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Former incel looksmaxxed + surgery



Nov 8, 2017
Lower jaw surgery to correct bite, chin now projects and is much stronger. Braces as well to fix crooked teeth that stuck out. Fitted clothes I could afford due to inheritance.

But I'll drop the blackpill, puberty saved me. Was a manlet for the first 15 years of my life. 3rd percentile height at 14. For reference I am now a hair over 5'10", so bang on average. Surgery + braces and stylish clothes saved me. But I had saving graces, I have prominent cheekbones and deep set eyes with a prominent brow. Had a few comments about having a chiselled face, to the point where my mother does not think I look healthy at low body fat levels, as I look gaunt. At a house party in college I was known as the guy "with good cheekbones", because so many people were there names couldn't be remembered. I am also not a dickcel. I have a 7" long Johnson that's 5.5" around, not a monster to be sure, but every girl who has seen it has mentioned it as big. I have to use larger condoms as normal ones constrict too tightly around the thickest parts and kill erections.
Puberty saved me with this bone growth and my frame. I have small wrists (6.5") but it is bullshit let me tell you. Frame is all about height and shoulder width. 5'10" + lifts is rarely mogged in real life, and I have above average bideltoid width and thankfully a waist that is in proportion to my wrists (28"). 

I know the pain of being rejected by everything or being ugly, and now I live in another world. Girls have flirted with me behind counters, one even recognised me from a college class and secured me a student special deal. 
The point of writing this is to answer questions to anybody about looksmaxing, jaw surgery and what is and isn't based on being ugly. Based on forum ratings here I would probably be Chadlite. I don't have the aggressive IDGAF attitude of Chad due to my origins. And I'm not genetically blessed in all areas. Girls I know rate me around 7/10. And I have a faithful girlfriend who has presented me as a trophy before.
However I was as subhuman as it gets in my teenage years (hugless virign till 21). And I know how it feels and how it effects you. Comparing my experiences I believe that incels as a whole have some valid points on how the effect of looks in societal success of individuals is underplayed. I don't agree with everything but I guess both of us are biased.

Happy to answer any questions. This thread is not a humble brag, I know I got exceedingly lucky, thankfully my fathers Chad genetics came through late in puberty. But I feel as somebody who has seen both sides I can offer both a different perspective, insight, help for incels and guidance to looksmaxing and to where and where not your looks are letting you down.
nausea said:

Dude I has a BSSO because I had a deformed mandible. I was deformed, I was a 2/10 at best. 

Praise st blackops2cel
what is that you do not find agreeable with this forum?
nausea said:
what is that you do not find agreeable with this forum?

Dealing in absolutes is a main gripe. Of course I'm not referring to joking and or comments about gigachad or whatever. But absolutes applied to all men, all women and so on. I don't think it's healthy to think that way. I do believe a majority of women and men treat incels like shit, but it's not absolute.
Wot1994 said:
Dealing in absolutes is a main gripe. Of course I'm not referring to joking and or comments about gigachad or whatever. But absolutes applied to all men, all women and so on. I don't think it's healthy to think that way. I do believe a majority of women and men treat incels like shit, but it's not absolute.

Honestly this is the problem I have with a lot of the copes that happen here. Fantasycopes and all of the blatantly egregious impossible things that people spout but will never do anything about that only give this forum the wrong kind of attention.
Hey man I am in the exact position as you. I’m 21, over 6ft, good frame, eye area but recessed chin and tmj jaw. This is why I’m a virgin. This is why I’m an incel. I also have crooked teeth and an overbite. I’m assuming your condition before the surgery is the same as mine. Can you tell me what surgeries you got? What type of orthodontic work? I’m pretty sure you didn’t just get braces in your mouth. Maybe you had those rubber band in too that move jaws? Idk. Thanks in advance
Chincel said:
Hey man I am in the exact position as you. I’m 21, over 6ft, good frame, eye area but recessed chin and tmj jaw. This is why I’m a virgin. This is why I’m an incel. I also have crooked teeth and an overbite. I’m assuming your condition before the surgery is the same as mine. Can you tell me what surgeries you got? What type of orthodontic work? I’m pretty sure you didn’t just get braces in your mouth. Maybe you had those rubber band in too that move jaws? Idk. Thanks in advance

My two front incisors stuck out like a rabbits.
I had a lot of spacing so my braces brought everything together, I did have to use bands for around 6 months to align my jaws. The surgery was a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. Not going to lie that it was tough. Right after surgery I knew my overbite was fixed as my lips fit together differently (my lips would peel constantly from being dry due to not touching before) and my lower lip appeared smaller, not pouting as much. I felt like it was a mistake at first due to the pain, blood and swelling. My lower face was numb for a few months. Having a itch that you simply cannot scratch is awful. Thankfully I avoided any complications and my sensation is now 95% normal and I have no pain.

Biggest change in looks is also from the front, my chin appears longer. From the side my chin might be considered "recessed" still compared to some Chads, but that's also because I have a very prominent eyebrow ride that dominates my upper face. My mouth feels larger, because it is. My tongue essentially has more space in my mouth now.
Pics? You can't just be going around saying "Hi guyz I'm chadlite, trust me on this one!!!11!!!! But don't warrY i wAs like you bbbefore puberty".
/u/ItsOverMyFriends said:
Pics? You can't just be going around saying "Hi guyz I'm chadlite, trust me on this one!!!11!!!! But don't warrY i wAs like you bbbefore puberty".

Won't post pics, they'd be found and I'd get doxxed. I look like Chris Evans when he plays captain America, just with a heavier brow ridge and cheek bones that are more prominent.

I've seen a lot of pictures here. I mog everybody who has posted pictures here and on Reddit r/incels from what I've seen. Also take into account my dad in his youth would amog me hard. 6'1" with legit 8+ inch wrists and fists like cinder blocks. 

Put it this way. People who I knew in school could not believe who I was when they see me now. People who would bully and or mock me want me as their friend. Girls who who were disgusted with me message me out of the blue on Facebook asking what i'm doing now. I never got invited to parties in school, now at college I get invited by people I don't even know in my classes. 

I'd bet most people here wealthmog me tbh, I'm poor as shit. But looks >> money.
Wot1994 said:
Won't post pics, they'd be found and I'd get doxxed. I look like Chris Evans when he plays captain America, just with a heavier brow ridge and cheek bones that are more prominent.

I've seen a lot of pictures here. I mog everybody who has posted pictures here and on Reddit r/incels from what I've seen. Also take into account my dad in his youth would amog me hard. 6'1" with legit 8+ inch wrists and fists like cinder blocks. 

Put it this way. People who I knew in school could not believe who I was when they see me now. People who would bully and or mock me want me as their friend. Girls who who were disgusted with me message me out of the blue on Facebook asking what i'm doing now. I never got invited to parties in school, now at college I get invited by people I don't even know in my classes. 

I'd bet most people here wealthmog me tbh, I'm poor as shit. But looks >> money.

wow... I envy you tbh Can you pm me the pics at least? I won't send them to anybody nor post them nowhere, I swear. Please
knajjd said:
ya NAWALT bro just look for ur unicorn bro ull find a girl :) some girls don’t care about looks

quite frankly you sound like a low effort inceltears mole, especially with that “I have a gf” thing. anyone GL just slays STR, not get into LTRs waiting for their female to find a better male specimen so that he can be cuckolded. you need to study up before coming here with this BS

I have a GF for multiple reasons. One is companionship, lots of incels know how much loneliness sucks. Smashing broads is a lot of fun, but it doesn't stop loneliness. I doubt I'd be cucked, considering I mog most men facially and I'm socially adept. If girls left anybody for a guy who just slightly mogs you then they'd all be with one guy. If you mog 90% of normal men you're good to go.

Don't compare me to those incel tears faggots, they're virgins white knighting trying to get laid. At least truecels such as yourself face reality. 

All girls care about looks. If you're ugly you're fucked, it's that simple. But if you mog 90% of all men you're good.

/u/ItsOverMyFriends said:
wow... I envy you tbh Can you pm me the pics at least? I won't send them to anybody nor post them nowhere, I swear. Please

Maybe sometime in the future. I understand the envy but it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. When you understand that people are nice to you just because you look good, everything feels hollow.
Shit man. I'm pretty sure I need that same surgery you gotten since my mouth is so fucking small and i have a terrible overbite. However, I already got 4 teeth removed and that did jack shit. Fucking american health care.
uglyguy12 said:
Shit man. I'm pretty sure I need that same surgery you gotten since my mouth is so fucking small and i have a terrible overbite. However, I already got 4 teeth removed and that did jack shit. Fucking american health care.

You could still have the surgery, and it would fix your overbite. Luckily I live in a nation with public healthcare and so didn't have to pay for my operation (apparently costs over $20k). I did have to lay for my braces though.
Wot1994 said:
You could still have the surgery, and it would fix your overbite. Luckily I live in a nation with public healthcare and so didn't have to pay for my operation (apparently costs over $20k). I did have to lay for my braces though.

I was about to ask how you managed to pay for the surgery.

Thankfully some states give you free healthcare if you are poor enough, but I dunno how you could convince a doctor to order cosmetic surgery for you.
Post before and after pics. Or PM them to me if you're not ok with them being posted publicly.
Post before and after pics. Or PM them to me if you're not ok with them being posted publicly.

I'm still wary of being doxxed. I have been doxxed before and it nearly fucked everything up. Especially with incel tears around.
I look similar to Chris Evans and Sam Claflin now to get an idea.
Wot1994 said:
I'm still wary of being doxxed. I have been doxxed before and it nearly fucked everything up. Especially with incel tears around.
I look similar to Chris Evans and Sam Claflin now to get an idea.

I have been sent pictures through PMs by another user and I have kept it to myself. I would never share your pictures with anyone, I just want a quick look to see if you're actually Chad-lite. You can use a private Imgur account where you upload it to so that only people you trust can get the link. Saying you look similar to celebrities doesn't really help that much, more often than not, people who claim to look like X don't look like X at all.
how much has your mentality etc changed since going to incel to chad lite? just toward the world
incel scum said:
how much has your mentality etc changed since going to incel to chad lite? just toward the world

Honestly? Living life as a incel fucked me up. Just bitter a lot now, knowing the way I'm treated is because of how I look. I'm no different as a person yet people always talk about how I've changed and so on.
Also going from incel all throughout school and 20 years of my life and then going into college as Chadlite was a... Experience that's for sure. I'd never been invited to parties, yet I had one at my place within weeks there with girls handing me drinks and a girl sitting on each of my legs kissing my head and shit. 
I'm still pretty high inhib due to years of being shunned for doing anything when I was ugly. When I drink a little I become low inhib and it all just comes together.

The most surprising thing isn't how women treat you though, it's just how everything just seems to go your way more. Almost like you're carrying a four leaf clover. Job interviews, first impressions and so on.

What was creepy before is now mysterious and so on. 

If I used to argue about feminism with a girl I was a creep who hated women, now I'm a dick, but they tolerate me and flirt between the debating and stuff.
Okay guys, I can safely assure you that this guy is not bullshitting. He's a confirmed Chad-lite. Looksmaxing is possible, but you'll have to be realistic about it as well. You can't expect to go from a 2/10 to a 8/10. Take his advice! He knows what he's talking about.
Wot1994 said:
My two front incisors stuck out like a rabbits.
I had a lot of spacing so my braces brought everything together, I did have to use bands for around 6 months to align my jaws. The surgery was a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. Not going to lie that it was tough. Right after surgery I knew my overbite was fixed as my lips fit together differently (my lips would peel constantly from being dry due to not touching before) and my lower lip appeared smaller, not pouting as much. I felt like it was a mistake at first due to the pain, blood and swelling. My lower face was numb for a few months. Having a itch that you simply cannot scratch is awful. Thankfully I avoided any complications and my sensation is now 95% normal and I have no pain.

Biggest change in looks is also from the front, my chin appears longer. From the side my chin might be considered "recessed" still compared to some Chads, but that's also because I have a very prominent eyebrow ride that dominates my upper face. My mouth feels larger, because it is. My tongue essentially has more space in my mouth now.
How much was the surgery? I don’t have health insurance so it would have to be out of pocket. I also had two pre molars pulled out for braces but then stopped the treatment when I realized they got pulled for nothing and that my ortho is just a dumbass. He didn’t even care about my jaw profile or overbite. Do you know where I can find a good ortho? I heard there was a name for orthos who not only straighten teeth but will align jaws. I forgot the name tho
Chincel said:
How much was the surgery? I don’t have health insurance so it would have to be out of pocket. I also had two pre molars pulled out for braces but then stopped the treatment when I realized they got pulled for nothing and that my ortho is just a dumbass. He didn’t even care about my jaw profile or overbite. Do you know where I can find a good ortho? I heard there was a name for orthos who not only straighten teeth but will align jaws. I forgot the name tho
Maxillofacial Surgeon is what you are looking for. They look at the jaws and the teeth, not just the teeth.
Almost anything is fixable with surgery when you're not a midget. The real issue is whether or not you want to pass on your genetics.
Do you ever hook up with the girls who treated you like shit before and make them think they're loved just to dump them and make them feel like shit?
Chincel said:
How much was the surgery? I don’t have health insurance so it would have to be out of pocket. I also had two pre molars pulled out for braces but then stopped the treatment when I realized they got pulled for nothing and that my ortho is just a dumbass. He didn’t even care about my jaw profile or overbite. Do you know where I can find a good ortho? I heard there was a name for orthos who not only straighten teeth but will align jaws. I forgot the name tho

In my country my dentist just referred me to a local one and I paid for my treatment as I was too old to receive it for free. I was young enough for my surgery to be paid for though.
I'm 7/10 and I haven't gotten a gf. I'm 5 years older than you too. I also had braces. So tell me why this thread isn't suicide fuel?
360_no_cope said:
I'm 7/10 and I haven't gotten a gf. I'm 5 years older than you too. I also had braces. So tell me why this thread isn't suicide fuel?

What do you think has kept you from getting a girlfriend? Do you think the 7/10 rating is objective?
PM me your pics. Really interested how you look.
blickpall said:
What do you think has kept you from getting a girlfriend? Do you think the 7/10 rating is objective?

Well I'm totally clueless as to why. Some kind of lack of neurotypicality and lack of formative experiences maybe. Or the world and people are just too fickle.

I also might be a 6/10.
360_no_cope said:
Well I'm totally clueless as to why. Some kind of lack of neurotypicality and lack of formative experiences maybe. Or the world and people are just too fickle.

I also might be a 6/10.

Do you feel comfortable elaborating on the "lack of neurotypicality?" I know this isn't the appropriate thread for this, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts via PM.

I am also curious to see what you look like; if you feel comfortable PMing me your picture, then I can assure you that I won't share it with anyone. I can also send a proof picture of myself back as well.
360_no_cope said:
I'm 7/10 and I haven't gotten a gf. I'm 5 years older than you too. I also had braces. So tell me why this thread isn't suicide fuel?

you are probably overestimating your looks.
I'd really like to see before and after pics.
blickpall said:
Do you feel comfortable elaborating on the "lack of neurotypicality?" I know this isn't the appropriate thread for this, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts via PM.

I am also curious to see what you look like; if you feel comfortable PMing me your picture, then I can assure you that I won't share it with anyone. I can also send a proof picture of myself back as well.

There's nothing much to elaborate on. I referenced neurotypicality because I wanted to bang girls when I was 14 and healthy social integration during teens when your brain is growing guarantees neurotypical development. Also Neil Strauss said something to the effect of, "guys who get laid before they are 15 are relaxed around women for the rest of their life, while the rest of men are not." These are not really helpful insights when it comes to curing actually progressed inceldom, though.

I don't really want to post my picture, especially when there is an entire subreddit hunting us. This is a bit far-fetched but I'm looking at Wot1994's avatar and if that's his eye I feel we are comparable in looks aka not too far apart.
a-virgin-nigger said:
PM me your pics. Really interested how you look.

Just look at my avatar, that's my eye/cheek area. I'm not showing more than that.

360_no_cope said:
I'm 7/10 and I haven't gotten a gf. I'm 5 years older than you too. I also had braces. So tell me why this thread isn't suicide fuel?

You sure you're not just a mentalcel or Volcel. I know 8/10 guys that don't get laid because they act autistic and awkward AF.
blickpall said:
360_no_cope said:
Well I'm totally clueless as to why. Some kind of lack of neurotypicality and lack of formative experiences maybe. Or the world and people are just too fickle.
I also might be a 6/10.
Do you feel comfortable elaborating on the "lack of neurotypicality?" I know this isn't the appropriate thread for this, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts via PM.
I am also curious to see what you look like; if you feel comfortable PMing me your picture, then I can assure you that I won't share it with anyone. I can also send a proof picture of myself back as well.
Won't be posting any pics, at least for a while. My avatar is my eye/cheek area. The rest of my face is at a similar level on bone and so on.

Sparky said:
How much did you pay for your BSSO and where did you get it done?

Done in my home country and paid for my the government as it was considered a health issue (making my bite perfect).
How many girls have you banged post surgery? Anything you notice now as a Chad that has not been mentioned here on this forum? Any interesting stories of chad life?
Chincel said:
How many girls have you banged post surgery? Anything you notice now as a Chad that has not been mentioned here on this forum? Any interesting stories of chad life?

I'd get called a cuck here but I'll say it. Only my current girlfriend. We met when I was transitioning in looks.
Well in my first few weeks of college in a massive house party we held, I had two girls on my lap and their friend bringing me drinks, hands constantly touching me up and stuff. They were friends of my housemates, found out the next day that one of them really wanted to fuck me, wants to meet up. But I'm not gonna fuck behind my girlfriends back... Even if some cels here would call me a cuck for it.

I mean major differences is women will flirt with me, even women behind counters at say McDonalds, I've gotten a free burger and drink before because she "recognised me from campus" but my friends on my course got no such treatment. 

Of course people I knew in school and my teenage years go on about how different I am... I am the same guy, just happier and better looking.
Wot1994 said:
I'd get called a cuck here but I'll say it. Only my current girlfriend. We met when I was transitioning in looks.
Well in my first few weeks of college in a massive house party we held, I had two girls on my lap and their friend bringing me drinks, hands constantly touching me up and stuff. They were friends of my housemates, found out the next day that one of them really wanted to fuck me, wants to meet up. But I'm not gonna fuck behind my girlfriends back... Even if some cels here would call me a cuck for it.

I mean major differences is women will flirt with me, even women behind counters at say McDonalds, I've gotten a free burger and drink before because she "recognised me from campus" but my friends on my course got no such treatment. 

Of course people I knew in school and my teenage years go on about how different I am... I am the same guy, just happier and better looking.
Wow that is the life. Glad you got out but are now enjoying the life while being blackpilled. Best of both worlds. I hope I can get this same surgery some day because this whole thread is life fuel. I got excited now that there is some hope for me. Thanks for answering my questions and thanks to the other guys too. I don’t know how to double quote so I’ll just thank them here
Chincel said:
Wow that is the life. Glad you got out but are now enjoying the life while being blackpilled. Best of both worlds. I hope I can get this same surgery some day because this whole thread is life fuel. I got excited now that there is some hope for me. Thanks for answering my questions and thanks to the other guys too. I don’t know how to double quote so I’ll just thank them here

The blackpill is that looks matter more than most people like the believe. However most people are not truecels, and can be saved with looksmaxing. Of course it won't save mentally ill people like Elliot Rodger.
Wot1994 said:
You sure you're not just a mentalcel or Volcel. I know 8/10 guys that don't get laid because they act autistic and awkward AF.

Nope I'm not a volcel. I don't have ugly girls waiting for me whom I simply have rejected.

Wot1994 said:
The blackpill is that looks matter more than most people like the believe. However most people are not truecels, and can be saved with looksmaxing. Of course it won't save mentally ill people like Elliot Rodger.

I don't think ER was particularly mentally ill. He snapped and went on a killing spree, but what he felt before that was what many incels feel.
Black pill deniers need to read this
RopeIsCope said:
Black pill deniers need to read this

People have different opinions on what the black pill is. If anything what I've found is that looks drastically change how you are treated by people. On here the focus is on women as most ugly guys have had no romantic experiences. But the same behaviour applies to men as well. They treat you much better for being better looking also. Tbh socially the way other men treat me is one of the biggest differences. Before I was a loser to be bullied. Now I'm a guy they seek approval and respect from.
Wot1994 said:
Lower jaw surgery to correct bite, chin now projects and is much stronger. Braces as well to fix crooked teeth that stuck out. Fitted clothes I could afford due to inheritance.

But I'll drop the blackpill, puberty saved me. Was a manlet for the first 15 years of my life. 3rd percentile height at 14. For reference I am now a hair over 5'10", so bang on average. Surgery + braces and stylish clothes saved me. But I had saving graces, I have prominent cheekbones and deep set eyes with a prominent brow. Had a few comments about having a chiselled face, to the point where my mother does not think I look healthy at low body fat levels, as I look gaunt. At a house party in college I was known as the guy "with good cheekbones", because so many people were there names couldn't be remembered. I am also not a dickcel. I have a 7" long Johnson that's 5.5" around, not a monster to be sure, but every girl who has seen it has mentioned it as big. I have to use larger condoms as normal ones constrict too tightly around the thickest parts and kill erections.
Puberty saved me with this bone growth and my frame. I have small wrists (6.5") but it is bullshit let me tell you. Frame is all about height and shoulder width. 5'10" + lifts is rarely mogged in real life, and I have above average bideltoid width and thankfully a waist that is in proportion to my wrists (28"). 

I know the pain of being rejected by everything or being ugly, and now I live in another world. Girls have flirted with me behind counters, one even recognised me from a college class and secured me a student special deal. 
The point of writing this is to answer questions to anybody about looksmaxing, jaw surgery and what is and isn't based on being ugly. Based on forum ratings here I would probably be Chadlite. I don't have the aggressive IDGAF attitude of Chad due to my origins. And I'm not genetically blessed in all areas. Girls I know rate me around 7/10. And I have a faithful girlfriend who has presented me as a trophy before.
However I was as subhuman as it gets in my teenage years (hugless virign till 21). And I know how it feels and how it effects you. Comparing my experiences I believe that incels as a whole have some valid points on how the effect of looks in societal success of individuals is underplayed. I don't agree with everything but I guess both of us are biased.

Happy to answer any questions. This thread is not a humble brag, I know I got exceedingly lucky, thankfully my fathers Chad genetics came through late in puberty. But I feel as somebody who has seen both sides I can offer both a different perspective, insight, help for incels and guidance to looksmaxing and to where and where not your looks are letting you down.

I believe you, actually I am also having an orthognathic surgery next year (mostly lower jaw) to fix my underbite and recessed chin (and protruding jaw). What other surgeries did you have apart from BSSO? Can you send before after pics? As you said you were 2/10 before and have now ascended.
Nice, now you can become a betacuck.
11gaijin said:
I believe you, actually I am also having an orthognathic surgery next year (mostly lower jaw) to fix my underbite and recessed chin (and protruding jaw). What other surgeries did you have apart from BSSO? Can you send before after pics? As you said you were 2/10 before and have now ascended.

Just BSSO. Thankfully I had late bone growth in my face that helped me a lot and made further surgery unneeded.

I'm not posting any pictures publicly, one user has seen what I look like and cam confirm I'm Chad-lite tier @[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[/font]

NEETsupreme said:
Nice, now you can become a betacuck.

I'm not normie tier in looks, I'm Chad-lite level... That's more than enough to not be a beta cuck. I mog 95% of guys facially... Not getting cucked any time soon.

I'm not bragging, but I'm not gonna sit down and be called a cuck.
Wot1994 said:
Just BSSO. Thankfully I had late bone growth in my face that helped me a lot and made further surgery unneeded.

I'm not posting any pictures publicly, one user has seen what I look like and cam confirm I'm Chad-lite tier @[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[/font]

I'm not normie tier in looks, I'm Chad-lite level... That's more than enough to not be a beta cuck. I mog 95% of guys facially... Not getting cucked any time soon.

I'm not bragging, but I'm not gonna sit down and be called a cuck.

Ignore him, he's just jealous lol.

What was your experience with people you used to know after your change?
Wot1994 said:
I'm not normie tier in looks, I'm Chad-lite level... That's more than enough to not be a beta cuck. I mog 95% of guys facially... Not getting cucked any time soon.

I'm not bragging, but I'm not gonna sit down and be called a cuck.

Clearly you have no understanding of hypergamy. If you are Chadlite, then you're not Chad or Tyrone, then you're not at the top of the food chain. That means you can still get cucked when she decides to monkey-branch from a surgically enhanced beta to a genetically superior alpha.

jagged0 said:
Ignore him, he's just jealous lol.

What was your experience with people you used to know after your change?

Not jealous, I am happy OP is having these experiences. Just a reminder that he is not invulnerable.
Wot1994 said:
Just BSSO. Thankfully I had late bone growth in my face that helped me a lot and made further surgery unneeded.

I'm not posting any pictures publicly, one user has seen what I look like and cam confirm I'm Chad-lite tier @[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[/font]

I'm not normie tier in looks, I'm Chad-lite level... That's more than enough to not be a beta cuck. I mog 95% of guys facially... Not getting cucked any time soon.

I'm not bragging, but I'm not gonna sit down and be called a cuck.

I was asking you to PM them. I am not asking you to post them publicly. Anyways if you don't want to then fine.
Not only a cuck, a cocky cuck

I hope he falls in love with a whore and gets cucked hard for bragging here. This website isn't a platform for you to brag and spread hope and positivity. Anyone who belongs here has given up thereby making this thread useless.
NEETsupreme said:
Clearly you have no understanding of hypergamy. If you are Chadlite, then you're not Chad or Tyrone, then you're not at the top of the food chain. That means you can still get cucked when she decides to monkey-branch from a surgically enhanced beta to a genetically superior alpha.

Not jealous, I am happy OP is having these experiences. Just a reminder that he is not invulnerable.

And clearly you don't understand the situation either. Hypergamy is a threat when you can barley get a girl... It's really not difficult for me. Where I live Tyrone is rare and so not so desired, and Chads that truly mog me are an extreme rarity. Maybe 20 or so in my college who amog me.

Being cucked is about having a small dick and being a shit lay as well. Neither of which I have a problem with.

If the game were as simple as women going to every single guy that amogs you, every single woman in the world would be fucking one gigachad. If you mog the shit out of 95% of guys you're good to go.

jagged0 said:
Wot1994 said:
Just BSSO. Thankfully I had late bone growth in my face that helped me a lot and made further surgery unneeded.
I'm not posting any pictures publicly, one user has seen what I look like and cam confirm I'm Chad-lite tier @[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[/font]

I'm not normie tier in looks, I'm Chad-lite level... That's more than enough to not be a beta cuck. I mog 95% of guys facially... Not getting cucked any time soon.
I'm not bragging, but I'm not gonna sit down and be called a cuck.

Ignore him, he's just jealous lol.
What was your experience with people you used to know after your change?

They constantly say how much my personality changed, how I'm much more confident, outgoing, cool and so on. But it's little things like always being invited out. Being asked for advice on decisions that have nothing to do with you and so on.

Jay said:
Not only a cuck, a cocky cuck

I hope he falls in love with a whore and gets cucked hard for bragging here. This website isn't a platform for you to brag and spread hope and positivity. Anyone who belongs here has given up thereby making this thread useless.


Cope. I know the blackpill better than you ever will, I've been on both sides. Giving up is cope as well, it takes no effort... It's a coping mechanism.

My girlfriend made a tinder profile for me and it got a shitload of matches, I'm not short on options if I need it. 

I'm offering advice on the true blackpill, and that looksmaxing can save a lot of incels. 

I'm not being cocky if I'm speaking the truth, calling me cocky is cope.
Don't you have some roasties to fuck? Jesus Christ this humblebragging faggot needs to be banned. 92% chance he is a troll anyway.

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