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European countries will not be great powers ever again

Pale albino White skin will always be in demand especially for women but for the men darker olive skin will be the default standard of attractiveness
That’s already the case. “Tall, dark, and handsome”. Though the olive isn’t really a darker olive but more like an Atlanto-Mediterannean skin tonr
It's fucking depressing being white. Knowing how good we used to be and now knowing how shit we are. The White Race has fallen so far.
But what do you mean by flushing their genes down the toilet?
White women with rare features like blue eyes, blond or red hair are very quick to mix with people of darker features. Permanently destroying what the entire world considers the most attractive traits.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a blond White woman shit out ugly as fuck brown mutt babies.
They are obsessed with degrading/destroying themselves.
Literally Jew propaganda to get White women to racemix.
It's not. Dark refers to being tanned and having brown hair
White women with rare features like blue eyes, blond or red hair are very quick to mix with people of darker features.
because darker features are more masculine, assuming the bone structure is good
Permanently destroying what the entire world considers the most attractive traits.
But thats what men consider attractive, not what women do.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a blond White woman shit out ugly as fuck brown mutt babies.
brootal niggerpill. Woupdnt happen if they mixed with a tanned MENA or south euro though
It's not.
Jews push it in their media. Just like "America is a melting pot" was created by a Jew.
So you are wrong, it is Jew propaganda.
because darker features are more masculine
Giant blond viking rapists terrorized Europe. Whites conquered most of the world. Why anyone would think others are more masculine is delusion. hmm did Whites become less masculine when women were given the freedom to choose their mates?
But thats what men consider attractive, not what women do.
Women aren't supposed to have the freedom to choose their mates, it's unnatural. The only time women have freedom is just before civilization collapses.
Jews push it in their media. Just like "America is a melting pot" was created by a Jew.
So you are wrong, it is Jew propaganda.
Delusional as fuck. Tall dark and handsome is a common saying among europeans themselves and multiple studies over and over affirm that tan skin > pale skin
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Giant blond viking rapists terrorized Europe.
This doesnt prove anything in regards to tan skin mogging pale skin
Whites conquered most of the world. Why anyone would think others are more masculine is delusion. hmm did Whites become less masculine when women were given the freedom to choose their mates?
Whites also have tan skin, dumb nigger. And plenty of Middle Eastern/Turkic/Asians likewise have pale skin
Women aren't supposed to have the freedom to choose their mates, it's unnatural. The only time women have freedom is just before civilization collapses.
Doesn't change that women choose for tan skin. It's that simple
It's all relative. Sure, Europe is declining HARD but it's still better than Africa, Middle East and Chinkland.
It's all relative. Sure, Europe is declining HARD but it's still better than Africa, Middle East and Chinkland.
Europe will always be relatively well off because they already developed and also can trade amongst themselves if the world goes to shit. Thing is I said great powers, there is a difference between developed economically and with infrastructure already developed and been a great power as in like the late 1800's and I meant the countries individually more or less the way things are now because the EU is currently weak and crumbling. But if the Europeans can work as one then they can become THE SUPERPOWER. But good luck trying to get them to work together, the elites rather bring in refugees to lower wages than pay better wages to make the Euros breed and also attract giga high IQ immigration the way USA can, UK wants Brexit, Greece wants Germany to pay for everything. Like that no chance of greatness.
Thing is I said great powers
Well, that's my point. Great powers are just the most influential countries in the world. Europe is declining, but it will always be more influential than Arabland, Chinkland and so on.
I dont see ethnics ready to wage slave till death or die enmasse fighting so that whites can enjoy getting the good jobs, fucking the best foids, living in the best hoods etc etc etc. Maybe Amerimutt niggers but they too are decreasing because I read that black foids are the number 1 customers at abortion clinics, the least married etc etc
I remember reading another post from you a while ago where you mentioned how black and brown men would be coerced into killing goat-herders overseas so that white men could live in opulence and comfort, only to be beaten within half an inch of death of their lives or get their heads blown off by white police officers when they return home.

Your commentary is pinpoint accurate and pretty much an accurate description of what happens to the few ethnic men who fall for civic nationalism; thinking they are heroes protecting their country's interests when they're pawns of white elites and the military industrial complex; fighting for a country that views them as nothing more than subhuman soulless insects reduced to economic and military assets meant to uplift whites.

When Europe becomes browner we'll see something along the likes of Brazil where whites still disproportionately represent the highest positions in government, banking, law, etc and are still living in the best neighborhoods. They will be living gracefully and the minority-majority of a reigning elite class calling the shots and dictating what happens behind the scene similar to a plutocracy regardless of ethnics being the demographic majority. One of the more important reasons US and Europe relaxed their immigration policies in the first place were because there weren't enough white people who wanted to work degrading thankless low-wage jobs like food production, sanitation work, construction, but rather as managers, executives, CEO's, and other leadership positions.

Multiculturalism and nationalism are incompatible like fire and water, so we'll absolutely see a decrease in living standards and signs of social erosion when national identity collapses. We will also hunker down like turtles afraid and distrustful of each other and be living in low-trust society racial jungles where there is complete chaos and disorder from different ideologies clashing with one another in a bland colorless wasteland of racial hatred and social inequity. Imagine walking into a bank and being given dirty looks by the teller because you can't read the brochures and signs in Hindi fluently.

Pertaining to the white birth rate, they brought it upon themselves. Their women were always promiscuous whores, but the abundance of modern conveniences like abortion clinics and various contraceptive methods meant they could whore around scot-free and not have to deal with the consequences of bringing another innocent soul into the world, thus accelerating the inevitable extinction of their race.
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Well, that's my point. Great powers are just the most influential countries in the world. Europe is declining, but it will always be more influential than Arabland, Chinkland and so on.
?? Nobody gives a fuck about the land mass of Europe, it's about Europeans and no that doesn't include sandniggers with a European passport. How do you not understnd that.
European dominance might decrease but the age of global empires is far from over.
TND is a must, the future of humanity is at stake.
Good. The rule of western Europe and the Anglo empire have been disastrous for the world. This is what spread feminism and sexual degeneracy worldwide, and also to blame for the whole age of consent mess.

Age of consent is a policy tailor-made to systematically turn all of a population's women into whores. They WILL fuck at the ages it is natural for them to do so, the only thing you can decide is whether they are fucking their husband, or whether they are fucking teenage boys. Age of consent guarantees that they fuck teenage boys long before it's legal to marry them.
Europe is finished and white women finished it off for good by refusing to having replacement level babies. Europe will become a South Africa crime ridden place with a white minority . Reason I say this is because the current new borns are already over 50%ethnic in West Europe except maybe Denmark but Denmark is pathetic anyway at least in terms of absolute numbers at 6 million people in total or something.
Even if white women produced enough children, it wouldn't be much better. There is a serious quality problem with white people. White cultures have gone to absolute shit. More white people, at this point, just means more narcissistic degenerates shitting up the world. It was over before the fertility rates fell.
TLDR to summarise I think whites are finished for good. Sure there will still be whites but too few to do anything of major power moves. The future belongs to the darker races thats for sure.
Good. See first paragraphs for the kind of power moves white people have a history of doing. White people made the world a shitty place not just for everyone else, but for themselves too. Not white genocide, but white suicide. And now that the consequences of their actions have finally caught up to them, it's supposed to be a tragedy? LOL
Jews, women, and feminized men are unfit to rule anything
lol whites are finished. But I could care less tbh. Because when they were on top they were prideful, boastful, cruel , spiteful and now are reduced to homosexual cock suckers and whining bafoons
?? Nobody gives a fuck about the land mass of Europe, it's about Europeans and no that doesn't include sandniggers with a European passport. How do you not understnd that.
What does any of that have to do with the post you are replying to, retard?
The future of the darker races is a crime infested 3rd world shithole. That is what's going to happen to the West.

The real future belongs to the Jews in Israel. I think the Jews are going to mass reproduce in Israel and then Israel turns into a superpower. The Jews already won by pushing ethnics into white countries.
Israel became the sole superpower in the world after the false flag of 9/11
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But what about eastern europe? There arent migrants there well there are gypsies but still not that much
Eastern Europe is screwed also because their people leave to work in West Europe, many end up breeding with the locals there meaning their home countries are not having those babies. Eastern Europe can never develop like that.

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