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Serious Fatcels are truecels, I don't care what anyone says

Losing weight doesn't make your life necessarily better. Just like gymcels exist, there are plenty of dietcels who struggle for nothing. I did it twice, going from 110 kgs to 78 and then again in 2019 from 100 to 85, and literally nothing changed. But again I was never morbidly obese, so I hadn't a large margin of improvement to begin with. If you are a 200 kg ball of fat, I'd say go for it at least once.
it becomes easier to sympathize with fatcels the older you get and the more you lose it, i’m still in the stage of trying to leanmaxx
how long did that take you and what was your diet
My mom back then did everything in her power to hinder me (she said I was becoming 'anorexic'). I kept eating what she cooked, so standard mediterranean diet, but I always left something in the plate, also no sweets, no snacks and no breakfast at all. Most importantly, I walked everyday the length between two cities.
Your height matters bro. Fat tallfag is respected by normies and can still get laid.

Lean tallfag = slayer

if you’re a manlet = over. Fuck looksmaxxing
It was never about the weight. The height was always a priority.
Anyone telling you being fat is holding you back is capping. I see fat tallfags having it easy IRL.
Height pill is the most brutal :feelsrope:
Height is the #1 thing foids look in a men. No height and you’re automatically disqualified, even if you have a huge dick and a decent face.
Men aren't allowing to be fat
Fat women demand chad
I agree fatcels are truecels and its over for them
Will you delete your account when you reach 5300 posts?
Being fat is definitely an incel trait. Foods and drinks full of carbohydrates are one of the only available copes for losers who can't afford decent copes and don't have an access to things normies get to enjoy due to not being broke, not being ugly and having connections.
if you get fat after reaching wizard tier, sure. if you where fat when most of the chanses where there, more doubtful
get off the couch , stop unfettered sugar consumption and go for a cardio. Give it a while and quit complaining slacker
There's this obsession and aggressiveness towards fatcels, so much insult from other incels for the sake of appealing to normies and anti-incels and a desperate attempt to make inceldom sound "legit"

But imo fatcels are one of the truest of truecels, people who've never been fat in their life just don't get it, when you're fat you're absolutely worthless and everyone looks at you with complete disgust, I will forever have my deepest sympathy for fatcels, the mental state and humiliation is among the worst of what a human could go through
Just stop being depressed, just stop being "non-NT", just stop being entitled, just talk to women
as a former fatcel (not super lean rn but not obese) I agree with how massively unattractive and overlooked you become. youre treated worse by every demographic. But its doesnt make the a definite trucel imo.

I will say as a normal size now - i am disgusted by lards but i get a sense of superiority watching them struggle to move around a breathe heavily at the slightest exertion. sucks to be a fat fuck i guess
Let me tell you something: Over the past 10 years ago i used to be 120kg (IIRC that is 240 LB for the burgerniggers reading this post), now im under 70kg, my record low has been 65kg (130lb) last year. That is 55kg or 110lb of weight i've lost in the matter of 10 years. I have no sympathy whatsoever for fatcels unless they are bulking or are unfortunate enough to appear bloated due to some condition or disease caused by something against their own will. So in most cases fatcels are just volcels.
Let me tell you something: Over the past 10 years ago i used to be 120kg (IIRC that is 240 LB for the burgerniggers reading this post), now im under 70kg, my record low has been 65kg (130lb) last year. That is 55kg or 110lb of weight i've lost in the matter of 10 years. I have no sympathy whatsoever for fatcels unless they are bulking or are unfortunate enough to appear bloated due to some condition or disease caused by something against their own will. So in most cases fatcels are just volcels.
Hard to disagree but your conversions are all wrong.
Hard to disagree but your conversions are all wrong.
Blame it on my ignorance of not bothering to do the simple act of using a unit converter and failing math BACK IN 8TH GRADE LMAO.

Sorry brother.
Blame it on my ignorance of not bothering to do the simple act of using a unit converter and failing math BACK IN 8TH GRADE LMAO.

Sorry brother.
Well the main thing is you're no longer a lardass so congrats.
Just stop being depressed, just stop being "non-NT", just stop being entitled, just talk to women
fat acceptance movement in inceldom lol
a fatcel could be good looking under all that fat, how can you know if you are or aren't if you were at 40% bf your whole life, lose the weight first, its nothing but uphill from there, I sympathize that they're looked at as complete subhumans when their fat and yeah a lot of bullying behavior is normalized against them, but it's literally one of the easiest things you can do to improve appearence, trucels are niggas that are skinny but can't get jackshit, cause of face, height, race, disabilities etc fatcels gotta drop the fat first
why is this cope thread still pinned
I didn't know that there so many copers in a blackpilled forum
Being fat is 90% of the time your choice. You choose what you eat. The only way fatcels aren't volcels is when their obesity is caused by a medical problem they cannot change, like thyroid diseases.

You can't choose being a manlet, having a sub5 face, having prey eyes or male pattern baldness.

Ergo, stop being a fucking lardass. You may be depressed, you may be eating away your problems - doesn't matter. At the end of the day, you can always work on your triggers and bad habits. Can you work on your bad height or a sub5 face? No, unless you like surgeons drilling through your bones and implanting synthetic pads into your jaw, which can have life-altering consequences for the rest of your time on this planet.

Does losing weight also cause that? No. It doesn't. I understand that it can be hard or whatever it is for fatcels. Work on yourself gradually, put in some effort and see if not being fat gets you laid. If it does - congratulations - drop the incel title and fuck off. If it doesn't help - then I'm sorry. You tried, it didn't work out, and that's it.
Fatcel is volceldom only applies to completely average height , average to good looking WHITE men like @My Name Jeff who dont leanmaxx cause who the fuck knows

Otherwise a short ugly balding ethnic who happens to be fat will not ascend even if he leans down to famined subsaharian bodyfat lvl
The real trucels are those with an almost perfect body but are still incel because their face/height is that bad (me)
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Fatcel is volceldom only applies to completely average height , average to good looking WHITE men like @My Name Jeff who dont leanmaxx cause who the fuck knows

Otherwise a short ugly balding ethnic who happens to be fat will not ascend even if he leans down to famined subsaharian bodyfat lvl
i have no hope left or motivation and food is the only thing that makes me happy that's why

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