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Brutal Female Midget vs Male Midget SMV

  • Thread starter 5ft4ropeconnoisseur
  • Start date


ovER if you don't have 8 nipples
Apr 4, 2022

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/11tu6xp/as_a_49_man_with_dwarfism_do_i_have_any_chance_of/

"Posted by
10 months ago

As a 4'9 man with dwarfism, do I have any chance of marrying an average-height able-bodied woman?​


Dating sites say no. As soon as I enter my height into the algorithm, I get zero matches.
Real life says no as well, as I don't have any single acquaintances and I can't really go to bars or clubs due to my health problems.
Do you have any advice for me (other than "date a dwarf girl")? I'd appreciate it."

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarfism/comments/110sfvp/dating/



Hi, i am 20/m and have Proportional Dwarfism, my question to you guys is, what expierence do you have with dating a normal sized women? And how succesfull have you been so far?

·1 yr. ago4'6" | SMD | 28M
I hope you've got female friends to hook you up with someone.
The dating apps are a fucking joke for us. Height is the only filter they give away for free, and in my experience even the more open-minded women generally set their filter as taller than themselves. I got frustrated at one point and paid for gold, just to find out the 3 likes I'd gotten were from 2 men who'd listed their profiles as female to try to date straight guys, and 1 very non-passing transwoman. Not trying to be judgemental about anyone, but that's specifically not what I'm looking for.
I've given up, I'd love to be in a relationship but it's just not worth the bullshit to try anymore.

This next guy is 5'3 not even a midget:


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ulf0c/iama_3ft_7_little_person_married_to_my_awesome/

IAMA 3ft 7 Little Person married to my awesome 6ft1 Hubby...If you have any questions you can read below or visit my blog! Thanks! <3​


I realize some of you watch the TV show "Little People Big World" & altho I don't usually watch it or comment on it (b/c I'm a Little Person (LP) & I live it everyday) I hear that recently a young LP man who never thought he'd want to date a "Tall" person is now dating a tall girl. :) Some time ago, I tried to get involved in my local LP Association, however, I noticed that the ppl I contacted would suddenly stop talking to me after I gave them my marital info. After some time, a kind LP finally told me it was b/c I was married to a "TP" (TP=Tall person) Yup! Turns out, some LPs have been hurt too badly by "TPs" to ever consider a relationship w/them & some even think they are betraying their LP "culture" if they do not date other LPs! So according to them (not ALL LPs of course) I was considered a betrayer..an outcast..& I was appalled! How can ppl like me think this way & not realize that they are in fact treating "TPs" in the same way we've fought all our lives NOT to be treated?! In my experience you can be hurt by anyone short or tall, purple or green...& you can LOVE & be LOVED by them & be the better for it as well. My name is Sommer & I'm 3ft 7, Texas born & raised & I'm married to the most wonderful 6ft 1 French Canadian you'll ever meet..& proud of it! My hope is for everyone to replace misconceptions w/love...We are ALL God's work of art & we are many diff shapes & colors, yet we were ALL painted on the same canvas.. Separate shapes & colors on canvas are not much to look at..but when they blend they have the potential to be something tremendously beautiful! If you want to read more on this topic, click on the Link below to check out my Blog at http://sommersdr.blogspot.com/2012/01/little-peoplelittle-world_24.html or my Youtube Channel which is a work in progress: You Must be This Tall to Ride:
View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-55B8l_DrU
..Thanks :)

Midget Female Escort


I was inspired to post this because I was checking the escort pages and found this. So if any of you guys live in Connecticut and want to fuck a midget foid I guess this is your chance. :feelsrope: It's over
Does women have midget fetish?
The tallfag should get publically executed for ruining his bloodline
Night and day difference.

A lot of men have a closet pedo fetish and will wife a midget girl in a heartbeat. They get to fuck their "desirable" size pretending it's a schoolgirl loli, and also virtue signal to everyone how honorable they are by dating a disabled person. jfl. Win-win for them. There's a midget female in my workplace (can't even reach the floor when sitting on a chair, has to be no more than 4'5) and she started talking about her boyfriend the other day. Of course. And she's ethnic and doesn't even have attractive face, imagine how easier it would be if she was white and cute.

For men it's a fucking death sentence. I don't even have to explain. Let's just say that midget females don't even want to date them. End of discussion.
Night and day difference.

A lot of men have a closet pedo fetish and will wife a midget girl in a heartbeat. They get to fuck their "desirable" size pretending it's a schoolgirl loli, and also virtue signal to everyone how honorable they are by dating a disabled person. jfl. Win-win for them. There's a midget female in my workplace (can't even reach the floor when sitting on a chair, has to be no more than 4'5) and she started talking about her boyfriend the other day. Of course. And she's ethnic and doesn't even have attractive face, imagine how easier it would be if she was white and cute.

For men it's a fucking death sentence. I don't even have to explain. Let's just say that midget females don't even want to date them. End of discussion.
It's fucking ridiculous, isn't it? Even when femoids have the shittiest genetic lottery, they still get massive amounts of dick from normoid guys willing to have short children.
3'7 :feelskek: a garbage can is more valuable
These midget foids are only pulling because they're a legal substitute of children for some men
IAMA 3ft 7 Little Person married to my awesome 6ft1 Hubby...If you have any questions you can read below or visit my blog! Thanks! <3
always 6 foot male, short foids are the worst
if i saw that bitch and chad wasnt around, i would pick her up and throw her into a dumpster and then kill myself so i dont have to spend life in prison
saw a 4'6 bitch last time at school of course she had infinite smv with normies trying to talk to her, if only she was male she would be here with us :lul:
saw a 4'6 bitch last time at school of course she had infinite smv with normies trying to talk to her, if only she was male she would be here with us :lul:
i see them in school too, enrages me that EVERY SINGLE ONE has a HTN+ bf
just be female theory
exactly they dont even have to try because men have no standards due to being sexually starved for years

Probably just his taste, he’s just not attracted to short girls. I am 4’2 and short men my height are not my thing at all, I find them very unattractive, in fact I found myself a guy average height and we have been together for almost 5 years now. Just cause we are short doesn’t mean we NEED to be with a short partner. It’s very subjective and we have the right to choose whoever we like just like some people have the right to say ‘midgets are not my thing bleah disgusting’.
watch it bro its funny af this oofy doofy thinks hes alpha male
watched it, this "man" is a pathetic excuse for a man
if you let a woman (lesser being) control you then you are a cuck
watched it, this "man" is a pathetic excuse for a man
if you let a woman (lesser being) control you then you are a cuck
rather incel than cuck thats why marriage is the most cucked thing u can do to urself, paying for used up beckys in her 30s :lul: :lul: :blackpill:
rather incel than cuck thats why marriage is the most cucked thing u can do to urself, paying for used up beckys in her 30s :lul: :lul: :blackpill:
marriage is basically letting a woman claim you, it should be the other way around, the man should have power over the woman but the jew laws say that holes get more privileges/rights than men
Somebody said that Peter Dinklage, a famous, millionaire, hollywood actor is married to give the guy hope.

Man, just wtf.
Women have easier lives than men.
Somebody said that Peter Dinklage, a famous, millionaire, hollywood actor is married to give the guy hope.

Man, just wtf.

Dinklage still looks miserable in literally every photo I've seen of him.
The tallfag should get publically executed for ruining his bloodline
Why? That's good because we get less tallfags in the world.

RIP to his future son, though.

Gigalifefuel how the 6'2 girl said the last person she dated was 5'9. :3

Fuck these tallfags for humiliating him on the show. I hope they have painful deaths.
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I hope these short foids who say they don't want short men at least have the insight to realize it's them who will continue the short bloodlines of the next generation men. Oh well, what am I saying. They'll happily birth baby sons when the first thing they should do when they find out it's a boy is running to the abortion clinic.

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