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Blackpill For "Ascension Copers": Getting A GF Is The Easy Part (Its Better To "Descend")

You clearly meant it as a permanent solution for inceldom.

In relation to getting sex, but since you can't get sex without pay you'd still be considered incel. By "incel life" I mean a life of being sexually starved, not a life of "not being desired by women". Obviously escorts don't solve that problem. You're looking at what I'm saying based on your perspective of what being incel is, for me it is literally just about sex, if prostitution became legal world wide, better yet decriminalized, I'd bet my life that within a decade + this forum would get shut down due to lack of usage, all threads would basically just become - "I fucked this 6/10 prostitute today".

Lack of sex is literally the only true problem incels face, if that could get solved we'd be happier all round.

I don't mind escortceling or MGTOW, but this is not the place to spread that mindset.

1. Why?

2. Lol the irony, oh but this is the place to spread the mindset that being sexually desired is more important than sex............ TO MEN WHO WILL LIKELY NEVER BE SEXUALLY DESIRED.

Let that sink in for a sec, what you're saying.

Spreading the idea that men can pay for sex to relieve sexual frustration should not be spread on a site full of sexually undesirable males

Spreading the idea that men should chase after being sexually desired should be spread on a site full of sexually undesirable males

Sorry, but I believe life is next to worthless if you're not loved by a woman

Gentlemen, I present to you the same kind of blue pilled guys that will tell me that I am glorifying and pedestalizing women by promoting prostitution, they don't get irony or see inherent contradictions.

hiring a whore won't address any unhappiness I feel because I'm an egoist who overvalues women. If all you want is sex, hire a whore today but don't try to shame us for not being as logical and black pilled as you are.


You are just another blue pilled cuck spreading the ideology that female validation is more important than sex itself, now that's what shouldn't be spread on this site, what kind of BS logic are you operating on.

You should feel ashamed, especially for a line like - "life is next to worthless if you're not loved by a woman". Seriously just KYS then because you likely aren't getting a woman who will "truly" love you. A post this cucked and blue pilled deserves a punishment.

To quote a blue piller I know -
That should get you a preemptive ban.
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Sorry, but I believe life is next to worthless if you're not loved by a woman
Women can not love men anyway. women are CONSTANTLY looking for the next best thing. Even if you manage to find a GF as a sub 8 man, she will leave you at the first chance for a Chad anyway.

If you give a blue piller the rope and wait long enough they'll hang themselves, all the time he spent arguing with me to prove his point, and then he drops that line and completely invalidated everything he said, proving what I've always said about the men who are opposed to prostitution for moral or ego based reasons, THEY ARE BLUE PILLED.

They all have these core blue pilled beliefs which amount to pedestalizing women, and considering female validation to be worth more than sex itself. From now on I think I should just outright start asking these guys questions before I start to argue.

1. Is a female sexually desiring you more important than having sex with her?

2. What do you hate more?

Feeling unloved/undesired by women
Sexual starvation

Based on those answers I can just end the argument immediately

Women can not love men anyway. women are CONSTANTLY looking for the next best thing. Even if you manage to find a GF as a sub 8 man, she will leave you at the first chance for a Chad anyway.

JFL @ any so called black piller that says romantic love exists, its all just lust, you will always just be the next/current dick.
for me it is literally just about sex
For you. SergeanIncel disagrees and in fact most incels disagree because most incels are not escortceling, and even most of those who are are not happy because they're still here and still miserable.

Lack of sex is literally the only true problem incels face, if that could get solved we'd be happier all round.
Fine, go hire a whore, why are you even here?

2. Lol the irony, oh but this is the place to spread the mindset that being sexually desired is more important than sex............ TO MEN WHO WILL LIKELY NEVER BE SEXUALLY DESIRED.
If you think sex is all that matters, go hire a whore. Problem solved, enjoy your life.

Spreading the idea that men can pay for sex to relieve sexual frustration should not be spread on a site full of sexually undesirable males
It's not an idea, it's a normie platitude that has been thrown at us at least since I first found incels two years ago. Just take a shower bro, just get a haircut bro, just lift bro, just approach women bro, just hire hookers bro. If any of those "ideas" were worth a shit, the only incels would be the ones who can't afford to hire a whore.

Spreading the idea that men should chase after being sexually desired should be spread on a site full of sexually undesirable males
That's the idea of the black pill. You are your looks, if you're ugly you will never be truly happy. It's bleak I agree, and that's why it's the black pill and not the green pill or whatever solution you're proposing. Are you on some kind of feel good mission of hope here? There is no hope.

You are just another blue pilled cuck spreading the ideology that female validation is more important than sex itself, now that's what shouldn't be spread on this site, what kind of BS logic are you operating on.
Yes, female validation is more important than having an orgasm by putting your erect penis inside a vagina. If it weren't, we'd all be hiring pros since you believe the lack of sex is the only true problem incels face. You know you didn't invent prostitutes just today, yeah? We all know about them and most of us have opted against for various reasons, namely that putting an erect penis into a vagina does not solve the emotional torture of knowing we are unwanted.

You should feel ashamed, especially for a line like - "life is next to worthless if you're not loved by a woman". Seriously just KYS then because you likely aren't getting a woman who will "truly" love you. A post this cucked and blue pilled deserves a punishment.
That's the black pill, if you're ugly and unwanted, there is no hope and no happiness. Why do you think we're miserable?

It's not worshiping women, it's worshiping the feeling of being loved. Just because that's unattainable for us is no reason to pretend it doesn't matter. That's what those MGTOWers do, so if that way of thinking appeals to you, MGTOW is here.

So why are there incels then? Why are we so miserable? Don't have $200 or whatever for an escort? Go get her and find happiness.

They all have these core blue pilled beliefs which amount to pedestalizing women, and considering female validation to be worth more than sex itself.
I'm am pedestalizing my feelings, you are pedestalizing the vagina.

1. Is a female sexually desiring you more important than having sex with her?
Yes, otherwise I'd have a hooker blowing me right now. And so could pretty much anyone here.

2. What do you hate more?
Feeling unloved/undesired by women
Sexual starvation
I hate feeling unloved/undesired by women more. Sexual starvation I can fend off by fapping and then I'm no longer horny. But there is no way I can fend off loneliness and torture of being an unwanted piece of shit.

JFL @ any so called black piller that says romantic love exists, its all just lust, you will always just be the next/current dick.
Lust, love, whatever you want to call it, it's a feeling a woman has for a man and that feeling is worth a lot more than using one of her orifices for 10 minutes. If you disagree, hire a hooker today and gtfo.

Women can not love men anyway. women are CONSTANTLY looking for the next best thing. Even if you manage to find a GF as a sub 8 man, she will leave you at the first chance for a Chad anyway.
True, she will only love Chad (for as long as that lasts) which is why life sucks as a sub 8 man and why none of us will ever truly be happy. That's the black pill, the abandonment of hope.
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The goal of "descension" is to build wealth, try and create sustainable passive income streams, and escortcel, never get married or have children.
I'd probably do that if I could stand living in this cesspool for a long period of time
"Getting a GF is the easy part, now you have to do a bunch of shit to keep her excited and entertained so she doesn't leave you, now you've reached the hard part"

JFL at this cucked, redpilled, woman worshipping mindset. Once you ascend, your purpose is to get your dick wet as much as possible. If the foid wants the D repeatedly, good for you, if she doesn't then to hell with her. The second you get into the "I gotta work hard to keep my gf" mindset is the second you become a PUSSY WHIPPED CUCK.

Ascension is surgery maxing to become chad and pumping and dumping girls.
Not living life like a normie
Imagine finding a gf and having to act and convince her femoid friends, cause you know if they dont like you it they'll plot against you for her to breakup with you
Fuck this shit, what a headache
Ascension? More like going nuts
I wouldn't need to reply if you understood my posts, but yeah, I'll let your mistake slide

I think ironically its you this time that didn't get my point
My version of "ascension", I call it "descension", since I hated the term "ascension" for what it is used for (chasing a cope), and I wanted my concept of "success" after an incel life to be in opposition of that.

Descension is the exact opposite of ascension, you could say its like the MGTOW version of "ascension", while "ascenders" focus on looks, "descenders" focus on money. The goal of "ascension" is to become more "normie like", get women to like you, date, have sex, maybe get married and have children. The goal of "descension" is to build wealth, try and create sustainable passive income streams, and escortcel, never get married or have children.

I've always seen the obvious problems with ascension which is why everytime I see an incel speak about trying to do that I can't help but think they're stupid.

Ok you finally get a GF, she's likely going to be beneath your league, and there's still nothing stopping her from cheating on you. Like I remember seeing a poster online tell me (it wasn't on this forum)

"Getting a GF is the easy part, now you have to do a bunch of shit to keep her excited and entertained so she doesn't leave you, now you've reached the hard part"

Ironically the further you progress into a relationship, the harder it gets, not easier, you have more to lose, more shit you have to do, more men in her life to be compared against, etc. Just more problems in general.

For example in dating you only really have your dignity to lose if she wants to leave you (well there's also the money you invested into the relationship, and sex), if you are married you have half of your wealth to lose after a divorce, if you have children you can basically lose your children and still have to pay child support. Ascension is an endless game of continuous and painstaking effort just to enjoy mediocre happiness, why bother.

A lot of incels on this site seem very naive, they speak as if the hard part is getting the girl to date you. Quite obviously your problems have only begun at that point, any shortcomings that you were able to hide to get her to date you, will become ever more apparent as the relationship progresses, if she doesn't leave you in the first month then maybe you are "home free".

You see now you have to put in effort every single day, just to keep her around, all the stress and anxiety you felt, it isn't really gone, because first the problem was getting her to fuck you, now your problem is to keep her fucking you, and to keep her from fucking anyone else, your worries don't end when you get a woman, they only just begun. I've been thinking about this shit for years, which is why I've never really bothered with trying to ascend once I learned about the black pill and truly accepted it.

Its an illusion, if you have to TRY to be attractive, then you aren't attractive, so even if you get a female, you will have to KEEP TRYING with that same effort (or even more). Get a surgery to up your looks, good, female SMV is rising each year, and with shit like tinder, what difference does that make, at most any guy on this site ups his looks he'll be a 6, a woman can open tinder and find 50+ 6's willing to fuck in her area. ITS OVER.

I say focus on the elements in life that you can control, this is why "descension" to me is the most logical choice, your money can't cheat on you or leave you, your businesses can't cheat on you or leave you, an escort can't cheat on you or leave you (she isn't yours, you are just renting her body). You don't have to keep stressing everyday about the shit you would have to if you were trying to "ascend".

Ironically a lot of the "ascenders" in their 20's are going to be right back in this forum as incels when they get divorce raped (which is the likely end point of ascension). Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Why bother with that shit.

We haven't even gone into the other problems of "ascension" including your "stunted growth", all the people around you are already good at socializing, hooking up, they have "style", they can hold conversations, etc. You have to teach yourself all of this just to have a chance at getting a GF, and then you have to somehow "learn on the go" to keep up with her so she doesn't feel "weirded out". You're always in a way going to be behind her in the relationship.

Its an uphill battle through and through, that's all ascension is, you know what, I just realized the term fits very well, it is an ascension, and that's the very reason why its an uphill battle, wasted effort really, descend and know that you have the high ground, or end up like dear anakin.

I really like your posts, thank you for this.

I have to say, you have a very stoic approach. You're in the acceptance level and are moving on.

Just thinking though, I've heard people say "it's natural for me to want women, all the normies who tell me I just need to accept women are not attracted to me isn't reasonable". I think these people have a bit of a point.

But, in all honesty, I think your way is the best way despite those who disagree. Instead of wallowing in rage, you just move on and make the most of life. I think this is high level blackpill. Not getting angry, not sitting in here and bickering. Knowing the truth, moving on and enjoying life.

While people cry "cope" on here, you're banging escorts and making the most of life.

I'm a blackpilled normie btw. I know you don't like that term, but I'm not going to sit here and say I have it as bad as a deformed person or a 5'2 cel, but I completely agree with your philosophy.
Instead of wallowing in rage, you just move on and make the most of life. I think this is high level blackpill. Not getting angry, not sitting in here and bickering. Knowing the truth, moving on and enjoying life.

TBH being free of anger isn't even a main point of this, in fact I'd say I'm driven by anger, its my driving force, I'd have killed myself without it. the point is about making choices that lead to less stress in life and more pleasure, more benefits. Chasing after something you will likely never attain is a waste of time and illogical, its counter productive to your own happiness, not only that, but even if you attain it, its very easy to lose and you likely will lose it.

Ascension is a pointless uphill battle that never ends.

I'm a blackpilled normie btw. I know you don't like that term

As long as you don't go around trying to humble brag, virgin shame, etc or spreading anything blue pilled i'll have no problem with you.
Did this faggot really just make this post?
I can't believe my opinion of you was actually starting to get better, JFL, no, you're still a bottom barrel IQ poster.

This dumb bluepill/redpill mix of fakecel bullshit. "It's easy to get a girlfriend!" Aren't you the one constantly crusading against "Fakecels"?
Did this faggot really just make this post?
I can't believe my opinion of you was actually starting to get better, JFL, no, you're still a bottom barrel IQ poster.

This dumb bluepill/redpill mix of fakecel bullshit. "It's easy to get a girlfriend!" Aren't you the one constantly crusading against "Fakecels"?

The irony of you calling me low IQ when clearly your reading and comprehension skills are shit tier

Did you even read the post

Can you tell the difference between these two sentences.

1. Lifting 300lbs is easy
2. Lifting 300lbs is easier than lifting 500lbs

Can you tell the difference, or are you retarded. You either didn't even read the thread (heck you didn't read the fucking title properly) or you are retarded.
The irony of you calling me low IQ when clearly your reading and comprehension skills are shit tier

Did you even read the post

Can you tell the difference between these two sentences.

1. Lifting 300lbs is easy
2. Lifting 300lbs is easier than lifting 500lbs

Can you tell the difference, or are you retarded. You either didn't even read the thread (heck you didn't read the fucking title properly) or you are retarded.
No one would say "Lifting 1000lbs is the easy part! Lifting 2000lbs, now that's the real challenge!" because everyone knows lifting 1000lbs isn't remotely easy, so either you're a retard peddling bluepill/redpill garbage, or you're a retard who creates dumb sensationalist titles for the sake of it. Pick your poison, either way you're a Bacteria-tier IQ retard.

And I read the post, it's the same "b-b-but getting a GF and having sex doesn't count if u don't have Chad's sex life" bullshit I see fakecels spout all the time. Try again, this time create a decent post.
No one would say "Lifting 1000lbs is the easy part! Lifting 2000lbs, now that's the real challenge!"

Nobody makes comparisons, gotcha. I like how you're grasping for straws now trying to dictate grammar, on the limitations of what is "too extreme" to be used as a comparison in difficulty, you legit sound like you're desperate to hold a point with this BS argument. So now you are somehow the arbiter of how comparative statements can be structured?

I read the post, it's the same "b-b-but getting a GF and having sex doesn't count if u don't have Chad's sex life" bullshit I see fakecels spout all the time

>I read the post
>clearly didn't read the post

I said nothing even alluding to what you claim I said here, again, your reading and comprehension skills are complete shit. I guess you wouldn't mind quoting where I said that thing, I mean you did read the post, I know quoting you would have been the immediate thing I did, you would not have had to ask (like I now have to)

Please quit while you're behind. This is your most retarded argument yet, literally speaking as if you get to dictate grammatical structures :feelskek:
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I like how you're grasping for straws now trying to dictate grammar, on the limitations of what is "too extreme" to be used as a comparison in difficulty, you legit sound like you're desperate to hold a point with this BS argument.
No one is dictating grammar, my issue isn't with your grammar, its with your sensationalism. Nevermind the fact that your entire post is about how getting a girlfriend isn't actually "ascension".
Stop being a retard already.
TBH being free of anger isn't even a main point of this, in fact I'd say I'm driven by anger, its my driving force, I'd have killed myself without it. the point is about making choices that lead to less stress in life and more pleasure, more benefits. Chasing after something you will likely never attain is a waste of time and illogical, its counter productive to your own happiness, not only that, but even if you attain it, its very easy to lose and you likely will lose it.

Ascension is a pointless uphill battle that never ends.

Turing IQ. Ascension is an empty achievement, in my opinion. I don't see a betterment in becoming a girl's slave and a part time clown to keep her entertained and not to lose her. Femoidal physical fitness, if taken in aggregate, is degrading, mental issues are going upwards and beyond, laws gets more and more cucked. It's not worth it.

I've read that some want experience the feeling of receiving love. The fundamental problem is that female's nature is purely transactional and functions in a stereotyped fashion with very few degrees of scalability. Between Chad and Mediuman (aka average man) there's an ocean worth of difference in terms of responses, behavioural patterns and so on. These two kind of people will experience female nature in a diametrically opposite way, except for the core elements of the feminine biological imperative. In other words, I believe that people searching for love, and not only sex, are in for an ugly surprise.

Years of rejection and humiliations may do much more than leading to a simple surrender. In some people it can create a trauma so severe that makes them unable to trust and love ever again. I would certainly be much happier if I could escortcel more often, but I also can't be too much against people who think differently and are not as jaded as I have (been forced by femoids to) become.
The fundamental problem is that female's nature is purely transactional and functions in a stereotyped fashion with very few degrees of scalability.

This, it always confuses me when people who claim to be black pilled speak as if women can even "love" in the colloquial sense (this "deep" non-shallow thing often portrayed in media). In one thread they'll be pulling out all the works of evolution psychology, citing studies and books, to convey that women are instinct driven and only want high tier genetic males, and/or men with resources and utility.

In another thread they'll be saying "I want to feel loved". Don't they see the contradiction in both claiming that love doesn't exist and claiming to want to "feel it" as though it does exist, make up your damn minds, have some consistency in your logic.

This is what these guys are doing
>DBZ isn't real life, none of its real
>I want to feel what its like to be a super saiyan
>I'm going to continue to yearn and chase after this thing I admitted doesn't exist

I would just like these guys to atleast make up their minds a bit. If you believe love exists, then stop with the evolution psychology BS, and stop with the "AWALT" rhetoric, because if love exists then it stands to reason "NAWALT". If you don't believe love exists, stop making all these pointless blue pilled posts about wanting to feel loved when you know full well what you want to feel doesn't exist by your own words, its all just so ridiculous, like they have no logic at all.
First off, if you're attractive enough to get one girl, you're attractive enough to get another, so you don't have to make yourself an indentured servant to your first girl. You can find one who you actually enjoy being around in places other than the bedroom. If you stick with a neglectful or abusive girl just because she's your first and you're afraid you'll never find anyone else, you're low-T and you're cucking yourself. You've already proven to yourself and everyone else that you're not an incel. There's no shame in being single for non-incels.

Second, escorts suck and aren't worth the money. Strict one-nut policy, over a hundred dollars for a single half-assed 30-minute session, a lot of them take extremely little care of themselves, there's a good chance of getting outright scammed, and you have to drive all the way to some filthy seedy hotel just for all of that. Even if you only care about getting laid and don't care about the shame or lack of real affection, escortcelling is garbage. You really are better off going to Pornhub and jacking off. At least it's free.

Getting married is something no blackpilled incel would ever do even (especially) if he did ascend, so blathering on about divorce rape and child custody is pointless. If an ascended blackpilled incel ever did have children, they would be bastard spawns of serial monogamy or a casual pump and dump.

There's nothing wrong with making money, but coping with escorts is retarded. If you save up all that money you waste on escorts, you can get surgery or make more money.
Nice.. Descension with some surgeryes like hair transplant or chin implant just so life generally can be a bit easier
Yes, for incels who aren't egoists and blinded by ego, this is a reliable solution and path to happiness, for guys like you, IDK tough luck, you'll have to get over yourself first before you finally descend.

You ever ask yourself why you want to feel desired, do you think the colonizers of the past really gave a fuck or did they just go to different places and rape and impregnate their women?, do you think Ghengis Khan gave a fuck? (we all know what he did), not even the average peasant way back when gave a fuck.

Its only recently that "being sexually desired" became the prerequisite to getting sex, the reason why you care so much about being desired is because you've been raised under this modern rule set, and your psyche has internalized that rule set into "being something deeper". So even though what you really want is sex, your brain is still latched onto the prerequisite, because it knows that without achieving the prerequisite you won't get sex, one essentially equals the other.

Way back in the past, men didn't care very much for that shit, because the prerequisite for sex, was power, that was it, and the average man was more powerful than the average woman, you could just raid a village and take a bitch, get her pregnant, she can't abort the child anyways. You ever think about how much rape there is in human ancestry?. Add to it that women could not work and weren't allowed to learn anything and there's even an intelligence and resource gap in power.

So no guys, please stop with this blue pilled BS, driven by your ego, and your psyche that has been influenced by modern standards of masculinity, which are ironically feminine, because the men of the past did not really care much for this shit, and that's because they had different prerequisites to worry about.

For different reasons for different men

For you its shit, because you are an egoist, and not feeling desired makes you feel less than and is a strike against your ego.

For me its because being sexually desired is the prerequisite to getting sex, and I just want sex.

insane high iq post, respect op, even though we share some different values this is very right
used to not agree with BlackPillPress but High IQ posts like these makes me think we're on the same line regarding the ''ascension'' issue.

Escortcel>>>>>>>betabux ascended normie BY FAR...Good luck to the guys here who will slave away their life trying to keep their sub-3 roasties interested.
First off, if you're attractive enough to get one girl, you're attractive enough to get another

"If you won the lottery once, then you can definitely win it again."

No, that's literally not how this shit works, a true incel would have to looksmaxx, etc just to get a chance at one girl who is minutely beneath their league in looks, just because you got one, doesn't mean you'll get another, that one bitch could literally be your only chance at ascension, life isn't that nice.

I mean if you are willing to go lower and date a 2/10 instead of a 4/10 yeah i'll agree with you, you can get another girl, but is the effort even worth it then, a key point of my post is about doing a cost vs benefit analysis on your choices in life, putting in effort to get a 2/10 is illogical, its not worth it, at this point you are just getting a GF for the novelty of having one and so you don't feel like a loser, in other words egotistical (emotional) reasons rather than logical (objective) reasons.

Good luck to the guys here who will slave away their life trying to keep their sub-3 roasties interested.

This, whats the point of all this effort just to settle, its wasted effort, put that into wealthmaxxing and you can land a house maid that fucks you for tips.

If I ever buy an apartment complex or something in America, I am specifically going to look for latina single moms to bring in as tenants, and just hope one of them has problems paying rent a month (preferably illegal aliens).

Foid - "Mr. Black Pill, por favor, it is just me and my baby, I will not be able to pay the rent this month, I promise I will pay double next month"

Me - "Listen Carmelita, I'm a reasonable man, I understand your plight, maybe we can work something out" (aggressively grabs ass so she knows I mean business)


I think i'll add that to what "descension" is about, taking advantage of disenfranchised females, of varying demographics, that's part of our revenge against society as incels. That's why I like the ThotAudit so much, instead of men just coming online and bitching they are finally using their resources and doing something to attack the female power structure.

insane high iq post, respect op, even though we share some different values this is very right

used to not agree with BlackPillPress but High IQ posts like these makes me think we're on the same line regarding the ''ascension'' issue.

Most people find it hard to disagree with me, because its hard not to agree with objectivity.
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status/moneymaxx is a good plan but dont dream too hard bro.

I've got some money saved up for some business idea we could start by the way, so feel free to contact me if you want to collaborate.
status/moneymaxx is a good plan but dont dream too hard bro.

I've got some money saved up for some business idea we could start by the way, so feel free to contact me if you want to collaborate.

I don't want to interfere with another man's dream, i'll contact you at some point, but I'll only bother if I actually have something to contribute to your plans, I'm not going to leech off of another mans creation.

Also I say dream to the max, and if it all fails just off yourself, better to aim for the stars so you can tie a rope on one to hang yourself as you fall lol.
The stunted social and sexual development is going to work against you in any relationship and there's nothing you can do about it because you can't change the past. It is always informing the power dynamic of the relationship. You can lie, but maintaining the facade (if it's even possible) is a 24/7 job and just proves OP's point further.
The only way a relationship can ever truly have long term happiness and stability is if it is a true looksmatch, in a normal world.

The hypergamy has ruined that now though, and ever 4/10 foid thinks shes a looksmatch for a 9/10 man and it ruins everything.
"Getting a GF is the easy part, now you have to do a bunch of shit to keep her excited and entertained so she doesn't leave you, now you've reached the hard part"

"I gotta work hard to keep my gf" mindset is the second you become a PUSSY WHIPPED CUCK.

This is where most npc bluepilled cucks fail.

I don't see what was wrong about that statement, I never said getting a GF is easy, I said its the "easy part", which means, as hard as it is, what comes next is actually harder
I don't see what was wrong about that statement, I never said getting a GF is easy, I said its the "easy part", which means, as hard as it is, what comes next is actually harder
Well said. Any normie who looks or socialmaxx or whatever can get a GF. As you said the hard part will be to keep her around. The normie will have to buy her gifts, treat her to expensive dinners, while also she will get the travel bug. But on the other hand she’s tempted to monkey branch after a few months or so. She’s gonna install a dating app to see if there’s a better option available. To her eyes, she spots far higher sexually attractive men who she’s gonna be tempted to cheat with. After that she will gaslight the normie into thinking he’s doing something wrong and the relationship is going down south very rapidly. It’s just a typical story when normies or non chad gets into a relationship.

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