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Everyone above 6 feet LEAVE



Life sucks and I hate everything
Jan 10, 2018
If you're above 6 feet, get the fuck out! Some girls dig you just because of your height. Doesn't matter how ugly you are. I've seen average looking femoids with tall 2/10 guys. It's ridiculous. I should be the one next to her but because of my height, I get rejected. Tall guys are also well respected and preferred to short guys in any sports team, no matter how shit they play. Tall guys are always the bullies. Men over 6 feet are NOT Incels. Only manlets can be true Incels. I demand to ban everyone who's 6 and also 5'11. Everyone over 180 cm is what femoids chase and if they go for shorter guys, it just means they cannot get the tall guys.

[font=Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif]Those giant cucks would cope without their height, period.[/font]
We are not true incels but that doesn't mean we are not living incel right now
height doesnt matter if your hideously ugly and many of my bullies were shorter
I would kill for more 5 inches.
Phew, 1 inch under the cut off.
I can stay.
I'm just under 6' and ironically ignored by every living female.
Over 2k IRL rejections and 6'5, not deformed.

Though height is at least 30%
This all the tall people I see have gfs. Even if they are ugly
L Lawliet said:

Ive been saying that ever since i made an acc on this site.

QuantumDummy said:
I'm just under 6' and ironically ignored by every living female.
TheRealChincel said:
Over 2k IRL rejections and 6'5, not deformed.

Tallcel=Volcel, also I dont think you really have been rejected 2k times.
If that really is the case you must be severely deformed.
As OP stated 6/10 women will date 2/10 tall dudes just because their height turns their nether regions into oceans.
All my bullies in HS were shorter than me...
That's true, face > height though, I am a bit below average height but short guys have had GF's though.

I agree with your post though. 5'11 and up should NOT be here imo. I would slay if I were that height. Wearing elevators would blackpill me hard. People 180cm and up are never truecel. They are weeded out. For me, I have no height and not a good looking face. :'(
Dekim said:
All my bullies in HS were shorter than me...

Same. Fuck midgets. They need to make fun of subhumans to boost their self esteem
Cynistic said:
Ive been saying that ever since i made an acc on this site.

Tallcel=Volcel, also I dont think you really have been rejected 2k times.
If that really is the case you must be severely deformed.
As OP stated 6/10 women will date 2/10 tall dudes just because their height turns their nether regions into oceans.

Can you kindly point me toward these 6/10 women that would wet their panties for my ugly self?

Because I get absolutely no attention from any women ever.
QuantumDummy said:
Cynistic said:
Ive been saying that ever since i made an acc on this site.
Tallcel=Volcel, also I dont think you really have been rejected 2k times.
If that really is the case you must be severely deformed.
As OP stated 6/10 women will date 2/10 tall dudes just because their height turns their nether regions into oceans.
Can you kindly point me toward these 6/10 women that would wet their panties for my ugly self?
Because I get absolutely no attention from any women ever.

Maybe you should start by leaving your house and interact with women.
If you really are 6 foot then you shouldnt have any problems getting into a relationship.
Cynistic said:
Ive been saying that ever since i made an acc on this site.

Tallcel=Volcel, also I dont think you really have been rejected 2k times.
If that really is the case you must be severely deformed.
As OP stated 6/10 women will date 2/10 tall dudes just because their height turns their nether regions into oceans.

No, I'm just not a white Chad and I'm not Jewish or Asian. Where I live, 6/10 tall guys date 3-4/10 women.
TheRealChincel said:
Cynistic said:
Ive been saying that ever since i made an acc on this site.
Tallcel=Volcel, also I dont think you really have been rejected 2k times.
If that really is the case you must be severely deformed.
As OP stated 6/10 women will date 2/10 tall dudes just because their height turns their nether regions into oceans.
No, I'm just not a white Chad and I'm not Jewish or Asian. Where I live, 6/10 tall guys date 3-4/10 women.

Sure they do buddy.
Height has no impact on attracting women.
Cynistic said:
Sure they do buddy.
Height has no impact on attracting women.

I live in a top two area in the US for hypergamy, you live in a fantasy world where merely being 6 foot plus = auto-dating. If the 6/10 guys were short, they'd be struggling mightily with women where I live.
One of my friends is a 6 foot 2 giant. His gf left him for some other loser and got pregnant with him. Being tall =/= success with women. Although they do generally prefer taller guys, women are finicky as hell. You have to consider that.
Cynistic said:
Maybe you should start by leaving your house and interact with women.
If you really are 6 foot then you shouldnt have any problems getting into a relationship.

Lol, I leave my fuckin' house all the time.

I worked for UPS where I delivered packages to tons of women.

I've worked other customer service jobs where I had to interact with women.

They don't find me attractive, they don't show me interest, they don't smile at me, they don't try to get my attention.

Btw, I'm not white.
TheRealChincel said:
No, I'm just not a white Chad and I'm not Jewish or Asian. Where I live, 6/10 tall guys date 3-4/10 women.

I'm just at the 6 ft mark and that isn't considered tall, even in the gta which is full of short currycels.
QuantumDummy said:
Cynistic said:
Maybe you should start by leaving your house and interact with women.
If you really are 6 foot then you shouldnt have any problems getting into a relationship.
Lol, I leave my fuckin' house all the time.
I worked for UPS where I delivered packages to tons of women.
I've worked other customer service jobs where I had to interact with women.
They don't find me attractive, they don't show me interest, they don't smile at me, they don't try to get my attention.
Btw, I'm not white.

Tall ethnics can score women too, try being a short ethnic.
ITT fkin tallfags denying just be tall theory.

KilluminoidBR said:
Low IQ thread.

You are one of the lowest IQ members ive seen on this forum.
Why the fuck do you keep denying the height pill?
Cynistic said:
Tall ethnics can score women too, try being a short ethnic.
ITT fkin tallfags denying just be tall theory.

I'm not tall, I'm just not short.

Are you saying semi-tall people can't be ugly or have undesirable facial features?
QuantumDummy said:
Cynistic said:
Tall ethnics can score women too, try being a short ethnic.
ITT fkin tallfags denying just be tall theory.
I'm not tall, I'm just not short.
Are you saying semi-tall people can't be ugly or have undesirable facial features?

Im saying that 6 foot or taller dudes can score women easily.
Cynistic said:
Im saying that 6 foot or taller dudes can score women easily.

Too bad I'm under 6 foot.
QuantumDummy said:
Cynistic said:
Im saying that 6 foot or taller dudes can score women easily.
Too bad I'm under 6 foot.

Ethnic and under 6 foot, ofcourse its over for you buddy.
im 5'10 so im on the same boat.
KilluminoidBR said:

No, it's reality in my area, you have to look like Liam or Chris Hemsworth to get average girls consistently.

The 7'7"guy in this video is volcel
Cynistic said:
Ethnic and under 6 foot, ofcourse its over for you buddy.
im 5'10 so im on the same boat.

Oh gee, thanks for telling me what I already knew.
Yoyo said:
The 7'7"guy in this video is volcel

Women will drop their panties for that dude.
Only fkin thing women care about is height and face, fkin bitches.

QuantumDummy said:
Cynistic said:
Ethnic and under 6 foot, ofcourse its over for you buddy.
im 5'10 so im on the same boat.
Oh gee, thanks for telling me what I already knew.

See we can agree on something.
fuck u man 6'7 freak of nature reporting in
At least OP holds frame.
Cynistic said:
You are one of the lowest IQ members ive seen on this forum.
Why the fuck do you keep denying the height pill?

There are several members here who are 5' 11"+ and KHV due to 3/10 face.

@Ryo_Hazuki is one of them.

You are dumb.
ghostcell said:
fuck u man 6'7 freak of nature reporting in

6'7 cant be incel sorry bud.

KilluminoidBR said:
Cynistic said:
You are one of the lowest IQ members ive seen on this forum.
Why the fuck do you keep denying the height pill?
There are several members here who are 5' 11"+ and KHV due to 3/10 face.
@Ryo_Hazuki is one of them.
You are dumb.

Tallcels are LARPing as incels, unless their face is deformed.
TheRealChincel said:
No, it's reality in my area, you have to look like Liam or Chris Hemsworth to get average girls consistently.

Where are you from?
KilluminoidBR said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ok so i will pretend to believe you.

its over for a 5'4 manlet like me
above 6'6 is a negative. You guys are coping and blaming all your problems on your manlet status if you think that 190-lb 7'7 stick can get any girls they want. Femoids just want you to be a couple inches taller and there's no point in being over 6'5...though I knew a 3/10 6'10 dude that did occasionally get weird girls that have have some fetish for height but they're ugly and usually the exception. Sadly no femoids have a fetish for manlets...

You know how you see 2/10 6'1 dudes with girls? guess what I see 2/10 5'8 guys with girls too. NOT MANY. But it happens. There are exceptions in literally everything, and it's the filter in your own head that's selectively focusing on these exception. I'd say all but the truly most ugly here could probably get with a girl if they were in the top 1% of social skills. Not skills that you can learn, but deep shit in your head about who you are that you just can't change. I've seen the rate me posts...a couple are truly butt ugly but I definitely see guys on here with looks that match people I've seen with girlfriends. I work with computers at a big company and see tons of ugly dudes and they'll still bring some sort of fem around. (some are landwhales of course, but most are in the 3-5/10 range). They also have to be willing to do the whole modern relationship thing which I know many here are not.

The horrible thing about being an incel is the positive feedback loop that happens...if you don't date in HS like everyone else, you lose the social skills everyone else gets and stop developing while everyone else gets more suave. And because they have skills they just keep developing while you don't. You might get better looking with age and your acne goes away, but you're still stunted socially/mentally. Unless you're truly a 1/10 or below 5'4, there are people just like you getting girls.

blaming everything on one aspect of your body is 80% cope. The biggest problem is probably what's going on in your head. That's just as hard to change as your height but at least admit it.
TheRealChincel said:

What you are saying is obviously an overstatement, an delirium... an cope.

If such thing happened in a city like NYC this would be clearly noticed and the uprising of Sub7 man would happen.
KilluminoidBR said:
What you are saying is obviously an overstatement, an delirium... an cope.

If such thing happened in a city like NYC this would be clearly noticed and uprising of Sub7 man would happen.

NYC is basically a place where women have the power and there are so many different ethnic groups competing that there's no ability to organize a great social movement. Instead, you see protests over perceived racism and whitecels marching alongside them. Then there's the convoluted consent law in colleges which leads to a lot of grey areas that can get guys in legal trouble.

Everything is fear-based here, I wonder what things were like 50 years ago. It's all about avoiding landmines and when most guys are ethnics and/or immigrants, they're just trying to get by. The white guys are marginally better off but they're busy trying not to get priced out.
Over 6 foot isn't incel. You're a fakecel who larps on here for an ego boost while us trumidgetcels are the ones who are actually fucked.
Height is mega cope. It's all about face. The ones complaining about height are in the 4-6/10 range anyway, in other words, mentalcels.

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