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Serious Dogpill is extremely over exaggerated

like i said it will be a reverse ___pill. so there is indeed a reverse dog pill which we condemn.
That's not how any of these pill came to existence, jbw pill came from actual statistics from OkCupid, jbb pill came from such stats too, never seen a statistic of dogpill with minimum 500 sample size
take the statisticspill. where you can estimate based on small sample size with good accuracy.
To get a good accuracy you need minimum 10000 sample size for large scale survey,people who conduct small surveys have minimum 500. I can probably count 5-10 dogpill videos
include the sales of doggy dildo and the number is horrific.
Yeah I know. This guy doesn't provide any counter statistics. Only baseless common sense takes. As we all know common sense isn't best way to rationalize foids behavior.
Yeah I know. This guy doesn't provide any counter statistics. Only baseless common sense takes. As we all know common sense isn't best way to rationalize foids behavior.
Counter stats? Bring your stats first showing dogpill is real with a minimum sample size of 1000 women
Yeah I know. This guy doesn't provide any counter statistics. Only baseless common sense takes. As we all know common sense isn't best way to rationalize foids behavior.
Cels here state that dogpill is real without any actual stats
Counter stats? Bring your stats first showing dogpill is real with a minimum sample size of 1000 women
You are the one who made the thread. So prove the dogpill isn't real.
You are the one who made the thread. So prove the dogpill isn't real.
I made the thread because it is seen as a absolute that most women are dogpilled in this forum without any stats proof, i don't need to bring any counter when your conclusion is already flawed
Women would rather fuck a dog than an ugly man, this is a HARD FACT, that is undeniable.
Unless you really wanna play into your username and deny actual reality.
enough foids confess about their love for dog knot.
My g that's where you are wrong, " enough foids" isnt enough to conclude. It's like saying all/ most men are serial killers since there are countless of serial killers in hsitory
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Women would rather fuck a dog than an ugly man, this is a HARD FACT, that is undeniable.
Unless you really wanna play into your username and deny actual reality.
They would also rather fuck a easy htn over a dog,
If this faggot copes more i swear to god.
your perception about the conclusion is fatally wrong. denying dogpill means staying blind.
Denying when there is evidence is being blind, there seems to be no evidence
My g that's where you are wrong, " enough foids" is enough to conclude. It's like saying all/ most men are serial killers since there are countless of serial killers in hsitory
totally different reasoning. what you need to understand is there is a tendency for foids to bend over to get get fucked by doggy dick . a bunch of men love cars . that means there is a tendency for all men to love cars.
totally different reasoning. what you need to understand is there is a tendency for foids to bend over to get get fucked by doggy dick . a bunch of men love cars . that means there is a tendency for all men to love cars.
The tendency you are talking about has no backing. The men love cars theory has tons of backing. I am tired I don't want to argue anymore, who cares if some food gets fucked by chad or does beastility. I am done :feelshaha:
Wasn't here a dude working in a science lab saying that 1 foid out of 200 (or 300, sth like this, i don't remember) had dog cum inside them?

I remember seeing that here, idk if other users know what i'm talking about
What being chronically online does to a guy
Never been "chronically online", I've been through plenty of real life experience and it all confirmed the blackpill theories.
But I see, you don't have arguments.
You're just another bluepilled redditor coming here just too say "haha you silly inkwells, your theories are such bullshit because you're chronically online, touch some grass :foidSoy: :soy:"
Dumbass nigga kys and go fuck off back to reddit, fucking degen.
foids are hiveminded. what we discuss is scientific Blackpill.
this nigga is a bluepilled reddit infiltrator who would rather claim that we are all basement dwellers than to accept proven facts.
He's the average entitled redditor faggot who cannot accept being wrong ever. His IQ is at freezing point. probably a zoomer, too.
you best believe it.
"Two decades later, Hunt (1974) examined over 2000 voluntary participants (982 men and 1044 women) about thei

Never been "chronically online", I've been through plenty of real life experience and it all confirmed the blackpill theories.
But I see, you don't have arguments.
You're just another bluepilled redditor coming here just too say "haha you silly inkwells, your theories are such bullshit because you're chronically online, touch some grass :foidSoy: :soy:"
Dumbass nigga kys and go fuck off back to reddit, fucking degen.
Switch off your pc cunt or give actual proof instead of calling me a fakecel, none of this I've been in rl experience broo:feelstastyman:
this nigga is a bluepilled reddit infiltrator who would rather claim that we are all basement dwellers than to accept proven facts.
He's the average entitled redditor faggot who cannot accept being wrong ever. His IQ is at freezing point. probably a zoomer, too.
See? Anyone who goes against the majority here is a reddit infiltrator,the state of some cels here:forcedsmile:
It should be punished
this nigga is a bluepilled reddit infiltrator
enough said. I would go as far as saying this is a foid. writes how she never thought of having sex with dog and compares men having sex with lizards or gives examples of pakistani fucking with corpse. defends foids. op is shattered by the doggypill. is embarrased by the fact that now we know about it and its spreading. now she wont be seen as special angelic being but rather a whorish bitch having sex with non human four legged creature.
Switch off your pc cunt or give actual proof instead of calling me a fakecel, none of this I've been in rl experience broo:feelstastyman:
There is plenty of proof online, plenty of news articles about bestiality by females, studies on females getting aroused by bestiality, etc. but it's not my job to serve it to you on a silver plate. It's your responsibility to educate yourself and read up on topics before posting your braindead bullshit.

See? Anyone who goes against the majority here is a reddit infiltrator,the state of some cels here:forcedsmile:
You don't "go against the majority here", you go against (scientifically) proven facts. And the way you handle being proven wrong "waaa waaaa go turn off the pc, you are chronically online" shows that you're just a fucking degenerate cuck who is not able to argue and discuss properly and fact-based. You have delivered absolutely zero arguments for your claim except "I think girls don't do that", which is not a valid argument.
You have been intellectually DESTROYED and you have no arguments to that except "waaah waah you are all hiveminded basement dwellers". Pathetic.
automatic logical expression based on prior experience and events.
Good point, but I'm not, I've been here since a year, making one post which goes against majority's views doesn't mean I'm a infiltrator
because it is a covert private activity which is taboo and illegal in most places and done in secrecy.
It is a taboo, illegal and done secretly but women like it
the fakecel will always exaggerate things to get someone's attention. fakecels are just like foids.
dogpill = LAW

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