You mentioning stardew valley reminds me of something that happened when I was younger
This bitchy gamer girl ended up always getting invited to my xbox partys by one of the friends of my two friends and she would join the party for a year
The guy who invited her was a tall normie boxer with a deep voice and she was simping for him and sending him nudes but he didnt care about her at all
We would always argue because she hated me
She knew I was 5’7 and Could probably tell that I didnt have good genes since my voice wasnt deep like everyone else so she would always try to fuck with me
This bitch was so annoying I think she has OF now too but I doubt she makes any money because from what I saw of her body from the pics that guy showed me It wasnt even nice
She barely had tits or anything
Some guy I used to be friends with ending up simping for her and they would always play stardew valley
he would always leave the party and join her if she said to even though we were all meant to be playing something together
They would play it all day long and he probably thought He was going to end up in a relationship with her even though it was obvious he wouldn't
She probably only did this to make the boxer guy jealous since she was taking his friend away
We would just mock him constantly about him simping and he would always get annoyed because he knew it was true and probably knew how pathetic it was too