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It's Over For Italiancels, "Men in my country are undateable and I'm getting frustrated"

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
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Meh stacy has impossible standards, nothing new. Perhaps she prefers a different euro pheno, but shes mostly talking out her ass, not all men talk about football and cars shes just hating cause shes a used up whore who forgot 2 settle down (oopsie!). I think i heard that a lot of italo foids go for the blue eyed fair haired northoroars
men who don't like cars and football usually are turbo non NT or non conformist and she would label them as "creeps"
I'm in Italy rn, I actually agree with her.

Italians are very selfish. From experience they are incredibly greedy when it comes to money.

And I mog almost all Italians I have seen.
Not really a surprise since most Italians I see are way older than me. But still funny how Italians are way more narcissistic than me even do I'm taller and better looking than most of em.
What a retard. I am italian and the only narcisist cunt here it's you. Also JFL for simping for a fucking horrible hypergamous cunt.
Italian foids are the worst looking in Europe probably
I'm Italian from Rome.
We call italian foids "melanzane" (eggplants) because... they look like eggplants:
short, large, dark and ugly.
They are also loud and ignorant beyond limits (but that's applies to foids in general all over the planet earth)
Men in Italy are averagely way better looking than the average local foid and here comes the pain for sub-4 men like me and for all the stupid ass monkey-brained pretentious entitled melanzane.

Italian foids just get mogged by foreign tourist foids 24/7 and it makes them MAD ASF. That's fine.
Che schifo le melanzane italiche cazzo culo. Ma da dove è venuto fuori il mito delle italiane fighe? Son cesse abominevoli e oltre a quello pure antipatiche e ipergame oltre il comico. Le uniche con un frame decente passano la vita a sentirsi dire "ah ma non sei straniera quindi".
Che paese cesso maledetto.
I didn't read the post, I just have something to say

We Italian Mediterranean people are not generally ugly, but we are short and that is our sentence, we are like the hobbits from the Lord of the Rings while the Nordics are the elves.
LoL i nordici non sono così alti nè più belli. Semmai nel nord-est (repubbliche baltiche) ci moggano
Women are literally never happy with their options..they always feel the grass is greener somewhere else and they deserve better....this is why relationships are totally pointless these days there's always some hypothetical guy in some other country that's higher in Lms than you
I know what this is. Italian men are highly popular among foids(especially Northern european foids). She probably is mad that Medchad is picking foreign girls and not her. That's why she posted this to tarnish Italian men.
Cope nord chad >>>> all other races of men in Europe.
women are all the same
woman has immense standards, blames everyone else
I really don't understand that old cunt, what the fuck does she want? Italians lads are one of the most handsome people in the world, by my personal experience. What she want is 6' 5 aryan germanic/nordic chad right? Pajeets and Rices must be a bunch of subhumans which were never supposed to even exist in this world according that foids standard.
Ricefoids here think Italian men have sculpture-like faces
I thought Italian men were slayers?
I sorta said this sarcastically. Cause with Italian men it seems, they are either Chads or trucels, no inbetween
true, foids think italian or just any romance language is hot for some reason (if your chad of course)
How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

Oh you poor fem"cel".

Then don't.


"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Least stereotypical fem"cel."

Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy:


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il

Typical foid cumdumpster who couldn't get chad to commit. I hope that empty egg carton dies alone and miserable.
true, foids think italian or just any romance language is hot for some reason (if your chad of course)

Even French men? I thought they'd be considered feminine/incel tier.
People usually just get made fun of for being French & nothing really redeems the fact
Even French men? I thought they'd be considered feminine/incel tier.
People usually just get made fun of for being French & nothing really redeems the fact
only zoomniggers make anti french jokes, the fucking safe edgy troons, but that aside probably not tbh cause french has a weird kind of sound to it.
Italy is a women's paradise, women are always full of simp, spoiled and hypergamous to the nth degree
only zoomniggers make anti french jokes, the fucking safe edgy troons, but that aside probably not tbh cause french has a weird kind of sound to it.
No pretty everybody makes anti french jokes. But that wouldn't have anything to do with what fefails are attracted to anyways. Foids want aryan germanic/nordic chads, not a bunch of gallo-roman descendant fags like the french.
No pretty everybody makes anti french jokes. But that wouldn't have anything to do with what fefails are attracted to anyways. Foids want aryan germanic/nordic chads, not a bunch of gallo-roman descendant fags like the french.

Essentially France is the most common source of mockery. I'd rather be Khazar-Curry-Jewish-Ethiopian than French
"If I'm posting this though it's because I genuinely have a problem with Italian men." = i don't want to breed with a googly eyed soft-faced medfag


"I really get along with men from other countries ( UK, Germany, USA etc. )" = I want germanic chad sperm and have non italic looking children

View attachment 912548
lol :feelskek:
Posts like this remind me that women deserve to be brutally beaten and tortured.
single since I was 27
Yeah, it’s the men who are undateable :feelskek: She’s aged out of desirability and says it’s the men who are at fault. She mentions being 34 and chubby at one point too, and “a solid 7.5” :lul::lul::lul: She has all the information she needs to figure out why nobody wants her for a serious relationship, but of course men bad women good.
How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

Oh you poor fem"cel".

Then don't.


"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Least stereotypical fem"cel."

Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy::foidSoy:?


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il

The truth is that women are unreasonably picky and society needs to regulate hypergamy and female mate selection to some reasonable degree (you know, like how it used to be 80 years ago) or humans don't form the nuclear family structure and women wind up in pseudo harems being rotated between Chads.

All of this got exponentially worse in the social media age and once online dating became a thing to boot. Social media basically wrecked women's brains. People always talk about how porn has warped the male mind, but nobody ever talks about how social media hacked into women's neuroticism and made their narcissism 100 times worse than it already was.

You know how society restrains male destructive behavior like violent impulses/rape, etc? They do that for the greater good -- men aren't allowed to just "do whatever we want". Women also have pernicious impulses though and hypergamy is one of them. In the same way that male behavior is restrained by society for the greater good, so should destructive female behavior too. Also monogamy being enforced societally before meant the same Chad could not simply rotate multiple women at the same time and plate spin like that. If you were with someone you were off the market and deviation would result in social ostracism. These were VERY GOOD THINGS and modern society post feminism and birth control is absolute dog shit.

I'm honestly starting to think that social media in general outside of maybe niche hobby focused boards (cars, computers, whatever) should just be made illegal. California giant social media platforms have done nothing but damage to people and the western world and the entire globe would be better off long term if California just fell off into the ocean and took their dogshit ideology with them. Online dating absolutely 110% should just be banned. Period.
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How is stuff like this even real:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t8mura/men_in_my_country_are_undateable_and_im_getting/

How about simply not posting it on R*ddit then?

Oh you poor fem"cel".

Then don't.


"I don't mean to brag, but I totes looked like an international model when I was younger, my entire youth I've enjoyed the life of a woman privileged in both her looks and social status, and I'm still highly attractive. Not trying to brag though:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Least stereotypical fem"cel."

Teehee, I hate the men in my country, so I am a bimbo cumbucket for rich tourists:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Jfl. Of course. Isn't it funny how it's always like this? Isn't it funny that whenever women complain about the men in their country, they compare them to and put on a pedestal men from richer, more privileged countries with higher average heights? Always. You simply never see women who are shitting on their men negatively compare them to shorter men from poorer countries. But, of course, they never say that it's about looks, money and status, they never even mention that of course, it just so happens that those short men from poor, low status countries have worse personalities:foidSoy::foidSoy:than richer, taller men from more powerful countries. Funny how "personality" just so happens to always correlate with higher LMS, isn't it?

But the best thing is when the men those women are fellating online (and IRL as well of course:feelswhat:) are also regularly shat on by their own women:feelskek:. Seriously, look at the countries she mentioned as having "dateable men." Like 90% of female-dominated R*ddit spaces is just the users there shitting on men from those countries, the US especially since R*ddit is an American site, and here this stuck-up Italian bitch is sucking their balls about how awesome the men from those countries are, since they are richer and have higher status than her, while the Muriccan foids on R*ddit don't have any men from richer and more influential countries to look up to like this, so they just shit on their men:feelskek::feelskek:.

Reminder that despite all of this, both foids and cucks want us to believe that women are complex beings whom we don't understand:lul::lul:.

Why do people make correct assumptions about me by reading my unfiltered thoughts on something, written and posted by me:foidSoy:? When people meet me IRL and the halo effect of my good looks does its thing, people quickly change their minds about me, what's going on here:foidSoy::foidSoy:?


Tagging some (both full and part) Italiancels for their thoughts on this @PersonalityPIMP @DarkStarDown @idfklma @Hoppipolla @Freixel @Serpents reign @Ashton-Il

This woman's delusion that you tear apart step by step is just incredible. I have no idea how someone can go through life being THAT out of touch with reality.

And women ALWAYS do this shit when they get fat where they're like "Oh, it's not me! It's my genetics! It's my thyroid! I'm tired of suffering by starving! I'm an 11/10!"

Like holy shit my sister does this too -- mind blowing delusion. And nobody calls them out on it and other women just encourage their retarded thinking. But yeah, you can see this woman has the "alpha widowed" mindset where she was used to being hotshit when she was young, but then hit the wall and can't cope/is delusional about it. Well bitch shoulda locked down Chad in your prime when you had the chance instead of """""finding yourself"""""" trying to do better for the next 15 years.

This kind of shit is why men hate women (on average disclaimer yeah yeah) -- these kinds of narcissistic brain rot straight up delusional traits are extremely common now. And people are just not honest with women until it's way too late. I would never want to be with a woman like this because her mind's already been ruined and you'd never be good enough in her mind compared to what she had before. Even if you're an objective 7/10 guy and she's really a 6/10 now her delusional mindset means she's ranking herself way way higher than she actually is so you're not "good enough" -- it's like the hypergamy train never ends with these hoes. This is seriously why female mate selection and hypergamy were restrained somewhat in the past. Because are fucking crazy when they're allowed to just do whatever they want and they refuse to pair off with their actual value match.
Funniest post in a while, good commentary, make a yt channel or something
Even French men? I thought they'd be considered feminine/incel tier.
People usually just get made fun of for being French & nothing really redeems the fact
France has a big romance culture and it's incredibly pro-feminist it might be one of the biggest feminist countries in the world right next to Canada or Sweden and of course France has its fair share of Chads like any other European country but it is basically being destroyed from the inside out especially with the Communist they elected recently

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