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Serious Fatcels are truecels, I don't care what anyone says

Calling fatcels fakecel is like calling "depressed" incels fakecel, being fat is a symptom of truecel subhumanity, not the cause
Fatcel cope. This only applies if you were thin before and ugly for years, and because of that you go "fuck it might as well be fat"
Fatcel literally = volcel in most cases
Over for birdcels
Sesame seeds are so tasty and bitter :owo:

They were cultivated in India as old as 5000 years ago. BASED Ancient Curries
All the fat niggers came here to tell us they are fat.

Just close the fridge you retards mfkers you re worse than landwhales
Nigga I have been a fat ass for many years & I can say that this post is a fatass cope.

Being a fatass is a choice & if you know you have potential to ascend by losing weight but not doing it then you are 100% volcel. It’s not even that hard to lose that shit.
just closee the fridge mang wdh
LIke bruh :feelsseriously: Just eat more fat to feel less hungry. I eat like 4 spoons of seasame seed and I don't at all feel hungry for rest of the day
Being hungry is largely conditioning.
If you eat a lot of food, your body expects you to eat a lot of food the next day and will make you hungry if you don't have it.
If you eat less food, your body will adapt to it and you will feel less hungry, because your body won't expect you to get 4000 calories a meal.
i guess when u try to lost your weight u feel too much hunger ? gotta change your eating habits eat less suger, carbonated drinks, meat. try to eat more salad or vegetable its harder to digest so u can feeling full without adding more fat to your body. try running or workout even in your home, just simple act of walk up and down stair for 30mins a day already help. as u getting older u HAVE to care more about your body. dont think ppl said this cause they attacking u tbh
Being hungry is largely conditioning.
If you eat a lot of food, your body expects you to eat a lot of food the next day and will make you hungry if you don't have it.
If you eat less food, your body will adapt to it and you will feel less hungry, because your body won't expect you to get 4000 calories a meal.
yep, theres ways for them not to feel hungry they can google its take very little time , but saying too much they would feel we are "attacking" when its not our intention at all
just eat a salad theory (mfs unironically using the same arguments "body positive" feminists use)
if u dont add more suger or fat in to your body and working out, its true that they would slowly get thinner, fat dont magically appear on your body, its cause what u eat. as for ppl that have diabetes and saying they cant help it anymore, the cause of it is also obesity or eating too much suger (theres very few thats come from genetic and even if by genetic they can prevent themselve from getting obesity too). u are what u eat, this isnt a cope but reality. idk if u have obesity or not but listen for a moment and control your eating habit if u have diabete it would be too late
Like 80% of people who lose weight regain it a month or two later. So even if you do manage to lose weight as a fatcel it'll probably just be temporary
just put the fork down bro
Honestly I don't call myself a truecel because I don't know what I look like under the fat yet.

I do agree that people are way to aggressive and mean towards fat niggas.

If you're fat then you are most likely coping with a traumatic experience/experiences.

You wouldn't make fun of an alcoholic for drinking to cope with something traumatic so why make fun of people who happen to cope with food?
I used to weight 65kg and I was an incel. Now Im fat and people tell me I need to lose weight to get pussy
Fatcels are incels but not truecels. Fatlanklets are mostly fakecels. Yeah if you're fat alongside a few major incel traits, then you are a truecel.
I used to weight 65kg and I was an incel. Now Im fat and people tell me I need to lose weight
Same. I was 67kg which was about normal and it was still over.
Being hungry is largely conditioning.
If you eat a lot of food, your body expects you to eat a lot of food the next day and will make you hungry if you don't have it.
If you eat less food, your body will adapt to it and you will feel less hungry, because your body won't expect you to get 4000 calories a meal.
Like 80% of people who lose weight regain it a month or two later. So even if you do manage to lose weight as a fatcel it'll probably just be temporary

It's a lifestyle change that's required to permanently change. Make a routine, finish your work-out before _ hour, and avoid eating over what you think is your calorie intake while avoiding processed foods. Do football or dancing or get into a friendly bjj class. When it becomes fun and you see result, you'll never really want to stop. You might miss the comfort and food, but you'll have much higher respect for yourself.
Like 80% of people who lose weight regain it a month or two later. So even if you do manage to lose weight as a fatcel it'll probably just be temporary
Bro !! It's just fault that you are fat ! not cause you suffer from schizophrenia, spergism and doc's forced you to take jewpills at age o 16 ! And no it's doesn't matter that you were athletic before it ! No bro it doesn't matter that you lost 45 kg in 6 months ! It's your choice ! No bro it doesn't matter that you mostly regained it in 2 years ! No bro it doesn't matter that you still reguraly doing 20-30 km bike runs in decent average speed cause you never give up despite all shit which happened to you ! BRO IT'S YOUR FAULT !

I know this is unrelated but I really hate niggers.
What people ignore is that many fatcels weren't always fat, it is often a symptom of inceldom. For example I was a normal BMI until aged 22, I used food and soft drinks as a cope for my loneliness the past 10 years to the stage where I am 245lbs. I used to sit in my university dorm and binge eat alone.
just stop eating

I am 5'1" and weigh 230 pounds.

When I was 18, I was 5'1" and was a lean (and muscular) 135 pounds. No girl would touch me with a ten feet long pole when I was fat or slim.
It’s not even that hard to lose that shit.
It's ez if ur a NEET. a strong diet is a mindfuck for a while and makes work much harder. Idc about the physical hunger what it does to my cognition is unforgivable.
Easy for you skinnycels to say when the genetics you were born with keep you naturally skinny without any effort no matter how much crap you stuff down your gullet.
not true, most skinny people don't eat a lot. Most skinny people think they have a fast metabolism, but every time they count their calories it's low as shit. Skinny people will eat 1 or 2 big meals and hit like 1500 calories and think that's enough when it ain't.
That and you don’t have a brain that refuses to shut off your hunger mechanism due to problems with your gut health and grehlin levels.
thats more accurate, skinny people don't feel as much hunger so they eat 1-2 big meals and that's it.
However, skinnycels do have it pretty tough as well. I know that skinny prettyboys are all the rage with whores nowadays, but being a sub-5 autist & skinny makes things pretty rough; I was subject to tons of verbal abuse from guys & girls over it in HS.
a girl legitimately said she could beat me up due to me being skinny :feelsseriously: if you're skinnycel sub 5 then you get respect from absolutely no one
I see fat ogres with gfs everywhere its better to be fat than skinny as a man
where do you live?here where i live never saw a young fat zoomer with a gf maybe some old boomers over 35+
Being hungry is largely conditioning.
If you eat a lot of food, your body expects you to eat a lot of food the next day and will make you hungry if you don't have it.
If you eat less food, your body will adapt to it and you will feel less hungry, because your body won't expect you to get 4000 calories a meal.
this. Your body slows down your metabolism when you eat less for a expended time as well. My friend who worked at a bar-restaurant for a couple months in summer worked for 10-12 hours a day, which allowed him to eat only 1 meal. After he finished, he felt no hunger anymore and he has now lost a lot of weight. He says he can't even force himself to eat.
99% of incels are porn addict coomers and can't ever "just stop cooming" but all of a sudden it's "just stop eating", these fags don't realize they're skinny because of their mogger genes not because of their lifestyle, hmm this sounds familiar I wonder who else uses the "just do x" advice when someone complains about their genetics :waitwhat:
Being a poor addict doesn't make you a sub 5 tho. Physically.
Wrong on so many levels, I'm not sure if I should be bothered to answer.
First, obesity is a choice in the vast majority of cases, so don't compare it race, face, height, or even poverty which is mostly inherited.
Secondly, a lot of people can hide/wear that disgusting layer of fat, if they have the frame, or the muscles, the truecel body shape has always been the skinny fat with high body fat % and low fat free muscle index, followed by the anorexics.
Last but not least, public perception (toilets included) of fat people is not that bad, outside of some sporty or fashion circles, and it hit an all time high, due to the effort put into normalising bad lifestyles, laziness, and how prevalent it became.
For every successful sub 3, there is a hundredfold obese normies.
this. Your body slows down your metabolism when you eat less for a expended time as well. My friend who worked at a bar-restaurant for a couple months in summer worked for 10-12 hours a day, which allowed him to eat only 1 meal. After he finished, he felt no hunger anymore and he has now lost a lot of weight. He says he can't even force himself to eat.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
I experienced this when I started doing intermittent fasting.
At first it was difficult to not eat and I was very hungry, but after my body adapted, I could almost go the whole day without eating and I wasn't even hungry.
Easy for you skinnycels to say when the genetics you were born with keep you naturally skinny without any effort no matter how much crap you stuff down your gullet.

That and you don’t have a brain that refuses to shut off your hunger mechanism due to problems with your gut health and grehlin levels.
No I’m underweight and being this thin is due to having sensory issues from autism.

Fat fucks are just lazy and greedy + retarded
fat people must be shamed for their own good
just do exercise and eat less
Fat fucks are just lazy and greedy + retarded
OvER for our fat brocels

Even in the lowest hierarchy level forum they are in the lowest
OvER for our fat brocels

Even in the lowest hierarchy level forum they are in the lowest
Listen u must lose weight by getting shamed. Have you watched the fit vs fat video on YouTube btw most IncelTear users are obese
Listen u must lose weight by getting shamed. Have you watched the fit vs fat video on YouTube btw most IncelTear users are obese
I know, I watched a lot of those videos in Polish version ofc, my English is still bad, but...

I lost 80 lbs (43 to 32 BMI), but I'm still feeling like a world spectator and female repellent
this is very true, people will just say eat less but eating disorders are a lot more complex and require lot of willpower and fortitude which incels and social rejects have none.

And even than becoming overweight is mostly genetic due to poor metabolism, chad eats pizza 3 times a week but is never bloated.
I'm fat but the fatness isn't the cause of the inceldom. Binge eating and binge drinking is how I cope. It made me fatter. If you're only incel because you're fat then you're fakecel
I'm skinny. I've always been skinny. Never had to watch what I eat.

I've known fatties that work their ass off trying to lose weight, and nothing. It's brutal, I feel sorry for them.

If it's affecting their success with women, then incel for sure.
Being a fatass is a choice, put the fork down

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