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Blackpill Erotic Meter

  • Thread starter ComingOutOfWinter
  • Start date
nothing we can do against women as they are all controlled by the jews
oh, I am also against jews, but listen, you can revolt! by shutting down technology for example, and also exit porn and also understanding that women are lesbian, u better try to change meter
oh, I am also against jews, but listen, you can revolt! by shutting down technology for example, and also exit porn and also understanding that women are lesbian, u better try to change meter
say nigger to prove you're not an infiltrator or glowie
nothing you can do to save yourself now, you have been caught
i am male, i don't care, can u delete my account permanently? by the way, try to love! May Allah be along u
she is trying so hard to blend in
I think u learned a lot from women, sorry if i had disrespected u, i really want to exit here. Just sorry everyone, please delete my posts too. can someone do these?
I think u learned a lot from women, sorry if i had disrespected u, i really want to exit here. Just sorry everyone, please delete my posts too. can someone do these?
jannies will mop it up later
ever heard of paragraph
if you want
Okay, I don't know your name. But dear one, I am male, believe it or not, I just wanted to open discussion. Being Virgin is not a value, also not dis-value. I am not racist, whites made the shit they live in so they cannot condemn anyone. The Rights made this up, not others. So my dear beloved, loving and respecting others is man thing. I didn't want to hurt u, if i did, sorry and accept my apologies. I wanted to pass my loneliness, I did somehow, good to see and know you guys.
@PersonalityPIMP @Celasius we got another one
OP claims they’re Iranian (which is funny cause a few days ago they were Turkish apparently). Luckily, I can speak the language. If he/she can’t respond to me in time, then yeah, it’s another IT cuck. Gonna write it in English so they can’t Google translate their way out of it. :feelsthink:

@ComingOutOfWinter harf bezan baham koskesh agge rast migi. :feelsaww:
OP claims they’re Iranian (which is funny cause a few days ago they were Turkish apparently). Luckily, I can speak the language. If he/she can’t respond to me in time, then yeah, it’s another IT cuck. Gonna write it in English so they can’t Google translate their way out of it. :feelsthink:

@ComingOutOfWinter harf bezan baham koskesh agge rast migi. :feelsaww:
هار شدین متاسفانه، ببین من به کص کشی که پشت لپ تاپم نشسته چرا باید دروغ بگم؟ شما دیگه کدوم کص کشی هستید که بخوام بهتون دروغ بگم عوضیا؟ میخوای امتحان کنی عوضی، ی مشت مفتشین همگی تون
@PersonalityPIMP @B/W muttcel they’re legit. Check out their profile. False alarm everybody.

هار شدین متاسفانه، ببین من به کص کشی که پشت لپ تاپم نشسته چرا باید دروغ بگم؟ شما دیگه کدوم کص کشی هستید که بخوام بهتون دروغ بگم عوضیا؟ میخوای امتحان کنی عوضی، ی مشت مفتشین همگی تون
شوخی کردم دوست عزیز. فکر نمیکردم حقیقتا راستشو میگفتی. ببخشید
They're an ethnicity too
They are what? okay I see some rabbies with long beards, those are religion. I also see "Israel" or "zion" whatever u say, I am against second one
@PersonalityPIMP @B/W muttcel they’re legit. Check out their profile. False alarm everybody.

شوخی کردم دوست عزیز. فکر نمیکردم حقیقتا راستشو میگفتی. ببخشید
درهرحال اگر رخصت بدین برم دوتا ۲ بزنم ریدین توی اعصابم! محترمانه حرف میزنی میگن دختری! اینا دیگه کین؟ یارو عکس انیمه گیرل گذاشته رو پروفایلش بهش میگم این قدر فکر نکن زنا چیز خاصین میگه کونی! این خودش دلش میخواد اینسل بمونه دیگه چرا اینجاست؟ این وقت اجباری نیست این سلدام که
Alright bro
@ComingOutOfWinter apologies for the inconvenience but new users cannot be trusted
what the fuck is here? kind of cia secret database? secret society?
هار شدین متاسفانه، ببین من به کص کشی که پشت لپ تاپم نشسته چرا باید دروغ بگم؟ شما دیگه کدوم کص کشی هستید که بخوام بهتون دروغ بگم عوضیا؟ میخوای امتحان کنی عوضی، ی مشت مفتشین همگی تون
What do you mean by شدین btw? You’re like the rest of us buddy boyo. You’re here after all. :feelskek:

And for your question on your profile, IT stands for r/inceltear where they lose sleep over hating on us religiously and they’ve made far too many accounts on here LARPing so we’re all a little paranoid.

درهرحال اگر رخصت بدین برم دوتا ۲ بزنم ریدین توی اعصابم!

عادت میکنی به اینجا. در هر صورت خوش اومدی و باز هم شرمنده
@PersonalityPIMP @
B/W muttcel
@B/W muttcel they’re legit. Check out their profile. False alarm everybody.
Kek, nice :yes:
Why are you virginshaming on here btw? That’s against the rules. Aren’t you one yourself? :feelsseriously:
even more proof its a foid because they hate virgins
i will try reading it.
Kek, nice :yes:
even more proof its a foid because they hate virgins
I mean they could STILL be one but I think it’s just a combination of slightly poor grammar and being a newcomer hence the virginshaming which is inexcusably bad. I knew my shit only because I lurked for three fucking straight years before making my very first account and that wasn’t even my previous one mind you. :feelsrope:
@lazy_gamer_423 one thing they wrote in native which had me audibly laughing is how you have an anime girl as avi and then outright slander users for being a girl. :feelskek: :feelskek:

I honestly didn’t even realize it and I can’t stop laughing now. :feelskek:

@PersonalityPIMP @B/W muttcel
one thing they wrote in native which had me audibly laughing is how you have an anime girl as avi and then outright slander users for being a girl.
:lul: :lul: :lul:
@lazy_gamer_423 one thing they wrote in native which had me audibly laughing is how you have an anime girl as avi and then outright slander users for being a girl. :feelskek: :feelskek:

I honestly didn’t even realize it and I can’t stop laughing now. :feelskek:

@PersonalityPIMP @B/W muttcel
Planet of the apes charlton heston
Being Short, I heard this phrase from a friend which he himself invented.
I found that many believe that the reason they struggle with "inceldom" is cause of their body type or what and what, but no! I try to make this short and write a more longer post later, but in short terms; For many reasons there, Actually Despite what male do, women are erotic meters, this means both women and male find women attractive. Men can be just sexually a tool for a woman, nothing else. If we speak about visional attractiveness this means that just women can be appealed in our new world. In other hand, you see In Ancient Greek and Rome as an example, men were erotic meter. In other words, in those times we men were meters so women desired to have sex with us, now we desire to have sex with women while women do not, cause now days Females are erotic meters. I suggest, as my friend did, that this came to be real since the Victorian Age of UK. You see countries like India and Iran which struggled with UK are so women-appealing which caused more and more inceldom. There is a simple way out, I suggest, which is to remove any erotic meter at all. Under these circumstances, there would be no blackpill or bla bla, we have to just simply put "sex" as meter not women! I would write more about this if time allows me
you have a point, foid SMV rn is highly inflated and this means that males typically value individual foids more than the reverse

but idealizing foids has been the case for a long time before the victorian age. even in the past when you say males were the 'erotic meter,' people told stories about going to war over foids like helen or sita

those stories are still very influential culturally

so was petrarca, who was again pre-victorian

but it's also not really true that 'women do not want to' have sex, foids have sex all the time and most spend their later teenage years + early 20s doing it often. it might be true that they usually enjoy the sensations, but don't care as much about their sexual partner. but that's always been the case to some extent, foids are notoriously solipsistic creatures

foids will sometimes treat males as a source of accidental sensations on the foid's own journey, or a conduit for that like betabuxx, and sometimes be more engaged
Why are you virginshaming on here btw? That’s against the rules. Aren’t you one yourself? :feelsseriously:
The one who praise women in this way, thinking that being chad is the thing, actually is virgin shaming himself. I wanted to help but he just trolled me, calling me "faggot" cause I just said women need to be not erotic meter
The one who praise women in this way, thinking that being chad is the thing, actually is virgin shaming himself. I wanted to help but he just trolled me, calling me "faggot" cause I just said women need to be not erotic meter
:foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
you have a point, foid SMV rn is highly inflated and this means that males typically value individual foids more than the reverse

but idealizing foids has been the case for a long time before the victorian age. even in the past when you say males were the 'erotic meter,' people told stories about going to war over foids like helen or sita

those stories are still very influential culturally

so was petrarca, who was again pre-victorian

but it's also not really true that 'women do not want to' have sex, foids have sex all the time and most spend their later teenage years + early 20s doing it often. it might be true that they usually enjoy the sensations, but don't care as much about their sexual partner. but that's always been the case to some extent, foids are notoriously solipsistic creatures

foids will sometimes treat males as a source of accidental sensations on the foid's own journey, or a conduit for that like betabuxx, and sometimes be more engaged
Everything has its own history for sure but it does not means that women are meter. In other words you see different values here and there but to make a universal point I claim that women are meter, despite opposite examples.
Women do like each other, being gay-hater is a lose when we are lesbian friendly. In other words they have sex with each other or anyone they like, men or women, I mean they are leaders of this business

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