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Venting Everyone is being accused of being a fakecel and it's annoying



Blackpill Philosopher
May 10, 2023
-If you are Hispanic, you are a fakecel
-if you are black, you are a fakecel
-if you are NT, you are a fakecel
-if you are tall, you are a fakecel
-if you have friends, you are a fakecel
-if people ask if you have a gf, you are a fakecel
-if foids say hi to you, you are a fakecel
-if you are white, you are a fakecel
-if you weren't bullied in highschool, you are a fakecel
-if you have Caucasian facial features, you are a fakecel
-if you are mixed race, you are Fakecel
-if you are not ugly, you are a fakecel

C'mon guys, this is silly, incels are a very diverse group of people, we are incels for different reasons. It's really annoying that people will accuse others of being a fakecel when they don't personally know these people in real life.
Fakecel bingo when?
Yeah, I did this. But I think the discussion is warranted. There should really be a website like "fakecelornot.com" where we could all upload photos then let the community decide. Settle things once and for all.
Yeah, I did this. But I think the discussion is warranted. There should really be a website like "fakecelornot.com" where we could all upload photos then let the community decide. Settle things once and for all.
In my case, one user on this forum rated me a 3/5 another said I'm a 5/5, what is the truth? Everyone has different views of what is ugly, average, or good looking, nobody can agree
In my case, one user on this forum rated me a 3/5 another said I'm a 5/5, what is the truth? Everyone has different views of what is ugly, average, or good looking, nobody can agree
Well, we're not rating pure attractiveness here, we're rating the ability one has to ascend, though any means necessary. Like if there were two skinny guys, but one them had a large frame and small pelvis, we'd call him a fakecel and the other a justified incel.
It’s 2024 and post-Tiktok invasion users responsible for the vast majority of this. The forum should’ve gone semi-private since July of last year
@swarthcel, you are delusional
I got accused of being a fakecel earlier because I was talking about how I got sexually assaulted in 7th grade jfl
curry and short wasn't mentioned, think i'm good
-If you are Hispanic, you are a fakecel
-if you are black, you are a fakecel
-if you are NT, you are a fakecel
-if you are tall, you are a fakecel
-if you have friends, you are a fakecel
-if people ask if you have a gf, you are a fakecel
-if foids say hi to you, you are a fakecel
-if you are white, you are a fakecel
-if you weren't bullied in highschool, you are a fakecel
-if you have Caucasian facial features, you are a fakecel
-if you are mixed race, you are Fakecel
-if you are not ugly, you are a fakecel

C'mon guys, this is silly, incels are a very diverse group of people, we are incels for different reasons. It's really annoying that people will accuse others of being a fakecel when they don't personally know these people in real life.

In reality, any man can be an incel. Even a socially awkward Chad can be an incel (Chadcel), if you're born male you simply lost the gender lottery and should give up.
I got accused of being a fakecel earlier because I was talking about how I got sexually assaulted in 7th grade jfl

Male victims of sexual assault are usually chosen because they are quiet and don't "snitch", it's rarely a selection of looks. Only Tinderbrained morons would accuse others of being "fakecels".
I wasn't serious with calling you fakecel

Others have called me a fakecel because of it before so you weren't the only one to say it.

Also srry it's hard to read sarcasm online sometimes lol
So you think a tall handsome NT can be truecel nigger?
Not being ugly doesn't mean you are good looking, and being NT doesn't mean you will pull foids. If you are not a Chad then you won't get pussy, it's that simple. I know plenty of NTs who cannot attract foids
It's really annoying that people will accuse others of being a fakecel when they don't personally know these people in real life.
yes, but most of the times it's true, 90% of my so called "incel" friends were actually fakecels
now they have a hole to stick their dicks in
Not being ugly doesn't mean you are good looking, and being NT doesn't mean you will pull foids. If you are not a Chad then you won't get pussy, it's that simple
Tall (6ft+)+Mtn face+ good social skills = Sexhaver

You're overestimating the dating competition nigger, yes Chads will do better than someone with these features but you have to remember that chads are a small minority and can't entertain all foids in their City, someone with those attributes could easily get atleast a ltb to fuck him
Some of those accusations are valid: If you are not ugly then most likely not incel, same for being tall but not as much, and the rest sure are stupid but if you have most of these then why are you here.

If you look better than him you're fakecel​

In reality, any man can be an incel. Even a socially awkward Chad can be an incel (Chadcel), if you're born male you simply lost the gender lottery and should give up.
Jesus. What happened, if you don't mind sharing?
This super weird girl in 7th grade kept reaching to touch my cock. Then after a bunch of failed attempts she finally did it

Ik it sounds like I would be some chad to have that happen to me but she was just super weird and did it to everyone.

I'm not really traumatized by it because Idrc that it happened but still
This super weird girl in 7th grade kept reaching to touch my cock. Then after a bunch of failed attempts she finally did it

Ik it sounds like I would be some chad to have that happen to me but she was just super weird and did it to everyone.

I'm not really traumatized by it because Idrc that it happened but still
Oh. A girl groped you, essentially? Weird, but it doesn't seem like you were that affected by it. So that's good.
-if you are NT, you are a fakecel
-if you are tall, you are a fakecel
-if you have friends, you are a fakecel
-if people ask if you have a gf, you are a fakecel
-if foids say hi to you, you are a fakecel
-if you are white, you are a fakeceli -If you have Caucasian facial features, you are a fakecelif -I you are not ugly, you are a fakecel
These are pretty obvious, which is your point OP?
Oh. A girl groped you, essentially? Weird, but it doesn't seem like you were that affected by it. So that's good.

She also had sex with a 30 year old when she was like 13 as well.

Now she has an onlyfans with her boyfriend and they do baby role play lmaoo.

Pretty weird
In reality, any man can be an incel. Even a socially awkward Chad can be an incel (Chadcel), if you're born male you simply lost the gender lottery and should give up.
Hahahaa nobody buys that bullshit
These are pretty obvious, which is your point OP?
My point is that you can still be a incel if some the traits that I listed such as being NT, Hispanic, have decent height, and if you are somewhat tall.
yes, but most of the times it's true, 90% of my so called "incel" friends were actually fakecels
now they have a hole to stick their dicks in
90% of the time? I don't think so. If you don't personally know someone it wouldbt make sense to make false assumptions about them
Tall (6ft+)+Mtn face+ good social skills = Sexhaver

You're overestimating the dating competition nigger, yes Chads will do better than someone with these features but you have to remember that chads are a small minority and can't entertain all foids in their City, someone with those attributes could easily get atleast a ltb to fuck him



JBW believers will say that he is a fakecel
I have a hard time getting over tall people not being fakecels, not going to lie.
I understand there are always exceptions to the rule but you have to be seriously fucked up in other categories to not be able to have sex being 6'0+ The shit women will excuse to be with a tall man is crazy, I've seen this is real life and it makes sense with the data too, you can be ugly, non-nt, abusive, doesn't matter.
Of course I understand hypergamy is only getting worse and 6'0 is barely tall anymore, so give it a few decades and 6'0 will probably be incel territory but from my perspective it's currently hard to accept, of course this is just my personal bias and I could be wrong.
I would never say you can't be tall and incel because as I already stated, there are exceptions to the rule but from where I'm standing they are rare exceptions.
I think most of the people that made accounts here that ascended were tall also... it's just a completely different world if you are tall.
I'm open to be proven wrong.
Indians are actually fake cels who just don't have a job, are unemployed and I am one of them. Any Indian would ascend with a govt job
This forum was always like this in terms of rating they can’t rate. If you aren’t a deformed 5 foot Dravidian you’re a fakecel according to this forum
If you accuse others of being a fakecel, you're a fakecel that's just projecting his own perceived flaws and faults onto others.
This forum was always like this in terms of rating they can’t rate. If you aren’t a deformed 5 foot Dravidian you’re a fakecel according to this forum
Nigas love going on witch hunts on the forum.
Yeah, I did this. But I think the discussion is warranted. There should really be a website like "fakecelornot.com" where we could all upload photos then let the community decide. Settle things once and for all.
You can’t tell whether someone is a fakecel or not from a few pictures. You’d have to know this person in real life and see how they talk, what their mannerisms are like, and how high or low inhibition they are. It’s not ONLY about looks, and the belief that nothing except for looks matters is flawed. If you are an 8/10 or above, sure, your looks will let you get away with almost anything unless you are legit a retarded vegetable. For average guys though, neutrotype and personality matter a lot. A 5/10 NTmaxxed guy with a big social circle will likely get a gf without much issue. An identical looking 5/10 guy with Asperger’s and no friends is doomed to inceldom and rotting in loneliness. Some of you need to realize how brutal the NTpill is. If you are non-NT and high inhib, it’s over. Someone low inhib and NTmaxxed with identical looks could mog you to oblivion. I do agree though that for truly ugly guys, no amount of NT, low inhib, or social circle maxxing will matter. For average looking guys, your neurotype will make or break you.
My point is that you can still be a incel if some the traits that I listed such as being NT, Hispanic, have decent height, and if you are somewhat tall.
in what world does being hispanic makes you a fakecel? JFL
according to all studies we arent by far the most desired race, and our women gave better responses to white men on dating app stats.
Kristen Dunst in Civil War was the best movie I've ever watched. I love that the liberal-leftist seccessionest party was able to counter and intercept the largest military power in the world with homemade bombs and ordinary firearms. It really gives me hope that in the case of America dissolving into a fascist regime, there will be brave girls out there taking pictures of the mayhem.

"Please... don't let them kill me." Donald Trump's last words before the elite antifa commandos wipe him out.
in what world does being hispanic makes you a fakecel? JFL
according to all studies we arent by far the most desired race, and our women gave better responses to white men on dating app stats.
Many whitecels say that Hispanics are incels because they have big families which makes it easier for them to make friends and find a gf from another family.
Many white incels say that Hispanics are incels because they have big families which makes it easier for them to make friends and find a gf from another family.
yeah i´ve seen those, they are low iq tards who watch too much reality shows from the 90s and think hispanic families are all the same JFL

their source for that claim are literally made up hollywood stereotypes
In my case, one user on this forum rated me a 3/5 another said I'm a 5/5, what is the truth? Everyone has different views of what is ugly, average, or good looking, nobody can agree
Yeah, I did this. But I think the discussion is warranted. There should really be a website like "fakecelornot.com" where we could all upload photos then let the community decide. Settle things once and for all.
this is a surefire way too get doxxed
i hate when niggers here accuse me of being a fakecel or volcel
-If you are Hispanic, you are a fakecel
-if you are black, you are a fakecel
-if you are NT, you are a fakecel
-if you are tall, you are a fakecel
-if you have friends, you are a fakecel
-if people ask if you have a gf, you are a fakecel
-if foids say hi to you, you are a fakecel
-if you are white, you are a fakecel
-if you weren't bullied in highschool, you are a fakecel
-if you have Caucasian facial features, you are a fakecel
-if you are mixed race, you are Fakecel
-if you are not ugly, you are a fakecel

C'mon guys, this is silly, incels are a very diverse group of people, we are incels for different reasons. It's really annoying that people will accuse others of being a fakecel when they don't personally know these people in real life.
Fake cel for not accepting used pussy tbh

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