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JFL Dumb Tranny in YT comments tells us what we already know

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017

Haha whatever BROastie... Artificial wombs, genetic modification, and femoid companion robots will allow incels to create offspring that are superior to chad and stacy's offspring... While your unpassable ass struggles to find a chad willing to shoot a load in your shithole to give you the apex predator butt babies you so desperately want... Your only chance at having superior offspring is through artificial wombs as well, bro...

(My post was featured in the video btw... Fucking YT famous...)
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There's nothing natural about being able to summon model-tier men out of thin air via Tinder.

But nice trolling there, almost had me going.
genetics doesnt work that way lel the benefits of breeding up is cancelled out because ugly women would get to breed as well
tl;dr a child only gets genes from his father

What a stupid... thing.
genetics doesnt work that way lel the benefits of breeding up is cancelled out because ugly women would get to breed as well
genetics doesnt work that way lel the benefits of breeding up is cancelled out because ugly women would get to breed as well
tl;dr a child only gets genes from his father

What a stupid... thing.
Obviously, either his father wasn't a chad, or his mother's genes fucked him over... Either way, xhe's just as fucked as we are... WTF is a tranny gonna do with chad's DNA?
tranny slut i hope she catch herpes
Not true. There will always be hiearchies. Women will always go for the top men, even when every male becomes good looking. Women picking and selecting out only attractive men to make only attractive children? Stupid as fuck. First, ugly women do not self select themselves out of the gene pool. Secondly, are women content with actively sharing Chads? Fuckin dumb foid logic.
Obviously, either his father wasn't a chad, or his mother's genes fucked him over... Either way, xhe's just as fucked as we are... WTF is a tranny gonna do with chad's DNA?
Nobody cares. Many trannies are former incels who resorted to becoming what they couldn't attain. Chris-Chan is a prime example. This is probably a former incel taking pleasure in punching down, something not possible as an incel.
What a dumb tranny faggot who will hopefully commit suicide and cut his dick off soon.

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Foids don't even breed with chads and tyrones these days, they're on birth control and get abortions, and only wait until their late 30's to have autist babies with a beta cuck. So them strengthening "muh humanities genetics" isn't what they're doing.

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We wouldn't exist at all if our grandmothers fucked chads because we started out as sperm from non-chads. The hormones trannies take also make them retarded it seems. We would be fucking tons of stacys if it wasn't for cucked laws and lack of sex bots.
They absolutely are... That's why inceldom is at near prehistoric levels...
They're not happy with it long term. When they hit the wall they start to want to settle down with cucks who will allow them to continue to fuck chads and divorce rape them.
Link to the video?
way too long didn't read. but being tranny=an extreme form of coping with being incel
It's funny being called genetic garbage by a mentally ill man who will probably cut his own dick. Anyway, enjoy joining the 40% of trannies who kill themselves!
The tranny's logic would be sound were it not for the fact that the hottest of Stacies tend to choose supposedly "superior men" who end up either beating the shit out of them regularly or murder suiciding them and their offspring at some point since the same violent, cave man like nature and aggression that drew the hot Stacy to the primitive beastly Chad is what ends up undoing all their genetics in the end.

Even in cases where murder/suicide isn't the end result think of all the nigger Chads who are violent, criminal, thugs, (but for this example I'm talking about those that don't actually murder anyone) but commit every other crime under the sun.

They proceed to knock up and then immediately abandon the dumb Stacy who spread her legs for them but succeed in the evolutionary game to spread their criminal seed and those seeds grow up to be yet another burden on the taxpayers and the legal system.

The tranny would call THAT "superior Chad DNA"? LOL.
this argument is operating on so many levels of retardation that it's tough to even know where to start. First of all, not restraining female nature will ALWAYS lead to roughly 80% of the male population being excluded from reproduction irrespective of how good looking its competitors are because of the way the game is set up. Secondly, as @KingOfRome has pointed out you inherit genes from both of your parents. Even if only good looking males reproduced there'd inevitably be some bad looking ones in the upcoming generation because of all the bad looking foids that are guaranteed reproduction by simply having a hole between their legs. Thirdly, and I guess this point is more philosophical than anything else, just because something is a certain way absent of human intervention doesn't mean it should be that way. We had a good thing going with civilization for a good few thousand years or so until we really fucked up and opened pandora's box by allowing foids unrestrained autonomy which has caused to a whole lot more suffering than it has happiness. This is at the root of the inceldom problem and is why there's been such an uptick in it these last couple of decades and not the sudden emergence of "inferior genes" (btw the genepool is doing worse off under unrestrained foid autonomy). Drawing from her logic, we should suspend all aid to africa and let the inferior lifeforms die off by the billions because "that's the way nature intended it to be, teehee" yet I'm doubtful the retard nigger tranny is sentient enough to logically follow her conclusions through
Drawing from her logic, we should suspend all aid to africa and let the inferior lifeforms die off by the billions because "that's the way nature intended it to be, teehee" yet I'm doubtful the retard nigger tranny is sentient enough to logically follow her conclusions through
"Survival of the fittest"...
She's actually wrong, there's nothing actually super special or superior about Chads, maybe in the wild there was but with conscious human intervention and society there really isn't. Actually, females can hurt species with ever growing standards (fisherian runaway).

Female sexuality is too barbaric for modern society.
1. Women will go for the top males, regardless of average attractiveness
2. Ugly women being allowed to breed will lead to more incels
What a dumb tranny faggot who will hopefully commit suicide and cut his dick off soon.

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Foids don't even breed with chads and tyrones these days, they're on birth control and get abortions, and only wait until their late 30's to have autist babies with a beta cuck. So them strengthening "muh humanities genetics" isn't what they're doing.

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We wouldn't exist at all if our grandmothers fucked chads because we started out as sperm from non-chads. The hormones trannies take also make them retarded it seems. We would be fucking tons of stacys if it wasn't for cucked laws and lack of sex bots.

Just be a "woman" with a prostate and claim moral superiority, bro
To summarize this thread so far: Attractiveness doesn't mean superior especially in the modern world, if everyone's Chad no one's Chad, ugly women breed.
That comment is at least triple wrong. Not bad.
WTF is a tranny gonna do with chad's DNA?

Jack shit,

That thing is only mad that he's still single as well.

That monstrosity hopes to awaken desperation in incels, to look at trannies as potential life partners.
Jack shit,

That thing is only mad that he's still single as well.

That monstrosity hopes to awaken desperation in incels, to look at trannies as potential life partners.
Xhe gets pumped and dumped by bi-chads probably...
Xhe gets pumped and dumped by bi-chads probably...

At some point that thing will want a longterm, serious partner.

None of those chads will ever comply with that.

This thing should consider itself lucky that it gets one night standed by a drunk/drugged chad.
At some point that thing will want a longterm, serious partner.

None of those chads will ever comply with that.

This thing should consider itself lucky that it gets one night standed by a drunk/drugged chad.
Maybe xhe can have a LTR with a dog like biological foids do when chad doesn't text back...
Attractiveness doesn't mean superior
Yeah, intelligence for example isn't strictly correlated with looks as far as i know.
Also, female sexuality has been repressed in all great civilizations until very recently, and we are already seeing the civilizational wrecking effects of unrestrained hypergamy at work. Its the very reason why we dont live in small, matriarchal tribes.
Btw she didnt consider intergenerational breeding, for example the bad genetics offspring might mate with good genetics people and the overall genetics will remain the same. Also societies need low status people, thats why we have social classes, divison of labour, etc. And ofc mutations, the resulting offspring of incel genetics + attractive genetics might be actually a genius for example, its vwry hard to predict

Btw, if this tranny is all about improving human genetics, i wonder what she thinks about eugenics. Shes probably a radical leftist and strongly against it, so cognitive dissonance going on there.
Encouraging suicide is a very extreme thing to do, no wonder it comes from an unbalanced person, and it's incredible to think she will get away with it. I think many agree with her secretly.
Imagine being lectured by someone who is, if not more mentally ill than us, i.e a fucking tranny degenerate.
Most incels have average and above looking dad's, but their incels because of their mom's shitty genetics.
Most incels have average and above looking dad's, but their incels because of their mom's shitty genetics.
SJW rule #1 is to never blame the innocent wahmen for anything bad.
If females only made chads then they would only want something better than the norm. I dont think this tranny knows that even good looking people can make duds hypergamy is one sided women need to look good aswell they cant expect a good looking man if they themselves arent goodlooking but chad is generous and fucks everything so in that regard we are fucked
but chad is generous and fucks everything so in that regard we are fucked

Ain't that the truth?

You should see some of the Chads I've seen with absolute porkers as their "Stacy" at my local Walmart.

You should see some of the Chads I've seen with absolute porkers as their "Stacy" at my local Walmart.
We need to shame cucked landwhale chasing chads and tell them to stop stealing foids from fatcels.

Still annoyed at Walter for "correcting" me by reading "noxious" as "obnoxious". Huge insult to my intelligence. Maybe he didn't know "noxious" was a real word, but I don't think he's that uneducated.
The fuck is this thing talking about?
Like pretty much every redditor he's a midwit that thinks he's a bona fide intellectual. I get corrected by these idiots all the time for using words like "wont," which they read as "won't" and mock me for not making sense.
Like pretty much every redditor he's a midwit that thinks he's a bona fide intellectual. I get corrected by these idiots all the time for using words like "wont," which they read as "won't" and mock me for not making sense.

Heh, reminds me of this dumb fuck who used to argue with me regularly on youtube.

He thought "I" was a "fucking idiot" for using the word "inane" which he thought did not exist/was a made up word or worse a misspelling of "insane".

He was apparently an Australian so I don't know if it was an Australian thing to not realize that "inane" is an actual word or just his dumb fuckery?

So I just take a wild guess and assume it was just his dumb fuckery.
They say it's natural for women to fuck chad but unnatural for us to fight chad to death.
They only support law of the jungle when it suits themselves.
>women are simply fulfilling their evolutionary purpose
Their behaviour of getting top 20% was advantageous when we threw rocks at each other and lived in communities of 100. Applying their current behaviour at huge cities enabled by tinder was never meant to be.
And it will fall on its face. We still have yet to see the generation that grew up on swiping apps age out but let's just say top20 can't be married to every femoid. And even if they could they wouldn't want to.
''Enjoy dying alone, guys.''

Females are truly more empathetic.

>women are simply fulfilling their evolutionary purpose

And my evolutional purpose is to kill and rape. We should also express our manly purpose.
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