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Serious Enraged by arguing with American Christian Normies online

Catholics wiped out pagans
BIble cannot have individual interpretations
Hierarchy and authority is crucial
jfl,there is no heirachy in the body of christ of believers read Ephesians 2:19-22.

authorities is what paul talk about in epthesians 6:12 every gov is demonic according to the word even the vatican with their fatass gay pope
the kingdom when we get raptured is what starts hierarchies in our case,jews rejected a physical kingdom so jesus died and promised US heavenly kingdom once we believe on his blood sacrifice and the ressurection
(in this case of died means crucified to be a ransom for sin to fix the mistake of the first adam)
Catholics wiped out pagans
catholics are pagan mixed they tranform the west into neo christo paganism just like muhammad did with the arabs, he unify the worship into the moon god alone
jfl,there is no heirachy in the body of christ of believers read Ephesians 2:19-22.

authorities is what paul talk about in epthesians 6:12 every gov is demonic according to the word even the vatican with their fatass gay pope
the spirit of Martin Luther is the same spirit that reside in u.u are3 just rebellious against divine authority of your religion
the spirit of Martin Luther is the same spirit that reside in u.u are3 just rebellious against divine authority of your religion
didnt you just say you are an atheist :feelskek: , martin luther is a cuck just like calvin
but anyway what is y'all say
the spirit of Martin Luther is the same spirit that reside in u.u are3 just rebellious against divine authority of your religion
i dont have a religion we are saved by grace through faith alone and thats not of ourselves its the gift of god
and that same cuck laid foundation for sola scripture
sola scriptura is biblical because no authority can claim a 100% divine wisdom to fully know the word of god laid in the 66 books
catholics invented mortal sin, purgatory etc. i need evidence for these my guy
sola scriptura is biblical because no authority can claim a 100% divine wisdom to fully know the word of god laid in the 66 books
but this same individual interpretations lead to splitting and denominations are u sure which of this 1000s of protestant denominations are true.
everything need a centralized hierarchy,strcuture and order. that's why Catholic Church still exist to this day.
are3 just rebellious against divine authority of your religion
jfl i can be hellenic pagan, thats essentially what the catholic church believe in(roman paganism but it copied hellenism heavily so)
sola scriptura is biblical because no authority can claim a 100% divine wisdom to fully know the word of god laid in the 66 books
having not structure and hierarchy is uncivilized often leads top gynocentric food worshipping societies whether you like to agree or not
but this same individual interpretations lead to splitting and denominations are u sure which of this 1000s of protestant denominations are true.
everything need a centralized hierarchy,strcuture and order. that's why Catholic Church still exist to this day.
lol,no denomination is true i said this so many times already, only the word of god is true nothing else and salvation is by the blood of christ and his ressurection not by the 7 sacrements
jfl i can be hellenic pagan, thats essentially what the catholic church believe in(roman paganism but it copied hellenism heavily so)hey ima an atheist ok.
aim saying caqthol;sism is truest of all chrisitnity if chrisitnity was real. based on standards of bible .
lol,no denomination is true i said this so many times already, only the word of god is true nothing else and salvation is by the blood of christ and his ressurection not by the 7 sacrements
then why do u belong to so called baptist dispentialist. whatever
having not structure and hierarchy is uncivilized often leads top gynocentric food worshipping societies whether you like to agree or not
and how am i advocating for foids to become concubines and sex slaves without jobs? :feelskek:you just need to study the bible which you dont,catholics cucked themselves by mixing demonic shit in there so they foid worship by becoming virgin priests
people just pick and choose what they want to believe out of the bible

In reality, it's just tough for a 1700 year old book to be relatable to the modern day. Some things still are, but in other areas, technology has just advanced way too much
jfl,there is no heirachy in the body of christ of believers read Ephesians 2:19-22.

authorities is what paul talk about in epthesians 6:12 every gov is demonic according to the word even the vatican with their fatass gay pope
there are good and bad in everything bible is more nuanced than having a simplistic outlook
American Christianity is more of a fake religion created by American government
It has nothing to do with traditional Christianity.

American normies say dumb things like
“Oh American slavery didn’t exist in bible
It wasn’t indentured servitude “

Slavery was absolutely normal in Christianity .
Old Testament frequently mentioned and condones slavery
Need to read passages in exodus and Leviticus
But normies cope hard by saying
“Oh those are laws of Moses and prophets
Which are outdated
We are free from the laws of old testement
We only need to follow New Testament “

But still in fact
New Testament actually support slavery
There is a verse in the Bible written by Paul the apostle that say - “ slaves,obey your earthly masters in fear and tremble”

No matter how much evidence I give those normies
They just keep coping and arguing like meatheads forever .

Another hypocrisy I noticed about American Christianity is that’s those Christians
Are perfectly ok with premarital sex
Which is a terrible serious sin
In traditional Christianity
Many Americans Larp as Christians
While have sex before marriage
Watch porn
Do all of this stuff
Yet they have no shame
They deny the fact that dating isn’t secular and modern thing and has nothing to do with Christianity
Arranged marriages where always the norm

American Christianity is not Christianity anymore

Finally all of Thisbe flings American normie faggots say I will end up in hell because I am An athiest

Funny thing is that if there is a god
They aren’t also going to heaven either since
They go against all of the principles their religion commands for them to fo
In fact they justify breaking the laws of Christianity

They brag about being Christian and shit
Yet they fuck

Why the hell should I listen to those faggots?
If it makes you feel better its the same christianity everywhere not just america
then why do u belong to so called baptist dispentialist. whatever
baptist dispensationalist by method

see,dispensationalism is the method whereby you rightly divide the word of god into sectors and timelines like the law period conscience period (adam and eve and their descendants until the flood)
and if you call them out on this they'll just reply with "everybody is a sinner" or "jesus loves u"
they just coping cannot accept the reality of things
baptist dispensationalist by method

see,dispensationalism is the method whereby you rightly divide the word of god into sectors and timelines like the law period conscience period (adam and eve and their descendants until the flood)
evryreliogn and very denominations have their own rightful methdolgy and you are not anyway special
evryreliogn and very denominations have their own rightful methdolgy and you are not anyway special
bruh,proof the catholic church is correct if you wanna bootlick them,thats the whole point
what is the proof for didspentialists if u want to bootlick them ?
good question and the answer is examples like where paul define it in 2nd timothy 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth.

thats paul saying to us to rightly divide the scripture to each time period and whos the person or people its spoken to is this to the jews gentiles body of christ (us the believer) or even nephilim in the case of freeing them in prison who are pound isaiah 61 remember the giants in genesis 6

and since i speak about isaiah 61 and example of this is when jesus cited isaiah 61 in his hometown after he was tempted for 40 days in the yom kippur and cited isaiah 61 but closed the book before the second half of the 2nd verse which is this

And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn

this is an example of dispensationalism used by jesus
another many examples like james 2 faith without works is dead but then paul in ephesians 2 saying salvation is by faith without works lest any man should boast
another many examples like james 2 faith without works is dead but then paul in ephesians 2 saying salvation is by faith without works lest any man should boast
evolution is real and all religions are false
just to make you get it, the reason jesus closed the scroll before the second half of the verse is

isaiah 61:2

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, (this part of isaiah 61:2 is the yom kippur begining of the year of the kingdom of heaven or the millenial reign that the jews end up rejecting and crucifing him for)

And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn, (and this one is the futuristic day of the lord which is when jesus come the second time to punish the inhabitants of the earth and save the jewish remnants cuz more then 3rd of israel dies in the tribulation or jeremiah 30:7 called jacob's trouble)
I don't argue I spam send gore when someone contradicts me
spam them the bible literal quotes again and again to shut these self serving self interested retards up
evolution is real and all religions are false
and just so you know i agree, all religions are false, god gave ancient israelites a religion and a law code for their nation they rebel and then he died and so complete reconciliation came from the father's will to his love for humanity that jesus would die shedding his blood for redemption of sin freely

read john 3 god chose to end religion by jesus being the ultimate sacrifice for sin once and for all
god ended the lawcodes

hebrews 9:28
so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, APART FROM SIN, for salvation.

this verse destroy catholicism cuz when jesus appear at the rapture he send the believers to heaven (he wash our sin by his blood already), with no mortal sin in em, or having to go to "purgatory"
you really have a lot to learn if you think catholics would understand half of what i just taught you rn jfl :feelskek: , they dont understand the prophets writtings daniel paul or even jesus

if you want to get how dispensationalism (that we saw jesus use in luke 4 and paul said to use it) flow throughout the whole bible

watch this vid
View: https://youtu.be/GI4CteEFxOk

he is a chink (i dont agree with him on everything but he is mostly correct at least 75 to 80% of the time)
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The Bible, in fact one of the books you referenced, says to execute whose who steal and sell others. I don't think it makes sense that the same practice is condemned and then sanctioned a chapter later. All forms of "compulsory" labor are translated the same way in many Bibles of old (The KJV translated in 1611, and the most popular, actually differentiates between servant and slave), but the Bible makes a difference between what we consider chattel slavery and servitude, what those people are alluding to. When translating people way back when, people weren't PC enough to care to distinguish, but modern translators are. Christians were forbidden from enslaving each other long before Columbus set sail. If you read the bull stating this, the language used to forbid slavery seems awfully familiar. Also, there's an entire epistle in the New testament from Paul which details him trying to get a slave free by essentially implying the slave's master would be a bad Christian if he didn't do so.

I agree that there's no way around premarital sex being a sin. Many "Christians" are comfortable doing so with a partner whom they plan to marry, but it doesn't lessen the sin. I guess it's a given Christians will sin, what one does after sinning shows if they are truly remorseful.

Anyways, you should stop arguing with people online, you came from elsewhere and just started arguing with some random guy on here.
The Bible, in fact one of the books you referenced, says to execute whose who steal and sell others. I don't think it makes sense that the same practice is condemned and then sanctioned a chapter later. All forms of "compulsory" labor are translated the same way in many Bibles of old (The KJV translated in 1611, and the most popular, actually differentiates between servant and slave), but the Bible makes a difference between what we consider chattel slavery and servitude, what those people are alluding to. When translating people way back when, people weren't PC enough to care to distinguish, but modern translators are. Christians were forbidden from enslaving each other long before Columbus set sail. If you read the bull stating this, the language used to forbid slavery seems awfully familiar. Also, there's an entire epistle in the New testament from Paul which details him trying to get a slave free by essentially implying the slave's master would be a bad Christian if he didn't do so.

I agree that there's no way around premarital sex being a sin. Many "Christians" are comfortable doing so with a partner whom they plan to marry, but it doesn't lessen the sin. I guess it's a given Christians will sin, what one does after sinning shows if they are truly remorseful.

Anyways, you should stop arguing with people online, you came from elsewhere and just started arguing with some random guy on here.
ok fine , thanks for your feedback. but I want to just ask u. does chrisitnty allow one man to marry multiple women.
I don't think so .
this guy think it is perfectly ok in bible to do it.
ok fine thank for your feedback. but I want to just ask u. does chrisitnty allow one man to marry multiple women.
I don't think so .
this guy think it is perfectly ok in bible to do it.
yes it is in the millenial reign, according to the bible (didnt say denominations, they can easily fall by doctrines of demons paul said this in 1st timothy 4, you have to study to show yourself approved, cuz churches can compromise to this shit cuz humans are sinners, israel did the same)
1st timothy 4 1-2 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,

this is paul talking about the churches that fall into false doctrines, catholics compromised and followed demonic pagan practices

another example of this

jude 1:4

For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

(this is talking about churches that teach a wrong view of grace from its new testament root which is in fact every single apostolic church out there that mix the blood of jesus with "good fruits")
this is biblical examples from the scripture, aside from revelation 2 and 3 but its too complicated to talk about, god said in his word false churches will rise and preach false doctrines and compromise its freaking obvious

watch this vid if you wanna know why catholicism is wrong by details from the scriptures

View: https://youtu.be/vgwC9uYdabo
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amerimutts ruin everything sadly
Abrahamism is retarded anyway
If it makes you feel better its the same christianity everywhere not just america
but no in the east.chrisntity in places like india,pakistan basically anywhere not affected by secularism and democracy don't to this things.infactevn a terrible sinner in eastern Christian society at least follow basic commandments like not to have sex before marriage, not to cheat, respect celibates and priests and monks, do no watch porn etc.
Christian society at least follow basic commandments like not to have sex before marriage, not to cheat, respect celibates and priests and monks, do no watch porn etc.
:feelskek: :feelskek:

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