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It's Over For Italiancels, "Men in my country are undateable and I'm getting frustrated"

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022
How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

I hope no Italian will see this
How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

but I've been single since I was 27 because men in my country are undateable.
Oh you poor fem"cel".

I don't mean to brag about this
Then don't.

I certainly am not as hot as I was 15 years ago

I used to look like some Victoria Secret model back then and I was popular in high school and University because of this, but now that I'm 34 I'm still attractive. I'm not as skinny as before though I'm not obese by any means, I have an underactive thyroid and I'm tired of starving to death, my face got slightly chubby, but I'm objectively still a solid 7.5.
"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Getting attention from men is not that difficult for me, what I don't like about men in my country ( and this is a known fact ) is that they treat women like a prey: they aren't genuine, at all. They come up with strategies, anything they do or say is just a strategy and their goal is to bang you, they will also change their views, their opinions just to please you, and they suffer from toxic masculinity, they like to be rude, low class, loud and they even brag about it because '' they're tough men ''.
Also, most of them basically sound like this every time they talk: '' muh sex, muh women, muh football, muh expensive cars, muh women, muh football. '' Absolute hell.
Least stereotypical fem"cel."

I have had dated a few foreign men.. now, I'm not putting all foreign men on a pedestal, but what I'm saying is that at the very least most of them act like normal people and treat you like a normal person, that's it. I live in a city that has sooo many tourists from all over Europe ( and America too ) during the summer, and I have had a few short flings.. lol. I have also used dating apps to talk to men from other countries and I've also travelled a lot.
Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Not going to lie, for a while I even considered moving to another country for a better dating life.. but I'm a teacher now, I teach German in high school. I was a substitute teacher for a few years and I finally got a steady job last year.
Also, I think the reason I have never left Italy is that I have family and friends, and overall Italy is a nice place to live if you have a decent salary: awesome food, beautiful towns and monuments everywhere, friendly people, good weather and so on.
If I'm posting this though it's because I genuinely have a problem with Italian men. I really get along with men from other countries ( UK, Germany, USA etc. ) but I find that Italian men are absolutely horrible when it comes to dating.. I don't even have high standards, I just want some guy who acts like a normal person.
Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

EDIT number two: it's sad to see a lot of people in the comments assume that I'm some narcissistic misandrist. I really am not. A lot of people think I'm stuck-up when they first meet me, then they change their mind completely.
Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy::foidSoy:?


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il
Nigga you have an EU passport move to Germany or some shit it's not that hard lol
Solo Ciad nordico
tldr roastie has sky high standards
' muh sex, muh women, muh football, muh expensive cars, muh women, muh football. ' Manhands typed this post
Foid got grinded by men all over Europe just to prove Italian men are too average for her to date

Probably one of those "femcels" :feelskek:
I'll try to keep this as short as I can because I know nobody reads long rants.
>toilet proceeds to write an entire wall of text
How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

Oh you poor fem"cel".

Then don't.


"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Least stereotypical fem"cel."

Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy::foidSoy:?


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il

Meh stacy has impossible standards, nothing new. Perhaps she prefers a different euro pheno, but shes mostly talking out her ass, not all men talk about football and cars shes just hating cause shes a used up whore who forgot 2 settle down (oopsie!). I think i heard that a lot of italo foids go for the blue eyed fair haired northoroars
"I just want some guy who acts like a normal person".

Omitting a lot of things, like women always do...

Specially after bragging at the start of her post about her appearance, she really does think people will believe that she just wants a "normal person".

Even though it's a normie subreddit, so they will...
Dumb roastie could travel to many EU countries & have tons of simps throwing themselves at her.
built for bmc
:feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh:
Whenever I see a woman justifying her behavior / falsiying her motives I have to think of this
I'm in Italy rn, I actually agree with her.

Italians are very selfish. From experience they are incredibly greedy when it comes to money.

And I mog almost all Italians I have seen.
Not really a surprise since most Italians I see are way older than me. But still funny how Italians are way more narcissistic than me even do I'm taller and better looking than most of em.
I mog almost all Italians I have seen.
Not really a surprise since most Italians I see are way older than me. But still funny how Italians are way more narcissistic than me even do I'm taller and better looking than most of em.
I was sitting at the bar with my father when a decent looking foid came over and asked if I wanted to sit at her table. We stood outside having a smoke when the guy she was with came, I'm not sure if he was her bf or roommate but when talking with em it was clear they lived together. He looked like a low tier normie (reddit soy type) so it's quite possible they weren't in a relationship.

Anyways we went inside, she bought me a glass of whiskey and a beer.

Sadly any chance I had with her I fucked up incredibly quickly. I drank very quickly, bearly talked and I was already quite drunk, so I decided to start discussing socialist principals with em. I should have known it would scare normies away. Anyways pretty soon after that they told me that they had to go and I have never seen them at that bar again even do I went there almost everyday.
Bruh, wanna switch lives:feelshaha::feelshaha:?
Poor comprehension.
Increasingly over for Medcels if you want to be Mate guard your women from a poor country and also uphold traditional masculinity you need religion to do so. Not doing to work if you are poor and look no different to Syrian and North African migrants coming to Europe.
What a dumb slut
Reddit is cuckoldry central. Read through the replies……….
I guess every country has a "default" for men and for women, but not everyone is like that.
i thought that italy was a chad country
"If I'm posting this though it's because I genuinely have a problem with Italian men." = i don't want to breed with a googly eyed soft-faced medfag


"I really get along with men from other countries ( UK, Germany, USA etc. )" = I want germanic chad sperm and have non italic looking children

Shes tried of pasta chad so she wants 6’5 nordic viking chad instead.:society:
I didn't read the post, I just have something to say

We Italian Mediterranean people are not generally ugly, but we are short and that is our sentence, we are like the hobbits from the Lord of the Rings while the Nordics are the elves.
Welcome to intersexual competition 101.
Italian foids aren't exactly a catch they look like kikes.
Probably a tranny LARP. It was always strange to me how there is no many Italian members here.
>Self-reported 7,5
She is probably a skinny 5 who dreams of the american trust fund kid entrepeneur on holiday while the random terrone chad used her as a cumrag
Talk about a generalization. But ofc its fine if foids do it.
Retarded reddit cucks upvoting her in hopes that she'll have sex with them. :lul: "well maybe she'll like me huh? I'm an American and I respect women!":soy::soy::yes:"
She doesn't like rude, low-class, loud men. Jfl. This is just virtue signaling. No one stops her from dating unattractive quiet nerdy men without 'toxic masculinity'.
But she will never do that because nerds aren't men in the women's eyes.
What a nightmare of a cunt. If this spaghetti whore can speak German and loves to taste foreign cock, why doesn‘t she become a hooker in Germany?

You think I’m just being edgy, I’m not, I’m serious. She can become rich by doing what she does best, riding Kraut cocks.
I think i heard that a lot of italo foids go for the blue eyed fair haired northoroars
I hope that's true. I hope they like guys that look like me.
I'm Italian from Rome.
We call italian foids "melanzane" (eggplants) because... they look like eggplants:
short, large, dark and ugly.
They are also loud and ignorant beyond limits (but that's applies to foids in general all over the planet earth)
Men in Italy are averagely way better looking than the average local foid and here comes the pain for sub-4 men like me and for all the stupid ass monkey-brained pretentious entitled melanzane.

Italian foids just get mogged by foreign tourist foids 24/7 and it makes them MAD ASF. That's fine.
I know what this is. Italian men are highly popular among foids(especially Northern european foids). She probably is mad that Medchad is picking foreign girls and not her. That's why she posted this to tarnish Italian men.
well apparently someones needs diversity
She doesn't like rude, low-class, loud men. Jfl. This is just virtue signaling. No one stops her from dating unattractive quiet nerdy men without 'toxic masculinity'.
But she will never do that because nerds aren't men in the women's eyes.
Lol it's so bizzarre. She doesn't like rude, low class, loud men as long as they are ugly swarthy italians. But the 1,90 plus german tourists who behave just as low class or loud are okay for some reason, teehee.
I know what this is. Italian men are highly popular among foids(especially Northern european foids). She probably is mad that Medchad is picking foreign girls and not her. That's why she posted this to tarnish Italian men.
They are not. It may be portrayed like that in TV and the likes but reality is very different.
"Why aren't men like in my sexual fantasies?!"
"Where is my 7ft tall billionaire rapists vampire warewolf drug dealer that I can fix?!"
I genuinely think foids like this should be slapped for their audacity
I'm in Italy rn, I actually agree with her.

Italians are very selfish. From experience they are incredibly greedy when it comes to money.

And I mog almost all Italians I have seen.
Not really a surprise since most Italians I see are way older than me. But still funny how Italians are way more narcissistic than me even do I'm taller and better looking than most of em.
another fakecel...
I genuinely think foids like this should be slapped for their audacity

another fakecel...
This is like the second temp ban I've seen him get since I posted this thread:feelshaha::feelskek:. Wonder how long he'll keep up with it to troll the forum, before going back to his life of creampieing random women and not even understanding that someone might not have sex:feelsjuice::feelsjuice:.
How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

Oh you poor fem"cel".

Then don't.


"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Least stereotypical fem"cel."

Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy::foidSoy:?


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il

On I read what the whore said , basically all projections of look , ugly=want only sex , chad=is interested in what I am saying , anyways she like nordics chad and she is a backy. If she was like a Victoria secret model she wouldn't be teaching in a school , by now she's would be milionere , I guess she didn't want the money? Anyway just a Becky and Noting new under the sun look=personality
Last edited:
How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

Oh you poor fem"cel".

Then don't.


"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Least stereotypical fem"cel."

Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy::foidSoy:?


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il

Sexually immature males are at it again.

Funny how this bitch cunt whore whines about men having masculine hobbies while probably at the same time would consider men who don't have such hobbies (there are plenty) as "not real men".

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