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Serious Does anyone besides me have fun just messing with people in public?



Low inhibmaxxing...
Jan 17, 2019
I like going though drive thrus and ordering a lot of food and then getting up to the window and smiling at the foid going to grab it then driving off suddenly. Gives me a rush and makes me feel cool.
In public events, I'll just point at someone and watch them slowly get scared or mad
i just like to stare people in public having them to see my face even for a split second is messed up enough
no bro. I’m too high inhib to even interact with people.
Ill give people weird stares if they question me at all. Like when im checked for my id hah
I've only ever been able to do this with my parents while they tell me not to though because I have no liscense.
I like going though drive thrus and ordering a lot of food and then getting up to the window and smiling at the foid going to grab it then driving off suddenly. Gives me a rush and makes me feel cool.
Next time bring a super soaker filled with orange juice
Kek. Reminds me of when I was a little kid I would wear these glasses and make faces at people on the road in the back seat of my mom’s car. I remember how I made them smile and my mom would tell me I probably made their day. Feels good to remember, thanks OP.

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Kek. Reminds me of when I was a little kid I would wear these glasses and make faces at people on the road in the back seat of my mom’s car. I remember how I made them smile and my mom would tell me I probably made their day. Feels good to remember, thanks OP.

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My mom bullied me Every time I had fun. Combined with being bullied by teachers and students whenever I was at school is probably the reason I'm stuck in my room all day. Glad you had positive reactions to your car antics though. I used to flip people off at the back window until they flipped me off back. Great fun.
My mom bullied me Every time I had fun. Combined with being bullied by teachers and students whenever I was at school is probably the reason I'm stuck in my room all day. Glad you had positive reactions to your car antics though. I used to flip people off at the back window until they flipped me off back. Great fun.
Why did your mom bully you? Seems like you were just a kid trying to have fun.
Why did your mom bully you? Seems like you were just a kid trying to have fun.
My mom is a schizophrenic. When she was off meds I wasn't allowed to play with other kids.
My mom is a schizophrenic. When she was off meds I wasn't allowed to play with other kids.
We should really control who has kids and who doesn't and kids should be raised in a facility not by parents.
My mom is a schizophrenic. When she was off meds I wasn't allowed to play with other kids.

We should really control who has kids and who doesn't and kids should be raised in a facility not by parents.
I’ve always thought that you should both take a course and pass it before having a child. It’s not a human right to be a parent, it’s a skill that you need to acquire.
In high school I used to stare at someone with a deadpan straight face for a long time without a smirk or slip up. It was pretty hilarious to me tbh you just have to give a blank expression kind of looks like you’re dehydrated and they are water but just give them a gaze don’t bulge your eyes out. Like a “I’m gonna go get that water when he’s done talking but I’m keeping my eyes on that water.”
I like to make eye contact with femoid,but with my serious face. They look st me back like scared and at me with a wird face,like thinking "this fat guy want to rape me"

Its kinda funny
I like to make eye contact with femoid,but with my serious face. They look st me back like scared and at me with a wird face,like thinking "this fat guy want to rape me"

Its kinda funny
I do the same thing.
I don't leave the house so I'd likely never experience messing with others.
I go to the supermarket with a thin short and without underwear in the hopes of some foid bumping into me.
I go to the supermarket with a thin short and without underwear in the hopes of some foid bumping into me.
This sounds like a good idea. Has it ever happened? A foid bumped into you ever with the shorts?
yes I like to get in fights too. it take my stress away
Im a high inhib autist br0 I cant do anything
Im socially retarded
dude with phones and internet it's really easy for them to make a video of you doing this kind of shit and them posting online
I go to the supermarket with a thin short and without underwear in the hopes of some foid bumping into me.
What if you become aroused and get a boner randomly in some open space where you can't hide it:worryfeels:
My body, my rules :feelsokman:

But it's kinda rare to get a boner while walking.
that's alpha af ngl :chad:
Just thinking that I might easily get exposed like that would give me a stiffy
that's alpha af ngl :chad:
Just thinking that I might easily get exposed like that would give me a stiffy
How old are you? I'm high T but at 30 you don't get a boner so easily.
How old are you? I'm high T but at 30 you don't get a boner so easily.
I'm nearing 30 and low T, It's unusual for me not to get random boners (some completely unprovoked) several times a day. I'm not even a compulsive masturbator or anything
No. I just want to be invisible when in public. I avoid confrontation of any kind whenever I can. I do everything in my power to not gather any attention.
I wish I was low inhib
I mess with people by lighting fires in The middle of the street and throwing beer bottles and traffic cones to their yards and (only in summer tho)

Usually I will stare battle them until he breaks it (or I get into a fight, hasn't happened yet)
I like going though drive thrus and ordering a lot of food and then getting up to the window and smiling at the foid going to grab it then driving off suddenly. Gives me a rush and makes me feel cool.
I like to get imprisoned, only to blow up the prison and escape.

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