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JFL Elliot Rodger's autopsy report indicates he had symmetrical face



Fallen Angel
Jan 10, 2022
Thanks to @Fat Link (thanks buddy cop), I retyped Elliot Rodger as a Psychopath who, just like Rhaast, has failure and finality as a baseline value. Are people alive, happy, and thriving? Well, according to Psychopaths, that has to end.

And both of them are P000 thus oblivious of how to make people fail or when things will fail, fitting the 'neurotic/psychotic basketcase' name of that archetype shard, which means all Psychopaths are neurotic/psychotic because all of them inherit 000. Elliot may have kicked up a badass by the end and going P110 'kamikaze hastens failure for himself and others', thus having P010 cruelty + P100 destruction, but in life he was just neurotic who had a clean break (P000 break means ending things) from reality, and the paper below shows how people who claim he was incel looks-wise were as deluded and psychotic as he was. He failed even in being a failure, like Rhaast does.


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And the best part is that 'fail at being a failure' proves how the definition of Evil/bad as 'values that are self-inconsistent' is correct. Succeeding in being successful is expected and self-fulfilling, thus success is a Good value; but failing in being a failure doesn't make you a bigger failure because you failed at that, turning you at least a non-failure, hence inconsistent and Evil.
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wtf did I just read in your post? Are you retarded or using google translate?
There's no symmetry for his feminine facial features and frame, although yes, he would have looked much worse if he had an asymmetrical face like mine.
wtf did I just read in your post? Are you retarded or using google translate?
My posts are open to read. You can look through them and find two topics, one made two days ago, that explains what I meant with polarities and archetypes in this one.
But you really couldn't understand the principle that Elliot is a Psychopath that wanted things to fail but didn't know how until the end, and that he was psychotic thus unaware of the reality his looks weren't REALLY the problem? It's like you don't even try, of course looking my user history is too much to ask.
There's no symmetry for his feminine facial features and frame, although yes, he would have looked much worse if he had an asymmetrical face like mine.
He didn't look that feminine for fucks sake. He had a bass voice even.
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Top tier kek posts like always. Keep them coming OP.

Also jfl @Rhaast :lul::lul::lul::lul:
My posts are open to read. You can look through them and find two topics, one made two days ago, that explains what I meant with polarities and archetypes in this one.
But you really couldn't understand the principle that Elliot is a Psychopath that wanted things to fail but didn't know how until the end, and that he was psychotic thus unaware of the reality his looks weren't REALLY the problem? It's like you don't even try, of course looking my user history is too much to ask.

He didn't look that feminine for fucks sake. He had a bass voice even.
When I read 124 pounds though...... Framelet. Foids shorter than his have an expected weight around there
AND he was 2 inches taller than me :feelsrope:
Stop denying the truth and accept everything you do will fail already, Costanza. You are one of the very few in this forum that truly has no hope and should LDAR, not because of your looks, but because you lost in the genetic lottery and your brain got wired to produce and want failure.
Nigga if i lost the genetic lottery then what should we even say about you? :feelskek:
I've changed permanently the lives of people with whom I interacted with several times. If you, like all Evil types, values nothing but amassing money or menial pursuits until you die, then you don't have any base to call others a failure because you're literally building your whole life for the day where it will end, not one second beyond your lifespan.

Fuck you, you are the most disgusting piece of shit on this forum. Spare the world of yet another Psychopath and neck yourself already.
I've changed permanently the lives of people with whom I interacted with several times. If you, like all Evil types, values nothing but amassing money or menial pursuits until you die, then you don't have any base to call others a failure because you're literally building your whole life for the day where it will end, not one second beyond your lifespan.
Nigga who's life did you change? People here laugh their asses at you and you think you are their philosophical and mental savior :feelskek:.
Only thing you are good at is being the most schizophernic delusional loser to ever post on this forum.
Fuck you, you are the most disgusting piece of shit on this forum. Spare the world of yet another Psychopath and neck yourself already.
"Muh you are a psychopath" followed by telling me to kms. :feelskek::yes:
Nigga who's life did you change? People here laugh their asses at you and you think you are their philosophical and mental savior
Never specified it was here, though. I told everyone that my experience on the forum was largely a disappointment and the reason I keep going is to see whether I can find high level people to interact with. It just so happens that 72archetypes is an excelent filter for that due to it being a high level theory.

So the 'niggas' laugh at the rich wypipo and you think they are on the right side because they are the majority, when in reality just one of the sides is starving.

Op. Please rate @BlkPillPres
Here's his youtube channel for data points

He is a Tauri. T110 has arranged marriages, he values ivory tower academicism over originality and thinks he's an elephant stomping people with piles of data so they can sign (up to) them.
But why would someone like that be in a forum of T001 community rejects is beyond me... oh right, he's a T110 bad cop convincing the low IQ niggas to T100 toe the blackpill political line.
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Op. Please rate @BlkPillPres
Here's his youtube channel for data points

T-900 filled with anger and misery but determined (all caps his posts and redlines them) , T-000 selfdestruction of the mind (psuedoscience) T-1000 unkillable liquid metal proves how blkpillpres is relentless in his arguments (will never take the L) T-800 Arnold model big and intimidating, but weak as shit (just like blkpillpres's long ass posts that say absolutely nothing instead he just keeps recycling the original point)
Never specified it was here, though. I told everyone that my experience on the forum was largely a disappointment and the reason I keep going is to see whether I can find high level people to interact with. It just so happens that 72archetypes is an excelent filter for that due to it being a high level theory.
YOU MEAN IRL ? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: JUST FUCKING LOL. Literal schizo if you say shit like this irl.
So the 'niggas' laugh at the rich wypipo and you think they are on the right side because they are the majority, when in reality just one of the sides is starving.
Except its more like you are a clown in a circus, not the high IQ god you think you are.
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Never specified it was here, though. I told everyone that my experience on the forum was largely a disappointment and the reason I keep going is to see whether I can find high level people to interact with. It just so happens that 72archetypes is an excelent filter for that due to it being a high level theory.

So the 'niggas' laugh at the rich wypipo and you think they are on the right side because they are the majority, when in reality just one of the sides is starving.

He is a Tauri. T110 has arranged marriages, he values ivory tower academicism over originality and thinks he's an elephant stomping people with piles of data so they can sign (up to) them.
But why would someone like that be in a forum of T001 community rejects is beyond me... oh right, he's a T110 bad cop convincing the low IQ niggas to T100 toe the blackpill political line.
@BlkPillPres thoughts on this analysis
As much as I love to see @Rhaast getting roasted, who the fuck is this Tesla niggah who only throws around terminator model numbers and acts like he is above everyone else with his pseudointellectual gibberish?

Is this pseudo-science weirdo even incel? Because he hasn't talked about inceldom once so far. All he does is writing bachelor theses about what he thinks the psychology of some other users he doesn't even know personally is. :feelswhat:
YOU MEAN IRL ? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: JUST FUCKING LOL. Literal schizo if you say shit like this irl
I can apply the concepts of the theory and be casual like I was doing days ago before showing it here. I strive to do everything deliberately, and as said before, my goal with exposing 72A here was to find high level people to talk about it and their goals in life.
Except its more like you are a clown in a circus, not the high IQ god you think you are
Clowns are Freak 100, the happy ones at least. Sad/killer clowns are F001 and the intersection of both (Joker) is F101 insanity, contradictions, and schizophrenia.

So you're calling me Joker negatively and at the same time worshipping his thought process as I saw you doing before, meaning you can't differ sanity from insanity and your judgement is meaningless.
As much as I love to see @Rhaast getting roasted, who the fuck is this Tesla niggah who only throws around terminator model numbers and acts like he is above everyone else with his pseudointellectual gibberish?

Is this pseudo-science weirdo even incel? Because he hasn't talked about inceldom once so far. All he does is writing bachelor theses about what he thinks the psychology of some other users he doesn't even know personally is. :feelswhat:
Nigga's just saying terminator models followed by random "high IQ" words :feelsjuice:
I can apply the concepts of the theory and be casual like I was doing days ago before showing it here. I strive to do everything deliberately, and as said before, my goal with exposing 72A here was to find high level people to talk about it and their goals in life.
OH I BET :feelskek:
Clowns are Freak 100, the happy ones at least. Sad/killer clowns are F001 and the intersection of both (Joker) is F101 insanity, contradictions, and schizophrenia.

So you're calling me Joker negatively and at the same time worshipping his thought process as I saw you doing before, meaning you can't differ sanity from insanity and your judgement is meaningless.
no im not calling you a joker, im calling you a clown. There is a difference :smonk:
As much as I love to see @Rhaast getting roasted, who the fuck is this Tesla niggah who only throws around terminator model numbers and acts like he is above everyone else with his pseudointellectual gibberish?

Is this pseudo-science weirdo even incel? Because he hasn't talked about inceldom once so far. All he does is writing bachelor theses about what he thinks the psychology of some other users he doesn't even know personally is. :feelswhat:
"Everything I don't understand is pseudo-". Ok you fucking Freak, people like you love to create F111 Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt on others.

And I did talk about inceldom, you just equate it to lookism and meaningless F001 emoing because that's what Freaks care for, finite volumes (body). And rainbows are F100, another datapoint.
no im not calling you a joker, im calling you a clown. There is a difference :smonk:
I just proved above there isn't. If you call me schizo you are refering to the Joker archetype.
I like you OP, and not in a sarcastic way

I didn't have the attention span to read your theory but you seem to be right about ER
"Everything I don't understand is pseudo-". Ok you fucking Freak, people like you love to create F111 Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt on others.

And I did talk about inceldom, you just equate it to lookism and meaningless F001 emoing because that's what Freaks care for, finite volumes (body). And rainbows are F100, another datapoint.

I just proved above there isn't. If you call me schizo you are refering to the Joker archetype.
Joker is taken seriously by people, everyone here laughs at you. Clown. :feelsjuice:
I like you OP, and not in a sarcastic way

I didn't have the attention span to read your theory but you seem to be right about ER
I appreciate that. My second goal is to goad people here who have potential to be high level to fucking be it, and my insults are more a sign of indignation rather than bullying. I'm not peddling some market crap, but exposing knowledge so they can realize they can have an impact on reality to solve not only inceldom, but more problems there are.
Joker is taken seriously by people
His threats are, not his ideology. I'm not a killer clown, thus I don't make threats. Nor am I a happy clown like Gwyneth Paltrow F100 getting away from reality by shoving rocks on her cooch and selling it as a medicine, you are stupid for denying knowledge or the time to consider it, thus you discard it as F000 meaningless.

So you're accusing me of being Freak because that how you see anyone, apparently.
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It’s over if you make random, giant archetype essays
"Everything I don't understand is pseudo-". Ok you fucking Freak, people like you love to create F111 Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt on others.

And I did talk about inceldom, you just equate it to lookism and meaningless F001 emoing because that's what Freaks care for, finite volumes (body). And rainbows are F100, another datapoint.

I just proved above there isn't. If you call me schizo you are refering to the Joker archetype.
Immediatly calls me freak for questioning him, ovbiously P1201 narcisstic, people like him love to stand above others, typical F010 and P12334 behavior.
It’s over if you make random, giant archetype essays
randomness is F101. Again, not everyone you think as extreme is Joker :|
Immediatly calls me freak for questioning him, ovbiously P1201 narcisstic, people like him love to stand above others, typical F010 and P12334 behavior.
What I find interesting is that the same people accusing me of F101 randomness and gibberish are the same ones doing it. Did you know that mockery is F000? And that it implies that everything you Freaks do is a mockery of reality? Well, you are a giant mockery.

incels hail him as some hero or king. It's ironic.


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I've changed permanently the lives of people with whom I interacted with several times. If you, like all Evil types, values nothing but amassing money or menial pursuits until you die, then you don't have any base to call others a failure because you're literally building your whole life for the day where it will end, not one second beyond your lifespan.

Fuck you, you are the most disgusting piece of shit on this forum. Spare the world of yet another Psychopath and neck yourself already.
incredibly based, best user on this forum
To be honest, my assessment of that idiot is "spoiled celebs kid who threw a violent tantrum"

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