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JFL Dude Roundhouse-Kicks An Anti-Abortion Woman During A Protest


I only agree with abortion if the child will come out deformed.
I have no sympathy for femoids. Abortion is a good thing. Procreation is the ultimate act of selfishness. Humanity should be sterilized.
Never laughed so hard at a video in awhile
Just gonna drop these here.
Um are you going to use an actual argument? Btw you need to give the context of these photos. They could be fake or not part of abortion. Sometimes there are miscarriages. Can you provide me with the citations needed? Source?
I resent people like you who think sluts should be bailed out for their bad decisions.

Nobody is holding a gun to these bitches head and forcing them to have unprotected sex with every chad in a five mile radius.
You literally avoided my question.
@Hunter sagat v trigger 2
You literally avoided my question.
Not really. You're just a cuck who accepts the premise that women should be allowed to sleep around with as many guys as they want and never deal with the consequences.
:feelskek: LIFEFUEL hope to see this happen more often. The more femoids kicked the better
The level of autism it takes to do this...
His stance before kicking her made me lose my shit.
You support sluts fucking around like whores with no consequence?
^This, this is the main reason I'm pro-life.
This video is pure ragefuel to me. Concentrated, like jet fuel. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that had I been there to see that in person, I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself beating him into a coma.

I don’t have much sympathy for those pro choice people that stand outside clinics and scream at women going in. This is not what was happening here, it was a scheduled demonstration near an intersection in Ontario. The pro choice people didn’t have a permit to be there, and outnumbered the pro life about two to one. This guy already broke the law several times. He drew on their clothing with markers, ruining them and touching the women. He had already ripped several signs out of their hands and destroyed them. The police had been called before this recording started, but they had not arrived. He claims in the video that he was just tying to kick her phone, as if that is somehow acceptable anyway. What he did was kick her in the arm and send her straight into the concrete. Rather then staying and faceing the consequences, he then bent down and tore the ribbon she was wearing off while people were calling 911 and she sobbed. He ran off like the cowardly, shit eating little faggot he is. He has already been fired, and deactivated his social media, but I would recommend he flees the city. Because the cops have mysteriously refused to charge him so far, and there are people organising their own justice. I don’t care what the issue is. You keep your hands to your fucking self. And as much as I hate white knights, you don’t hit a woman that didn’t hit you first.

His name and face are out there, and he’s connected to an act of politically motivated violence against a woman who wasn’t even aggressive. His life is over.
I think giving birth is immoral
Thats because you're a fucking retard. There's literally nothing immoral about giving birth
At the end of the day our values are too different in order to come to an agreement.
Exactly, you value some roastie whore's convenience and ability to ride the cock carousel her entire life never dealing with the consequences over a human life. Your values are actually insane
Yes I'd like to make foids less promiscuous but giving birth is far more evil in my eyes.
We can't avoid birth and the continuation of life. Thats like being mad at the sun for rising in the morning each day, just a part of existence. Holding a roasties feet to the fire is the least we could do but thats somehow a problem for you. Why?
Thats because you're a fucking retard. There's literally nothing immoral about giving birth

Exactly, you value some roastie whore's convenience and ability to ride the cock carousel her entire life never dealing with the consequences over a human life. Your values are actually insane

We can't avoid birth and the continuation of life. Thats like being mad at the sun for rising in the morning each day, just a part of existence. Holding a roasties feet to the fire is the least we could do but that's somehow a problem for you. Why?

bringing a person into this world is immoral since you are creating a being that is guaranteed to suffer. I agree its never going to stop since most people don't care about that and will continue to have sex but that doesn't make it any less shitty. I'm not saying it should be illegal to have children but if you have them you are selfish and putting your human instincts before morals.
bringing a person into this world is immoral since you are creating a being that is guaranteed to suffer.
This means nothing. Humans are guaranteed to feel happiness just as they are guaranteed to suffer at some point.
Cuck soy

His tongue looks like he have someone right ball in his mouth
Everything about this was great. Lifefuel tbh
They made a video calling him cuck norris, lol
Screen Shot 2018 10 07 at 13632 PM


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