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Blackpill F_ck genetic lottery. (I am too short)


Cel Fone

Jul 25, 2019
Hello there.

I am 5'5" short. This is considered very short in Germany. I have classmates that are >6'4" tall, who have already bullied me, and there was absolutely no way for defending myself. I f*cking hate being that short.
The other ones they had to do NOTHING for their height. They just won a genetic lottery. They were born superior.
When I stand next to them, I feel humiliated by their bare presence. And the girls always stand closer to the taller ones. They look as if they were disgusted by me.
I f*cking hate genetics. F*ck genetics. Why does that thing even exist?!

Genetic lottery is f_cking unfair.

On Twitter, women state:
- “Men below 5'8" don't deserve any human rights.” ( )
- “If you are below 5'8", please kill yourself.” ( )
- (German tweet) “Männer unter 1,80m sind minderwertige Lebensformen.” (Approximate translation: Men below ~5'11" are subhumans / inferior forms of life.). Can't find the URL right now. Maybe it has been deleted.
- “Why do short men exist? Waste of natural resources.” ( )
- “Short men are so evil” -
Sorry, but it is not my fault when losing the genetic lottery! F_ck the genetic lottery! I hope scientists soon find a way to manipulate genetics so I don't have to live the life of a subhuman

Tall men can tell lies about me and women would blindly believe it!
Women naturally believe those men who won the lottery of LMS.
Thankfully, I am not 5'0", like that “Stu” from one of the FaceAndLMS videos. His life is absolutely doomed. But my 5'5" are still terrible and miserable.
I feel bullied even by standing close to one of the taller classmates, even without him saying anything, and there is no way for me to mentally defend myself.
I wonder how I could ever cope with verbal bullying.

I found a video called “How to deal with your insecurities” on YouTube ( ).
The first thing that video mentioned? Self-acceptance. Sorry, but how is acceptance of inferiority even possible? And even if I accepted myself, no woman would accept it.

F_ck genetics again. The genetic lottery is evil. It entitles random people to a superior life, while others have to settle for misery.
I feel you. I fucking hate tallfags who flaunt their height on manlets and then say "why so insecure bro."
Strong first post
0BBCF477 99E6 4059 B0E5 E820D63E8FDD

it's over.
You can just say Fuck
Hello there.

I am 5'5" short. This is considered very short in Germany. I have classmates that are >6'4" tall, who have already bullied me, and there was absolutely no way for defending myself. I f*cking hate being that short.
The other ones they had to do NOTHING for their height. They just won a genetic lottery. They were born superior.
When I stand next to them, I feel humiliated by their bare presence. And the girls always stand closer to the taller ones. They look as if they were disgusted by me.
I f*cking hate genetics. F*ck genetics. Why does that thing even exist?!

Genetic lottery is f_cking unfair.

On Twitter, women state:
- “Men below 5'8" don't deserve any human rights.” ( )
- “If you are below 5'8", please kill yourself.” ( )
- (German tweet) “Männer unter 1,80m sind minderwertige Lebensformen.” (Approximate translation: Men below ~5'11" are subhumans / inferior forms of life.). Can't find the URL right now. Maybe it has been deleted.
- “Why do short men exist? Waste of natural resources.” ( )
- “Short men are so evil” -
Sorry, but it is not my fault when losing the genetic lottery! F_ck the genetic lottery! I hope scientists soon find a way to manipulate genetics so I don't have to live the life of a subhuman

Tall men can tell lies about me and women would blindly believe it!
Women naturally believe those men who won the lottery of LMS.
Thankfully, I am not 5'0", like that “Stu” from one of the FaceAndLMS videos. His life is absolutely doomed. But my 5'5" are still terrible and miserable.
I feel bullied even by standing close to one of the taller classmates, even without him saying anything, and there is no way for me to mentally defend myself.
I wonder how I could ever cope with verbal bullying.

I found a video called “How to deal with your insecurities” on YouTube ( ).
The first thing that video mentioned? Self-acceptance. Sorry, but how is acceptance of inferiority even possible? And even if I accepted myself, no woman would accept it.

F_ck genetics again. The genetic lottery is evil. It entitles random people to a superior life, while others have to settle for misery.

There is no escape .
Its over .
All you can do is lift heavy objects and accumulate mass .
Very based first post.

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