I'm a
30 31 year old boomer, but a good chunk of this is relatable.
Generally to lazy to play vidya ,watches youtube instead
If only you knew how bad things really are
3 days on nofap (I've gone far, far longer without masturbating, but I was never gullible enough to fall for this pseudoscience)
Tried reading...Tried fashion...Tried lifting
Does most things to distract himself from his misery
Knows he needs to quit weed...won't. (I've smoked it like a dozen times in my life)
1000+ pics in his meme collection (Yes and no because back when I was active on 4chan, I easily had that many, but on this computer I have 100 memes saved at most).
Celebrates conservative values, too undisciplined to act them out
Thinks crypto will solve all his problems (Anyone who believes this at
this point is beyond hopeless)
Already given up on girls
Hates hypocrites, therefore hates himself
Too ashamed to meet grandparents (They're all long dead)
Sounds like a /pol/ faggot.
I'd say it's more like what it would look like if you averaged out /pol/ /biz/ and /r9k/ (but more leaning towards r9k)