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Blackpill Explanation behind JBW and why it exists and works so well on Asian women [Most detailed High IQ explanation in History of Blkp] [Ultimate JBW thread]

Asian girls prefer the european facial structure:

Because its more masculine AND more attractive


we did not actually find a strong own-race preference. For female participants there was a universal European face preference, and the Australian East Asian participants did not even rate own-race faces as second most attractive, instead rating African faces as equally attractive (for individual faces) or slightly more attractive (for compound faces) than East Asian faces."

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All of the things in the asian male beauty standards, are purely white features.

The average asian male is born with NONE of these things. The average white male is born with ALL of these things.

Straight eyebrows- ok both have this equally

Double eyelids- obviously thats a white feature, asians are born with monolids most of the time


Thin nose with high nose bridge - obviously white feature. Asian men have wide flat bulbous noses

Heart shaped lips - ok both seem to equally have this

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V-shaped jawline - is purely a white feature. Asians have a rounded jaw which is NOT v-shaped. Hence why jaw shaving surgery is popular there

Small face- asians dont have a small face clearly, they have a big wide, maybe could be seen as ogre face. Small face is purely a white feature.
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Height over 180cm - only whites are born over 180cm on average

Inverted triangle body - ok both can have this, but white men are wider, have highest testosterone levels aka more muscle so more likely to have it

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Fair skin- only white people have fair skin , their preferred skin colour. They have billion dollar skin whitening industries.
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1:8 golden ratio- your head must fit into body 8 times. Asian men are short but have big heads. It looks ridiculous. They don't fit the 1:8 golden ratio. White men are tall with slightly smaller heads, they fit the golden ratio.

Wider frame
Obviously taller bigger men with more muscle have wider frames aka white men have wider frames

White men have Higher testosterone levels

White men are stronger
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White men obviously have way bigger dicks
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White men have the preferred hair and eye colour
95% of the world has black hair and black eyes. Brown or blonde hair obviously looks better, hence why everyone dyes it them colours.

Blue and green eyes is obviously better than black eyes.

People only buy blonde or brown hair, blue eyes , white sperm
“The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors,” Fredrik Andreasson, chief financial officer at the Seattle Sperm Bank, told The Wall Street Journal

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Because blonde and brown hair is much rarer and is associated with white people, beauty, high T, tall, high class, rare, youthful, valuable

Black hair = ethnic, low t, low class, short, poor, common

The wealthy single Korean women choosing white sperm donors to have a baby – they want a family but not a Korean husband


  • Most unmarried women in Korea are unable to access fertility treatment and sperm banks at home
  • Successful women who don’t wish to marry turn instead to Western sperm donors, picking them from catalogues before going overseas for IVF treatment

"Looking at page after page of childhood photos, Xiaogunzhu was drawn to an image of a French-Irish boy with smiling dark blue eyes. But she was not admiring her lover’s family album, she was browsing a catalogue of potential sperm donors – the 39-year-old is one of an increasing number of affluent single women in China seeking a child, but not a husband."


Letters | Good news that Korean women aren’t waiting for a man to have a baby, but why choose white sperm donors?

'Why would anyone want non-white sperm?': Inside medicine's culture of racism, bullying and harassment

And blue eyes being better obviously isn't up for debate

White men/white countries are way richer than asian countries and asian men.
So this is another factor
But I can't believe people here claim to be blackpillers, then accuse white male, east asian female relationships of being a betabuxx, full well knowing how little money has to do with your SMV.
And in fact asian men earn more than white men in america, but Asian women still prefer white men in every dating app study to exist in america

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Whites have the best countries in every measurable aspect,
Average salary, best universities education, lower poverty rates, better infrastructure, higher quality of life. And are growing faster than asian countries
So it's only natural for their women to want to join the winning side and have a better life in a better country

Whites have the most and best media

Since when all asian girls were a child, they've grown up watching white men be displayed as tall, good looking, powerful, rich, and asian men being displayed as asian nerds who are short and ugly and low T. this isn't even propaganda, because on average, it really is the truth. But media amplifies it and makes them fetishise white men even more
Go on the top 30 website for Netflix. The top 30 movies, and the top 30 series in asia and in the west, all or majority are white movies. and even in asia it is all or mainly white movies, and majority white series with the occasional kdrama in asian countries which is only here as of recently but still less popular than white series.
Simply because whites create the best movies and series.

But this gets to the head of asian people and they think the entire reason behind jbw is because of media "brainwashing", when its clearly not, as explained in all beauty standards above.

Even in this study Asian women rated white faces higher than asian faces , asian women who HAVE AND HAVEN'T been exposed to much white media.

The clear reason behind JBW is the blackpill. the fact that the average white man, mogs the average asian man, in every genetic aspect of the blackpill.

"Among Asian newlyweds, these gender differences exist for both immigrants (15% men, 31% women) and the U.S. born (38% men, 54% women). While the gender gap among Asian immigrants has remained relatively stable, the gap among the U.S. born has widened substantially since 1980, when intermarriage stood at 46% among newlywed Asian men and 49% among newlywed Asian women."

1980 asian men and women were almost just as likely to outmarry as each other, however now Asian men outmarry less and Asian women outmarry more.

WMAF is Increasing Every Year

The more money asian women earn, the more likely they are to not care about a mans money. And just chase the best genetics. Aka white men. Asian womens lust for white men will only get even stronger.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/6k09lz/i_have_a_white_fetish/?utm_term=396401831&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_source=embed&utm_name=&utm_content=header

"The problem is, even though I find them hot and attractive, my desire of seeing a white guy doesnt disappear. Even when I am dating an asian man, I always secretly think aboit a white guy. I just don't feel satisfied."

So to conclude, white men mog asian men, in every genetic, social, status, and SMV factor:

- every facial feature
- eyelid shape,
- nose width and height
- jawline shape
- face size
- maxilla
- deepset eyes
- head shape and size (1:8 golden ratio)
- skin colour
- height
- frame size
- eye colour
- hair colour,
- strength
- testosterone levels
- media
- dick size
- country
- money

That's why JBW exists. That's why all or most asian women prefer white men.
However most white men prefer white women, that's the only reason why all asian women aren't with a white guy.

This is why even 5'4 white guys can slay Chinese and Korean women

because yes, he doesn't have the height, but he has every other genetic aspect which mogs asian men.

And this isn't a hate thread to asian men. There just seems to be a lot of confusion on the forum of why jbw exists and why most asian women tend to prefer white men. So I'm simply posting all the studies, facts and reasonings why this is happening.

The sooner you accept reality and understand why jbw is happening. The sooner you know how to start improving your SMV. for example an asian guy can maxx all areas in which whites usually mog them in. or realize you need to put in extra work in maxxing your SMV.

or try to look hapa, as asian women actually prefer hapas over full whites
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or geomaxx to places where white men go to the least. Aka east asia and some SEA countries. to avoid ur gf being exposed to, and getting with high smv men, who usually happen to be white.

All this tells me is that all of the Asian countries governments need to nut the fuck up and ban race-mixing. It makes me wonder whats stopping them in the first place.
Anyone who denies JBW clearly has no fucking clue what it's about or is so high on copium they can barely fucking read.

Timeless quote:
The clear reason behind JBW is the blackpill. the fact that the average white man, mogs the average asian man, in every genetic aspect of the blackpill.
is this a bait?
i'm mgtow, i don't care about women (i'm being serious)

you cannot be incel if you are mgtow:
"The Donnelly Study defined incels as adults who fail to find a sexual partner for six months or more without choosing so."
"'Involuntarily celibate' is a valid academic sociological term popularized in the Donnelly study. In the study, an involuntary celibate is a person who would like to have a "willing" partner to have sex with, but cannot find one for six months or more."
if you wouldn't like to have a willing partner to have sex, you are not an incel, you are mgtow
"An incel (/ˈɪnsɛl/ IN-sel, an abbreviation of "involuntary celibate"[1]) is a member of an online subculture of people who define themselves as unable to get a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one."
if you don't desire to have a partner, you can't be incel as you can see above
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Racepill never fails to make me suicidal holy fuck
Whites will read this and still deny JBW.
I am tall and white yet I am posting on this forum. "JBW" is propaganda by leftists who hate straight white men and believe white men are evil. Sounds like you are a liberal cuck who needs to get off this forum
I am tall and white yet I am posting on this forum. "JBW" is propaganda by leftists who hate straight white men and believe white men are evil. Sounds like you are a liberal cuck who needs to get off this forum
Let me guess, the scientific blackpill is also "propaganda"?


Whites are no different from foids to me, even when your privilege is pointed out and demonstrated with facts you deny it and then yall make moves to censor people for even pointing it out. Even on a forum like this it happens. The mods don't even bother hiding the fact that the "racebait" rule is just to protect whitey's fee fees.

You are the real liberal here who is intolerant to facts.

Use some of that high intelligence that you people pretend to have and apply some critical thinking. White people posting on an incel forum does not debunk "jbw" because jbw is hyperbolic, not literal, to any thinking person.
Let me guess, the scientific blackpill is also "propaganda"?

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Whites are no different from foids to me, even when your privilege is pointed out and demonstrated with facts you deny it and then yall make moves to censor people for even pointing it out. Even on a forum like this it happens. The mods don't even bother hiding the fact that the "racebait" rule is just to protect whitey's fee fees.

You are the real liberal here who is intolerant to facts.

Use some of that high intelligence that you people pretend to have and apply some critical thinking. White people posting on an incel forum does not debunk "jbw" because jbw is hyperbolic, not literal, to any thinking person.
The "scientific blackpill" is what some obese neckbeard with 4 chins wrote after analysing stats from the 2000s. if whites had a privilege then most of this forum wouldn't be white people you fucking SJW retard
The "scientific blackpill" is what some obese neckbeard with 4 chins wrote after analysing stats from the 2000s. if whites had a privilege then most of this forum wouldn't be white people you fucking SJW retard
bro look at the thread ur commenting on lol
Did not read kill yourself
As a Jap, I refuse to read this.
@Villain Of Blkpill If you're having problems dating Asian women, simply date white women.
The odds are in your favor according to some of the research you posted, despite having (according to you) inferior physiology.
Maaaaaaaan. I would think the white boys would understand what it means to be marginalized especially here in the states. You got the soros exploiting white women in the cornfields and getting with noggers. Least you sour bread fucks can do is understand what's it like to be left behind and spat on by your own women of your own kind. These knive eye chinky fucks probably are upset they're not Misha with green pale eyes and red Lucious hair and chads giving them attention. So they wanna date the sour breadcels because they wanna be white. Guess what the slanted bitch can't. Neither will his kids either.

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