Sexuality, Communication and Media Studies, Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies, online bullying, trolling, misogyny

Field of Research (FoR)
Communication and Media Studies
Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
Culture, Gender, Sexuality

Jesus Christ!!! I'm pretty sure many misogynistic Chads have pumped and dumped this tattooed roastie when she was younger... and she keeps saying looks don't matter...

:feelspuke: Horse teeth, tattoos, fucked up skin, crazy eyes, dyed hair, over-the-top clothing, cat ears. Yup, this is a stereotypical post-wall white roastie who lives with her cats and who used to be attractive and is now mad at men for no longer desiring her. I fucking hate cunts like these.

:feelspuke: Horse teeth, tattoos, fucked up skin, crazy eyes, dyed hair, over-the-top clothing, cat ears. Yup, this is a stereotypical post-wall white roastie who lives with her cats and who used to be attractive and is now mad at men for no longer desiring her. I fucking hate cunts like these.

Professor with a tongue ring :feelsseriously:

Yikes sweety, don't you get it? You need to improve your personality, not your face.
typical brainless dumb boomer foid who has no idea what she is talking about, nothing new here
I fucking hate the media so much, before seeing them talk about incels I honestly had no idea just how much they lied about, but after this kind of shit you realise they make half their shit up

Getting that fakenews cherry popped really should be incorporated into the blackpill's social bias introspection
Females will never understand us. It’s just that hard for them. They have it too easy and lack empathy
why normies wont stop talking about us
My dick in her mouth will shut her up
I don't give a fucking shit about stupid roasties' opinions about us.

This post-wall roastie is completely insane!

Talking about "E-harassment" with a tongue ring in her mouth and chad jizz in her belly and other orifices, yet can't handle being called a dirty cunt from a sub6 online.
This stupid foid is honestly fucking retarded, she doesn't know one thing about incels.
JFL at this brainwashed bullshit, society thinks that we will conform to all of its lies

:cryfeels: "Don't call women ugly fat and slutty, that's the same as rape and you should go to prison for it. Women shalt never be insulted and called fat sluts online. It's in the bible."
Not even bothering clicking that shit.
Such a joy to see all these incel articles coming out, and this one appears to mention the blackpill by name (no fucking way am I clicking that).

The blackpill must spread.

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