I was meditating upon this very topic, as I have been reminded of this monkey-faced Filipina-American cunt who had taken great delight in disseminating unfounded rumors concerning my person in high school. The bitch affirmative-action'ed her way into UCLA (with daddy picking up the cost of tuition), dropped out two semesters in because she couldn't hack the demanding course load that was incumbent among "math majors" (her daddy was an engineer/former math instructor) in order to matriculate within a four-year period.Gets knocked up by (of course) some tall, white boy. Has the kid, splits her time between the residences of her estranged parents, reapplies to UCLA, AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS HER WAY BACK IN (with dad once again paying full freight). elects to take on the less grueling workload as a "computer science major", graduates, dumps the tall white father of her kid ( who is shuttled around various relatives to be raised) for a wealthy Jewish autist, has daddy employ his connections via tribal nepotism to place her with a cush job at fucking BOEING ( that company's affirmative-action set-asides offer a sweet deal for "minority" females). The point is, this rotten POS has lived life in cruise control mode, availing herself of the best the United States has to offer, all because of connections and the gash between her legs. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that I wouldn't have even been able to get CLOSE to a top-ranked UC school with her high school GPA, and I sure as hell wouldn't have been readmitted to said school after ignominiously dropping out because I couldn't handle the workload. And getting into a company like Boeing? HA! Fucking forget it!