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Soy Fact-checking a Redditor's cringeworthy "message" to Incels.is



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018
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A particular post on Reddit has been making the rounds. It makes several explosive claims. Of course it does. It was designed to catch your attention.

Unsurprisingly, this Reddit post is filled to the brim with a mix of half-truths and outright lies. We know that this Redditor is full of shit because in liberal democracies—such as the United States and the United Kingdom—freedom of speech and of the press permits public access to a wide variety of judicial records, such as arrest warrant affidavits, investigative reports, grand jury indictments, plea agreements, and sentencing memorandums. As you will see, many claims this Redditor makes are either exaggerations or are so demonstrably false as to be disconnected from reality.

Let's start with the supposed list of dangerous incels.

Claim 1: "David Kaufman - Arrested in NY for stalking a minor April 2020"

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Reality: Kaufman was indeed arrested, convicted, and sentenced on federal cyberstalking charges. But Kaufman's arrest occurred in September, not April; and Kaufman certainly never victimized a minor. In fact, Kaufman's primary victims were a couple he met whilst attending college back in 2012—they were certainly not minors when the crime occurred in 2020.

See para. 9a on p.6 of the criminal complaint filed September 3rd, 2020:

A third victim spoke at Kaufman's sentencing hearing, though under the terms of Kaufman's plea agreement, he was never convicted of victimizing her. According to the transcript (see below, p. 10-12), Alyssa Cascone was completing graduate school at the time the crime occurred. She was most definitely not a minor.

Kaufman was ultimately sentenced to 30 months imprisonment; according to information from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, he will be released from FCI Elkton in October 2022. Had he victimized a minor, his sentence would have been far more severe than a 2.5-year stint in a low-security camp.

Claim 2: "Tres Genco - Arrested for planning to shoot up a sorority (inspired by Rogers) but was flagged due to posting about it on .IS and arrested in Ohio July 2021"

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Reality: Genco, of Hillsboro, Ohio, was never allegedly "flagged" for posting on Incels.is about committing a mass shooting. The actual truth is much more embarrassing for Genco: he lived with his own mother, and she called the cops on him after they had a very heated argument, and county sheriffs allegedly found evidence that he was planning a mass shooting.

The Incels.is Moderation Team is, in fact, very familiar with the Genco case. In fact, one Incels.is moderator wrote a letter to the presiding judge asking that two documents, the search warrant affidavit and the ATF firearms report, be unsealed and available to the public.

Both documents were later unsealed. The search warrant affidavit, amongst numerous other documents related to Genco's pretrial motions, affirms that Genco was reported to police by his own mother (and not by anonymous Redditors trying to find karma-farming material on Incels.is).

Claim 3: "Johnny Young - Has a warrant out for his arrest after harassing woman in Nevada and California. August 2022"

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Reality: There is no evidence proving that Young was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.

Claim 4: "Malik Sanchez - Was arrested to giving a bomb threat. A bomb was found in his home. NY November 2021"

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Reality: Sanchez was indeed arrested for a bomb threat—more of a live-streamed, stupid prank, really. A May 5th, 2021 letter from Assistant U.S. Attorney Kaylan Lasky opposing Sanchez's request for bail stated that all law enforcement found at Sanchez's home were:
"five magazines that fit a Glock firearm; an air soft gun; small rubber balls, possibly for the air soft gun; a paintball gun; paintball pellets; three canisters of pepper spray; a “practice only” spray canister; two pocket knives". (p.7)

No bomb was ever found at his home. Indeed, a female federal judge ordered Sanchez's release after he had spent just two weeks in jail, over the objections of AUSA Lasky. Sanchez ultimately received a no-jail sentence from Judge Colleen McMahon, much to the chagrin of soys and feminists. If an actual bomb was found in his home, he would most likely be serving a 30-year sentence in a high-security federal prison.

Instead, Sanchez is currently walking free on the streets of New York City:

Claim 5: "Jake Davison (Plymouth Shooter)- Was arrested for killing 5 people in a mass shooting. He had an account on .IS. UK August 2021."

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Reality: Davison did not have an account on Incels.is. Moreover, senior counter-terrorism policing officials in the United Kingdom concluded that the Plymouth shooting was not an act of "incel terrorism".

Claim 6: Alek Minassion (Toronto Van Attack) - Arrested for hitting and killing 10 woman with his van during a protest. He had an account on .IS. Canada March 2021

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Reality: Minassian did not have an account on Incels.is. Moreover, the presiding judge, Judge Anne Molloy of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, concluded that Minassian was not motivated by inceldom at all. Instead, she concluded that Minassian was merely a fame-seeker.

See para. 193 on p.51 of Molloy's judgement:
Nevertheless, I am inclined to accept the assessment of all of the experts that Mr. Doe did lie to the police about much of the incel motivation he talked about and that the incel movement was not in fact a primary driving force behind the attack.
para. 197 on p.52:
Why did he do it? There is a long answer. There were multiple factors at play as I have described above, as well as the impact of his ASD, and possibly desensitization as a result of the depraved internet sites he frequented. But there is also a short answer, a bottom line: he did it to become famous.

Claim 7: Robert Aaron Long - Shot up a spa with the reason they are to sexual for woman to enjoy (the same logic why many of you think woman should not ride bikes). He was a .IS user. Georgia March 2021

Reality: Long did not have an account on Incels.is. There is no evidence proving that Long was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.

Claim 8: Scott Beierle - Shooting Florida November 2018.

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Reality: Beierle indeed committed a mass shooting in Florida in November 2018. Although his motives were described as misogynistic, there is no evidence proving that Beierle was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.

Claim 9: Armando Hernandez - Arrested for shooting a couple outside a mall. His reasoning for it was he was sick of seeing couples. Was an .IS user. Arizona May 2020

Reality: Hernandez did not have an account on Incels.is.

Claim 10: Alexander Stanropoulous - Arrested or plotting and attempted Murder of a woman. He told prosecutors he was an Incel. Canada January 2020

Reality: Aside from the misspelling of the defendant's name, this is the only claim that is factually correct in its entirety. I should note, however, that Canadian prosecutors did not classify this as a terrorist act. Stavropoulos, convicted of two counts of attempted murder for stabbing a woman and her baby, will be eligible for parole in just seven years.

Claim 11: Coty Scott Taylor - Kidnapped, (2R@p3d&, then murdered a 6 year old girl. He kept her dead body for two days after killing her. He said one of his reasons was that he was an incel and wanted someone who was not already “used”. South Carolina February 2020.

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Reality: There is no evidence that Taylor raped Faye Swetlik before murdering her. Nor did Taylor "say" that his motive was "inceldom" and "wanted someone who was not already used". Indeed, Taylor committed suicide after the murder and could not be interrogated because he was dead. Nor did South Carolina police find evidence that Taylor was involved in any incel community. The only "incel" connection to Taylor comes from a police interview where Taylor's former roommate says Taylor claimed to be "asexual" and an "incel"; a logical improbability. It is far more likely that Taylor was suffering from psychosis or another untreated mental illness.

Claim 12: Brandon Andrew Clark- Killed a woman. Arrested for planned homicide. He was a user of looksmax and .IS

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Clark was a simp whose advances were spurned by "e-girl" Bianca Devins. He did not have an account on either Looksmax or .Is. Nor was Clark a self-proclaimed incel or connected to any incel community. Instead, his online activity revolved almost entirely around Discord, where he and other bluepilled simps lavished Devins with their time and attention.

Fun facts: The headlines are currently focused on the Oneida County District Attorney's Office, which is now being sued for leaking 17-year-old Devins' nudes to the media. Also, I also happen to have an image of her semi-decapitated corpse. Here you go:
Image0 20 1

As you can see, Redditors play so fast and loose with the truth that just one out of these twelve sentences were correct. That's an accuracy rate of roughly 8.3%. Not good.

There are also some remaining claims in this Reddit post, all of which are also false. For example, there is the suggestion that the U.S. Secret Service reported in March 2022 that "incels as a demographic are the most likely to commit domestic terrorism". In reality, the words "terror", "terrorist", or "terrorism" don't appear once in the 10,230-word report, for good reason: U.S. law enforcement doesn't consider inceldom to be terrorism at all, because inceldom is neither explicitly political nor religious. You can read the U.S. Secret Service report for yourself here.

In 2022 so far, more femoids have been killed by garbage trucks than in incel shootings; I dare say that federal law enforcement are more interested in left-wing activists seeking to harm U.S. Supreme Court Justices than they are in lonely virgins venting on the internet.

Then there is the suggestion that the Incels.is mods "work" with people like "them" and regularly "report" to the FBI, MI5, and CSIS. That simply could not be further from the truth. For over eight months now, it has been the Moderation Team's policy not to conceal, but to highlight and discuss court cases involving incels, alleged incels, and more. We have always encouraged incels to broaden their understanding of the complex legal apparatus that governs their speech and every aspect of their daily lives. Would any "honeypot" encourage discussion of the law and suppress illegal speech? No, it would not.

And what do these Redditors think they're doing? Do they really think that the FBI relies on a group of mentally ill pink-haired 300-pound trannys to go about its daily business? That the Moderation Team "works" with Redditors? They are suffering from delusions of grandeur. The FBI failed to prevent Parkland, Buffalo, Uvalde, et cetera; and it's unlikely that these landwhale amateurs could've done any better. Here's the brutal truth: over the next year, there will be dozens more mass killings in schools and supermarkets and places of worship, and there is nothing that a bunch of randos sitting at home can do about it. Violent extremism, not unlike car crashes and house fires, is simply a fact of life in our societies. Suck it up and take out a life insurance policy.


In posting their factually baseless screed, this Redditor has two core aims. First, they seek to foster division within our site. This is a pretty lame attempt to deter new users from joining us and to prompt some gullible greycels to leave. We remain undeterred. By every metric, incel communities, including Incels.is, have steadily grown over the years.

Second, Redditors have already failed. This is, well, copium. If soys weren't desperate, they'd speak using cold, hard facts, not a mix of half-truths and emotion. They seek to deplatform us, but we have survived. Later this year, Incels.is will be celebrating our 5th birthday. Every single month, at least one Redditor claims that the FBI or some other law enforcement agency is on the very verge of seizing our website and arresting the leadership for good. Of course, it hasn't happened—they've cried wolf one too many times—because incels are entitled to the same constitutional rights everyone else is. We've had our share of ups and downs, no doubt; but we're still here, a middle finger to the progressive orthodoxy.

So Redditors, delusional and narcissistic as always, are settling on a new narrative. Moving the goalposts. It's a convenient lie they can feed themselves so they can create a sense of purpose out of their miserable lives: "I'm a barista by day, but at night I'm a super elite secret agent who hunts these big, bad inkwells on the interwebs by screenshotting their posts!" It's self-comforting, of course; after all, many of them have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours obsessively poring over our posts.

Everyone's entitled to their freedom of speech, of course; but no one is entitled to their own set of facts. They can whine and squeal and stomp their feet all they want, but the blackpill as an idea will continue to survive. We'll stick around to joke about the very next mass killings and celebrate the next time that the legal system delivers soys and femoids an L. We promise.

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It's just a woman acting like a usual woman.

Definitely a le redditor moment. None of those people didn't even have accounts here and we can't even verify if they did. The only person that had an account here was Genco, and he was snitched out by his own mother. :feelshaha:

Furthermore, moderators are not required to report stuff to the FBI or any other agency, so that claim is completely false and made to stir unrest and to insert drama into the community.
Clark wasn't an incel anyway, he was in a sexual relationship with the girl he killed at one point. He's therefore a statistic added to non-incel committed offenses.

Brilliant thread though. No doubt they will ignore this and sweep it under the rug as you just demolished her bed of lies. Did a much better job than I at explaining why it's all false
They shouldn't be allowed to speak.
They're talking about things they don't know anything about.
And their life is as miserable as us.
When you spend your whole day browsing a male forum and posting stuff like "hehe look at these virgins lmao", your life isn't better than ours, far from it.
Meanwhile half of reddit openly threathen to lynch the only black supreme court justice:feelsokman:
They shouldn't be allowed to speak.
They're talking about things they don't know anything about.
And their life is as miserable as us.
When you spend your whole day browsing a male forum and posting stuff like "hehe look at these virgins lmao", your life isn't better than ours, far from it.
it's arguably worse
from PPEcel
In 2022 so far, more femoids have been killed by garbage trucks than in incel shootings
just one out of these twelve sentences were correct.
For example, there is the suggestion that the U.S. Secret Service reported in March 2022 that "incels as a demographic are the most likely to commit domestic terrorism". In reality, the words "terror", "terrorist", or "terrorism" don't appear once in the 10,230-page report
Every single month, at least one Redditor claims that the FBI or some other law enforcement agency is on the very verge of seizing our website and arresting the leadership for good. Of course, it hasn't happened
"I'm a barista by day, but at night I'm a super elite secret agent who hunts these big, bad inkwells on the interwebs by screenshotting their posts!"
Everyone's entitled to their freedom of speech, of course; but no one is entitled to their own set of facts.
We'll stick around to joke about the very next mass killings and celebrate the next time that the legal system delivers soys and femoids an L. We promise.

From Clara
God those fools are some of the dumbest people to exist!
Thank you!!! I worked hard on this!
What are they on! I gotta get me whatever they are having lmao!
I think they are all secretly one big Neo Nazi group
Just your average internet junky! And yes I am a girl don’t @ me!(sorry I always get dms asking if I’m a girl!)

Fucking brutal dichotomy. It's like watching a child in an MMA match.
You spent too much effort trying to debunk some 70IQ mentally ill zoomer who will never read through all of this. Good post tho.

Just lie about inkwells because people will believe an NT attention whore foid over lonely ugly males theory.
Claim 3: "Johnny Young - Has a warrant out for his arrest after harassing woman in Nevada and California. August 2022"

Download 11

Reality: There is no evidence proving that Young was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.
Not to mention that he literally filmed himself nude in bed with a woman. She also wasn't a prostitute, further proving he is a sexhaver and not an incel.
Meanwhile half of reddit openly threathen to lynch the only black supreme court justice:feelsokman:
They really hate Clarence Thomas because he left their plantation. He h[UWSL]as had an impressive career considering where he started in life. He didn't go to expensive prep schools like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh did. Thomas grew up in the deep, segregated South, where he worked in his grandparents' farm every summer, and he didn't have hot showers and regular meals until he was 10. Thomas still studied his way into Yale Law and his law career took off from there. [/UWSL]

I myself disagree with Thomas on numerous occasions, but the racism that these so-called progressives have is mind-boggling. They're mad because they're under the impression that Thomas, as a black man who grew up poor in the South, should be sympathetic to their wokeism. And yet he isn't.
Here's an extra golden nugget/gem left in the comments section. Could that sub get anymore deluded. Encouraging suicide is one of the main reasons their previous sub was self-nuked. Causing suicide is their goal as much as they'll deny it. You don't exactly spend your days belittling depressed and often suicidal people if your goal isn't to goad them in the hopes that some will do it. There are some examples of IT in its earlier days achieving this goal too. Their motives and desires are more transparent than glass.

You can still, if youre fast enough, catch such comments. They will of course try to fall on the excuse of them deleting suicide encouragement but of course it would be foolish to fall for that. They delete such stuff because it would get them banned from reddit entirely. Not because they care and don't want incels to kill themselves. How they act and talk says enough about what they really want.



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Based and high effort.
CuckTears won't touch this :society:
It's just a woman acting like a usual woman.

Definitely a le redditor moment. None of those people didn't even have accounts here and we can't even verify if they did. The only person that had an account here was Genco, and he was snitched out by his own mother. :feelshaha:

Furthermore, moderators are not required to report stuff to the FBI or any other agency, so that claim is completely false and made to stir unrest and to insert drama into the community.
It’s very possible it’s not even a woman and just a man pretending to be one. If it is a woman than it’s the usual desperation to always be a victim we’ve all come to expect from modern women
High iq
[UWSL]However, it would be hard to know whether they had accounts or not. If I were to do something like that (obviously I won't), I would hide any relationship with my accounts so my posts don't appear in a newspaper or even worse a Reddit thread. [/UWSL]
Encouraging suicide is one of the main reasons their previous sub was self-nuked. Causing suicide is their goal as much as they'll deny it. You don't exactly spend your days belittling depressed and often suicidal people if your goal isn't to goad them in the hopes that some will do it. There are some examples of IT in its earlier days achieving this goal too. Their motives and desires are more transparent than glass.
Ironically, hate, resentment, and revenge is a good reason to keep on living :society:
Holly shit this is based, I bet Inceltear Trash will just get angry and not really come with a good counter-argument:feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:.
who cares what reddit thinks or says
IT foids don’t have any work to do they go through this site. Have food have sex with their boyfriends and his friends. Spend their providers money and party. Whores.
Ironically, hate, resentment, and revenge is a good reason to keep on living :society:
:worryfeels: I am going on with life so that someday I can humiliate the girl who humiliated me in the past. :feelsLSD: And beat the shit out of hee boyfriend/providers she is a while Fuckhole whore.
View attachment 647489
Indeed, Taylor committed suicide after the murder and could not be interrogated because he was dead.
See maybe the strategy is wrong. We have to try very simple slow explinations for them..

You should just put this one line and see what they say:

"Indeed, Taylor committed suicide after the murder and could not be interrogated because he was dead"

So how they fuck can they make claims on things even the police, ourselves, maybe even Taylor did know about what they were thinking or doing. It takes a lot of time even on simple altercation for people to fully understand their own motivation let alone for CuckedReddit to pretend they do.
So how they fuck can they make claims on things even the police, ourselves, maybe even Taylor did know about what they were thinking or doing. It takes a lot of time even on simple altercation for people to fully understand their own motivation let alone for CuckedReddit to pretend they do.
Simple: they pulled it out of their ass. No different than when Trump claimed that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey were cheering on 9/11.
Simple: they pulled it out of their ass. No different than when Trump claimed that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey were cheering on 9/11.
Oh yeah, good ole Trumpet ! I do miss that guy. I'd take his antics any day over Ice Cream grandpa. Anyway - I think arguing with reddit is mostly hopeless unless we can really smash them with obvious simple statements. If it becomes too long, they can't comprehend it.
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Ironically, hate, resentment, and revenge is a good reason to keep on living :society:
Eh, I don't think they'd care either way all too much. If we stay alive, they get to feed off our misery, if we die they celebrate
Holly shit this is based, I bet Inceltear Trash will just get angry and not really come with a good counter-argument:feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:.
So far they've ignored it. No surprises there.
See maybe the strategy is wrong. We have to try very simple slow explinations for them..

You should just put this one line and see what they say:

"Indeed, Taylor committed suicide after the murder and could not be interrogated because he was dead"

So how they fuck can they make claims on things even the police, ourselves, maybe even Taylor did know about what they were thinking or doing. It takes a lot of time even on simple altercation for people to fully understand their own motivation let alone for CuckedReddit to pretend they do.
The funniest part for me is everyone in the comments praising her for her "research". Were this an examination, she would have failed. Added ontop of that is the fact that their own users are clearly incapable of fact checking stuff, or instead would rather blindly believe anything that enables their own prejudices.
Gigabased, like always they are pulling their info from their ass. Worst thing some fool will read it and actually believe it that blackpill community encourages men to go ER.
They shouldn't be allowed to speak.
They're talking about things they don't know anything about.
And their life is as miserable as us.
When you spend your whole day browsing a male forum and posting stuff like "hehe look at these virgins lmao", your life isn't better than ours, far from it.
I like how they're literally the definition of losers.
Meanwhile half of reddit openly threathen to lynch the only black supreme court justice:feelsokman:
We should start a hashtag

The funniest part for me is everyone in the comments praising her for her "research". Were this an examination, she would have failed. Added ontop of that is the fact that their own users are clearly incapable of fact checking stuff, or instead would rather blindly believe anything that enables their own prejudices.
It's not surprising. Now days, with everyone connected by these Globohomo type principles, the user could be an Indian foid from the sub continent of India, empowered by California leftists (who visit here all the time), and doing a shitty research paper for her degree in Cuckery and Gender farts. This sort of thing happens. I have seen a few Indian girls, out and about in Indian society who are heavily influenced by what they think is a righteous cause, but in actuality their own lives are very different, they dare not open there mouths this way to more conservative family members, and instead they post their horseshit on Reddit as a way to gossip and share with other liberal friends. A lot of the time, that's what we are dealing with. The situation is beyond bad, it's purely unintelligible. Everyone uses these stories however they want, all around the world. Of course, Feminist whores in America are the training gurus for the rest of the planet. :feelspuke::feelscry:
What a retarded foid trying to conceal her obsession.
It was fun reading about the ER moments tho:feelskek:
What a retarded foid trying to conceal her obsession.
It was fun reading about the ER moments tho:feelskek:
Half of these weren't even people going ER, just spergs being low inhib and scaring their oneitises as a result. It certainly isn't even half as serious as all the gang violence in Chicago and San Francisco and Baltimore and whatnot, but hey, many residents of those cities happen to be the progressives' favored demographic.
View attachment 647475

A particular post on Reddit has been making the rounds. It makes several explosive claims. Of course it does. It was designed to catch your attention.

Unsurprisingly, this Reddit post is filled to the brim with a mix of half-truths and outright lies. We know that this Redditor is full of shit because in liberal democracies—such as the United States and the United Kingdom—freedom of speech and of the press permits public access to a wide variety of judicial records, such as arrest warrant affidavits, investigative reports, grand jury indictments, plea agreements, and sentencing memorandums. As you will see, many claims this Redditor makes are either exaggerations or are so demonstrably false as to be disconnected from reality.

Let's start with the supposed list of dangerous incels.

Claim 1: "David Kaufman - Arrested in NY for stalking a minor April 2020"

View attachment 647481

Reality: Kaufman was indeed arrested, convicted, and sentenced on federal cyberstalking charges. But Kaufman's arrest occurred in September, not April; and Kaufman certainly never victimized a minor. In fact, Kaufman's primary victims were a couple he met whilst attending college back in 2012—they were certainly not minors when the crime occurred in 2020.

See para. 9a on p.6 of the criminal complaint filed September 3rd, 2020:

A third victim spoke at Kaufman's sentencing hearing, though under the terms of Kaufman's plea agreement, he was never convicted of victimizing her. According to the transcript (see below, p. 10-12), Alyssa Cascone was completing graduate school at the time the crime occurred. She was most definitely not a minor.

Kaufman was ultimately sentenced to 30 months imprisonment; according to information from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, he will be released from FCI Elkton in October 2022. Had he victimized a minor, his sentence would have been far more severe than a 2.5-year stint in a low-security camp.

Claim 2: "Tres Genco - Arrested for planning to shoot up a sorority (inspired by Rogers) but was flagged due to posting about it on .IS and arrested in Ohio July 2021"

View attachment 647482

Reality: Genco, of Hillsboro, Ohio, was never allegedly "flagged" for posting on Incels.is about committing a mass shooting. The actual truth is much more embarrassing for Genco: he lived with his own mother, and she called the cops on him after they had a very heated argument, and county sheriffs allegedly found evidence that he was planning a mass shooting.

The Incels.is Moderation Team is, in fact, very familiar with the Genco case. In fact, one Incels.is moderator wrote a letter to the presiding judge asking that two documents, the search warrant affidavit and the ATF firearms report, be unsealed and available to the public.

Both documents were later unsealed. The search warrant affidavit, amongst numerous other documents related to Genco's pretrial motions, affirms that Genco was reported to police by his own mother (and not by anonymous Redditors trying to find karma-farming material on Incels.is).

Claim 3: "Johnny Young - Has a warrant out for his arrest after harassing woman in Nevada and California. August 2022"

View attachment 647483

Reality: There is no evidence proving that Young was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.

Claim 4: "Malik Sanchez - Was arrested to giving a bomb threat. A bomb was found in his home. NY November 2021"

View attachment 647484

Reality: Sanchez was indeed arrested for a bomb threat—more of a live-streamed, stupid prank, really. A May 5th, 2021 letter from Assistant U.S. Attorney Kaylan Lasky opposing Sanchez's request for bail stated that all law enforcement found at Sanchez's home were:

No bomb was ever found at his home. Indeed, a female federal judge ordered Sanchez's release after he had spent just two weeks in jail, over the objections of AUSA Lasky. Sanchez ultimately received a no-jail sentence from Judge Colleen McMahon, much to the chagrin of soys and feminists. If an actual bomb was found in his home, he would most likely be serving a 30-year sentence in a high-security federal prison.

Instead, Sanchez is currently walking free on the streets of New York City:

Claim 5: "Jake Davison (Plymouth Shooter)- Was arrested for killing 5 people in a mass shooting. He had an account on .IS. UK August 2021."

View attachment 647485

Reality: Davison did not have an account on Incels.is. Moreover, senior counter-terrorism policing officials in the United Kingdom concluded that the Plymouth shooting was not an act of "incel terrorism".

Claim 6: Alek Minassion (Toronto Van Attack) - Arrested for hitting and killing 10 woman with his van during a protest. He had an account on .IS. Canada March 2021

View attachment 647486

Reality: Minassian did not have an account on Incels.is. Moreover, the presiding judge, Judge Anne Molloy of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, concluded that Minassian was not motivated by inceldom at all. Instead, she concluded that Minassian was merely a fame-seeker.

See para. 193 on p.51 of Molloy's judgement:

para. 197 on p.52:

Claim 7: Robert Aaron Long - Shot up a spa with the reason they are to sexual for woman to enjoy (the same logic why many of you think woman should not ride bikes). He was a .IS user. Georgia March 2021

Reality: Long did not have an account on Incels.is. There is no evidence proving that Long was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.

Claim 8: Scott Beierle - Shooting Florida November 2018.

View attachment 647488

Reality: Beierle indeed committed a mass shooting in Florida in November 2018. Although his motives were described as misogynistic, there is no evidence proving that Beierle was a self-described incel or was otherwise connected to any incel community.

Claim 9: Armando Hernandez - Arrested for shooting a couple outside a mall. His reasoning for it was he was sick of seeing couples. Was an .IS user. Arizona May 2020

Reality: Hernandez did not have an account on Incels.is.

Claim 10: Alexander Stanropoulous - Arrested or plotting and attempted Murder of a woman. He told prosecutors he was an Incel. Canada January 2020

Reality: Aside from the misspelling of the defendant's name, this is the only claim that is factually correct in its entirety. I should note, however, that Canadian prosecutors did not classify this as a terrorist act. Stavropoulos, convicted of two counts of attempted murder for stabbing a woman and her baby, will be eligible for parole in just seven years.

Claim 11: Coty Scott Taylor - Kidnapped, (2R@p3d&, then murdered a 6 year old girl. He kept her dead body for two days after killing her. He said one of his reasons was that he was an incel and wanted someone who was not already “used”. South Carolina February 2020.

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Reality: There is no evidence that Taylor raped Faye Swetlik before murdering her. Nor did Taylor "say" that his motive was "inceldom" and "wanted someone who was not already used". Indeed, Taylor committed suicide after the murder and could not be interrogated because he was dead. Nor did South Carolina police find evidence that Taylor was involved in any incel community. The only "incel" connection to Taylor comes from a police interview where Taylor's former roommate says Taylor claimed to be "asexual" and an "incel"; a logical improbability. It is far more likely that Taylor was suffering from psychosis or another untreated mental illness.

Claim 12: Brandon Andrew Clark- Killed a woman. Arrested for planned homicide. He was a user of looksmax and .IS

View attachment 647491

Clark was a simp whose advances were spurned by "e-girl" Bianca Devins. He did not have an account on either Looksmax or .Is. Nor was Clark a self-proclaimed incel or connected to any incel community. Instead, his online activity revolved almost entirely around Discord, where he and other bluepilled simps lavished Devins with their time and attention.

Fun facts: The headlines are currently focused on the Oneida County District Attorney's Office, which is now being sued for leaking 17-year-old Devins' nudes to the media. Also, I also happen to have an image of her semi-decapitated corpse. Here you go:

As you can see, Redditors play so fast and loose with the truth that just one out of these twelve sentences were correct. That's an accuracy rate of roughly 8.3%. Not good.

There are also some remaining claims in this Reddit post, all of which are also false. For example, there is the suggestion that the U.S. Secret Service reported in March 2022 that "incels as a demographic are the most likely to commit domestic terrorism". In reality, the words "terror", "terrorist", or "terrorism" don't appear once in the 10,230-word report, for good reason: U.S. law enforcement doesn't consider inceldom to be terrorism at all, because inceldom is neither explicitly political nor religious. You can read the U.S. Secret Service report for yourself here.

In 2022 so far, more femoids have been killed by garbage trucks than in incel shootings; I dare say that federal law enforcement are more interested in left-wing activists seeking to harm U.S. Supreme Court Justices than they are in lonely virgins venting on the internet.

Then there is the suggestion that the Incels.is mods "work" with people like "them" and regularly "report" to the FBI, MI5, and CSIS. That simply could not be further from the truth. For over eight months now, it has been the Moderation Team's policy not to conceal, but to highlight and discuss court cases involving incels, alleged incels, and more. We have always encouraged incels to broaden their understanding of the complex legal apparatus that governs their speech and every aspect of their daily lives. Would any "honeypot" encourage discussion of the law and suppress illegal speech? No, it would not.

And what do these Redditors think they're doing? Do they really think that the FBI relies on a group of mentally ill pink-haired 300-pound trannys to go about its daily business? That the Moderation Team "works" with Redditors? They are suffering from delusions of grandeur. The FBI failed to prevent Parkland, Buffalo, Uvalde, et cetera; and it's unlikely that these landwhale amateurs could've done any better. Here's the brutal truth: over the next year, there will be dozens more mass killings in schools and supermarkets and places of worship, and there is nothing that a bunch of randos sitting at home can do about it. Violent extremism, not unlike car crashes and house fires, is simply a fact of life in our societies. Suck it up and take out a life insurance policy.


In posting their factually baseless screed, this Redditor has two core aims. First, they seek to foster division within our site. This is a pretty lame attempt to deter new users from joining us and to prompt some gullible greycels to leave. We remain undeterred. By every metric, incel communities, including Incels.is, have steadily grown over the years.

Second, Redditors have already failed. This is, well, copium. If soys weren't desperate, they'd speak using cold, hard facts, not a mix of half-truths and emotion. They seek to deplatform us, but we have survived. Later this year, Incels.is will be celebrating our 5th birthday. Every single month, at least one Redditor claims that the FBI or some other law enforcement agency is on the very verge of seizing our website and arresting the leadership for good. Of course, it hasn't happened—they've cried wolf one too many times—because incels are entitled to the same constitutional rights everyone else is. We've had our share of ups and downs, no doubt; but we're still here, a middle finger to the progressive orthodoxy.

So Redditors, delusional and narcissistic as always, are settling on a new narrative. Moving the goalposts. It's a convenient lie they can feed themselves so they can create a sense of purpose out of their miserable lives: "I'm a barista by day, but at night I'm a super elite secret agent who hunts these big, bad inkwells on the interwebs by screenshotting their posts!" It's self-comforting, of course; after all, many of them have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours obsessively poring over our posts.

Everyone's entitled to their freedom of speech, of course; but no one is entitled to their own set of facts. They can whine and squeal and stomp their feet all they want, but the blackpill as an idea will continue to survive. We'll stick around to joke about the very next mass killings and celebrate the next time that the legal system delivers soys and femoids an L. We promise.

View attachment 647476

Good post mate
It's just a woman acting like a usual woman.

Definitely a le redditor moment. None of those people didn't even have accounts here and we can't even verify if they did. The only person that had an account here was Genco, and he was snitched out by his own mother. :feelshaha:

Furthermore, moderators are not required to report stuff to the FBI or any other agency, so that claim is completely false and made to stir unrest and to insert drama into the community.
They really hate Clarence Thomas because he left their plantation. He h[UWSL]as had an impressive career considering where he started in life. He didn't go to expensive prep schools like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh did. Thomas grew up in the deep, segregated South, where he worked in his grandparents' farm every summer, and he didn't have hot showers and regular meals until he was 10. Thomas still studied his way into Yale Law and his law career took off from there. [/UWSL]

I myself disagree with Thomas on numerous occasions, but the racism that these so-called progressives have is mind-boggling. They're mad because they're under the impression that Thomas, as a black man who grew up poor in the South, should be sympathetic to their wokeism. And yet he isn't.
Good points, high IQ
Jake Davison (Plymouth Shooter)- Was arrested for killing 5 people in a mass shooting. He had an account on .IS. UK August 2021
He killed himself though how is he arrested?
I find it hilarious how not a single person they've mentioned on their list was ever a member of our community. Some may claim to be when they go out with a bang, but they're just doing it to be edgy. They've never spent any time here, and I've never interacted with a single damn one of them my entire time here. I've been here since the forum's second day in existence.

It's just a bunch of gaslighting, strawmanning, anecdotes, and committing the cardinal sin of the burden of proof fallacy, given that they've provided no evidence of their claims, and yet shift the burden onto us to prove our innocence. They are the bullies and harrassers they so dearly try to pretend they are not. :feelsjuice:
That half assed decapitation of Bianca Devins always puts a smile on my face

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