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Does "love" actually exist?



Nov 15, 2017
The more I read about past historical periods, the more I realize that concepts we take for granted nowadays - - "love", "romance", "dating" - - didn't really exist or hold much influence until very recent times.

Sexuality and mating seem to have mostly revolved around arranged marriage, mutual economic interest, slavery and prostitution for much of recorded history. Married persons had more or less choice in the matter, but complete freedom of choice seems to have been an exception rather than a norm.

Is "love" a female ploy to ennoble dating good genes instead of big purses?

Is "love" an innocent codeword for "looks-based mating"?

What is love exactly?
Maybe. Although it would be pretty rare. It seems to me that women only use you for utility these days

Edit: no, I don't think so
Battlefield3cel said:
Maybe. Although it would be pretty rare. It seems to me that women only use you for utility these days

Edit: no,  I don't think so

they use their beta orbiters for ultilties while they get there sexual pleasures from chad
Love is a concept created by religion and perpetuated by capitalism originally intended to keep femoids in check. This concept of love has now expanded to be more inclusive and support the tumours that are sexual freedom and polygamy.
"Love at first site" doesn't exist.

Arranged marriages have a higher success rate than "Love" based marriages.

Femoids just want to use you for betabux or if you're a Chad, social status/Chad cock.

Do you think a Chad personality in an Incel body would get any response from females?
It only exists for Chad because females only like Chad.
i laugh when incels idealise the female passion towards good looking males, thinking its somehow mystical and different than attraction by wealth or status. she likes you for your genetic code, that is just as much a resource as anything else, not for "you". i can't explain this well enough because i'm low iq but someone should understand
Love only exists for good-looking people. :(
This is the ultimate blackpill.
ovrload said:
they use their beta orbiters for ultilties while they get there sexual pleasures from chad

Yes. In either case you are being used. There is no 'unconditional love'. ExcePt from your parents
incelkingkong said:
i laugh when incels idealise the female passion towards good looking males, thinking its somehow mystical and different than attraction by wealth or status. she likes you for your genetic code, that is just as much a resource as anything else, not for "you". i can't explain this well enough because i'm low iq but someone should understand

You're right. An attraction founded on appearance is as shallow as an attraction to anything else.

Battlefield3cel said:
Yes. In either case you are being used. There is no 'unconditional love'. ExcePt from your parents

RIP the incels with Chad and Stacey parents who neglect them because of their subhumanity.
love only exists for chads
end of story
Love could stem from a plethora of things. People could love anything for a myriad of reasons, that we also sometimes question about.

However, I feel like the rigid dichotomy of love is between "conditional love" and "unconditional love."

Conditional love usually has a set autonomy, we intuitively follow through when being limited whilst unconditional love is unyielding and free of love, which enables to love whom, or anything they love. It could float about between both of em.

I maybe wrong, anyone is free disagree with my notion of love. I'm willing to my change view; if someones put ups a reasonable point.
The concept of romantic love is the last socially accepted ideology, the last hope and cope of an increasingly disillusioned people. Having lost all trust in democracy, capitalism, communism and pretty much all organized religions, love is supposed to heal all our social and individual wounds, free us from this prison planet and transgress race, class and other social borders to bring us all together. One of the reasons we are hated is because we destroy this narrative and point out how love does not survive female hypergamy and how it's not a coincidence, that women do not fall in love with low-status men, etc.
It exists for some people. For others exists only lust and sex. And for others (us) exists nothing.

As an ugly subhuman, I'm incapable of developing feelings and only care about sex and validation. I'm a very giving person but can't get attached to anyone.
It did in a world where there was more co-dependence (man defends the home, woman needed to raise kids). Not in the world of microwaves and electricity. Tesla said electricity would feminize humanity, and he was right.

Love -- non-sexual love -- is possible, in the sense of deep admiration of someone else's character that transcends the typical boundaries of friendship, to the point you wish to be bonded to that person through thick and thin.

Most people don't actually have any character though: they're just mirrors of popular culture and what society tells them to be (a normie; even Chad and Stacy are just attractive normies, generally). That is, in the most general sense, why I cannot endorse racism in the traditional world: it just doesn't make sense when the core principle values of all groups today is a default, plastic shit chasing, sex-chasing American, regardless of whether they're in Europe or even the Middle East (and in the Middle East, they either try to leave for Europe and America to enjoy that feminized plastic culture of pussy, or they're kept in line by religious fundamentalists with Sharia, etc).
Yes, but its only reserved for chads
Yes it does but its not for us of course
undeadcel said:
Yes it does but its not for us of course

Woah, that hit me right in the feels...
it`s literally just a bunch of hormones releasing time over time.
idkwattodowithlife said:
undeadcel said:
Yes it does but its not for us of course
Woah, that hit me right in the feels...

Just telling the truth, would there be love for us we would have found it already dont you think ?
undeadcel said:
Just telling the truth, would there be love for us we would have found it already dont you think ?

Yes, you're right. Women also do approach, but in a way that requires indirect contact; her friends could invite you to a party, so they could hook you up with her (and to set you up with her), if they and her find you attractive enough... Women are known to do things sublimely and in secrecy.
idkwattodowithlife said:
undeadcel said:
Just telling the truth, would there be love for us we would have found it already dont you think ?
Yes, you're right. Women also do approach, but in a way that requires indirect contact; her friends could invite you to a party, so they could hook you up with her (and to set you up with her), if they and her find you attractive enough... Women are known to do things sublimely and in secrecy.
Oh if a femoid likes you, you will know

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