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Do you wish you were born in a different country?

yes and no, I love Scandinavia and the beautiful landscapes, the females here are also very hot. but everyone here is too hot, I'm like a 5,5-6/10 overall, but in IKEA land I'm like 2/10 at best.
I wish i was born into an isolated tribe somewhere far from soyciety. Or born as a nomadic reindeer herder in Siberia. Atleast then i would get laid and have children.
:feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:I will tell my cousin that he should just leave this land if he wants to. Murrica ain't all that good
fucking gmo joo food is making people into soyers. homecook for life
If only I was taller I would conquer and dominate any environment I was put into.
Yes. I wish I was born in a nordic country, maybe Norway
I wish I was born in a normal body. Even being average would be a massive improvement. But that ship has long sailed. We only get one life to live and unfortunately it'll get wasted on our subhuman bodies.
I wish I was born in a normal body. Even being average would be a massive improvement. But that ship has long sailed. We only get one life to live and unfortunately it'll get wasted on our subhuman bodies.
This, having been born in another country wouldn't have made any difference for me.
I was born in Germany, which is basically the worst country on earth, I am not even joking.
It's a miserable depressing shithole with arrogant fuckers jerking off over status, despite nobody earning any money because we all get fucked by the second highest taxes on earth (I think rn we even have the highest and surpassed Belgium).
The schools are filled with brown dirt and if you weren't already a perfect high achiever as a 7 year old, your life is pretty much ruined since you get put in a school form with brown White hating subhumans as White teen.
I hate this shithole and I will never work a day in my life for it.
Ehhh. Not really. I like living in cuckfornia, USA
I wish I was born in a country where rape is common and accepted as a norm

russia GIF
I wish I was born anywhere in the world 30-40 years ago as a chad.
Yes, everyday
I often think that being born in a suburb in the United States, a country completely infested with Jews top to bottom and denies almost everything to most men, especially men at the bottom, to total peasant parents who are Boomers with mindsets more for the 1950s world, who knew nothing about reality and didn't do anything for me in my childhood or teenage years, is what largely ruined my life is the problem. Also, I got my genetics from my parents and certain things caused me serious problems in life.

I often imagine that if I was born in some countries in Europe to a better family that I would have a better life, especially if it was Finland or Norway.

However, I imagine Japan or South Korea would be almost certainly a country where parents would have a high probability to be the best. Japan is probably one of the most advanced with healthcare and technology. Parents often do everything for their only child and even if the child ends up being a NEETcel that can't find work or afford to live, the parents will get the child their own apartment. Japan has many tasty foods, especially the ones seen in anime. There's probably thousands of different foods. There's also subways and trains so people shouldn't need to drive.

I feel like being born in the United States to ignorant Boomer peasant parents is what destroyed by life.

Instead of being born in a advanced society like the EU, Japan, or South Korea, I was born in the United States.

United States:
1. Forced people into debt because cars are mandatory
2. No subways or trains except in the most experience cities
3. Men are less than dogs in the United States
4. Obesity makes beautiful girls uncommon
5. GMO foods
6. Jew infested and ZOG
7. Totally corporatist and a society that is for the rich
8. Less freedom than most countries. Can't even buy a drink without ID
9. In serious decline since the 1980s with the decline getting worse every decade
10. Some of the worst females on the planet

I seriously blame most of my life failures on the United States and then on my serf parents.

EU: Natural foods and people have generational properties if they lived there a long time. Some countries have national healthcare and social benefits
Japan: Parents who do everything for an only child, cities have many subways and trains, many different tasty foods, probably the best place to be a NEETcel if that's what happens in life, and able to get anime sooner
South Korea: Parents who focus a lot on their only child, tasty foods, and foreign girls will give attention to a South Korean guy online just because he's Korean

I don't imagine life in the US will ever improve. It's a country too far gone to be saved. The girls are sluts, the Jews control everything, the rich get everything, Chads are the guys who win with girls, dogs get more respect than guys, GMO foods are everywhere, mass poverty, everything gets more expensive, corporations have more rights than people, and it celebrates everyone except men and whites. Everyone knows the United States is the worst country in the developed world that offers the lowest quality of life to it's citizens and America has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. People wouldn't be killing themselves at higher and higher rates if it were a good country and most suicides are men.

The typical life in the US for NTs is not it but NTs seem to love life in the United States. Being in student loan debt, accept hookup culture and slut culture, work a shit job after college was worthless, going into debt to get a car to work the shit job and needing to pay it off, while having to pay rent for the rest of life because owning a home is impossible for young generations considered the low wages and high prices and high cost of living, and then when you fail because the system is rigged to make everyone fail except the richest and top 20% (which includes Chads), while offering a bread and circuses of cheap beer, GMO foods, and anti-depressant pills to make people sicker so they pay for healthcare to the pharmaceutical industry...and there's a lot more. I guess it's good not to be NT and not to be a normie, because the normie NT life is trash and terrible.

I always wish I born to different parents in a more advanced country. I won't care when my parents die and I wish I never had to return to the United States because I have no real connection to either. I would probably be successful if I had different genetics, better parents, in a better country in Europe or East Asia.
I wish i was never born GrAYman
The US is legit a third world coutry with a ridiculously gigantic military budget. It's the giga capitalist version of North Korea.

I'm relatively glad I was born in a european civilized country tbh. It's not perfect, but it's not shit hole tier.
Yes, I wish I was born in Germany or Netherlands especially- Legal weed, easy to score psychedelics, cycling culture and public transport, and most of all, legal prostitutes. Also much more civilized than US.

US suburban middle america is also an incel factory. If you're not a chad or jestermaxing extroverted cuck, it's easy to get socially isolated sitting in a single family home all day with the lack of community and third spaces.
As an American I would have preferred to have been born in Belarus or Russia. While I like my home state, I fucking despise our zogged federal government and what this country’s become as a whole
You'd be blown in half bleeding to death in Ukraine by now, or shivering to death in a tent.
I often think that if I had been born in an utterly autist country like Japan or Germany I'd maybe have been able to fit in society. Either that or sink completely, instead of being in a limbo.
I would have been incel in every country
I often think that if I had been born in an utterly autist country like Japan or Germany I'd maybe have been able to fit in society. Either that or sink completely, instead of being in a limbo.
I have to disappoint you, im from Germany and every Autist i know has a shitty life
I'm living in South Korea for whole of my life and it's such a hell to live in as an incel. Incelshaming is out of control in this country and the economy will be collapsed in less than 20 years. Even we ricecels can't try racemaxxing. jfl
Where i live, mutts roasties want south koreans, it's called third world
Yes, wish I was born in an Arabic/Middle-Eastern country
switzerland would be ideal although denmark or sweden is best for neetbux.
Yes, wish I was born in an Arabic/Middle-Eastern country
I wish I was born in a country where rape is common and accepted as a norm
I never read that retarded rape-fantasy book the Handmaid's Tale but ik the society in there is called the Republic of Gilead and it sounds like the most based society that could ever exist. Basically the economics of the US with the social policies of the Taliban
Why do you think that? Socioeconomic mobility is almost nonexistent for millennials and gen z. The EU has more socioeconomic mobility than the US.

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