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Discussion Do you think having sex with a fatty is ascension?



Sep 13, 2019
Does anyone think this? Would you seriously trade place with a man who is fucking something that is extremely physically repulsive? I wouldnt ded srs.

and dont give me the ”technically it is” autist crap. If we go with that logic, you are a fakecel if you get prostitutes or a volcel if you dont physically force yourself on a woman.

and obviously you need to be non fat yourself for this to apply.
chubby or curvy yeh maybe.

But obese,no. Might as well have sex with a drunk autistic girl./
Yes, I would consider it ascension, 40 percent of women are obese, I don't get to have a choice
and dont give me the ”technically it is” autist crap. If we go with that logic, you are a fakecel if you get prostitutes or a volcel if you dont physically force yourself on a woman.

Not really. "Incel" doesn't mean "I can't have sex with the women I like." "Incel" means "Women, regardless of whether I like them or not, don't like me."

That's why prostitutes don't count. They don't like you, it's their job to present a fantasy to you. A woman has to choose to have sex with you and not get paid for it.
I suppose if you were truly able to be attracted to her and be able to maintain a mutually loving relationship it would be.
Not only do fat chicks not count, but it should be a negative notch on your body resume.
Not really. "Incel" doesn't mean "I can't have sex with the women I like." "Incel" means "Women, regardless of whether I like them or not, don't like me."

That's why prostitutes don't count. They don't like you, it's their job to present a fantasy to you. A woman has to choose to have sex with you and not get paid for it.
What if its a betabux relationship ?
also does it count if you dont put any effort in?
Do you think most on his forum have approached more than 10 fat women in their life?
Obviously a woman will never land on your dick
Depends on the level of obesity
No tbh. Ascendion is supposed to be a good thing, what is good about fucking a fat chick?
Not only do fat chicks not count, but it should be a negative notch on your body resume.
Agree with this. Rather incel than be a fatty fucked. Sex loses its meaning if its disgusting and repulsive
Yes of course it is. And lord knows anyone would- including the OP despite his larping about "repulsion", which is good & understandable but a non factor when it comes to getting in bed with them hypothetically. I mean nazis went to bed with jewish foids. Think about that for a minute.
Escorts are better ascension than fatties
I'm fine with overweight as long as she doesn't officially qualify as obese
Depends on several factors. How fat. Distribution of fat. Face attractiveness. Hair and skin health etc..
Depends how fat she is. If she's a land whale, then no
Thats very understandable. Those jewish women were probably thin and attractive, no matter what mental label they put in them
Biological drives are biological drives

Good point
Could you do me a favor and define what you consider too fat to fuck for me? Because I have a line here too, it just happens to be a lot looser than a bunch of other landwhale intolerant users.
chubby or curvy yeh maybe.

But obese,no. Might as well have sex with a drunk autistic girl./
You're implying that theres something wrong with ascension with non-NT foids who had a little bit to drink? :feelsclown: :feelsclown:
fat could mean different things to some. if she wants you to fuck her and be with you its ascension.
Does anyone think this? Would you seriously trade place with a man who is fucking something that is extremely physically repulsive? I wouldnt ded srs.

and dont give me the ”technically it is” autist crap. If we go with that logic, you are a fakecel if you get prostitutes or a volcel if you dont physically force yourself on a woman.

and obviously you need to be non fat yourself for this to apply.

I would honestly do anything if I could at least make-out with a landwhale. I'm so deformed prostitutes would likely reject me and there is ZERO chance any prostitute would kiss me. So yes I consider it ascension.
having sex with anything below 5\10 isn't ascension imho
A woman has to choose to have sex with you and not get paid for it.
Chad only.

Desire doesn't have to be reciprocated for the coit to happen. The female just has to be compliant.

I personally believe that female desire exists, from an evolutionary point of view, only for cuckolding.
If she is not too fat and doesn't stink then yes
Fingerblast a hog to ascend
Does anyone think this? Would you seriously trade place with a man who is fucking something that is extremely physically repulsive? I wouldnt ded srs.

and dont give me the ”technically it is” autist crap. If we go with that logic, you are a fakecel if you get prostitutes or a volcel if you dont physically force yourself on a woman.

and obviously you need to be non fat yourself for this to apply.

Here's the deal.
Most guys here think that slight chubby = landwhale.

BMI greater than 30 is medically classified as obese a.k.a Landwhale.
I'd fuck chubby whore, chubby milfs make my hard ngl :feelsohh:

However I wouldn't fuck landwhales, they disgust me.

Why should I fuck a landwhale when I gymmax and cardiomax 10hours per week. Fuck that shit.
Here's the deal.
Most guys here think that slight chubby = landwhale.

BMI greater than 30 is medically classified as obese a.k.a Landwhale.
I'd fuck chubby whore, chubby milfs make my hard ngl :feelsohh:

However I wouldn't fuck landwhales, they disgust me.

Why should I fuck a landwhale when I gymmax and cardiomax 10hours per week. Fuck that shit.
Word. Just except gymcels to get fatties theory. Imagine the hypergamy .
I wouldnt go for a non obese but fatty looking either.
I gym 4 days a week with a strict diet. My looksmatch is an ugly thin woman. Period.
Word. Just except gymcels to get fatties theory. Imagine the hypergamy .
I wouldnt go for a non obese but fatty looking either.
I gym 4 days a week with a strict diet. My looksmatch is an ugly thin woman. Period.

Based as fuck brother. I am not deadlifting 440lbs or running 5 miles just to fuck some smelly rotten landwhale. I only have two demands, has to be loyal and non landwhale. I dont care about anything else, not even virginity (although being virgin would be better but let's be Realistic here ) .
It's ascension, but that doesn't make it a good thing
I think this whole concept of "ascension" as just being able to have sex is a bit arbitrary because if you're actually incel and have been a social reject for your entire life then having sex with a fatass or prostitute or whatever out of desperation would not really be a life-changing event. you still wouldn't be able to live up to society's standards for men like the Chads/Normies who live normal lives with constant positive reinforcement as well as healthy mental development. at the end of the day you would not have achieved anything. society as a whole would still view you the exact same way even if you managed to bang an obese woman.

I would say some examples of genuine "ascension" are getting a well done plastic surgery that makes you attractive to women, or getting in to a successful LTR.
Based as fuck brother. I am not deadlifting 440lbs or running 5 miles just to fuck some smelly rotten landwhale. I only have two demands, has to be loyal and non landwhale. I dont care about anything else, not even virginity (although being virgin would be better but let's be Realistic here ) .
Very reasonable standards. Nice lift too bro :feelsautistic:
Chubby holes are okay. But I can't understand how men can fuck landwhales, their pussy is buried so deep under their thigh fats that a guy would need a 12 inch Tyrone dick just to touch her labia. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
make a poll you retard
What if its a betabux relationship ?
also does it count if you dont put any effort in?
Do you think most on his forum have approached more than 10 fat women in their life?
Obviously a woman will never land on your dick

Unless she explicitly says "I will only have sex with you if you pay me," it's not prostitution.

And what do you mean by "does it count if you dont put any effort in?" Does ascension count, are you asking? Does inceldom count, are you asking?

If a woman consents to having sex with you, offering it up freely, it being her choice, you've ascended. Think about it like this: If admitting it would get you banned from this forum, it means you're not incel.

Now, if you're asking "Are you incel if you don't give fat chicks a chance" obviously you should make effort before declaring yourself incel. If the only reason you consider yourself incel is because you can't fuck skinny girls, you're not incel. The average woman is not skinny.
Unless she explicitly says "I will only have sex with you if you pay me," it's not prostitution.

And what do you mean by "does it count if you dont put any effort in?" Does ascension count, are you asking? Does inceldom count, are you asking?

If a woman consents to having sex with you, offering it up freely, it being her choice, you've ascended. Think about it like this: If admitting it would get you banned from this forum, it means you're not incel.

Now, if you're asking "Are you incel if you don't give fat chicks a chance" obviously you should make effort before declaring yourself incel. If the only reason you consider yourself incel is because you can't fuck skinny girls, you're not incel. The average woman is not skinny.
speak for yourself. gymcels are above fat women. its ridiculous to suggest we should go fatty hunting otherwise we are volcel. jfl
@Personalityinkwell @Grothendieck
speak for yourself. gymcels are above fat women. its ridiculous to suggest we should go fatty hunting otherwise we are volcel. jfl
@Personalityinkwell @Grothendieck

But that's just how etymology works. You can't just throw out the "involuntary" part and call yourself incel.

If you think you should be able to get above average women, maybe you don't actually believe you're incel.
But that's just how etymology works. You can't just throw out the "involuntary" part and call yourself incel.

If you think you should be able to get above average women, maybe you don't actually believe you're incel.
Never said that. In my country the average woman isnt a disgusting fatty like burgerland :feelspuke:
But that's just how etymology works. You can't just throw out the "involuntary" part and call yourself incel.
This can never be a technical thing either. Just like a gigachad cant sit in his home and call himself incel because he dont get laid.
Its a grey area that needs to be discussed.

Fucking a fatty cant possibly be on the list, unless you are one yourself.
Never said that. In my country the average woman isnt a disgusting fatty like burgerland :feelspuke:

Aren't they? What's your country?

And even if they weren't, you still have to heed the "involuntary" part. I know you don't necessarily want to have sex with every woman. But the definition of "incel" is not about your feelings. Have high standards if you must. But if you do end up plugging a fat chick, you're still banned.
But that's just how etymology works. You can't just throw out the "involuntary" part and call yourself incel.

If you think you should be able to get above average women, maybe you don't actually believe you're incel.

Man Frothy I like your posts and yeah technically you are right. If we reject landwhales than we are not Involuntary Cel.

But I would still reject a landwhale. This isn't my fault. It's all hypergamy man. There shouldn't have been an incel forum first place itself , being incel shows the failure of society as a whole. Most of the forum members are b/w 3-5 rating. We wouldn't be incel 300 years ago.

It's NOT my fault that I'm an incel.

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