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JFL Dude Roundhouse-Kicks An Anti-Abortion Woman During A Protest



Aug 31, 2018

I saw this and LAUGHED OUT LOUD :feelskek::forcedsmile:
>I meant to kick your phone
LMAO Life fuel. I hate pro life people. I hope they all get roundhouse-kicked in the head to the point of having a seizure. He seems hella soy but at least he had enough balls to kick this cunt. most soyboys would be afraid of hurting "gentle wymyn"
Damn, an odd incident, the whole, "Nazi's (anyone with any conservative beliefs) can't be reasoned with just punch them instead" is rarely applied to females, but still, what an asshole.
He is a martial Arts pro :
LMAO Life fuel. I hate pro life people. I hope they all get roundhouse-kicked in the head to the point of having a seizure.
I simple bat to the head would be entertaining enough to me tbh

Also JFL at "I meant to kick your phone", its still a crime to destroy someone else property
Damn, an odd incident, the whole, "Nazi's (anyone with any conservative beliefs) can't be reasoned with just punch them instead" is rarely applied to females, but still, what an asshole.
tbh I'm glad he did it. Prolifers are annoying and foids rarely get anything violent done to them because white knights.
LMAO Life fuel. I hate pro life people. I hope they all get roundhouse-kicked in the head to the point of having a seizure. He seems hella soy but at least he had enough balls to kick this cunt. most soyboys would be afraid of hurting "gentle wymyn"
LMAO Life fuel. I hate pro life people. I hope they all get roundhouse-kicked in the head to the point of having a seizure. He seems hella soy but at least he had enough balls to kick this cunt. most soyboys would be afraid of hurting "gentle wymyn"
You support sluts fucking around like whores with no consequence?
"someone call the cops" JFL :lul::lul::lul:
You support sluts fucking around like whores with no consequence?
This, my cucked country recently allowed foids go get abortion's, it just gives cunts more reason to fuck more
You support sluts fucking around like whores with no consequence?
You support children being raised by parents that resent their existence?
LMAO Life fuel. I hate pro life people. I hope they all get roundhouse-kicked in the head to the point of having a seizure. He seems hella soy but at least he had enough balls to kick this cunt. most soyboys would be afraid of hurting "gentle wymyn"
They arent prolife they are probirth. Once that child is born and ends up needing welfare because their parents couldnt afford them, prolifers suddenly become toxic to life.
You support sluts fucking around like whores with no consequence?
Why force the child into this shit world though? Prolifers are life cultists that create more suffering. Also why should some slut spam her low tier genes into the population? Why do we need anymore low IQ normies? Thats realistically what is going to happen to that child anyways.
They arent prolife they are probirth. Once that child is born and ends up needing welfare because their parents couldnt afford them, prolifers suddenly become toxic to life.
He's the truest definition of soyboy/numale :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
The abortion industry didn't just come about on its own, because women were demanding it. it was funded by big foundations. The same as with Feminism, same sex marriage, polyamory, transgender acceptance, etc. It's all part of the same degeneracy they have been pushing as normal for quite some time now as they go about their primary aim of breaking up the old family unit and the old culture.
You support children being raised by parents that resent their existence?
I resent people like you who think sluts should be bailed out for their bad decisions.
Why force the child into this shit world though?
Nobody is holding a gun to these bitches head and forcing them to have unprotected sex with every chad in a five mile radius.
tbh I'm glad he did it. Prolifers are annoying and foids rarely get anything violent done to them because white knights.
I'd oppose it just as much if it was a male pro-choice advocate who had been kicked. I guess I'm just some crazy idealist, but can't say I'm a fan of the concept of some might makes right world where we just attack whoever we disagree with and whoever is left standing makes the rules.
I resent people like you who think sluts should be bailed out for their bad decisions.

Nobody is holding a gun to these bitches head and forcing them to have unprotected sex with every chad in a five mile radius.
what does the kid having to be born into a shitty world have to do with his dumb slut mom? Its not like the kid chose to have his mom be a huge whore. Why punish a kid for a dumb foid's decision?

I'd oppose it just as much if it was a male pro-choice advocate who had been kicked. I guess I'm just some crazy idealist, but can't say I'm a fan of the concept of some might makes right world where we just attack whoever we disagree with and whoever is left standing makes the rules.

I respect that opinion. You are probably right but I still get happy seeing a dummy prolife foid get kicked lmao
what does the kid having to be born into a shitty world have to do with his dumb slut mom?
Because the kid is a consequence of the dumb slut mom's decisions. Don't have sex recklessly and then you won't have unwanted pregnancies. It's like treating the symptoms of a disease without curing the root cause.
Its not like the kid chose to have his mom be a huge whore.
And neither did the kid choose to be aborted inside his mother's womb. See how that works?
Why punish a kid for a dumb foid's decision?
Isn't the termination of a kids life a worse punishment?
Isn't the termination of a kids life a worse punishment?
No because life is shitty and it's not like theyre actually alive in the womb. My mom was a dumb pro lifer, if she just aborted me like she should have I wouldn't have to experience inceldom. If they're not born it's not like the kids going to be upset about it anyways.
A typical leftist, punch or kick someone then run away, cowards.
it's not like theyre actually alive in the womb.
Says who? Just for the record abortion being legal ends up working out for me anyway because its mostly blacks/mexicans/liberals getting them in america. It should however be a criminal offense for white women to terminate white babies
LMAO Life fuel. I hate pro life people. I hope they all get roundhouse-kicked in the head to the point of having a seizure. He seems hella soy but at least he had enough balls to kick this cunt. most soyboys would be afraid of hurting "gentle wymyn"
You support children being raised by parents that resent their existence?
Just gonna drop these here.
Head web
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Says who? Just for the record abortion being legal ends up working out for me anyway because its mostly blacks/mexicans/liberals getting them in america. It should however be a criminal offense for white women to terminate white babies
I've never heard of an explanation for them being alive that wasn't religious. fetuses are just clumps of cells that pro-lifers project humanity on to.
No because life is shitty and it's not like theyre actually alive in the womb. My mom was a dumb pro lifer, if she just aborted me like she should have I wouldn't have to experience inceldom. If they're not born it's not like the kids going to be upset about it anyways.
Wrong perspective. Legal abortion allows and encourages extreme hypergamy and frequent riding of chads cock without the burden of a condom.
I've never heard of an explanation for them being alive that wasn't religious. fetuses are just clumps of cells that pro-lifers project humanity on to.
low T
Just gonna drop these here.
why was i linked into that, i'm avidly pro life
Wrong perspective. Legal abortion allows and encourages extreme hypergamy and frequent riding of chads cock without the burden of a condom.
So we should force people to live a shitty existence because foids will MAYBE sleep around less? Let's be honest they're going to sleep around if there's abortion or no abortion. No use overpopulating the world more and creating more incels or normies. Honestly giving birth/rearing a child is the shittiest thing you could do. if anything we should force all foids to get sterilized so they don't create more incels or normies. It seems self-centered to force unwanted children to be born just so you could fuck over a foid maybe.

Just gonna drop these here.
Oh no one less normie or incel in the world Im so upset :rolleyes:
I've never heard of an explanation for them being alive that wasn't religious. fetuses are just clumps of cells that pro-lifers project humanity on to.
You are just a clump of cells as well. What makes you more human than a fetus?
So we should force people to live a shitty existence because foids will MAYBE sleep around less? Let's be honest they're going to sleep around if there's abortion or no abortion. No use overpopulating the world more and creating more incels or normies. Honestly giving birth/rearing a child is the shittiest thing you could do. if anything we should force all foids to get sterilized so they don't create more incels or normies. It seems self-centered to force unwanted children to be born just so you could fuck over a foid maybe.

Oh no one less normie or incel in the world Im so upset :rolleyes:
i don't actually know how someone can think shoving instruments into the womb to mash up a baby is a good and moral thing, it's actually mind bending to me. Its a lot more evil than ERing, killing people who have proved themselves to be unworthy of living, like thots, is a lot less immoral than abortion.
So we should force people to live a shitty existence because foids will MAYBE sleep around less?
Its not just a maybe, foids were substantially less promiscuous before the legalization of abortion.
If there are infinite alternate realities, this is one of the crazy ones where mashing up babies is the socially acceptable political position.
Let's be honest they're going to sleep around if there's abortion or no abortion.
Look up the average number of sexual partners women have by decade. Its been sharply increasing since abortion was legalized. This isn't even debatable, if you want women to close their legs then you ban abortion
You are just a clump of cells as well. What makes you more human than a fetus?
People who are born actually have thoughts and feelings. Fetuses usually don't even have a brain unless you're aborting them super late, and at that point it would be illegal to abort in most countries that allow abortion. I could see the argument in not allowing abortions after a certain point but Banning it at all points of pregnancy is dumb.

i don't actually know how someone can think shoving instruments into the womb to mash up a baby is a good and moral thing, it's actually mind bending to me. Its a lot more evil than ERing, killing people who have proved themselves to be unworthy of living, like thots, is a lot less immoral than abortion.
Who cares most of the time it's just a clump of cells as I said before. Also what do you think those babies grow up into? It's either going to be a normie so might as well get rid of it before it grows up or it's going to be an incel and at that point why force him to be born into a life of misery?
Who cares most of the time it's just a clump of cells as I said before. Also what do you think those babies grow up into? It's either going to be a normie so might as well get rid of it before it grows up or it's going to be an incel and at that point why force him to be born into a life of misery?
You are just a clump of cells. Depersonification to justify the extremes of evil, not very original but points for effort.
Also you forgot chads, tyrones etc exist? IQcel
People who are born actually have thoughts and feelings. Fetuses usually don't even have a brain unless you're aborting them super late, and at that point it would be illegal to abort in most countries that allow abortion. I could see the argument in not allowing abortions after a certain point but Banning it at all points of pregnancy is dumb.
But it will have a brain. Just give it time.
I could see the argument in not allowing abortions after a certain point but Banning it at all points of pregnancy is dumb.
Killing the most defenseless life form possible, a baby fetus, is pretty dumb not to mention evil.
Killing the most defenseless life form possible, a baby fetus, is pretty dumb not to mention evil.
I doubt we're ever going to see this in the same way or come to the same conclusion. We're going to go in circles because obviously our views of life are completely different.
I doubt we're ever going to see this in the same way or come to the same conclusion. We're going to go in circles because obviously our views of life are completely different.
Regardless of when you think life begins, you are ignoring the fact that abortion enables roasties, promiscuity and is basically a get out of jail free card. If less women are fucking chad then more will trickle down to the incels. This isn't complicated but you've drank so much of the liberal koolaid that you refuse to pull your head out of your ass on the subject
Regardless of when you think life begins, you are ignoring the fact that abortion enables roasties, promiscuity and is basically a get out of jail free card. If less women are fucking chad then more will trickle down to the incels. This isn't complicated but you've drank so much of the liberal koolaid that you refuse to pull your head out of your ass on the subject

I think giving birth is immoral of course I'm going to support abortion. At the end of the day our values are too different in order to come to an agreement. Yes I'd like to make foids less promiscuous but giving birth is far more evil in my eyes. You obviously don't see giving birth as a bad thing so I doubt you'll get my argument for abortion.
soy cuck should have used a gun instead
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Imagine getting kicked by a fag in leggings?

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