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Hypocrisy Ersatz Chads - The plague of this forum and of Inceldom in general

Now you are fantasizing about me being a foid.

Ezgif 3 dd08a081553c

Or you could be a Faggot, who really knows with your feminine behavior
Spoken like a true wannabe Chad
What is the point of being aggressive if not to use it as a cope; a Chad-imitation cope?
what's the point of being sensitive?
what's the point of being kind?
what's the point of being extroverted?
people are what they are.
I don't want to be rude, but there's something really off about your thought processes.
I don't want to be rude, but there's something really off about your thought processes.

Because OP is either a trannyfaggot or a foid
what's the point of being sensitive?
what's the point of being kind?
what's the point of being extroverted?
people are what they are.
Nope. There is always a reason. Nobody is anything. We exhibit behaviors and these behaviors have causes.

I don't want to be rude, but there's something really off about your thought processes.
It just means you don't fully understand what I am saying. You should keep trying.

Because OP is either a trannyfaggot or a foid
Ersatz Chad
its the chad mentality bro:soy:
Nope. There is always a reason. Nobody is anything. We exhibit behaviors and these behaviors have causes.

It just means you don't fully understand what I am saying. You should keep trying.

Ersatz Chad
Ezgif 3 dd08a081553c
I didn’t read all of your Jewish kvetching post and I don’t think anyone should either especially after your “Why should we hate women?” thread, but I did see this through skimming it and I want you to know you’re a faggot progressive idiot. I’m not a “faux chad” or whatever nonsense you’re claiming I am, and what you are is a passive aggressive nigger. If you’re not a nigger you’re a faux (sorry, ersatz) nigger, because being a passive aggressive monkey is what nigger progressive liberal sodomites do.

Your attitudes of “speaking for the forum” and trying to create new philosophical terms are you trying to pathetically (because nobody cares) create power. Like a Jewish person, if a Jewish person had an IQ of 85 so you could see what they were doing. We know you’re not employed by any agencies because they could find much better people, so do you just shill for moderate views and liberal/progressive values for free?

That is LITERALLY me!
Literally same thing than in South Africa, forum flooded with ethnics trying to attack and discredit whatever thing that is not brown lmao.
Nope. There is always a reason. Nobody is anything. We exhibit behaviors and these behaviors have causes.
trying to push gender equality and denying genetic determinism on a blackpilled forum
OK, now I know who you are.
I thought you were retarded, but now I know you have an agenda.
you can go back to r9k or whatever place you came from because nobody will fall for your shitty propaganda on this site.
It just means you don't fully understand what I am saying. You should keep trying.
don't act like a condescending stupid cunt...
If I suddenly became chad at my age it would be worthless anyways because the years where prime women and experiences wouldve taken place have been crushed years of solitude. The “chads” wasting those years of youth posting on here have to be mentally damaged.
The “chads” wasting those years of youth posting on here have to be mentally damaged.
They are

They have been damaged by Nizchean nonsense, even though they generally don't know who that dude is
trying to push gender equality and denying genetic determinism on a blackpilled forum
That is exactly the opposite of what I am doing. I am pushing genetic determinism and therefore inequality between the sexes

If you don't see that, it just means you don't fully understand what I am saying. You should keep trying.
Try to understand it before knee-jerk reacting ...
Heed and suceed nailed it down hard its normies form of coping acting with pride and ego going around jestering worshipping every step a chad takes.
Heed and suceed nailed it down hard its normies form of coping acting with pride and ego going around jestering worshipping every step a chad takes.
Yep, that's the Ersatz Chad behavior alright.
You are a cuckpilled faggot - "why we should hate women", "women doesn't owe you shit " etc :soy: :bluepill: :soy: :bluepill: :soy: :bluepill:
acting as chad is just redpill pua tactic

Yep, that's the Ersatz Chad behavior alright.
Just look at the right and left acting like their own side are chads.Politics is cope the mass of men never wins ,always topdogs,That why joining army is cucked defending people that despise you hahaha ,only fighting force worth joining as sub 8 is IS type org,where humanitarian laws dont apply,no point in morals as sub8 you will win nada.
Nobody is anything. We exhibit behaviors and these behaviors have causes.
I am pushing genetic determinism and therefore inequality between the sexes
can you see the contradiction between these 2 statements?
1) nobody is anything
2) I am pushing genetic determinism

if you can't you're totally retarded.
and btw saying "you don't understand" is not a fucking argument, so stop repeating it like a fucking NPC.
They have been damaged by Nizchean nonsense, even though they generally don't know who that dude is
Lol Nietzsche was a massive cuck, just like you
can you see the contradiction between these 2 statements?
1) nobody is anything
2) I am pushing genetic determinism
I can. I see what you mean now.

What I meant is that no one is extroverted, sensitive or kind on a genetic level. These adjectives refer to a mix of genes and culture, like everything about humans.

This is what I am trying to say about women, too.

On a genetic level, Women are:
  1. Attracted to the alpha male, like every other mammal female
  2. Risk averse (vulnerable during pregnancy, protection of the young, etc)
In our society, these traits are turned into the worst possible behavior because 2 (risk aversion) is satisfied by the nanny state and therefore women are free to pursue 1 (going after the alpha) without any financial repercussions. Worse still, they are being encouraged to do so. Yes, in that cultural context, women do behave in an absolutely horrendous manner.

What I am trying to say is that when you understand the above (which is what the blackpill is about, imo), you realize that a culture that does not turn women's genetic instincts into the worst possible outcome is also possible.

When I say that I don't hate women, I mean I don't hate their biology. When a woman pops out of her mother's womb, I have no reason to hate her. It is only when she is corrupted by the current state of our culture that she becomes despicable.
I can. I see what you mean now.

What I meant is that no one is extroverted, sensitive or kind on a genetic level. These adjectives refer to a mix of genes and culture, like everything about humans.

This is what I am trying to say about women, too.

On a genetic level, Women are:
  1. Attracted to the alpha male, like every other mammal female
  2. Risk averse (vulnerable during pregnancy, protection of the young, etc)
In our society, these traits are turned into the worst possible behavior because 2 (risk aversion) is satisfied by the nanny state and therefore women are free to pursue 1 (going after the alpha) without any financial repercussions. Worse still, they are being encouraged to do so. Yes, in that cultural context, women do behave in an absolutely horrendous manner.

What I am trying to say is that when you understand the above (which is what the blackpill is about, imo), you realize that a culture that does not turn women's genetic instincts into the worst possible outcome is also possible.

When I say that I don't hate women, I mean I don't hate their biology. When a woman pops out of her mother's womb, I have no reason to hate her. It is only when she is corrupted by the current state of our culture that she becomes despicable.
JFL at this retarded post
I can. I see what you mean now.

What I meant is that no one is extroverted, sensitive or kind on a genetic level. These adjectives refer to a mix of genes and culture, like everything about humans.

This is what I am trying to say about women, too.

On a genetic level, Women are:
  1. Attracted to the alpha male, like every other mammal female
  2. Risk averse (vulnerable during pregnancy, protection of the young, etc)
In our society, these traits are turned into the worst possible behavior because 2 (risk aversion) is satisfied by the nanny state and therefore women are free to pursue 1 (going after the alpha) without any financial repercussions. Worse still, they are being encouraged to do so. Yes, in that cultural context, women do behave in an absolutely horrendous manner.

What I am trying to say is that when you understand the above (which is what the blackpill is about, imo), you realize that a culture that does not turn women's genetic instincts into the worst possible outcome is also possible.

When I say that I don't hate women, I mean I don't hate their biology. When a woman pops out of her mother's womb, I have no reason to hate her. It is only when she is corrupted by the current state of our culture that she becomes despicable.
Shit thread

This was a nice thread. Really nice.

But in all honesty. I don't think toxic masculinity and anger are the same. But anger can lead to toxic masculinity .(is OP really a foid? )
I don't think toxic masculinity and anger are the same. But anger can lead to toxic masculinity
I am not talking about "toxic Masculinity" here

"toxic Masculinity" is a bluepill SJW concept that they can use to shame incels as much as anything.

Ersatz Chadness is simpler than that. It is just the faking of Chad behavior (conscious or not)

.(is OP really a foid? )
Want to see my family jewels ?

Please elab

I can. I see what you mean now.

What I meant is that no one is extroverted, sensitive or kind on a genetic level. These adjectives refer to a mix of genes and culture, like everything about humans.

This is what I am trying to say about women, too.

On a genetic level, Women are:
  1. Attracted to the alpha male, like every other mammal female
  2. Risk averse (vulnerable during pregnancy, protection of the young, etc)
In our society, these traits are turned into the worst possible behavior because 2 (risk aversion) is satisfied by the nanny state and therefore women are free to pursue 1 (going after the alpha) without any financial repercussions. Worse still, they are being encouraged to do so. Yes, in that cultural context, women do behave in an absolutely horrendous manner.

What I am trying to say is that when you understand the above (which is what the blackpill is about, imo), you realize that a culture that does not turn women's genetic instincts into the worst possible outcome is also possible.

When I say that I don't hate women, I mean I don't hate their biology. When a woman pops out of her mother's womb, I have no reason to hate her. It is only when she is corrupted by the current state of our culture that she becomes despicable.
@TheReaper : No answer to this?
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Never heard of that show before you mentioned it on the other thread.

Gossip girl looks like a foid show...
Foid garbage. I watched all 6 seasons , 1st season was okay , all downhill afterwards
On a genetic level, Women are:
  1. Attracted to the alpha male, like every other mammal female
  2. Risk averse (vulnerable during pregnancy, protection of the young, etc)
In our society, these traits are turned into the worst possible behavior because 2 (risk aversion) is satisfied by the nanny state and therefore women are free to pursue 1 (going after the alpha) without any financial repercussions. Worse still, they are being encouraged to do so.
Who gave them the right to insult men they find undesirable? You can chase alpha males and still treat humanly those less fortunate. Many women instead choose to treat unattractive men like complete trash with the approval from soyciety.
Who gave them the right to insult men they find undesirable? You can chase alpha males and still treat humanly those less fortunate. Many women instead choose to treat unattractive men like complete trash with the approval from soyciety.
That is a very interesting question.

It appears that the alpha male instinct itself includes the humiliation of beta males. For example, dominant wolves pee on non dominant ones. When a non-dominant individual approaches the alpha, he has to lower his tails between their legs.

Among humans, this seems to be the case too. For example, in some of the primitive tribes that still live like hunter-gatherers, the custom is to call men who cannot find a mate "rubbish men".

So it is not a "right" that has been given women by our culture. It is just that we have regressed to animal instincts. We find this abnormal because we remember that our culture gave men the right not to be called "rubbish men" in any circumstances until recently.
That is a very interesting question.

It appears that the alpha male instinct itself includes the humiliation of beta males. For example, dominant wolves pee on non dominant ones. When a non-dominant individual approaches the alpha, he has to lower his tails between their legs.

Among humans, this seems to be the case too. For example, in some of the primitive tribes that still live like hunter-gatherers, the custom is to call men who cannot find a mate "rubbish men".

So it is not a "right" that has been given women by our culture. It is just that we have regressed to animal instincts. We find this abnormal because we remember that our culture gave men the right not to be called "rubbish men" in any circumstances until recently.
So if it's OK for more powerful ones to pee on the weaker ones instead of treating them with empathy and soyciety is OK with what, I have one answer

So if it's OK for more powerful ones to pee on the weaker ones instead of treating them with empathy and soyciety is OK with what, I have one answer

View attachment 439476
Never said it was ok. By definition, civilization goes against nature. And it is a clear sign that our society is cucked that it is not doing so in this case

Regarding your answer, don't you think it is a bit of a cope? Do you know how to use a knife? Wouldn't you just hurt yourself if you tried to use one?
Ersatz Chads are barely above CuckTear filth.

Literally attacking incels for their undesirable traits while also being incels on an incel forum.
How Many of you here agree that this poster is a women, shes messing with out dialect now

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