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SuicideFuel ex religious curry Stacy I know got white dogs. JBW + Dog pill

Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
This was a curry Stacy that is a daughter of a friend of one my relatives. She was super religious back a few years ago. But now she no longer wears muzzie hijab, works for some liberal party political organization, and owns 2 big white dogs. Just brutal. Just a few years of college can convert any foid into a libtard degenerate dog fucker.

While I am not specifically certain that she fucks the dogs, it is highly probable, given the dogs are white and very big. They also have colored eyes. The foid is also now an extreme libtard. She also hates ricecels.

DOGPILL is starting infect muzzie foids now too. 99% of women will own giant white or black dogs within 20-30 years. Us men are already not needed, but in the future as the DOGPILL grows in power, we will be needed even less. I can imagine, some foid scientists will eventually gene edit dogs to be able to impregnate human foids. Then they will drop men altogether!
She was always a disgusting degenrate dog-fucking hoejabi. She's just open about it now.
big cope. Tons of curry foids are now owning dogs boyo. They are copying the mayo whores and will too become dog fuckers. @tehgymcel420 has posted extensively. Review his threads boyo
She was always a disgusting degenrate dog-fucking hoejabi. She's just open about it now.
Possibly. But I remember being retardedly religious when she was younger. But just a few years of doing liberal college in a degenerate northeastern college turned into this jfl
This was a curry Stacy that is a daughter of a friend of one my relatives. She was super religious back a few years ago. But now she no longer wears muzzie hijab, works for some liberal party political organization, and owns 2 big white dogs. Just brutal. Just a few years of college can convert any foid into a libtard degenerate dog fucker.

While I am not specifically certain that she fucks the dogs, it is highly probable, given the dogs are white and very big. They also have colored eyes. The foid is also now an extreme libtard. She also hates ricecels.

DOGPILL is starting infect muzzie foids now too. 99% of women will own giant white or black dogs within 20-30 years. Us men are already not needed, but in the future as the DOGPILL grows in power, we will be needed even less.
My own cousin sister gets aroused when she is MY male dog cause he's handsome and medium sized, he looks like a brown/ cafe latte color wolf.

Foids get turned on by handsome looking male dogs because it reminds them of the Alpha male of the pack.

But if dying an Island with you, me and the dog, 95% of females would chose one of us over trying to insert with the dog. I'm 99% positive.
I can imagine, some foid scientists will eventually gene edit dogs to be able to impregnate human foids. Then they will drop men altogether!
LMAO. No. They won't. What so the babies can be half human/half dog looking, like a Minatar or something?
Dogpill is the ultimate truth. These women want BDK (Big Dog Knot)
My own cousin sister gets aroused when she is MY male dog cause he's handsome and medium sized, he looks like a brown/ cafe latte color wolf.

Foids get turned on by handsome looking male dogs because it reminds them of the Alpha male of the pack.

But if dying an Island with you, me and the dog, 95% of females would chose one of us over trying to insert with the dog. I'm 99% positive.

LMAO. No. They won't. What so the babies can be half human/half dog looking, like a Minatar or something?
I guess we will find out. My estimation of 30 years to Gene edit dogs is probably too optimistic. Maybe 100 years, but imo it will happen at some point within 1000 years
This was a curry Stacy that is a daughter of a friend of one my relatives. She was super religious back a few years ago. But now she no longer wears muzzie hijab, works for some liberal party political organization, and owns 2 big white dogs. Just brutal. Just a few years of college can convert any foid into a libtard degenerate dog fucker.

While I am not specifically certain that she fucks the dogs, it is highly probable, given the dogs are white and very big. They also have colored eyes. The foid is also now an extreme libtard. She also hates ricecels.

DOGPILL is starting infect muzzie foids now too. 99% of women will own giant white or black dogs within 20-30 years. Us men are already not needed, but in the future as the DOGPILL grows in power, we will be needed even less. I can imagine, some foid scientists will eventually gene edit dogs to be able to impregnate human foids. Then they will drop men altogether!
And its also interesting to note she's "ex-religious". Was she a mainlander though?

Dogpill actually probably invented by some homo leftist in Southern California, your neighbourhood!
I guess we will find out. My estimation of 30 years to Gene edit dogs is probably too optimistic.
Optimistic? you mean pessimistic? Because we DON'T want it to happen... I guess. Lol
Maybe 100 years, but imo it will happen at some point within 1000 years
I would say at least 500 year before this type of technology is reasonably affordable on mass scales, and also I'm not at all sure they would choose blend worh dogs at that point. Why not just inject gene changing nanobots to make all men Chad so they don't have to try and fuck dogs? Which is VERY difficult by the way. Yall be acting like its some sort of easy acr that toilets do on the regular lol. For one thing a dogs penis is ATTACHED to its stomach (lower abdomen). Its impossible to do it naturally.
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You actually believe in the dog pill? I thought it was just a running joke in the blackpill community
Quite a few people here do. Its like your belief and confidence in most mental health specialists or Anthony Faucci or Richard Dawkins. They are blind and traumatized from inexperience. So are you !
And its also interesting to note she's "ex-religious". Was she a mainlander though?

Dogpill actually probably invented by some homo leftist in Southern California, your neighbourhood!
No USA born paki foid
You actually believe in the dog pill? I thought it was just a running joke in the blackpill community
yes while I agree it isn't as hyped up as some. And I was probably exaggerating in my thread. I can't disregard the fact that there are thousands of videos of foids kissing big dogs and even sucking the dogs tongue, even thousands of beastiality videos on some sites. So at least 1-5% foids absolutely prefer dogs to ugly men. There was actually some very old study saying around 3% of foids anonymously admitted doing stuff with a dog
There will be curry foid uprising now boyo every foid will become a westernized whore in a few years even inside the mainland :feelsrope:
No USA born paki foid
Well theres the problem right there. USA born + Paki (or North) = crazy in modern times anyway.

Btw, this will really get yall going. I just had these neighbours of mine ask to take photos of my dogs. Both her and her friend are 35-40 year old Stacylite Stacypreets, married. And yes they get all weirdly excited about it. There is of course a strong connection between pretty women and dogs. Its the desire to have alpha male that they cherish, the dog just reminds them of Gigachad. But if forced with the choice, 90% of would choose you over trying to have sex with the dog. The problem is that they just have too many HUMAN choices and cucks treat them well.
Common knowledge foids would rather be alone living with dogs and cats than date a man below 173cm
I would rather be alone living with my dogs than a screwed up foid these days anyway. (like 98.68% of all foids).
The dog pill doesn't mean foids directly fucking a dog, it just means they'd rather give their time, affection and energy into an animal than a sub5 human male
Good for them. So then we should also give our time, affection and energy into canines (cause other animals aren't nearly as adaptable) as well. Trust me, it pays off 10 fold. I talk with my dogs, kiss them, cuddle with them, exercise with them, eat with them, and I even convince some restaurants to allow me to take my smaller one (girl) out to eat with me, and she sits and wait at my feet until I'm done so I'm not lonely. And at the end of the day, they sleep in my bed, keeping me happy and grateful.

Now doesn't that sound so nice?
Who should I be confident in then :feelsjuice:
Seriously, you are confident in Anthony Faucci? LOL.

Certainly not these asswipes we've mentioned....

I can name a HUNDRED other great thinkers and do'ers for you to be confident in before cucks in the mental health field, Indian-American leftist doctors, Richard Faggot Dawkins, and god... Anthony Faucci??? Heaven help you man. Totally lost LMAO !
Loving a pet is a different kind of affection that isn’t mutually exclusive with romantic love to be honest
I'm glad you at least know that. We should say a little more though:

Its an outlet to expel a lot of the tension which builds up in life as a result of being Inkwell and many other things..
There will be curry foid uprising now boyo every foid will become a westernized whore in a few years even inside the mainland :feelsrope:
Middle-upper-Middle classes its already happened mostly. Too late.
My own cousin sister gets aroused when she is near MY male dog cause he's handsome and medium sized, he looks like a brown/ cafe latte color wolf.
typo: missing "near"
How many of these "great thinkers and do'ers" can you name that you didn't learn of only after you became aware that they were spreading 'contrarian' viewpoints on COVID-19 :feelshaha:
All of them. And is this some new word "contrarian" that you just learned from your daddy or something? These thinkers I just mentioned would have nothing to do with Covid or even the 21st century. I've already explained that to you, but you are just a social leftist who believes strongly in whatever bullshit is being fed to you. Positing a counter point to U.S. Democrat policy doesn't make them "contrarian" for the sake of being contrarian. You seriously would pull the switch and fry a hundred people if Faccui told you it was safe to do so wouldn't you? LMAO.

The critics of Covid bullshit policy have a very long track record of being accomplished in their fields, long prior to their speaking out against Covid vaccines and policy. Dr. Assem Malhotra is one of the most respected cardiologist in his field. Yet you don't seem to like him because he decided that the evidence IN HIS FIELD contradicts what Anthony Faccui and Pfizer is telling you? While also trying to suck your "Establishment Science" dick and stroke your "This muh Science" ego LMAO.

Anthony Faucci was a nobody, a witless bureaucrat before he used Covid to become a CCP-like director of authority.
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How many of these "great thinkers and do'ers" can you name that you didn't learn of only after you became aware that they were spreading 'contrarian' viewpoints on COVID-19 :feelshaha:
St. Augustine
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Ludwig Wittgenstein
René Girard

None of whom have anything to do with Covid times directly, but their work helps to explain why people are acting the way they are acting today.


Bret Weinstein, Jay Bhattacharya, Roger Malone & Dr. Assem Malhotra (Malhotra who was previously in support of the vaccine) are among the many recent "thinkers" who are trying to be reasonable about the wide spread damage caused to both economy and health. Even then, in my opinion they aren't able to go deep enough because if they did, they would collapse under the weight of it all.
Even ethnic foids fuck dogs.
This was a curry Stacy that is a daughter of a friend of one my relatives. She was super religious back a few years ago. But now she no longer wears muzzie hijab, works for some liberal party political organization, and owns 2 big white dogs. Just brutal. Just a few years of college can convert any foid into a libtard degenerate dog fucker.

While I am not specifically certain that she fucks the dogs, it is highly probable, given the dogs are white and very big. They also have colored eyes. The foid is also now an extreme libtard. She also hates ricecels.

DOGPILL is starting infect muzzie foids now too. 99% of women will own giant white or black dogs within 20-30 years. Us men are already not needed, but in the future as the DOGPILL grows in power, we will be needed even less. I can imagine, some foid scientists will eventually gene edit dogs to be able to impregnate human foids. Then they will drop men altogether!
I am not an Islam-coper but one think that Islam was right about woman and dog's. Now I understand why dogs are forbidden inside house because Islam is well aware of nature of toilets.
This was a curry Stacy that is a daughter of a friend of one my relatives. She was super religious back a few years ago. But now she no longer wears muzzie hijab, works for some liberal party political organization, and owns 2 big white dogs. Just brutal. Just a few years of college can convert any foid into a libtard degenerate dog fucker.

While I am not specifically certain that she fucks the dogs, it is highly probable, given the dogs are white and very big. They also have colored eyes. The foid is also now an extreme libtard. She also hates ricecels.

DOGPILL is starting infect muzzie foids now too. 99% of women will own giant white or black dogs within 20-30 years. Us men are already not needed, but in the future as the DOGPILL grows in power, we will be needed even less. I can imagine, some foid scientists will eventually gene edit dogs to be able to impregnate human foids. Then they will drop men altogether!
"Stacy" I can bet she was a LTB at best.
LMAO Paul? Martin Luther? St Augustine? You think I should spend time reading a couple of christcuck theologians who lived in a completely different era instead of actual medical professionals?
LMAO. Kid, they are two totally different areas, but one set of people help to explain the problems we have today. And "medical professionals" are not immune to having problems but...

Besides the names I gave you below those (with a divider signifying a different topic, ARE health, medical, and science professionals also, why do you have selective tunnel vision?
LMAO Paul? Martin Luther? St Augustine? You think I should spend time reading a couple of christcuck theologians who lived in a completely different era instead of actual medical professionals?
Notice how you are such a narrow minded prick that you ignore what I wrote in totality and grip about one portion of it..

Also, what retarded medical professionals are you reading? You mean Covid enthusiast?
White dogs mog white incels :feelsbadman:

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