Couldn't agree more. These obese foids are celebrated for being gluttonous and lazy, they are validated and praised for it in fact. Meanwhile if an incel does his best to stay in shape it is treated like he didn't even do anything. Gymcels are even laughed at for trying to improve their bodies and fitness, especially if they are manlets. And of course, these fat foids are no less discriminatory towards us than attractive or fit women are. They are Chad-only too. The only difference between the fat foids and Beckies or Stacies, is that the fat foids are more patient to wait to get on Chad's cock carousel, and will settle for a hookup with him, meanwhile Stacy demands a relationship with him.
Just look at how the advertising has changed in women's products (clothing and makeup, etc). There are always obese or fat foids in the ads now, whether it is a video ad commercial or just a picture. If you are in the United States and go into Target (large retailer chain store here which is EXTREMELY leftist and very progressive, they always push LGBT shit), you can see that like half the mannequins are now "plus size" mannequins. The pictures of foids on the wall are also fat too in many cases. (Also at my local Target there was only one singular picture of a white man in the advertising... hmm).
The changing of these standards (aka forced diversity and inclusivity and representation, etc) might SOUND like a good thing for some people, but in reality it does nothing for us incels. They will always refuse to put any of us into advertising. For men, you must be above 5'10 and have prior references to even be considered for any kind of acting or modeling, and that is the bare fucking minimum. And I would know because I have looked at the websites for these advertising agencies and other sites too, and they say it right there, usually in the front pages. As always, attractiveness and sex sells, and luckily for the advertisers and companies there are plenty of people who like fat fucks out there (probably because like 2/3rds of Americans are overweight kek).