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Discussion Do you live with your parents?

Do you live with your parents?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 75.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 24.6%

  • Total voters
My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
I live with my parents and tbh I think without them I would be homeless or dead from suicide. They do stuff I don't have the motivation to do due to my inceldom such as my laundry, cook me food, etc. and also talk to me and give me company which is the only thing stopping me from taking my car for a joy ride into the wall at 200 KMH
I live with my mom and I know that I would be so much better off living alone.
I live with my parents and tbh I think without them I would be homeless or dead from suicide. They do stuff I don't have the motivation to do due to my inceldom such as my laundry, cook me food, etc. and also talk to me and give me company which is the only thing stopping me from taking my car for a joy ride into the wall at 200 KMH
Yes I do nobodies hiring somebody like me
And my mom always bothers me about it
I live with my mom and I know that I would be so much better off living alone.
my mom is very overbearing and i have no privacy, it makes me very angry sometimes and i feel the way you do. i then realize without a partner i have no motivation to do fuck all so dealing with her nosiness is the best option
yes, i don't have the money to move out
my mom barges into my room every hour to "see how i'm doing", still calls me kid, treats me like a child, and basically interrogates me on any packages i get in the mail
yes, i don't have the money to move out
kek same. i live in canada only way you are moving out of your parents is if you are rich or have a partner and i am not in either of those spots
my mom is very overbearing and i have no privacy, it makes me very angry sometimes and i feel the way you do. i then realize without a partner i have no motivation to do fuck all so dealing with her nosiness is the best option
I actually would probably be willing to wageslave just to get away from her. She’s an alcoholic who enables my addiction and just annoys me
kek same. i live in canada only way you are moving out of your parents is if you are rich or have a partner and i am not in either of those spots
Yeah, having a partner is a prerequisite to move out because of how expensive houses/apartments are. Need that double income. Brutal for us
I live in another relative's house very close. Close enough to leech off them but far enough to have a tiny bit of privacy.
I actually would probably be willing to wageslave just to get away from her. She’s an alcoholic who enables my addiction and just annoys me
if that is an option, at least you have it. i wageslave and no way in hell i could afford to move out
Yes it is difficult to get housing here anyway as single men be put on bottom of waiting list. I do work for my parents for example mow the lawns which means it is more of a benefit to have me live here.
Being stuck with your parents is an underrated cause for mental trouble here.
I live with my parents and tbh I think without them I would be homeless or dead from suicide. They do stuff I don't have the motivation to do due to my inceldom such as my laundry, cook me food, etc. and also talk to me and give me company which is the only thing stopping me from taking my car for a joy ride into the wall at 200 KMH
kys car mogger
I live with my parents and tbh I think without them I would be homeless or dead from suicide. They do stuff I don't have the motivation to do due to my inceldom such as my laundry, cook me food, etc.
I live alone.
Werent you banned forever or smth
Glad to see you back
i self banned 4-5 months ago because i felt the mod team was letting the site go to shit

i took a look recently and felt the new mods cleaned things up decently and felt good to return

thanks for welcoming me back and remembering me :feelsaww:
i self banned 4-5 months ago because i felt the mod team was letting the site go to shit

i took a look recently and felt the new mods cleaned things up decently and felt good to return

thanks for welcoming me back and remembering me :feelsaww:
They didnt do shit its actually worse but in jew terms very kosher
I too left the site for like 2 months but yea i had nowhere to go besides i got new friends
They didnt do shit its actually worse but in jew terms very kosher
I too left the site for like 2 months but yea i had nowhere to go besides i got new friends
hmm. i see less shitposting and humblebragging/simp posting so if the mods didn't do things those fuckers must have just got bored of trolling and left. either way it's good enough for me

during the time i was gone i literally lived like a hermit lolol. if you made new friends during your time off that's pretty good and impressive tbh
Yes. I would love to move out but it's so damn expensive to find property for a single guy.
31 years old and living with parents ye. They will not kick me out. I ont have to pay rent, all my wage slave money goes into consumerism.
hmm. i see less shitposting and humblebragging/simp posting so if the mods didn't do things those fuckers must have just got bored of trolling and left. either way it's good enough for me

during the time i was gone i literally lived like a hermit lolol. if you made new friends during your time off that's pretty good and impressive tbh
No i made new friends here is what i meant and master removed permbans unless special cause meaning those annoying tik tok kids can come back
Yes it is difficult to get housing here anyway as single men be put on bottom of waiting list.
wait what, I didn't know about this, is this yet another way that sexhavers are advantaged?
31 years old and living with parents ye. They will not kick me out. I ont have to pay rent, all my wage slave money goes into consumerism.
that's a good arrangement all options considered. how do your parents treat you?
I don't live at home cos they kicked me out basically at 24 and it was probably for the better
my parents said i can stay with them as long as i'm enrolled in college, as soon as thats over, then i'm out
No i made new friends here is what i meant and master removed permbans unless special cause meaning those annoying tik tok kids can come back
shit. some people deserve to be permabanned, idk why they would remove that..

idk how you even made friends here. nobody ever talks to me outside of threads let alone wants to be friends
that's a good arrangement all options considered. how do your parents treat you?
I get the feeling they dont even want me to "leave". I get along and theres not much drama. So you can tell theres no urge for me to move yout since Ascending wont happen. So why live alone and feel more miserable?

Without my family and my little bro nephew i would have roped already
Im trying to gtfo my parents house ASAP with my brothers as we are trying to get a loan for a house

Meanwhile my oldest sex haver brother moved out at age 19
I get the feeling they dont even want me to "leave". I get along and theres not much drama. So you can tell theres no urge for me to move yout since Ascending wont happen. So why live alone and feel more miserable?

Without my family and my little bro nephew i would have roped already
yes why move out when things are going well, it makes no sense. my parents argue a bit but otherwise i'm in the same situation

my parents also divorced so i have 2 step parents and places i can go. i really hate my step mom though and moved out of my dads
Im trying to gtfo my parents house ASAP with my brothers as we are trying to get a loan for a house

Meanwhile my oldest sex haver brother moved out at age 19
he was able to move out because he had a partner to split the costs with, right?
he was able to move out because he had a partner to split the costs with, right?
Yep and I think she has a rich dad too

Benefits of being a sex haver
Yep and I think she has a rich dad too

Benefits of being a sex haver
was just gonna say if you said yes just another benefit of being good looking and being able to get a partner

fucking life is hell for ugly men bro
I just turned 13 but my mommy said when I turn 18 she will buy me an apartment
wait what, I didn't know about this, is this yet another way that sexhavers are advantaged?
In my country there are council housing and if you have children you are higher on list. Even if you are a homeless man you are lower on list.
In my country there are council housing and if you have children you are higher on list. Even if you are a homeless man you are lower on list.
de facto bachelor tax
my mom barges into my room every hour to "see how i'm doing", still calls me kid, treats me like a child, and basically interrogates me on any packages i get in the mail
That sucks. My parents are pretty chill. I can spend all day in my room, and they don’t question it. I can go for a long drive with one of the vehicles at 2 A.M., and they are ok with that too.
I pay rent to my dad and buy my own food, so I'm not completely leeching. I'm way better off than I would be trying to make it on my own.
Yep and I think she has a rich dad too

Benefits of being a sex haver
Foids have this benefit too, both of my sisters moved out because they have boyfriends taking care of them, they'd be fucked if born male.
Main problem with getting your living space question solved is late neoliberal phase. You need toilet with at least avg wage by your side. Or you need to be nolifer 1 in 1000 AI programer to have a decent life in Europe or North America. Having a good wage in third world is hard because you will get killed and robbed before you manage to buy Hatsune Miku pillow.
Half of men can't secure a toilet, let alone educated toilet with good wage. So again blackpill overlaps with moneypill. Ugly poor men will get uglier and poorer. Genocides they are talking abt in UN are noting close to this. Millions of men will be simply pushed aside into 2m3 pods when 4th ind revolution comes.
I could move out but rent is frigging expensive, so i would not be able to hold my current "lifestyle".

Since i dont have friends i would probably go more insane then im already am. And i dont see my doggo.
31 years old and living with parents ye. They will not kick me out. I ont have to pay rent, all my wage slave money goes into consumerism.
This is me in 6 years

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