One thing you could've mentioned was that when the bulb engorges, the thrust of the penis also pushes against her crus and cavernosum, causing more pleasure.
The pleasure is increased because a larger part (engorged bulb) is pushing against her sensitive wall.
Pretty sure I already covered that...
"sexual enjoyment from penetration is largely due to pressure put on the corpus cavernosum / crus clitoris on the left or right side"
"your dick is actually fucking her balls (the bulbs of vestibulae)
and this creates outward pressure on them (which in and of themself are not particularly erogenous, as far as I know)
but that pressure is what pushes on the crus/corpus (ie the shaft of her bifurcated internal cock)."
Easy to miss though since I do ramble so.
Number of fucks anyone in the world has ever given about me having a good sexual experience: 0.0000000000000
Number of fucks I give about foids' sexual experience: 0.0000000000000
It would in theory be important to focus on this if a foid gave you a "first try" so that you get repeat tries for good success.
I am of course saying it is futile to try to try to give foid orgasm from just fucking her pussy even if you have the thickest dick in the world if she is not aroused by you, since her deflated bulbs won't transmit the force of your girth to her clit wings.
You could cheat by stimulating external clit since that could get her horny even if she is repulsed by you, it's just body reacting to stimulae, like how you can sometimes fondle yourself into an erection even when you aren't thinking about anything sexy.
There also might be some mental workarounds for not being chad, like say if there's 1% of foids who are sadists who get aroused by seeing ugly men suffering pain, then letting her stomp on you might give her a ladyboner.
There are probably some 1% who are pure size queens who will get horny by seeing thick cock even if it's on some 5ft ugly fat non-muscle dude.
Of those who aren't, you might have some 1% who are masocists who get hrony by a thick dick ripping them open / long dick poking their cervix.
Aside from this 3% of exceptions though, the other 97% will only get mentally horny for Chad, so unless you have him around to stimulate her mentally, the only logical workaround is manual clit stimulation to force her body to get horny in spite of her lack of mental attractions.
At that point when she is horny and "erect" (the cavernosa wings fill with blood) you could keep stimulating her w/ fucking (no need to touch external clit glans anymore) and she should in theory orgasm from that.
The shorter/thinner your dick the more erect she would need to be, so it would be essential the smaller your dick is to keep her maximally aroused. if fucking along won't do that you'd need to keep doing external clit shit or nipple shit or whatev