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Hypocrisy Feminism is just an anti ugly men movement



KHHDV Wizard Alchemist. Wage Feelsdevilcel.
Nov 21, 2023
Let's act in good faith for a moment and steel man feminism, even though it definitely does NOT deserve it. Feminism is nothing but bad faith arguments against men.

Anyway, feminists' main argument is that women have been historically oppressed by patriarchy. That women were forced to find a man in order to survive, and give him children and companionship. Feminists complain that women have been relegated to the role of child carer and housekeeper (even though is much easier than being a man, having a job, having to answer to a boss, having responsabilities etc.). They claim that women had to depend on men, and had no way of leaving if their husbands were abusive.

Okay, now let's get back to present day and see how things are going for the foids after four waves of feminism :feelshehe:

Well, the brutal truth is that nothing essentially changed. Women are still in the SAME relationship dynamic they've been complaining about for decades. We've seen and heard COUNTLESS stories of women choosing to be with a good-looking, attractive toxic abusive Chad, then getting beaten/abused/killed by him.

The major difference between now and in the past, is that now foids have the means to simply LEAVE a relationship immediately. Through forced gender quotas, affirmative action and male discrimination, foids are starting to outearn men. THEY HAVE NO FUCKING EXCUSES ANYMORE. AND YET THERE ARE MORE STORIES THAN EVER OF FOIDS BEING ABUSED BY CHAD, BUT STILL CHOOSING TO STAY JUST TO BE WITH AN ATTRACTIVE MAN.

The conclusion is that foids NEVER had an issue with being abused. Their only problem was if an ugly man was doing it. Now foids have all the means to leave abusive relationships, yet they don't want to.

Feminism's ONLY 'achievement' is giving foids the means to leave relationships with ugly men, so that they instead enter abusive relationships with toxic Chads. Well done, feminists! :feelsseriously:
Also, most relationships in the past were NOT abusive. Most men just want to be with their female looksmatch, to get affection, and to have a loving family. It's quite simple.

But women would rather leave a good relationship with an ugly nice guy, so that they will be with a toxic attractive Chad instead who will beat them.

This is why you should NEVER feel sorry whenever you hear one of those stories where the dumb roastie gets beaten/abused/killed by Chad. It is 100% the foids' fault. Foids can be with any man they want now that dating apps exist. They have all the means to leave a bad relationship immediately. Yet they don't want to.

Alright, roasties. I hope being with good looking Chad for a few months is worth being killed for :feelsjuice:
And when they want to settle they still want the man to be the main provider/protector too, sounds like muh patriarchy :feelsseriously:
And like you said in another reply, most relationships in the past weren't abusive
Also, feminism is an anti Autistic man movement in addition to an anti ugly men movement too
Also, feminism is an anti Autistic man movement in addition to an anti ugly men movement too
Yes. It's even anti normie men. It's essentially an anti non-Chad men movement.
Also, IT lurkers: this is what we mean when we say women would be better off ''without rights''.

Women would be better off in traditional relationships with ugly nice guy, than to be pumped and dumped by 20 Chads.

What have women done with their freedom? Nothing. Just being Chad's cum dumpster, and after they get pumped and dumped, they blame all men.
At the school where I study, there is a practice where they expose on paper signs men who had "Harassed" them as part of a ""Feminist Emancipation"" (Kind reminder of the leftist bullshit that plagues schools)
At the school where I study, there is a practice where they expose on paper signs men who had "Harassed" them as part of a ""Feminist Emancipation"" (Kind reminder of the leftist bullshit that plagues schools)
Brutal. Is this in the US/Western Europe? I can't imagine being in school with this new misandry climate. I'm glad I've finished with school before this crazyness.

Bad faith feminists could claim ANYTHING and EVERTHING is ''harassment'' and ''micro aggression''. It's over for the male race.
Modern soyciety and the people that compose it are so hypocritical and confusing about gender relations and roles that i can only be jaded about and cant wrap my head around it. It's a total mockery of men. When you add in personal stuff like a badly broken home due to a crazy mom (she even admits to it now) / several recurring life experiences with awful women / my own observations of the current ethos (cause no one is an island), being a desselected man needing to go the extra mile in this day and age just to not die alone is simply outrageous :feelsUnreal: you're pretty much put against a wall and forced to become extremely foid-critical (misogynist :foidSoy:) if you're not a total npc drone. I guess that's why most of us post here in the first place.
Brutal. Is this in the US/Western Europe? I can't imagine being in school with this new misandry climate. I'm glad I've finished with school before this crazyness.

Bad faith feminists could claim ANYTHING and EVERTHING is ''harassment'' and ''micro aggression''. It's over for the male race.
US, Western Europe? Of course not! What is happening and I am telling you about happens very frequently in Tacoland high schools (Lol, I live there ) There is an archetype of person we call "Brayan" (Basically, a juvenile delinquent with an outgoing personality) to which women who call themselves Defenders of Women's Rights" don't mind being courted by these guys
True and when we use AI to rebuild women we don't need to virtue signal anymore because ostracization means nothing so the rape pits can begin.
Feminism is and always was about breaking monogamy and allowing polygamy again - as women would rather share Chad than be stuck with a subpar man, which women view most men to be.

Essentially this is why most women want bigger government. They want social welfare so that they can bang Chad, and if Chad doesn't commit, then government will act as their betabuxx cuckold substitute husband.

Most people follow their instincts, after survival comes reproductive instincts. Women think about Chad just as much as men think about women. Most men are just useless to women and they only want Chaddington.
What have women done with their freedom? Nothing. Just being Chad's cum dumpster, and after they get pumped and dumped, they blame all men
They killed a lot of children.
And also sold a lot of pictures of their holes on OnlyFans. :feelsseriously:

For some weird reason we don't see a lot of woman scientists or dangerous important job foid workers. Previously feminists would say it's because they were given no chance to be these things (questionable, but fine).
Now they have it, yet, still we see no breakthrough foid scientists or artists. It's all men. Very weird.. :feelshehe:
They killed a lot of children.
And also sold a lot of pictures of their holes on OnlyFans. :feelsseriously:

For some weird reason we don't see a lot of woman scientists or dangerous important job foid workers. Previously feminists would say it's because they were given no chance to be these things (questionable, but fine).
Now they have it, yet, still we see no breakthrough foid scientists or artists. It's all men. Very weird.. :feelshehe:
Yep, it's just like the thing with relationships. Now foids have the chance to do something, but they don't actually want to do it. They've been screaming for decades that they're being oppressed by men and patriarchy, and when they're actually free to do it, they don't actually want to :feelsseriously:
Yep, it's just like the thing with relationships. Now foids have the chance to do something, but they don't actually want to do it.
Imagine sitting in the basement playing games while she brings home the bacon :feelshmm: :feelsEhh: :ahegao: :feelsdevil:
Yep, it's just like the thing with relationships. Now foids have the chance to do something, but they don't actually want to do it. They've been screaming for decades that they're being oppressed by men and patriarchy, and when they're actually free to do it, they don't actually want to :feelsseriously:
Jfl this is like a cat that cries in front of a closed door and when you go and open it it doesn't want to go inside anymore :lasereyes: giving authority or too much freedom to a creature that makes their decisions based on their random emotions is a very bad idea. They will end up destroying everything including themselves
Jfl this is like a cat that cries in front of a closed door and when you go and open it it doesn't want to go inside anymore :lasereyes: giving authority or too much freedom to a creature that makes their decisions based on their random emotions is a very bad idea. They will end up destroying everything including themselves
It's tyranny dude. I was watching this video on YT about how to deal with foids in workplace. The overwhelming advice was 'be a very respectful guy', "don't make jokes" etc. basically worship a tyrant, except its half the population that are tyrants.

I think I would eviscerate half the male population who victim-blame or tell men to meet foids' tyrannical standards first before getting to foids. In gta 6 of course.
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Anyway, feminists' main argument is that women have been historically oppressed by patriarchy. That women were forced to find a man in order to survive, and give him children and companionship. Feminists complain that women have been relegated to the role of child carer and housekeeper (even though is much easier than being a man, having a job, having to answer to a boss, having responsabilities etc.). They claim that women had to depend on men, and had no way of leaving if their husbands were abusive.
every time a femshit opens its mouth, it's easily dealt with by uncontrollable laughter and/or leaving :feelsYall:
There is nothing in this world that women hate more than ugly men. Nothing. Even child rapists don't bother them as much as a sub5 do.
It's tyranny dude. I was watching this video on YT about how to deal with foids in workplace. The overwhelming advice was 'be a very respectful guy', "don't make jokes" etc. basically worship a tyrant, except its half the population that are tyrants.

I think I would eviscerate half the male population who victim-blame or tell men to meet foids' tyrannical standards first before getting to foids. In gta 6 of course.
Yeah this is so incredibly cucked. Most people are too retarded to understand that foids hold all the social power, because this is a soft power, and soft power is not obvious like for example physical one.

People can understand that a man can physically beat up a foid and leave her bruised for a week, but they don't understand a foid can ruin a man's whole life in a million ways with barely any effort. Even if they did understand they of course wouldn't care, cause anti-male bias is too strong in normies
Let's act in good faith for a moment and steel man feminism, even though it definitely does NOT deserve it. Feminism is nothing but bad faith arguments against men.

Anyway, feminists' main argument is that women have been historically oppressed by patriarchy. That women were forced to find a man in order to survive, and give him children and companionship. Feminists complain that women have been relegated to the role of child carer and housekeeper (even though is much easier than being a man, having a job, having to answer to a boss, having responsabilities etc.). They claim that women had to depend on men, and had no way of leaving if their husbands were abusive.

Okay, now let's get back to present day and see how things are going for the foids after four waves of feminism :feelshehe:

Well, the brutal truth is that nothing essentially changed. Women are still in the SAME relationship dynamic they've been complaining about for decades. We've seen and heard COUNTLESS stories of women choosing to be with a good-looking, attractive toxic abusive Chad, then getting beaten/abused/killed by him.

The major difference between now and in the past, is that now foids have the means to simply LEAVE a relationship immediately. Through forced gender quotas, affirmative action and male discrimination, foids are starting to outearn men. THEY HAVE NO FUCKING EXCUSES ANYMORE. AND YET THERE ARE MORE STORIES THAN EVER OF FOIDS BEING ABUSED BY CHAD, BUT STILL CHOOSING TO STAY JUST TO BE WITH AN ATTRACTIVE MAN.

The conclusion is that foids NEVER had an issue with being abused. Their only problem was if an ugly man was doing it. Now foids have all the means to leave abusive relationships, yet they don't want to.

Feminism's ONLY 'achievement' is giving foids the means to leave relationships with ugly men, so that they instead enter abusive relationships with toxic Chads. Well done, feminists! :feelsseriously:
THis should be part of the "Must read content". Ive never related to anything more in my entire life
Well, tbf, it's chads who get metoo'd very frequently. I think chad is a cope. I have also seen stories of foids killing their husbands after years of abuse. You are still instinctively trying to downplay foids' demonic behaviors by saying foids just don't want anything to do with 'ugly' men when they do much much much worse to men in general.

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