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Explaining why romantic relationships are needed using only objective logic (IT Lurkers and Cherry-pickers GTFIH)

  • Thread starter ProudIncelistani
  • Start date


Son of Incelistan
Apr 2, 2018
This is in response to the platitude "You don't need relationships to lead a fulfilling life!". I'll explain why this is wrong from a logical perspective, no emotions needed.

Before we start, i'd like us to agree on these axioms:
Axiom of Asexuality: All Humans Are Aromantic and Asexual. No exceptions. When was the last time you thought "Gee, a relationship would be nice..."? That's right, NEVER.
Axiom of biomedtech: Humans are born from artificial wombs using designer genes for the best quality offspring, not from the sexual process.
Axiom of Fair Laws: The lopsided legal system that favors X gender has been rectified, Feminism and MGTOW/Men's rights are now useless.
Axiom of Biological Equality: There are no mental differences between any of the genders.

This will remain gender neutral, so that all genders (let's not waste time explaining simple facts to SJW's) may be included.

Put yourself in this scenario:
You return from your 8-hour job, and it doesn't matter what it is, you come home, cook yourself dinner, engage in hobbies perhaps, and sleep. You repeat this cycle until you get bored of it all (which obviously you would, I mean come on boredom is why we do actually quite a lot of things), and now you're presented with the following options:

1) Neck yourself to stop this cycle.
2) Get inspired into some activism or something along the lines.
3) Treat yourself to a vacation/ fun experience
4) Get into a relationship.

#1 isn't viable for obvious reasons (as members of r/IncelTears I'd expect you to know ALL of those reasons BY HEART).

#2 Activism, or rather creating an adventure in life for adventure's sake can actually destabilize your conditions of life, putting you in a worse position than your position at the start, so for your (and potentially everyone else's) sake, this is not a viable option. If there is a legitimate cause you wish to contribute to, you MUST contribute to it, but afterward, when your mission has been accomplished, you will once again find yourself bored and looking at these very options.

#3 No one is committed to a vacation or the luxury that surrounds them. While you may enjoy a vacation, you're not willing to 'struggle through thick and thin' for it, it's already happened! Bathing in Luxury will bore you out as well, and once again you shall ponder upon these options presented to you.

#4 is your only choice, now you have someone to truly and constantly care for and receive the same treatment. you now have someone to form more complicated emotions with, and you cannot get bored of them.

But wait!

Can't that type of commitment be formed with friends, pets and/or family?

Friends) The bond between a friend is far weaker than the bond to an SO, where bond means comfort with and knowledge of the other person, as well as dedication to weather out harder times with.

Family) If your relationship with them is bad, this is your priority. Fix is ASAP. But even in a family there are orders of priority in terms of bonding (I.E who's more important? Your distant cousin-in-law or SO?), and even in the Family, there are roles of the relationship and limitations on how they can help you (I.E You Brother can't relate to you the same way your SO can)

Pets) I've seen this before, and as a former pet-owner who has had to grieve the death of my pets (serious), I can tell you that even with the great connection to them, the connection cannot compare to a human SO whom you can talk to and has the mind to understand human thought. (I.E Who's better able to understand Marcus's Meditations, the Quran, and/or Thomas Jech's Set Theory and give good output on it? Your Dog or your SO?)

But wait!

We've gone over relationships, but what about ***?

It strengthens the bond between you and your SO, and makes adultery... actually very dangerous (look up std::list and ignore all C++/C related results), it helps decide who is mature about it, as well a mature person in general. (Consider: Asexuals, would you rather be in a relationship with someone mature who knows how to act properly on the one thing don't like or a [insert gender here]-child?) How does this display maturity? Because *** is not the only taboo, but so are many other topics, such as religion and politics. No one enters a date like "You're a [insert political view] as well?" or "You're a [insert religion here] as well?" but they DO enter dates sometimes as "You're oriented towards [insert gender and/or ****** fantasy here]?" (see the LGBTQAIWTFROFLBBQsin(PI/4)=(2^1/2)/2++ community :horror:), you can see it on practically every hookup/dating site. Maturity and a strong bond here can in many cases surpass religious/political difference the members of the relationship hold. We only see a strong aversion from mature conversation from either the mentally unfit to enter relationships or literally children.

THERE. Damn that was a thinker. Someone Please Get This Onto IT.
Man, that was painful, get this onto IT please.
@ItheIthe, @SaintMarcLepine and other anti-degenerates please add on to this, IDK how to make it any simpler without the use of human emotions
Well to add "relationships" must be lifelong and not cut off. There is no sense of exclusivity or specialness when you're on partner #29 like many people are these days, or even partner #2 or 3 for that matter.

You will always have memories of past people, you will always know your current partner isn't your one and only. It's impossible to get the same sense of true ride or die when you've actually already experienced the peaks of emotional, physical, and spiritual pleasure with someone else beforehand.
Well to add "relationships" must be lifelong and not cut off. There is no sense of exclusivity or specialness when you're on partner #29 like many people are these days, or even partner #2 or 3 for that matter.

You will always have memories of past people, you will always know your current partner isn't your one and only. It's impossible to get the same sense of true ride or die when you've actually already experienced the peaks of emotional, physical, and spiritual pleasure with someone else beforehand.

My friend, you may have joined the site today, but you are light years ahead of many users here.
You don't need to be in a relationship, you just need sex. There is a difference. JFL @ being in a relationship with a Western woman in 2018. Pump and dump, relationships are for cucks.
You don't need to be in a relationship, you just need sex. There is a difference. JFL @ being in a relationship with a Western woman in 2018. Pump and dump, relationships are for cucks.
As an anti-degenerate, I disagree. While it's true that western ALL woemen are spoiled, Who could turn down a relationship with a similarly monogamous and well-mannered woman? With only sex we once again become materialistic brutes (see ItheIthe's post) and we once again become bored of it all, only this time, due to the mental effect on all of us of the *** given to us, forming loving bonds becomes a LOT harder.
As an anti-degenerate, I disagree. While it's true that western ALL woemen are spoiled, Who could turn down a relationship with a similarly monogamous and well-mannered woman? With only sex we once again become materialistic brutes (see ItheIthe's post) and we once again become bored of it all, only this time, due to the mental effect on all of us of the *** given to us, forming loving bonds becomes a LOT harder.
And then she monkey branches to the nearest Chad and divorce rapes you.
And then she monkey branches to the nearest Chad and divorce rapes you.
I said monogamous and well-mannered, and as a supporter of Incelistan and anti degeneracy, such things in our new society will not be possible in the first place. We should actually breed that aspect of women out of them.
I went under the axiom of Biological Equality, obviously it doesn't apply in real life, neither do my other axioms in this essay, do you REALLY think that everyone is asexual?
I know by outing myself as a girl I will automatically be banned. That's fine really, I know you all are cowards in the end. In fact some of you, the same who cry about sensitive people are probably triggered just by my prescence. Shows how weak you truly are. I will be surprised if a day has passed and this account isn't banned. But since you want an answer, allow me to respond.
I am a teenage girl, turned 19 a while back, who has never had a relationship, kiss, or sex. And before I get any creepy responses, I and the virgins I know wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nearly all of you are depraved, especially you forty something year olds, and that's not a lack of sex talking, that's just you as people rotten from the inside out, a quick look at some of your threads is enough of an answer to that.
Let me ask you this? Since I have never been in a relationship, let alone been kissed, does that mean everything is for nothing? That nothing else matters? If so then you're really drifting in the shallow aspect of life.
Your first reason, I'm assuming you mean standing up and fixing your own situation. Why not? If a druggie can become clean, and a person living in poverty rise, why can't you? Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard. I'm not a 'Stacy' as you label us in terms of looks. But I want to still rise because in the end, you're the ones who decide to build walls. Look at your forums. Some of you just give up or decide to be leeches. Is that really doing all you can do?
For your second reason you treat it like just donation. And while I will give you the fact many, unfortunately do treat it like that, what about those who like me want it to be a lasting thing. I am working with my mentors to establish a program to benefit people of my background, Latinos, in terms of their way of life. This isn't a month long project. This will last probably even after I'm gone.
Vacations are fun, but its not so much the time spent but what you spend doing. If you have people either finding themselves or a new path in life that's on them. That's their doing.
Now relationships. My friends, dog, and family aren't like a boyfriend, sure. But let me ask, what do all three aspects have in common with a SO? Go on you can say it.
They love you.
They want the best for you. Granted they aren't the same thing as a SO, they're flawed but so many of you talk about how your parents are worried or concerned. And as for those who are religious didn't Paul himself say if you are single it wasn't bad so long you used it for the greater good? The sex part I can not answer as I am a virgin, I don't know what I can say.
But the only thing I can say is this. What are you doing? You guys go on and on about how much you want a relationship but hate women. Some of you especially those seemingly obsessed with virgins like me seem like potential abusers with your talk of treating a person like property.You really believe anyone would willingly throw themselves into that? Shows how closed off most of you are from the world. In the end in doesn't matter if you are black and blue.
The irony is most of you look down on yourselves so hard but you develop a egomaniac personality. War, murder, abuse, but you see yourselves as the most persecuted? And a lot of you are nearly thirty years older than me. If not having a relationship hasn't stopped me, what about you? Most of you chose to remain in a hole. And for that you only have yourself to blame. This is coming from a teenager who is just starting to live.
I know I will be banned, maybe automatically. I know some of you will make lewd remarks because I'm a virgin or because of my background, maybe some of you will just laugh and call me a roastie just to disregard what I've said. Like I said, I will be surprised if this account lasts more than a day unbanned. But in the end it shows a lot about you, doesn't it? You scream about others running from reality but you in the sprint from it.
To those here who have a chance to help themselves out, best of luck to you. Hope you can help yourselves.
I know by outing myself as a girl I will automatically be banned. That's fine really, I know you all are cowards in the end. In fact some of you, the same who cry about sensitive people are probably triggered just by my prescence. Shows how weak you truly are. I will be surprised if a day has passed and this account isn't banned. But since you want an answer, allow me to respond.
I am a teenage girl, turned 19 a while back, who has never had a relationship, kiss, or sex. And before I get any creepy responses, I and the virgins I know wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nearly all of you are depraved, especially you forty something year olds, and that's not a lack of sex talking, that's just you as people rotten from the inside out, a quick look at some of your threads is enough of an answer to that.
Let me ask you this? Since I have never been in a relationship, let alone been kissed, does that mean everything is for nothing? That nothing else matters? If so then you're really drifting in the shallow aspect of life.
Your first reason, I'm assuming you mean standing up and fixing your own situation. Why not? If a druggie can become clean, and a person living in poverty rise, why can't you? Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard. I'm not a 'Stacy' as you label us in terms of looks. But I want to still rise because in the end, you're the ones who decide to build walls. Look at your forums. Some of you just give up or decide to be leeches. Is that really doing all you can do?
For your second reason you treat it like just donation. And while I will give you the fact many, unfortunately do treat it like that, what about those who like me want it to be a lasting thing. I am working with my mentors to establish a program to benefit people of my background, Latinos, in terms of their way of life. This isn't a month long project. This will last probably even after I'm gone.
Vacations are fun, but its not so much the time spent but what you spend doing. If you have people either finding themselves or a new path in life that's on them. That's their doing.
Now relationships. My friends, dog, and family aren't like a boyfriend, sure. But let me ask, what do all three aspects have in common with a SO? Go on you can say it.
They love you.
They want the best for you. Granted they aren't the same thing as a SO, they're flawed but so many of you talk about how your parents are worried or concerned. And as for those who are religious didn't Paul himself say if you are single it wasn't bad so long you used it for the greater good? The sex part I can not answer as I am a virgin, I don't know what I can say.
But the only thing I can say is this. What are you doing? You guys go on and on about how much you want a relationship but hate women. Some of you especially those seemingly obsessed with virgins like me seem like potential abusers with your talk of treating a person like property.You really believe anyone would willingly throw themselves into that? Shows how closed off most of you are from the world. In the end in doesn't matter if you are black and blue.
The irony is most of you look down on yourselves so hard but you develop a egomaniac personality. War, murder, abuse, but you see yourselves as the most persecuted? And a lot of you are nearly thirty years older than me. If not having a relationship hasn't stopped me, what about you? Most of you chose to remain in a hole. And for that you only have yourself to blame. This is coming from a teenager who is just starting to live.
I know I will be banned, maybe automatically. I know some of you will make lewd remarks because I'm a virgin or because of my background, maybe some of you will just laugh and call me a roastie just to disregard what I've said. Like I said, I will be surprised if this account lasts more than a day unbanned. But in the end it shows a lot about you, doesn't it? You scream about others running from reality but you in the sprint from it.
To those here who have a chance to help themselves out, best of luck to you. Hope you can help yourselves.

You know literally nothing about our lives. I recommend you shut the fuck up.
I know by outing myself as a girl I will automatically be banned. That's fine really, I know you all are cowards in the end. In fact some of you, the same who cry about sensitive people are probably triggered just by my prescence. Shows how weak you truly are. I will be surprised if a day has passed and this account isn't banned. But since you want an answer, allow me to respond.
I am a teenage girl, turned 19 a while back, who has never had a relationship, kiss, or sex. And before I get any creepy responses, I and the virgins I know wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nearly all of you are depraved, especially you forty something year olds, and that's not a lack of sex talking, that's just you as people rotten from the inside out, a quick look at some of your threads is enough of an answer to that.
Let me ask you this? Since I have never been in a relationship, let alone been kissed, does that mean everything is for nothing? That nothing else matters? If so then you're really drifting in the shallow aspect of life.
Your first reason, I'm assuming you mean standing up and fixing your own situation. Why not? If a druggie can become clean, and a person living in poverty rise, why can't you? Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard. I'm not a 'Stacy' as you label us in terms of looks. But I want to still rise because in the end, you're the ones who decide to build walls. Look at your forums. Some of you just give up or decide to be leeches. Is that really doing all you can do?
For your second reason you treat it like just donation. And while I will give you the fact many, unfortunately do treat it like that, what about those who like me want it to be a lasting thing. I am working with my mentors to establish a program to benefit people of my background, Latinos, in terms of their way of life. This isn't a month long project. This will last probably even after I'm gone.
Vacations are fun, but its not so much the time spent but what you spend doing. If you have people either finding themselves or a new path in life that's on them. That's their doing.
Now relationships. My friends, dog, and family aren't like a boyfriend, sure. But let me ask, what do all three aspects have in common with a SO? Go on you can say it.
They love you.
They want the best for you. Granted they aren't the same thing as a SO, they're flawed but so many of you talk about how your parents are worried or concerned. And as for those who are religious didn't Paul himself say if you are single it wasn't bad so long you used it for the greater good? The sex part I can not answer as I am a virgin, I don't know what I can say.
But the only thing I can say is this. What are you doing? You guys go on and on about how much you want a relationship but hate women. Some of you especially those seemingly obsessed with virgins like me seem like potential abusers with your talk of treating a person like property.You really believe anyone would willingly throw themselves into that? Shows how closed off most of you are from the world. In the end in doesn't matter if you are black and blue.
The irony is most of you look down on yourselves so hard but you develop a egomaniac personality. War, murder, abuse, but you see yourselves as the most persecuted? And a lot of you are nearly thirty years older than me. If not having a relationship hasn't stopped me, what about you? Most of you chose to remain in a hole. And for that you only have yourself to blame. This is coming from a teenager who is just starting to live.
I know I will be banned, maybe automatically. I know some of you will make lewd remarks because I'm a virgin or because of my background, maybe some of you will just laugh and call me a roastie just to disregard what I've said. Like I said, I will be surprised if this account lasts more than a day unbanned. But in the end it shows a lot about you, doesn't it? You scream about others running from reality but you in the sprint from it.
To those here who have a chance to help themselves out, best of luck to you. Hope you can help yourselves.

stfu you fucking dumb whore bitch and gtfo cunt
You know literally nothing about our lives. I recommend you shut the fuck up.
As I said before Ive gone through this thread, most of you just lock yourself in your own bubble. Irony when you mock IT for doing the same thing
why are so many bluepilled currys coming here now this post is pure cope romantic relationships are nothing more than cum going in the vag
stfu you fucking dumb whore bitch and gtfo cunt
Whore....interesting insult for a virgin but then again when you don't know what else to say that's you're only card huh?
I know by outing myself as a girl I will automatically be banned. That's fine really, I know you all are cowards in the end. In fact some of you, the same who cry about sensitive people are probably triggered just by my prescence. Shows how weak you truly are. I will be surprised if a day has passed and this account isn't banned. But since you want an answer, allow me to respond.
I am a teenage girl, turned 19 a while back, who has never had a relationship, kiss, or sex. And before I get any creepy responses, I and the virgins I know wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nearly all of you are depraved, especially you forty something year olds, and that's not a lack of sex talking, that's just you as people rotten from the inside out, a quick look at some of your threads is enough of an answer to that.
Let me ask you this? Since I have never been in a relationship, let alone been kissed, does that mean everything is for nothing? That nothing else matters? If so then you're really drifting in the shallow aspect of life.
Your first reason, I'm assuming you mean standing up and fixing your own situation. Why not? If a druggie can become clean, and a person living in poverty rise, why can't you? Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard. I'm not a 'Stacy' as you label us in terms of looks. But I want to still rise because in the end, you're the ones who decide to build walls. Look at your forums. Some of you just give up or decide to be leeches. Is that really doing all you can do?
For your second reason you treat it like just donation. And while I will give you the fact many, unfortunately do treat it like that, what about those who like me want it to be a lasting thing. I am working with my mentors to establish a program to benefit people of my background, Latinos, in terms of their way of life. This isn't a month long project. This will last probably even after I'm gone.
Vacations are fun, but its not so much the time spent but what you spend doing. If you have people either finding themselves or a new path in life that's on them. That's their doing.
Now relationships. My friends, dog, and family aren't like a boyfriend, sure. But let me ask, what do all three aspects have in common with a SO? Go on you can say it.
They love you.
They want the best for you. Granted they aren't the same thing as a SO, they're flawed but so many of you talk about how your parents are worried or concerned. And as for those who are religious didn't Paul himself say if you are single it wasn't bad so long you used it for the greater good? The sex part I can not answer as I am a virgin, I don't know what I can say.
But the only thing I can say is this. What are you doing? You guys go on and on about how much you want a relationship but hate women. Some of you especially those seemingly obsessed with virgins like me seem like potential abusers with your talk of treating a person like property.You really believe anyone would willingly throw themselves into that? Shows how closed off most of you are from the world. In the end in doesn't matter if you are black and blue.
The irony is most of you look down on yourselves so hard but you develop a egomaniac personality. War, murder, abuse, but you see yourselves as the most persecuted? And a lot of you are nearly thirty years older than me. If not having a relationship hasn't stopped me, what about you? Most of you chose to remain in a hole. And for that you only have yourself to blame. This is coming from a teenager who is just starting to live.
I know I will be banned, maybe automatically. I know some of you will make lewd remarks because I'm a virgin or because of my background, maybe some of you will just laugh and call me a roastie just to disregard what I've said. Like I said, I will be surprised if this account lasts more than a day unbanned. But in the end it shows a lot about you, doesn't it? You scream about others running from reality but you in the sprint from it.
To those here who have a chance to help themselves out, best of luck to you. Hope you can help yourselves.

My religion requires me to treat incels and others on this forums as fellow brothers and human beings. I am a true Muslim.

Here are my ethics:

Skip to Moral Commandments

Have a nice day :)
Whore....interesting insult for a virgin but then again when you don't know what else to say that's you're only card huh?
Oh and by the way I normally wouldn't post anything but hey, the guy asked. So I'm giving him an answer. I know some of you are most likely asking for me to be banned. But hey, I don't expect much from a group that prefers to stay in their bubble.
Whore....interesting insult for a virgin but then again when you don't know what else to say that's you're only card huh?

you think you are so smart with your rhetorical bullshit question but you are not you are a just another worthless disgusting whore pure and simple now gtfo before you get put in your place
you think you are so smart with your rhetorical bullshit question but you are not you are a just another worthless disgusting whore pure and simple now gtfo before you get put in your place
Plain and simple. If you want to insult someone at least do it right. None of you even addressed a single thing I said. You're just mad that someone 'invaded' your safe space. That's what this place is. And then you complain about SJWs. You're the same as them. And my place? What, you mean by banning? Wow how magnanimous. I know someone is probably reporting me. You didn't think I knew that? But hey, I suppose some people are too far gone.
I know by outing myself as a girl I will automatically be banned. That's fine really, I know you all are cowards in the end. In fact some of you, the same who cry about sensitive people are probably triggered just by my prescence. Shows how weak you truly are. I will be surprised if a day has passed and this account isn't banned. But since you want an answer, allow me to respond.
I am a teenage girl, turned 19 a while back, who has never had a relationship, kiss, or sex. And before I get any creepy responses, I and the virgins I know wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nearly all of you are depraved, especially you forty something year olds, and that's not a lack of sex talking, that's just you as people rotten from the inside out, a quick look at some of your threads is enough of an answer to that.
Let me ask you this? Since I have never been in a relationship, let alone been kissed, does that mean everything is for nothing? That nothing else matters? If so then you're really drifting in the shallow aspect of life.
Your first reason, I'm assuming you mean standing up and fixing your own situation. Why not? If a druggie can become clean, and a person living in poverty rise, why can't you? Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard. I'm not a 'Stacy' as you label us in terms of looks. But I want to still rise because in the end, you're the ones who decide to build walls. Look at your forums. Some of you just give up or decide to be leeches. Is that really doing all you can do?
For your second reason you treat it like just donation. And while I will give you the fact many, unfortunately do treat it like that, what about those who like me want it to be a lasting thing. I am working with my mentors to establish a program to benefit people of my background, Latinos, in terms of their way of life. This isn't a month long project. This will last probably even after I'm gone.
Vacations are fun, but its not so much the time spent but what you spend doing. If you have people either finding themselves or a new path in life that's on them. That's their doing.
Now relationships. My friends, dog, and family aren't like a boyfriend, sure. But let me ask, what do all three aspects have in common with a SO? Go on you can say it.
They love you.
They want the best for you. Granted they aren't the same thing as a SO, they're flawed but so many of you talk about how your parents are worried or concerned. And as for those who are religious didn't Paul himself say if you are single it wasn't bad so long you used it for the greater good? The sex part I can not answer as I am a virgin, I don't know what I can say.
But the only thing I can say is this. What are you doing? You guys go on and on about how much you want a relationship but hate women. Some of you especially those seemingly obsessed with virgins like me seem like potential abusers with your talk of treating a person like property.You really believe anyone would willingly throw themselves into that? Shows how closed off most of you are from the world. In the end in doesn't matter if you are black and blue.
The irony is most of you look down on yourselves so hard but you develop a egomaniac personality. War, murder, abuse, but you see yourselves as the most persecuted? And a lot of you are nearly thirty years older than me. If not having a relationship hasn't stopped me, what about you? Most of you chose to remain in a hole. And for that you only have yourself to blame. This is coming from a teenager who is just starting to live.
I know I will be banned, maybe automatically. I know some of you will make lewd remarks because I'm a virgin or because of my background, maybe some of you will just laugh and call me a roastie just to disregard what I've said. Like I said, I will be surprised if this account lasts more than a day unbanned. But in the end it shows a lot about you, doesn't it? You scream about others running from reality but you in the sprint from it.
To those here who have a chance to help themselves out, best of luck to you. Hope you can help yourselves.
>Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard.

This is ridiculous. But how can I expect you to understand when it's socially acceptable for you to mask your face under layers of fakeup. There are no looks requirements for you, you can be as fat, short, or whatever as you like. You're not a man, stop pretending like you know a thing about my life.
>Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard.

This is ridiculous. But how can I expect you to understand when it's socially acceptable for you to mask your face under layers of fakeup. There are no looks requirements for you, you can be as fat, short, or whatever as you like. You're not a man, stop pretending like you know a thing about my life.
I personally don't wear makeup, I won't shame a girl who loves it either. I'm not a man but I know when someone is choosing to throw themselves into a hole of their own self hatred. And that's what all of you are doing.
I personally don't wear makeup, I won't shame a girl who loves it either. I'm not a man but I know when someone is choosing to throw themselves into a hole of their own self hatred. And that's what all of you are doing.
How do you know? That's the typical holier than thou attitude. You just "know". Very convincing. It must be one of the many abilities that comes with having a vagina, like the ability to sense bad personalities.
Plain and simple. If you want to insult someone at least do it right. None of you even addressed a single thing I said. You're just mad that someone 'invaded' your safe space. That's what this place is. And then you complain about SJWs. You're the same as them. And my place? What, you mean by banning? Wow how magnanimous. I know someone is probably reporting me. You didn't think I knew that? But hey, I suppose some people are too far gone.

jfl if you think i would read a single word your write little bitch girl you dont know shit about anything if you were in front of me face to face you wouldnt say any of this shit you would just run away crying to your mommy like the scared little bitch you are
How do you know? That's the typical holier than thou attitude. You just "know". Very convincing. It must be one of the many abilities that comes with having a vagina, like the ability to sense bad personalities.
How do I know? The endless threads about how its all over, how its society's fault, how its everyone else but you. Its not intuition at least not this time, the evidence is laid down perfectly.
I personally don't wear makeup, I won't shame a girl who loves it either. I'm not a man but I know when someone is choosing to throw themselves into a hole of their own self hatred. And that's what all of you are doing.

You're life is probably a lot better than the average man
jfl if you think i would read a single word your write little bitch girl you dont know shit about anything if you were in front of me face to face you wouldnt say any of this shit you would just run away crying to your mommy like the scared little bitch you are
Right, because you yourselves are so bold. Most of you are sitting ducks in times when you could do something. And hey ignorance is bliss buddy, but when youre forty, if you aren't already, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
You're life is probably a lot better than the average man
How? Everyone has their struggles, what about those in impoverished countries, or war torn areas, or those starving? In the end, life takes no prisoners.
Plain and simple. If you want to insult someone at least do it right. None of you even addressed a single thing I said. You're just mad that someone 'invaded' your safe space. That's what this place is. And then you complain about SJWs. You're the same as them. And my place? What, you mean by banning? Wow how magnanimous. I know someone is probably reporting me. You didn't think I knew that? But hey, I suppose some people are too far gone.

I could have banned you if I wanted to.

The reason why we banned people in the past is because they come up with platitudes, insult us, give us unhelpful misguided advice, and don't actually listen to what we say.

And yet, you can't call us a bubble because we debate so much with outsiders. We have learned that it is a complete waste of time. We are so tired of it.
How do I know? The endless threads about how its all over, how its society's fault, how its everyone else but you. Its not intuition at least not this time, the evidence is laid down perfectly.
But how do you know it's our own fault.
I know by outing myself as a girl I will automatically be banned. That's fine really, I know you all are cowards in the end. In fact some of you, the same who cry about sensitive people are probably triggered just by my prescence. Shows how weak you truly are. I will be surprised if a day has passed and this account isn't banned. But since you want an answer, allow me to respond.
I am a teenage girl, turned 19 a while back, who has never had a relationship, kiss, or sex. And before I get any creepy responses, I and the virgins I know wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nearly all of you are depraved, especially you forty something year olds, and that's not a lack of sex talking, that's just you as people rotten from the inside out, a quick look at some of your threads is enough of an answer to that.
Let me ask you this? Since I have never been in a relationship, let alone been kissed, does that mean everything is for nothing? That nothing else matters? If so then you're really drifting in the shallow aspect of life.
Your first reason, I'm assuming you mean standing up and fixing your own situation. Why not? If a druggie can become clean, and a person living in poverty rise, why can't you? Ugliness is the most ridiculous of excuses I've ever heard. I'm not a 'Stacy' as you label us in terms of looks. But I want to still rise because in the end, you're the ones who decide to build walls. Look at your forums. Some of you just give up or decide to be leeches. Is that really doing all you can do?
For your second reason you treat it like just donation. And while I will give you the fact many, unfortunately do treat it like that, what about those who like me want it to be a lasting thing. I am working with my mentors to establish a program to benefit people of my background, Latinos, in terms of their way of life. This isn't a month long project. This will last probably even after I'm gone.
Vacations are fun, but its not so much the time spent but what you spend doing. If you have people either finding themselves or a new path in life that's on them. That's their doing.
Now relationships. My friends, dog, and family aren't like a boyfriend, sure. But let me ask, what do all three aspects have in common with a SO? Go on you can say it.
They love you.
They want the best for you. Granted they aren't the same thing as a SO, they're flawed but so many of you talk about how your parents are worried or concerned. And as for those who are religious didn't Paul himself say if you are single it wasn't bad so long you used it for the greater good? The sex part I can not answer as I am a virgin, I don't know what I can say.
But the only thing I can say is this. What are you doing? You guys go on and on about how much you want a relationship but hate women. Some of you especially those seemingly obsessed with virgins like me seem like potential abusers with your talk of treating a person like property.You really believe anyone would willingly throw themselves into that? Shows how closed off most of you are from the world. In the end in doesn't matter if you are black and blue.
The irony is most of you look down on yourselves so hard but you develop a egomaniac personality. War, murder, abuse, but you see yourselves as the most persecuted? And a lot of you are nearly thirty years older than me. If not having a relationship hasn't stopped me, what about you? Most of you chose to remain in a hole. And for that you only have yourself to blame. This is coming from a teenager who is just starting to live.
I know I will be banned, maybe automatically. I know some of you will make lewd remarks because I'm a virgin or because of my background, maybe some of you will just laugh and call me a roastie just to disregard what I've said. Like I said, I will be surprised if this account lasts more than a day unbanned. But in the end it shows a lot about you, doesn't it? You scream about others running from reality but you in the sprint from it.
To those here who have a chance to help themselves out, best of luck to you. Hope you can help yourselves.

GTFO Larplord. Girls cannot be incels because there are too many orbiters and thirsty betas. Watch my 600 lb life even disgusting hambeast landwhales have loving husbands who aren't landwhales. JFL @ Larping.
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Right, because you yourselves are so bold. Most of you are sitting ducks in times when you could do something. And hey ignorance is bliss buddy, but when youre forty, if you aren't already, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

Do you have any idea how long term loneliness and depression can drain a person's motivation over a long period of time? Do you understand how the Matthew effect makes it harder a harder to climb out of a social rut because people don't want to socialize with someone of low social status and no friends?

No of course you fucking don't.

Your youth belies your ignorance of these things.
I could have banned you if I wanted to.

The reason why we banned people in the past is because they come up with platitudes, insult us, give us unhelpful misguided advice, and don't actually listen to what we say.

And yet, you can't call us a bubble because we debate so much with outsiders. We have learned that it is a complete waste of time. We are so tired of it.
Well that's nice to hear you're willing, but let me ask you this, what about those who had genuine concern? Even if a piece of advice doesn't work for you, what about the next person? And pardon me, but many who have gotten banned who aren't a part of this forum have tried to give their input, and they are just shut down. You can just browse into the history of this entire forum anytime to see that.
Right, because you yourselves are so bold. Most of you are sitting ducks in times when you could do something. And hey ignorance is bliss buddy, but when youre forty, if you aren't already, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
you talk like you are so smug and superior this is the most common female defense mechanism you are nothing but a fat cunt and a waste of space just die you fucking whore
I could have banned you if I wanted to.

The reason why we banned people in the past is because they come up with platitudes, insult us, give us unhelpful misguided advice, and don't actually listen to what we say.

And yet, you can't call us a bubble because we debate so much with outsiders. We have learned that it is a complete waste of time. We are so tired of it.

You cannot reason with femoids.
How? Everyone has their struggles, what about those in impoverished countries, or war torn areas, or those starving? In the end, life takes no prisoners.

Yes ignore the fact that many incels are impoverished, face racial discrimination, face social discrimination, have illnesses or are crippled, run into bad luck.
But how do you know it's our own fault.
No one asked for their looks, but who is the one living this life? Yourself. You're the own digging your own hole by continuing in a mentality of nothings going to change and society is the reason for it all. A mentality that sounds very familiar. Some of you aren't even trying.
Do you have any idea how long term loneliness and depression can drain a person's motivation over a long period of time? Do you understand how the Matthew effect makes it harder a harder to climb out of a social rut because people don't want to socialize with someone of low social status and no friends?

No of course you fucking don't.

Your youth belies your ignorance of these things.
just ban the bitch already no point in talking to this thing any further
Well that's nice to hear you're willing, but let me ask you this, what about those who had genuine concern? Even if a piece of advice doesn't work for you, what about the next person? And pardon me, but many who have gotten banned who aren't a part of this forum have tried to give their input, and they are just shut down. You can just browse into the history of this entire forum anytime to see that.

Yes, if their input sucks and it's the same old trite, we have to right to remove it. The vast vast majority of these people do not have genuine concern and neither do you.

As far as not trying goes, many of us do try very hard. But that is hard to show on a forum made of words.
Yes ignore the fact that many incels are impoverished, face racial discrimination, face social discrimination, have illnesses or are crippled, run into bad luck.
And so have non incels. Life takes no prisoners. A person can go through so much and become something great. It depends on them.
No one asked for their looks, but who is the one living this life? Yourself. You're the own digging your own hole by continuing in a mentality of nothings going to change and society is the reason for it all. A mentality that sounds very familiar. Some of you aren't even trying.

You cannot fault someone for giving up on the 1001th try when 1000 times they have failed.
And so have non incels. Life takes no prisoners. A person can go through so much and become something great. It depends on them.

Are you familiar with the survivorship fallacy? Society always tells the few rare stories of the people who make it through. If it wasn't so rare those stories wouldn't be worth telling.

You also need to learn what the Just World Fallacy is as well.
How? Everyone has their struggles, what about those in impoverished countries, or war torn areas, or those starving? In the end, life takes no prisoners.
Obviously a starving woman from Africa is worse off than your average woman living in the west. I'm talking in terms that they are overprivilaged in a variety of ways. You'll be put on a pedestal in this society and have much more validation in your life than a man. Men are expected to work hard for their money, work hard for a good body, and just meet standards that are usually impossible to change (height, face, etc) to get woman. Men will Pretty much take aWomen easily. Even if you are "ugly" as a women Still, You can change your face through makeup, but men are looked down upon if they are ugly and even looked down if they need to get surgery or wear makeup to try change their looks. There is more I could say but thats ot for now
Ban this Low energy troll immediately.
You cannot fault someone for giving up on the 1001th try when 1000 times they have failed.
If that's the case I would've given up a long time ago. Some of you are older than me, way older. I think its sad seeing someone believe that there's nothing more.
Do you have any idea how long term loneliness and depression can drain a person's motivation over a long period of time? Do you understand how the Matthew effect makes it harder a harder to climb out of a social rut because people don't want to socialize with someone of low social status and no friends?

No of course you fucking don't.

Your youth belies your ignorance of these things.
I'm younger than you, fine. But I know enough to know that beating yourself done enough times won't get yourself anywhere.I got life in me and so do you. So what about you?

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