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- Oct 23, 2023
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Dose hight level of prenatal testosterone in the womb make you a Manlet ?
Or it effects only face and sexual characteristics like penis ecc...?
I wanted to ask the same thing about DHT if has any effect on height or only on you hair (you can become baldcel with too much of it).
I only have an example of masculine face being taller than his 2 brothers
Anyway if you wonder who is this dude, he killed a cel (the black ) and become "famous "for that , like meeks .
This his her whore gf
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I have a more masculine face then my brother but I am 5'7 and he is 5'11 so I wonder if more testosterone in the womb had a shit effect on my height or not .
If somebody can post a study or some anecdotes.
I read only 2 studies on this but they where made on rats and sheep so pretty useless .(T had a negative effect on the size of the offspring during birth anyway)
Or it effects only face and sexual characteristics like penis ecc...?
I wanted to ask the same thing about DHT if has any effect on height or only on you hair (you can become baldcel with too much of it).
I only have an example of masculine face being taller than his 2 brothers
Anyway if you wonder who is this dude, he killed a cel (the black ) and become "famous "for that , like meeks .
This his her whore gf
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I have a more masculine face then my brother but I am 5'7 and he is 5'11 so I wonder if more testosterone in the womb had a shit effect on my height or not .
If somebody can post a study or some anecdotes.
I read only 2 studies on this but they where made on rats and sheep so pretty useless .(T had a negative effect on the size of the offspring during birth anyway)